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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]


    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

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    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 7th February 2016, 1:56 pm

    The train station of Hargeon Town.

    Here, many people came to visit the port town for the purposes of both business and pleasure. Tourists and business folk alike boarded and exited the trains, cargo being loaded and unloaded for sale in the town and abroad. However, there was one figure here that was almost never seen, a certain gray haired mage that belonged to the local guild, Lamia Scale.

    Dmitry Kazakov's purpose for waiting at the train station was a peculiar one, at least in his case. In truth, he wasn't even entirely sure what it was he was doing here, having been directed by his younger friend and guildmate, Kateri. What she had to say about it, however, only confused him. Apparently, he was doing something called a 'date', which was something where you went somewhere with someone and did a bunch of stuff. When he objected to such a vague and seemingly pointless endeavor, she pleaded with him, a site he didn't ever expect to see in his lifetime. Eventually, she convinced him that this would be good for him and that, in the end, he would enjoy it. As unlikely as that seemed, he decided to simply go with it and trust his friend, especially since he knew she would never quit bugging him if he refused.

    At the moment, he was leaning against railing of the platform, eyes closed as he waited for his partner in this strange little game. Of course, he wasn't wearing anything today that he didn't normally wear, though he had opted to leave his trench coat at the guildhall and stick with his usual black shirt, figuring he wouldn't need the extra layer. According to Kateri, this variant was known as a 'blind date', as if Dmitry wasn't confused enough already. Supposedly, that meant that he was to be unaware of the person he was doing this date thing with until it actually began, meaning he would have to sit and wait to find out who it was he would be spending the day with. While the notion of doing this with a total stranger should have been setting off alarm bells in Dmitry's head, the medium felt a strange apprehension in him as he waited. Not the kind of anxiety of meeting a new person, rather a strange feeling that he knew who was coming or perhaps this was important somehow. But any reason that such a thing could possibly be important completely eluded him, leaving him even more confused about this whole affair than he was before. 

    Still, it mattered very little as he was stuck with this now and if he left, he would have to face the pestering of his young friend. Right around the time he was thinking about this, he heard a set of foot steps that were approaching him, a contrast to the normal flow of the crowd. Strangely enough, he could feel a familiarity in the presence he was feeling from the person approaching him, leading him to open his right, blue eye.

    "You gotta be kiddin' me..." 
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 10th February 2016, 9:56 am

    Evia sat there on her bed looking at the clothes that she had in her hands. She was going on a date with someone? Kateri had convinced her to do so. Evia hadn't known Kateri very long but she was one  of toe people in this guild that she trusted. The other one she wouldn't admit to. The grey haired mage was annoying. A small blush covered her cheeks as she thought of him. he was annoying and too slow and and... Evia huffed. There was just something about him that urked a feeling inside of her that she didn't like. She didn't know what it was but it was fuzzy and annoying. So that made the stupid male mage annoying too. Taking in a deep breath the girl got up and moved to the bathroom where she put on the clothing and put a light layer of make-up on. She had never been  on a date before but when she had asked Kat she said that it was a special event and that she should dress up for it.

    So here she was dressed up and looking for the person that she was going on a date with. It was a small detail that Kat had left out when informing her of the date, Of course the pinkette had tried to ask but the teal haired mage had simply danced around the question and dutifully avoided it. Her feet padded against the ground lightly as she walked to the meeting spot. Her black dress was brushing against her skin and the cream over jacket clung her her body. her shoes were the only think that shew as not going to skimp on. her converse were her babies and there she was wearing her high top converse, they matched her outfit so who could complain.

    But as she reach the meeting point a bright blush bean to spread across her cheek. Grey hair was standing there. No. Please no. Evia didn't think that her heart could handle it. It was beating like crazy. But, no. She had promised Kat. Approaching the man. "Look I am not please to see you here either. But I am not going to do this for you. I-I and d-doing this for K-Kateri. She asked m-me." The pinkette began to stutter as the lies slipped through her lips. It was a habit that she had developed over the time, though she didn't know when it started. "Let's just get this over with. What did Kateri have planned?"


