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    We're In It Together (Open to all)


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Benjamin 27th May 2016, 2:04 am

    Hargeon Town.

    Once a bustling place, famous for having both a port and a train station, it was now a shadow of it's former glory. Due to the actions of a strange group, along with a monstrosity that claimed to be a god over mortal kind. Thought this beings godhood was proven false, the cost was enormous destruction to the homes and businesses of Hargeon and more than a few casualties. However, despite all that, the town lived on. The citizenry was rebuilding what was destroyed and the Lamia Scale guild was already planning the replacement for the guild hall they lost in the chaos, brought down by a mysterious battle from within. Among the new form of hustle and bustle in the streets was a certain gray haired mage, one who was on his way to one of the few restaurants still standing after the dust and water settled.

    Dmitry Kazakov walked through the doors of his favorite establishment, the Filthy Fish Bone, which happened to be the only restaurant in this part of Hargeon that managed to avoid destruction. As he past the waitress and daughter of the Fish Bone's owner and cook, Claire, he handed her an envelope filled with money from a job he had done before getting back in town.

    "Round of beers for the lazy pricks in the corner." He said, gesturing his thumb towards some workers who were enjoying a meal after a long day. Of course, this statement drew a cheer from the workers who would gladly take the label if it meant free beer, leading Claire chuckle and Dmitry to shake his head with a grin as he made his way over to the counter where the owner, Marty was waiting to greet his best costumer.

    "Hey, whad'ya say, Mitry?" The middle-aged man said with a warm smile, one he was known for. "I say those guys look like hell." Dmitry replied, referring to workers whose drinks he just bought. "You don't look too great yourself, pal. You doin' alright?"

    The spirit mage scratched the back of his head and chuckled a bit. "Yeah..it's been a rough week." That was putting it mildly. Not only had he dealt with a demon for the second time, but earlier that week he had to aid his dear friend Mao Nakiri in a fight against a ridiculous force. One of many that came to the girl's aid, Dmitry had to personally fight against a psychotic bunny lady that did a number on him, leaving plenty of wounds and bruises that were still aching him.

    "So why're you still yappin' at me?" He jokingly interrogated the cook. "Go get the cure to what ails me!"

    "Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on. I'll get you the usual." Marty said with a laugh, moving to the kitchen to cook said 'usual', leaving Dmitry to his thoughts. He wondered how his friends were doing and when he'd see them next. True, his Lamia Scale family was always right around the corner, one of them opening up her home to him. But he also had friends outside the guild, friends he wouldn't mind seeing again.

    "Hope you schmucks are alright..."

    Last edited by Dmitry on 24th June 2016, 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Bitterblue 31st May 2016, 6:11 am

    It had been so long since Nessa had visited Hargeon. The last time she was there was for a wedding. This time though she just wanted to come and look around, like a vacation. Though that usually never happens to me, she thought. She had already found her hotel, but they didn't have room service. She asked around to see what a good place would be to get a bite to eat and it seemed that the most frequently named one was a place called "Filthy Fish Bone" I'm hoping that their food tastes better than their name sounds, she thought.

    It took Nessa a while but she was able to finally find the place. At first appearance it looks like any other restaurant. I guess it actually isn't filthy, she thought. Nessa walked in and stood by the door for a little bit to try and find herself a table. She couldn't find one. She did however find a stool at the bar that was around in the corner so she took it.

    As she was making her way to the stool she heard a low whistle coming from behind her. She turned around to see exactly where it came from already knowing who it came from. Nessa was right of course. It had come from a table full of men. Can't I at least go one place without a whistle or hoot my way, she thought as she rolled her eyes at the men. She ignored them and turned back to go back to the stool at the end of the bar. She waited as the bar tender gave a man on the other side of the bar his drink before ordering her own. "How can I help you little missy?" asked the bar tender. "May I get a cherry lemonade please? Thank you." She watched as the bar tender went to go make her drink. At least some of the guys here have respect in them, she thought.


