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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 30th May 2016, 11:44 pm

    A loud yawn echoed trough the streets as a slouched over mage clumsily, floated down the dark streets of Haregon town. People would probably give him weird looks but there were no looks to give, the streets in the lower dock area of hargeon were all completely cleared. And it was understandable, three AM isn't any time to be awake on a monday. Except if you're Ganch that is.

    Ganch hated sleep. He really did, as a person who belived strongly in getting the most out of his life he found the idea of spending a third of it passed out on a matress to be completely insane.

    But as much as he tried to cut back on sleep, he was only human, and right now he hadn't slept for more than an entire day and he wanted too.. no needed too.. find somewhere to sleep now, sleep had him beat.

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 30th May 2016, 11:49 pm

    He looked around the dock area in search of an inn, or a comfy trash pile but all he was was darkness and a stray cat running about. He shuddered a bit when he saw the cat as it remembered him of the magnitude his jobs really held. Chasing cats and delivering messages, that was the glorious life of a D rank. He acted like he did but honestly he didn't mind, it payed better than minimum wage and if he did his job correctly then he could get payed in a mere couple of hours.

    He floated there just looking at the cat, as he completely lost his train of thought due to the insane grogginess he was suffering from. he just sat there staring at the cat, giggling to himself like a drugged up insane person.

    Foooore shadowiiiiiiiing


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 30th May 2016, 11:57 pm

    He just stood there looking at the cat licking it's paws, as he almost fell asleep from the sound of the waves hitting the docks below him. Haregon really was a sight to behold for an explorer like Ganch, now that said he had visited the town many times before, and the excuse for him being mesmerised by some waves and a fluffy housecat was pretty damn insane, but just like anything he did in this thread he would just blame it on being tired.

    He kept following the cat with his eyes, as it jumped up onto a crate, and then into a bucket. He chuckled to himself... Silly cats, buckets are for water... then the cat tipped it over and a bunch of fish spilled out. The cat seemed overjoyed and started eating away immediately.. Silly cats, fish are for water. The suddenly the cat let our a loud, cat scream as something grabbed it and pulled it into the alleyway....

    Silly cats, gettting kidnapped is for.. WAIT WHAT???

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 12:08 am

    Ganch rubbed his eyes and looked wide eyed at the place where the cat had been, Had he just seen what he thought he'd seen??? cause he couldn't really belive it at first. The bizzarity of the thought that someone was going around grabbing cats in the middle of the night was not that high honestly, No the reason that Ganch was baffled was not due to the fact that some crazy guy with huge forearms was running around kidnapping cats, no he was baffled by the fact that he was finally going to get to fight someone.

    It might've been the owner just passing by to pick up his pet but Ganch didn't care, He had an oppertunity to fight so he was going to use it, Even if that meant beating up on some lonelt cat owner, remember the excuse???, yeaah you do.


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 12:16 am

    With the conviction of a kid in a foot race to disney land, and the smile of someone who had just stayed up all night playing stocks he approached the alleyway, and hopefully whomever or whatever was nabbing kittens. It didn't take long to cover the short distance in between Ganch and the dark alleyway and once he was there he peeked in around the corner, trying to spot the cat nabber. sadly if he had thought the night was dark before then the darkness of that alleyway made it seem like a joke, it was so dark that it almost looked like a wall of pure black.

    With a groggy sounding ''Hello?? Cat nabber?? are you in the...'' ganches juvenile attempt at luring out the cat nabber was stopped halfway trough via a big fist portruding from the dakness smacking him right on the nose. Yes.. he was in there

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 12:27 am

    Ganch winced back and grabbed his nose as he was launched backwards onto the ground. He could feel his entire face going numb as a warm red liquid started to pour down from his nose... That and there was alot of it too. Did noses really bleed this much?? he thought as he felt a flood of it coming down from his face.. He felt around the nose for a little bit and while it was broken, it didn't seem to be the source of the blood...

    That is when a huge brown haired man stepped out of the alleyway, With his fists clenched, and covered in sweet red... Ganch opened his mouth to say a one liner but some of the red liquid got into his mouth and he stopped... ''Tomato sauce?? Why the hell are you running around with your fists covered in tomato sauce, is that you papa luigi??'' The big guy in butchers clothing responded with a grin almost as crazy as the one ganch had right now.

    ''Oh don't worry lad, i'ts more than just tomato sauce'' the catnapper said before brandishing a massive butchers blade. And unless he had been using said butchers blade to chop tomatoes for said tomato sauce the stuff dripping from that was deeeefenitely..

    The butcher lunged forwards with the blade in hand, sending a down wards swing towards the still floored, ganch.

    ...i was going to say cat blood..

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 3:03 am

    The heavy, bloodied blade approached the young mage at an admirable speed. The thing was probably at least a meter  long yet, this guy swung it like it was nothing.  Not wanting to get his head cut off, and getting feline aids in the process Ganch decided that it was spell casting time. With a wave of his hands, he conjured a barrier of sharp, wind around him as he got off the ground and flew towards the attack.  With a clang, the butchers strike was reflected by the razor sharp winds.  Causing him to flinch.

    With the oppertunity given to him, ganch flew right at the disarmed butcher ramming him right in the stomach, with the full force of his wind barrier. The butcher was launched onto his back, and blood started trickling down his chest as he lied there on the ground, a few metres back.