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 10th February 2016, 10:46 am

    Dmitry opened the other eye and raised the brow above it, not sure what to make of the stuttering and stammering girl in front of him.

    "Uh, alright then..." He said, deciding she probably just ate something foul the day before. Still, for it to be this girl, Dmitry could almost here Kateri snickering in the background. "Well, Kat gave me these tickets for Rose Garden and said something about a diner reservoir or something like that. Figured you'd know what the hell she was talking about with that. Anyhow, might as well get on with it." As he turned to lead Evia to the correct train, he snuck one last glance at the pinkette, not actually noticing the light shade that dared to appear on his face. "You look nice..."

    Trying to pay the comment any heed after it slipped out, the medium found the appropriate train and got on board, plopping down on a seat that still had room for two. To be honest, Dmitry wasn't all that fond of trains. They had always felt somewhat wrong in their motion, setting him somewhat visibly on edge until the ride was over.

    Upon exiting the train, he was greeted by the immense light and sound that was Rose Garden, known across Fiore and then some for being filled to the brim with magic. Lights, cars, performances; even the food was fueled with magic. For most mages, this would be a wonderland abound with infinite discovery. Dmitry Kazakov was not most mages. He made no articulate words at what appeared before him, he simply let off a sort of short mix of a growl and a groan. As one who grew up among the isolation and calm of nature, such a sight was less than appealing to say the least. Still, he had a strange feeling in his gut when he looked over to his companion for the night, as if he was supposed to just buck up and deal with it. 

    "Alright, let's find this joint." He said, moving in the direction of the extremely detailed instructions that Kateri left in the note she gave him, likely anticipating his horrible ability to navigate cities and towns. Thankful for these, Dmitry successfully lead Evia to a restaurant that he couldn't hope to pronounce the name of, taking her inside and speaking to the man a the fancy podium.

    "Uh, yeah, names Kazakov?" He said to the host, who then looked over a list of reservations. "Ah yes, Mr. Kazakov, right this way." Soon the two were seated among a bevy of fancy tables wet with all sorts of crap that Dmitry didn't understand the purpose of. "Your waiter will be here in a moment to take your orders." The man said upon handing the two their menus. Dmitry sat down rather uncomfortably and opened one of said menus, leading him to develop a sour look on his face.

    "What the hell am I looking at?"
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 137
    Guild : Guildess
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    Experience : 2,287

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Judgement
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 10th February 2016, 9:40 pm

    What was a reservoir. Everything that Dmitry was saying was confusing to her. Now not only slightly confused the young woman was very confused so she simply followed behind to man in front of her. He seemed to know what was going on more than her even just a little bit. But as he paused and turned around to compliment the girl blushed bright red and scoffed before tuning away. She... she hadn't dressed up for him. It was because Kat had told her to and that it would have been rude not to.

    Evia followed closely behind Dmitry as in an effort not to get lost or left behind remembering the time before that they had gone out and how that turned out. The Heavenly mage shivered and stuck even closer to the grey haired man in front of her. She quickly followed him onto the train and moved to sit down, only not fast enough. She slipped as the train started and fell on top of the male mage with a squeal. Her cheek grew to a darker colour and she quickly removed herself from his lap and to the seat next to him.

    Soon enough the train ride ended and the pinkette followed behind Dmitry as he exited the train and made his way to a restaurant that seemed to be on the side of almost too fancy. She stood silently behind him as he talked to the person at the front door playing with her ribbons on the end of her braids. Kat had kept a spot for them at this restaurant? What was there to eat here? The waited guided them to a table not too far away. It looked out the window and Evia smiled. She liked this view, but as the waiter placed the menus in front of the two was went it all went wrong.

    What was all of this stuff on the menu?

    "What is a pork loin? That sound awful... who would eat that?" She looked to the grey hared mage for an explanation but he seemed almost as concerned as she was.

    Last edited by Evia on 15th February 2016, 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 10th February 2016, 11:43 pm

    As Dmitry looked at the menu, his face exuded all the confidence and certainty as it usually did, betraying not an ounce of uncertainty. However...