    We're In It Together (Open to all) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Mura Kensho 7th June 2016, 2:02 am

    Honestly, all those thoughts that Mura had back in the guild hall faded away by the view of Hargeon now. A lot of the town was pretty much vast and destroyed, although they already began to rebuild some of the buildings around here. It was sad; for a few weeks ago, he would’ve loved to arrive here during the attack from some unknown beings, but now that he saw the town with his own eyes, he kind of regretted it. Imagine how devastating it would’ve been during the fight… it struck his heart like a dagger. Plus, it also caused fatal damage to the town’s own guild, Lamia Scale, which was heavily injured from the incident as well. A sigh came out of his mouth, as he imagined the earlier view of it…

    “Master…” the samurai spirit suddenly called, “I know that it’s painful to watch, but don’t worry so much. They’ll move on, sooner or later… they aren’t that easy to bring down.” The wind blew heavily across the town, as Mura’s hair waved in the air. “Hm… you’re right. As far as I know, Hargeon really is a tough town to wreck,” he replied with a smile, then jumped down the hill that he was standing on. His feet would softly land on a road that would lead him towards the famous port of this town. He could skim all the workers around him, all doing their best to rebuild the losses of their precious homes and towers. What they’ve been through was quite tough, he guesses, and he kind of wanted to give them a hand with the work. Therefore, he took a while to ask some of the citizens if they needed any help; surely, they did.

    A couple hours later, Mura found himself in a strange restaurant called “Filthy Fish Bone”. Some workers had invited him for a break at their only surviving food place, as a gesture and showing of gratitude for his support. He walked in with his giant boots, yellow helmet and lots of other signs of being a builder. The other workers clapped his back and moved their feet towards the bar, while Mura slowly took a look around the restaurant. “I should take a small break now… and work later,” the young shaman spoke for himself, as he looked for a place to sit; unfortunately, no tables were available at the moment, due to the crowd of people here. While walking around the bar, he accidently stamped on an elder man’s toe, causing a giant roar to be heard from him. “Hey, watch where you’re walking, rook!” the old man shouted at him, causing Mura to startle and move a few meters back from him. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry..!” he mumbled in panic, sweat drops fell down his head. It never crossed his mind to annoy the citizens here, so that accident triggered an awkward feeling inside of him, which grew by the small laugh of the other guys in the bar, including his own ghost buddy Kyuken…



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Wolfe 7th June 2016, 5:00 am

    Wolfe was sitting in his old home at the guild. It was a decent sized building built just to the side of the main guildhall building. When he had returned he had taken a room in the guild for the first few days as he re adjusted back to life here, but it was time for him to pick his life back up and reopen his old home, and get back to work on his electronics and also to start picking up jobs again. As he made his way through pulling sheets off of things he came to his huge shelf built into the wall and when he pulled down the sheet it exposed all the little trinkets and items he had brought back from each mission as a keep sake. He stood there for a moment and looked at them all as he thought. Wolfe had changed a lot since he had returned. Not only did he have a new body, but he had a new outlook on life as well. As a result of that he had started to become more open, laid back, and playful. For once in his life he didn't see a clock hanging above his head with the numbers so close to zero. Now the clock was gone and with that change came a new vitality with it.

    However, the one thing he didn't lose was his wanderlust. The need to just walk outside on a slow day and take to the skies in a random directions and see where he ended up. In the past this had ended up with him meeting some really cool people, getting hooked into a few jobs and even once he got locked into a battle for the city of Magnolia's existence. As he though back to all this he was hit with the need again. So he dropped what he was doing and walked outside and with a burst of light he was gone and a bolt of lightning was now shooting across the sky.

    It didn't take long before he came upon an old town he knew, but as he looked down it seemed it had taken some serious damage and part of the town was pretty messed up. Wolfe came crashing down in the middle of the street and with a bright flash he was back in his human form. He took a second to look around and as luck would have it he was standing outside of a restaurant. He smiled a little as he walked over to the door and opened it and took a step in.

