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    Song Covers By Yours Truly!

    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
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    Song Covers By Yours Truly! Empty Song Covers By Yours Truly!

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 20th January 2017, 4:30 am

    So. One thing that many people may not know is that I'm pretty fresh from conquering a very long bout of depression that kept me grounded in every single aspiration for the better part of last year. These past few weeks, I've been working on getting myself motivated again and getting back to where I was vocally (and physically... I was working out regularly and eating well before this hit me like a ton of bricks) before this all started so I can get back to making progress. I don't think I'm quite back to where I was, but no one likes a perfectionist and feedback and encouragement will go a long way in my recovery! So here I will be posting song covers -- mostly Broadway stuff -- that I record and mix as I work on my recovery and beyond! I hope you all enjoy them and much as I have, for the first time in a long time, enjoyed making them!

    Here is the first! Hot off the DAW presses it's Fight the Dragons from the musical version of Big Fish!


    Song Covers By Yours Truly! Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

    Atsusemimaru Morinaga
    Atsusemimaru Morinaga

    Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geist Heart - Soul
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Song Covers By Yours Truly! Empty Re: Song Covers By Yours Truly!

    Post by Atsusemimaru Morinaga 31st January 2017, 10:28 am

    So i was gonna record a new cover today, but getting sick threw a wrench into things. So have some older covers I did a couple of years ago! Most of my covers never get posted because I don't think they're good enough. Otherwise, I'd have more.

    First is a parody of Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Mis! It's an anthem to all those left behind when all your friends go to a con.

    And then we have my cover of No More from Into the Woods! I did this right after playing the Baker (I actually broke my foot in rehearsal and wound up doing the show in a walking cast) in a production of the show. I still have 'Nam-style flashbacks. The whole cast does. Sondheim is not easy, guys.

    Funny story, a lot of the cast from that production (including myself) went on to be in a production of EDGES right after and the guy who played our Narrator started off the first song. So he decided to troll us one rehearsal and go "Once upon a time!" (his opening like in ItW) at the downbeat and those of us who were in that show went into a panic thinking we weren't at our marks. So yeah. Into the Woods left deep scars.

    I'm both the Baker and Mysterious Man in this because I couldn't get the guy who played our MM to come in to record.

    And that's it for now. I have a few new ones planned that I'll get to recording once I feel better!


    Song Covers By Yours Truly! Siiiiig3_zpsnojihxv8
    EXP: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [ 75/150 ]
    Character Profile | Magic | History/Story
    | Theme Music Album |

    | Come on in and listen to my Song Covers! |

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