    "Excuse me, I'll be your waiter for the evening." Said the young man that came to the table a little bit later. "Have you decided on something?" It was at this moment that one could see the sweat pouring down Dmitry's features, his expression itself unchanged. "Um...sir? Are you alright" The gray medium said nothing, but his eyes darted back and forth across the menu, desperately searching for something he could at least somewhat pronounce. He didn't know why it was so important, he simply had a strong urge to appear as if he knew this sort of thing.

    "Uh, yeah..." He said, finally settling on what appeared to be an easy one. "I'll have the cavy...er." The waiter looked at him a slightly confused expression. "Sir...you realize that's a-"

    "Yeah, yeah, just get me some cavy-er." Dmitry had no idea what he was ordering or how poorly he was pronouncing it, but he felt like he had accomplished whatever it was he was compelled to do just now. The waiter simply did as he was told and wrote down the foolish order, taking Evia's afterword. After about ten minutes, their 'meals' were brought out for the two to 'enjoy'. Dmitry stared down at the pile of...whatever it was on his plate, not sure if he should eat it or cover it up with something. Upon turning it over a bit with a spoon, the mage dropped the utensil in the pile of secretion.

    "You know what? Screw this joint." Dmitry left a pile of money on the table and took Evia by the hand, not thinking anything of it as he led her out of the building. While he didn't know where anything was in this city, he knew one source of information that never failed him. 

    His eyes, ears, and nose.

    Apparently, there was some kind of festival going on in another district, the sound of busy folk and the smell of many kinds of food cooking unmistakable. While Dmitry wasn't fond of crowds, even he knew that these kinds of things were the best places to find good, simple food. 

    "C'mon, this shindig's gotta have some kinda good grub, right?" He shouted back as he pulled her into the crowd of food stalls.
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Guild : Guildess
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    Experience : 2,287

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Judgement
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 16th February 2016, 1:28 pm

    The pinkette looked at the words in front of her, she knew that she had seen them before, but she didn't know when or where. She also knew that she knew what they mean at one time, but now? Now they just looked like just a bunch of jumbled words on a sheet of paper. She clenched the menu in her hands and glared it at it. there words on there that she knew and yet now to her she have no clue as to what they meant.

    But her time to decipher the words on the paper ran out as the waiter came back and asked for their choices for their meal. Her eyes looked from the menu to the waiter. She was glad that Dmitry had chosen to speak before her. But as her turn soon came much too early in her opinion she smiled. She could pull this off. "I all looks so good. I don't know what to chose! What would to recommend?" The pinkette had a feeling that just in saying this she was taking a risk but the waiter smiled at her and began to talk about all of the food on the menu this was not helping her situation. Letting out a aggravated sigh she glared at the male waiter who quickly shut his mouth as he felt her eyes on him. Rolling her eyes she closed the menu and gave it to him. "I no longer care. Surprise me." The menu was taken from her and the waiter disappeared.

    The waiter was gone fro several minutes before he came back with small dished in his hand. Placing the mass of black beads in front of her grey haired partner and a red sauce plus several strips of who knows what, they looked like they had been fried. "You caviler and your calamari."

    Evia paid no attention to the grey shaggy hair across from her and lifted one of the fried strips to her mouth and took a bite. Her eyes widened and the bite that she had just taken came right back out. What was this!?! This was disgusting! People ate this stuff!? NO! Never! She would never eat such a thing ever again. But before the pinkette could say anything her hand was taken and she was dragged out of the building and thank god. But her cheeks soon grew hot as she felt his hand casing hers.

    He pulled her behind him through the town. There was some sort of party that was going on through the streets and the smalls of good food hung around the two of them as they ran through the streets. Her cheeks never faded as he spoke to her and all she could do was nod in return, the only answer that he was going to get.