    As soon as he entered he took a quick look around. Almost instantly he felt the presence of other mages in the room and he could tell they all seemed to clustered to one side of the room. As he glance over all the people sitting at the counter he could take a guess at which ones were mages. After one became a mage they had certain little tells that gave them away to other mages, plus he could feel their magical presence. He could pinpoint them , but he could guess. Wolfe smiled as he walked past each of the people at the counter and made his way to a seat near the end but still close enough to talk and see the others at the counter. Wolfe picked up a menu and looked it over for a few seconds and he smiled at the waitress when she came over. He laid down the menu open in front of him as he spoke "Hello Bonnie Lass, i would like..." and he started pointing at different things on the menu. She started but by the 5th things she got confused look like maybe he was wasn't sure what he wanted and kept changing his mind. Wolfe saw the confusion on her face as he spoke again "No no hun, i am not changing my mind, i actually want all of this." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pile of jewels and placed them on the counter. it was way more then enough to pay for what he was ordering. He gave her another smile and a nod as he continued to point out stuff he wanted, which was at least 12 or so different plates, and then pointed out what he wanted to drink and asked her to make sure he always had a drink. He told her to keep the change as he leaned back and waited for his food and drink.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    We're In It Together (Open to all) QO55HpX

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Benjamin 7th June 2016, 11:51 pm

    Dmitry chuckled a bit at the conduct of the men at the table, glad to know this was still the town he had come to know. It seemed just like yesterday that the thought of entering a town seemed like a nightmare to him, the wizard barely able to find his way around Hargeon at the time. In fact, he still avoided most towns like a plague, reserving a special place in his heart for this place.

    "Don't take it none to personal," he said to the young lady as she sat down. "They're just used to havin' to look at the ugly mug-o-the guy sittin' next to'em. Suffice to say, they ain't got much to look at." Just as he was saying that, Marty came back with Dmitry's fish and chips as well as the girl's pink lemonade. "Here ya go buddy," he said as he dropped off the gray-hair's meal, moving to deliver the lemonade. "And here you are, young lady."

    As Dmitry dug into his usual dish, not at all finding it repetitive, another group of workers piled into the already crowded restaurant. The amount of customers would be cause for celebration were it not for the fact that the extra business was a result of pulverized competition, a fact that led the owner to donate most of the extra money he got from that increase in sales to the rebuilding of the town. Among these workers, Dmitry noticed the presence of bound spirits, something he didn't thing he's feel in someone else. They certainly weren't nature spirits, but they were powerful all the same and the wizard was almost certain who it was when a young man bumped into another customer, halting the procession of spiritual activity.

    Just when he thought he had seen everything, an even more startling presence flooded the area, sending a familiar chill down his spine. A man walked in carrying with him a spiritual signature that Dmitry doubt the reality of the situation, something he hadn't encountered before. On the one hand, he was certain it had to be a mistake. But he couldn't deny the feeling of a nature spirit that felt completely different from any other, the telltale sign of an elemental spirit. Yet he couldn't feel that it was tethered to someone or something, which sent his brain for a loop. Unable to contain his concern or his curiosity, Dmitry stood up and walked past the waitress to question this...whatever it was.

    "You," he said with the utmost directness. "What are you?" His previous demeanor was gone, the situation dictating his conduct. The woods men looked to the other spirit mage, certain he could feel at least some semblance of this sensation. "You can sense it too can't you?" He asked before redirecting his attention back to the anomaly among anomalies.

    "I'm not beatin' around the bush on this one. What the hell are you?"

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Mura Kensho 24th June 2016, 1:23 am

    Apparently, after the accident with the other male, Mura found himself a free seat near the bar. He didn't see other places to even stand, so he moved his cautious legs towards the place. His mind was filled with embarrassment form the stepping before, preventing him from clearly thinking as he suddenly stepped on someone else's foot. "Hey, don't you dare do that twice, brat!" was shout into his ear, causing him to startly jump all the way across the room, until he soared above them all. It wasn't intentional, but he could look down to the men, whose mouths were wide-opened with startle. Some of them began to move back from the guy, who was all shouted at and probably wanted revenge. Judging by his sudden flying, they could only expect the worst from him; although, Mura was completely calm as he finally realized that he could just soar around, instead of wasting energy in finding a seat and all. "Why didn't I think about this before..." he mumbled, slowly soaring towards the bartender.