    The situation had litterally been reversed. Only that Ganch was the good guy.. right??

    Ganch used razor barrier, ending up at ninety MP

    Last edited by Duckley on 31st May 2016, 6:07 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 101
    Guild : Guildless
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    Experience : 425

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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 3:25 am

    With a confident smirk ganch literally and figuratively looked down on the big bruting, bleeding, cat napping, tomato sauce enthusiast. The whole situation was rather bizzare but he didn't care, He hadn't gotten to fight in ages, and finally getting a chance to do so was highly entertaining. Especially when it was against someone as strong as this guy, he didn't seem to know any magic, but that only spoke even more to how strong this guy was.

    With a hand on his bleeding chest and his lungs working overtime to catch his breath, the butcher glared at Ganch with pure hatred. And the smug grin didn't exactly make him hate Ganch less.

    ''Give it up big guy, your days of cooking cat sauce or whatever you do are over''
    He was a little bummed out that the fight had to end so soon, but hey, at least he got to have a little fun.


    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 4:22 am

    The butcher seemed to agree on that front, But for entirely different reasons. With his hands in the air he stood up and began talking. ''Fine, Fine you got me, just don't hurt me anymore'' the butcher said with some real sounding fear in his voice as the rather large wound on his chest bled away.

    Ganch didn't know if he should feel good or bad about this, on one hand he'd defeated the sauce assasin but on the other hand, he'd beaten him too quickly, a little more of that sweet sweet fighting would've been appreciated. But alas he decided to listen to the mans wishes and end it right here, he'd come here to sleep after all. He started walking towards the guy so that he could finish it once and for all. When he was right infront of the butcher he dispelled his barrier so that he could escort him without sawing his hands of. But when Ganch reached out to grab the butchers hand the butcher quickly reached down to his belt, and grabbed a chained meat hook that he was carrying around for whatever reason. With a swift swing Ganch was hit with the blunt side of the hook, right in the head, and he dropped to the ground immediately.

    He held one hand on his now bleeding temple, before smiling a wiiiiide smile ''Fuck yeah..'' it was on now..

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 6:14 am

    Ganch had fallen for his underhanded trick but he couldn't blame anyone but himself for doing so, the idea that a guy of that size would give up on the basis of a little chest injury was pretty damn ridiculous but the oh so gullible Ganch hadn't questioned a word of it. Alltough he actually preffered the fact that his enemy was resisting a little more. Not only would he get to kick more ass, but the ass kicking he would deliver was going to feel so much better.

    The butcher, brung the rusty meathook back via the chain it was attached to and started spinning it besides him causing it to gain momentum, with each swing. And before Ganch had time to get up, another swing of the hook, managed to barely miss him, as he rolled to the side. What the hook didn't miss however was his ridiculous cape, And as the butcher started reeling in his weapon, Ganch followed along, by the thread of his Cape. Ganch would've resisted but he didn't want to get his cape ruined.

    Oh the price of looking cool.

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 6:24 am

    The butcher licked himself around the mouth as he brought his new piece of meat closer and closer by the second. It had been a while since he had last eaten mage and the thought of digging into a stringy mana filled thigh made his mouth water. Cats were one thing But humans tasted soo much better.
    Even better, the mage seemed dead already. He wasn't even fighting against his hook.

    With excitement he started reeling in his next meal faster, and finally he held him up like if he was a gutted pig, on a tanning rack. He sighed when he saw that Ganch was still alive, in fact he didn't even seem to have been hurt by the hook. Oh well he would have to break his neck, so what?? he'd done it tons of times before. With one hand on the chain and another hand around Ganches neck, he said ''Any last request on how you want to get cooked??'' He said while salivating from the mouth.
    ''Just don't tear the cape and i'll be fine'' Ganch said calmly to the crazed murderer

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
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    Posts : 101
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    Gooood niiiiight jacooob  Empty Re: Gooood niiiiight jacooob

    Post by Duckley 31st May 2016, 6:36 am

    The butcher just chuckled at his request and shook his head. ''Do you really think im stupid enough to fall for your reverse physcology??'' he said with a huge sinister smile on his face. He might look brutish but he wasn't dumb, obviously the kid tried to get him to tear his cape so that he could run free.

    Ganch just closed his eyes and made a small hand motion casting his go to spell, Verdant orb a bit back behind one of his legs. He just needed one more second. and that is what he'd gotten. With a bang the orb detonated causing his leg to be pushed upwards, with incredible speed. And the collision course was right towards nut city. The butchers face contorted in pain, as he reflexively let go of both Ganch and the hook to cover his family jewels. While he did this, Ganch caught himself mid air, and grabbed the hook from above his head. Only to overhead swing the blunt side of it right into the butchers brown haired skull. With a loud crack the butcher took a last step backwards before passing out completely.

    Ganch dropped the hook, and took a second do catch his breath as he looked down at the situation in front of him. ''I am Fucking awesome'' he mumbled to himself in pure pride before he tied up the butcher in his chain and started dragging him to the sherrifs office.... wherever that was...

    While it would take a while for him to be arrested, this fight spelled the end, of the cannibal,murderer, and loving father Jacob goodnight. Loving as in, he loved the taste of his newborn childred... ouch.

    Until he escapes from prison to be caught by another mage yet again that is... but for now, the bounty was claimed, by a man who didn't even know there was one to claim.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:55 pm