    Just as he reached there, he caught the presence of something amazing; the presence of ethereal beings, most likely spirits, were approaching him. Although, they felt much more different than all other spirits that Mura and Kyuken had ever encountered. His curiosity kept him from ordering his drink as he focused his eyes on what appeared to be spirits of a completely different league. He also spotted a guy, seemingly confused over the presence of another guy, who was near the ethereal beings. "You're dealing with spirits too, I guess?" he decided to greet by conversating with them, "Although... I have a question, sir." He would slowly soar down between the males, fixing his eyes on the one with the grey hair. "Are those real spirits? Like Kyuken?" he would ask, letting the samurai ghost appear beside him.



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Wolfe 24th June 2016, 10:52 am

    Wolfe was just starting to get comfortable as he sat back in his bar stool. He closed his eyes for a few as he got lost in his thoughts waiting for his food. He was really looking forward to a good meal, or better yet meals. The one things that didn't change much from before was his ability to eat plate after plate till most people would consider him not human anymore. Which despite being true, was not the point. However, unlike before he didn't have to eat like this all the time. Like maybe once a every few days or so, which was a lot better then having to eat like this every day or feel like he was dying like before. Hell he could go as long as a week now before it really started to hit him.

    His thought were interrupted by the voice of a man who had gotten up and made his way or to him and was standing damn near on top of him. The man was damn near demanding to know WHAT Wolfe was. Wolfe opened his eyes ad turned his head with the most calm and laid back look on his face. He saw as the man turned and asked another if they could feel it as well, before returning his glare back to Wolfe and actually demanding this time to know what Wolfe was.

    Wolfe of course knew instantly what the man meant. As an elemental, he could sense the presence of others and they were with this man, and Wolfe also felt a similar feeling from another. It was at that moment that the other came floating over to them and landed next to the two of them. However, he seemed more interesting in the grey haired man, who in return seemed more interested in Wolfe.

    Despite knowing what the man really wanted to know, Wolfe couldn't help but answer "Well, if you must know, I am a Scorpio. I am also hungry. and i am also enjoying this fine establishment. How about yourself?" Wolfe made sure to give the waitress a quick wink as he said the last statement.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    We're In It Together (Open to all) QO55HpX

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Benjamin 25th June 2016, 1:37 pm

    Despite the wink, Claire looked between the newcomer and Dmitry with a worried expression, having known him well enough to spot when he was about to lose his temper. Normally, the spirit wizard wouldn't get so upset at something so trivial, but considering the situation, his patience was wearing rather thin.

    "Don't give me that bullshit, you know what the hell I'm talkin' about!" He said, raising his voice a bit. "If we were anywhere else, it wouldn't be a damn ounce of my business. But your sittin' your ass in Lamia Scale's home town..." As he stated this, the mage pulled his right sleeve up, revealing the emblem on his forearm. "...so I need to know if you're gonna be a problem. We got enough crap to deal with around here as it stands." True to his word, Dmitry wasn't normally so aggressive, but after what already happened, the mage wasn't about to take any chances with something this potentially powerful, not to mention dangerous.

    "To answer your question, I can sense and manifest nature spirits." He said in response to the floating mage's question, letting his sleeve slide back down his arm. "Which is why I can sense what you got inside you. What I can't figure out is how it got there...and what that makes you." The second pair of statements was directed at the anomaly.

    "Now I'm gonna ask you one more time," Dmitry's expression was uncharacteristically serious.

    "What exactly are you?"
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2597
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Mura Kensho 29th June 2016, 7:20 am

    The one with the lighter hair called himself Scorpio, a weird name in Mura's ears. Well, he wasn't going to judge people and all; although, he couldn't stop wondering about this guy's expression. He could see, and distinguish, souls by a single look, but this guy appeared very humanoid, yet his soul had lots of distinctive appearances compared to the other male's. Perhaps he was more ethereal than human, or at least that was what Mura concluded. Now, to end his curiosity about this man's spirit, he focused his gaze at Dmitry. That guy was almost lit up with intimidation, demanding to know what the other 'strange-spirited' guy was. Also, he explained that he could manifest spirits, just like Mura himself. Although, he mentioned specifically 'nature spirits', which was different from Mura's way of using mere souls of dead people.

    "Hey, Mura-dono," Kyuken suddenly approached the younger samurai with a cocky grin on his face. He was holding a glass on his hand, which had most of the other customers' attention; as not everyone could see spirits, the glass was literally floating in the air. "What's going on with that glass?!" some one them spoke up in shock, forcing Mura to explain. "Calm down, guys; it's just Kyuken. Nothing to worry about..." It was quite ridiculous, this situation; also, it would most likely change their attitudes towards him when they returned to work...

    "Hey, I don't think that he's any threat..."
    Mura tried to calm the spiritual down, "I mean, I can sense something strange from him too..." The spirit samurai would slowly turn his gaze towards this Scorpio, prompted to ask: "I have the same question too. Just curious, though."



    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Wolfe 29th June 2016, 6:21 pm

    About this time the waitress very slowly and cautiously placed a cup in front of Wolfe from behind the bar and ten quickly made herself scarce. The tension was palpable and anyone in the room could feel it. Wolfe reached forward and with his right hand he wrapped his fingers around the glass and picked it up. he then turned in his stool so he was now facing the man with the grey hair and he took a sip from his drink. Of course Wolfe knew what this man was demanding to know, but Wolfe just couldn't help himself when he answered before. At the end of the day he no longer had that timer sitting over his head and that gave him so much relief, and as a result he was much more laid back now and easy going almost to the point where it might be a hindrance such as in this cause where rather then get right to the point he was messing around. However, he could tell this mage in front of him was losing his shit, so Wolfe figured he should go ahead and play along.

    Wolfe smiled at the grey haired man as he spoke "Calm down friend. no need to get riled up, obvious their is an answer to your concern, so lets go ahead to work on that. You can call me Wolfe, and as for causing trouble, you need not worry." As Wolfe said this he grabbed the bottom of his black shirt and lifted it up to about his neck exposing his body, and his Infinity Hydra guild tattoo located on the left side of his chest. Wolfe gave a slight nod as he then lowered his shirt "As you can see, i am from Infinity Hydra, a legal guild, so i have less then zero intent on causing more problems in a city that has obviously had more then their own fair share semi recently. I was merely traveling and wanted some food, so i stopped in. Now as for your demand... you could be a bit nicer about asking me, but since you obviously are unable to do so, i guess i will just indulge your rudeness. I can only assume you mean this." As he said that Wolfe's eyes shifted white and little jolts of electricity could be seem shooting across each eye. He then held up his hand and it started to cover itself in little arcs of electricity, but then his hand slowly shifted into a pure hand of lightning with no skin. The effect went all the way down to about half way down his forearm.

    Wolfe stayed like this for about 10 seconds as he moved his hand a little, then instantly it was all gone and his eyes were back to their now aqua color, and his hand looked normal again. Wolfe smirked as he knew the two mages in front of him most likely were just as confused as before, if not more "Now before you ask, i will explain, i am an elemental. a lightning one at that. happy?" Wolfe took another sip of his drink.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    We're In It Together (Open to all) QO55HpX

    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
    Second Skill:
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Benjamin 30th June 2016, 10:44 pm

    Dmitry's eyes widened as the man in front of him displayed abilities that should be considered less than natural to say the least, though the visual spectacle wasn't what shocked him. In truth, he could feel the unique sensation of an elemental stirring, something that shouldn't come directly from a human. Upon hearing the confession of the Infinity Hydra mage, however, the gray-hair eyed him suspiciously.

    "Hold up a minute..." He said as he walked over to where he had been sitting before, grabbing his plate as well as the salt shaker next to it before moving over to a seat next to Wolfe. "So basically what your saying is that one of the primal beings of this world, one that embodies a basic element of nature, and a being that transcends known science...is you?" As he said this, the mage began the intricate process of flipping the salt shaker upside down and making a stabbing motion over his food, delivering a thick layer of the tasty crystals all over the fish and chips. Indeed, many would say that he was truly stabbing his food to death in this manor, the act making it fairly inedible to most.

    Still, most of the restaurants patrons breathed a heavy sigh of relief, glad that they wouldn't have one more mess to clean up courtesy of a couple of wily mages. After taking a bite out of the sodium encrusted fish, Dmitry turned his attention to the elemental at his side, a smirk on his face. "I gotta say, I'm actually kinda curious now." He said, displaying a serious one-eighty in his behavior. "How the hell did that even happen?"

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Bitterblue 1st July 2016, 9:26 am

    Nessa hadn't been paying a whole lot of attention to the people around her. She was startled a little bit when she heard the man speaking to her. She looked up and gave him a faint smile. She was going to give the man a response when a flying man caught her attention. When she finally snapped out of her Aw state the man who was talking to her before was now talking to a different man at a table with the flying one by him.

    Looks like they know each other I guess, she thought. As she took a sip of her drink she heard the stupid boy coming before the door even opened. She didn't dare look back cause she already knew who it was. Before Nessa had come to this pub, she had stopped at another, where she made the mistake of talking to a very stubborn headed teenager around her age. He insisted that he should be showing her around town. Nessa did think he was cute but it was his stubbornness that was the turn off. She could hear that the man was asking everyone about her as he walked around. Come on Nessa think, think, she thought. Than she thought of something. She got up and went to sit with the three men at the table.

    She could still hear the whistles as she walked by but she made sure to go very quickly to the table. As soon as she got there and sat down, the whistles stopped. Nessa could hear the sounds of disappointment but she didn't care. She looked around the table and saw that all the men there were shocked "Crap, I didn't think this far ahead..." she mumbled to herself. She looked around and saw the guy from the other pub still looking. She finally decided to at least try to act like she belonged at that table. She took a deep breath and gave them her best smile as she said "Um, hello. I hope you don't mind that I joined you gentlemen today. I'm Nessa Rose Blue, pleased to meet you." Lets hope this works, she thought.


    We're In It Together (Open to all) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
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    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Mura Kensho 5th July 2016, 4:14 am

    Finally, the guy explained about what he actually was; at first sight, Mura could only conclude that he was 'different' than a 100% human being, but the fact that this Wolfe was an elemental fascinated him. It was a rare sight for him to encounter true elementals in this world, so he began to smile a little. "That's actually a cool thing to hear," he replied, "I haven't seen an elemental for a while, now... what kind of elemental you are is my next question."

    Luckily, the man who seemingly was from the guild Infinity Hydra didn't waste any time to show what kind of element that he was made of; as he pulled up his hand, already showing his jolt-like eyes firstly. In a brief moment, the entire hand was of pure currents, having no solid contour except the outline of the electricity that could be spotted with the eye. "Ohhh..." he gawked in surprise. It was honestly interesting, despite that Mur acould do something similar with his hand too; just not with lightning, which was most likely the greatest reason behind his amaze.

    Next thing that happened was this young girl that arrived at the table; with her sudden, quite innocent request of sitting here, she appeared friendly enough to join them. It wasn't like that Mura was the owner of the table, anyways. "Oh, how's it going?" he greeted the newcomer, "Yeah, I don't mind you sitting here. It's a public place, so who would disagree..." Having no intentions of scaring little girls away, he smiled sincerely with calm eyes. "I'm Mura Kensho, just so you know." A quick moment passed, until Kyuken rushed towards Mura with the glass on his hand; a ghost still capable of drinking was quite the view for most of the customers in here. "... Hey master," he greeted Nessa in complete failure, mistaking the young girl for Mura as he held an arm around her neck, "I didn't know that I could still drink... I mean, isn't liquid supposed to spill right through my body? I mean, I'm a freaking spirit; they can't drink! Well, if you ignore me, that would've been true..." The young shaman would have a sweatdrop trickling down his spine, along with a vein on his forehead; Mura didn't look so lady-like, so how the hell could Kyuken mistake him for her? Drunk or not, he found it insulting in some way...



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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Wolfe 8th July 2016, 11:34 pm

    Wolfe could tell this Grey haired man was so focused on the idea he was an elemental. He had a fundamental idea of what an elemental was, but he spoke about them as if they only existed in their most primal and basic forms. Wolfe was also noticing the young looking mage as he was also interested in Wolfe as well, he asked about what kind of elemental Wolfe was but obviously from the look on his face that question was answered when Wolfe showed what he could do with his hand. It was right about this time that a young girl come over and made herself at home. It seemed this little party was growing fast, but Wolfe didn't mind. He even saw as the gray haired man grabbed his food and brought it over, as it seemed he desired more information from Wolfe.

    Wolfe took another sip of his drink before he continued to try and answer the man's questions "Well its not as simple as that, i am not the primal element as your expecting, and talk about, but rather a piece of it. The primal ones you speak of give birth to smaller versions that roam the world. However, i am not one of them, but i AM an elemental. Lets just say i am a bastard child of nature and science, and i would never want to see someone quite like myself. I am not the primal essence, but i do control my element and call on it anytime i desire, and before you ask, i do not know my limits, i am in a constant state of evolution and change. I hope that helps a little." It was about this time his first plate showed up and he started into it as he expected more questions and comments from at least one of those who was now surrounding him.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Benjamin 18th July 2016, 9:20 pm

    (OOC: Right so, sorry about the long delay and also to say that I'll be stepping out of this thread after this post. I realize I started it in the first place and I probably should have thought ahead on the premise. My apologies.)

    Dmitry leaned back against the bar upon finishing his meal, thinking on what the elemental was saying. In truth, there was more in common between the three of them than the mage had realized, a particularly surprising revelation in the case of the Hydra.

    "So you're treadin' the line," he mumbled, not making a specific effort to be heard. "Just like me." After a moment, the mage pulled out another bag of money and left it on the table before standing and heading for the door. "The three at the counter are on me too, Marty." Before leaving however, he stopped at the door and turned to the people he just met. "By the way, name's Dmitry Kazakov." With that, he turned and headed out the door. He had a busy day ahead of him, Considering the work that was to be done in order for this town to shed it's scales.

    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Bitterblue 20th July 2016, 9:27 am

    As soon as Nessa had come and sat down with the men one of them had also gone up to leave. Did I do something to hurt him, she thought. Nessa looked around at the men that sat with her. All of them were older than her, one of them though seemed around her age, which for some reason she thought as reassuring. Nessa was thinking of other things when she heard someone talking to her. She looked at the men around her and saw that none of them were talking to her, only too each other. Nessa looked around a bit more and finally figured that it was a spirit. The only reason she knew it was a spirit, were because of 3 things. First was that again, none of the men at the table were talking to her, second was that the group looking for her were still looking, and finally she saw the floating cup. Unlike most people, Nessa's hearing is very very good. She can hear anything, even thoughts. It wasn't the first time that Nessa had heard a spirit before. She giggled and turned to the floating cup. "I'm sorry but I'm not your master. My name is Nessa Rose Blue, your master is over there." She said pointing to the spirits master, who she had learned his name was Mura. Nessa gave a quick search of the pub and saw that the group was getting closer. She had to figure out a way to blend in with this table so she tried her hand at small talk. She turned to the other man at the table and started talking to him "Hello, I never did get your name, may I know it?"


    We're In It Together (Open to all) GIFPuhU
    Be cautious love is the most dangerous thing
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    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    We're In It Together (Open to all) Empty Re: We're In It Together (Open to all)

    Post by Mura Kensho 20th July 2016, 10:47 am

    Mura couldn't but fix daggers through Kyuken's back for mistaking the one called Nessa for his master. It was as if he was jealous of such ridiculous accident, although he couldn't blame the drunk ghost for mistaking anything. Honestly, he wasn't quite sure if this was his 'limit'. "Over here, you idiot..." he spoke to him with a small laughter, "Hehe, I guess you drank a little too much, huh?" The spirit would lash his arm around Mura's neck, approaching his head towards the shaman's. "You know what..?" the spirit whispered to him as some kind of holder of a marvelous secret, "I'm dead drunk right now, and I want to go crazy all over that..." Kyuken's eyes would approach Nessa, indicating the problem that Mura scanned quicker than ever! He would rapidly push Kyuken towards a wall with a little slap with his open hand to prevent him from finishing that sentence, sweat dropping down his forehead. "... Excuse me, he's just a little full," Mura was going to apologize to Nessa, "Anyways... your name is Nessa, huh? That's quite an unusual name... I think that I've seen you at our guild a while ago... you're from Sabertooth, right?"



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