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 16th February 2016, 10:13 pm

    Dmitry wondered about the crowd of food stands, taking in all the delicious smells. In truth, he couldn't tell which scents were coming from where, all of them mixing together to make one, single, marvelous parfum. As such, Dmitry stopped at the first delicious thing he saw, asking the cook what it was. "It's chicken-"

    "Let's go..." the man was cut off before he could say anything more, leaving him devastated at the complete disregard of his product. Not realizing he was still holding Evia's hand, Dmitry moved to another cart full of assorted beef products. "Here we go!" He said, handing the owner some cash and grabbing two shishkebabs, handing one to his pink haired friend. After that the two went about the stands, eating various kinds of food until they could eat no more.

    "Excuse me sir!" A man shouted at him from a booth off to his left.  "Uh, me?" He asked, not sure why someone would address him all of a sudden. "Yes you, son! Step right up, grab a rifle, and win your little girlfriend a prize!" 

    Dmitry cocked his head a the the booth, a typical bee-bee gun carnival game, complete with stuffed animals on the wall. He then looked to Evia, a strange sensation welling up in him. "Just hit the targets with the gun, son. That's all it takes!" Dmitry wasn't sure why, but he felt oddly compelled to win a prize. "So I just hit those targets with this thing, right?" He asked, watching the small targets as they moved back and forth. "That's right son, just hit the target's with the gun." Dmitry stepped up to the counter, grabbed a gun, and narrowed his eyes at one of the targets. He then flipped the gun in the air, caught it by the barrel, and flung it sideways at the row of targets, knocking the majority of them down at once. 

    "Wha...what are you doing?!" The man shouted in shock, naturally outraged at what was just done. Dmitry, however, pointed at a large, stuffed panda on the top shelf. "That one." He said rather curtly. "You didn't even shoot!"

    "Shoot? You said I had to hit them with the rifle. I hit at least ten of those things!" Soon a crowd was forming, seeing only the targets down and hearing the man deny the 'appropriate' prize. A sweat drop could be seen on the man's head, the potential fall out causing him to grab the stuffed animal and handing it to Dmitry post-haste. The gray-hair simply thanked the man and handed the enormous plush to the pinkette. "Here, hope you like this sort of thing."
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Guild : Guildess
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    First Skill: Heavenly Judgement
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 17th February 2016, 7:49 am

    Evia continued to follow after Dmitry as he pulled her along behind him. There were many people reaching out to the two of them asking for them to buy something, selling their product to them in hopes that it would appease the two of them and they could make a profit. However the duo passed by many of these people completely ignoring them and their product. Yet the pinkette was quickly drawn up behind Dmitry as he stopped at a booth that had shishkebabs. The young woman had yet to say anything but even so the shaggy grey haired man passed her one of the delectable pieces of food. Blue eyes of sky widened and she took the meat out of her partner's hand before lifting it up to her mouth and taking a bite out of it.

    Her hand never left his as they continued to walk, food still in their opposite hand. They walked down the street looking at the other booths, the pinkette blushing the entire time now that she had become aware to the situation. Her hand slowly wrapped back around his and her blue eyes averted down to the ground as she lifted the food back to her mouth to continue to eat it.

    The journey of the two quickly came to a halt as a man from a booth that held a game approached the mop haired man and dragged away from the girl, his hand slipping from his. Her eyes flashed an emotion that she had never felt before and she hesitated for a moment before following after the two and stood behind them. It was a game where someone had to hit the little passing targets passing by and if a person hit it then they would get a prize.

    She watched as Dmitry looked at the gun in his hands and then at the target before flipping the gun and throwing it at the targets, hitting multiple of them. Evia cheered for him and froze before gathering herself and looking away embarrassed. Shew as glad that no one had seen her. But in the midst of her looking away there was a soft feeling against her face. Her eyes flashed up and she looked at the pink thing that was pushed against her. A bunny. A pink plush bunny.

    The blue eyes flashed up to Dmitry and she smiled happily and nuzzled into the bunny that she now had in her hands before standing on her tip-toes quickly placing a kiss on his cheek before pulling away and looking down at the bunny in her hands and burying her face into it. She was never going to be able to look up at him for the rest of the night.


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 17th February 2016, 12:34 pm


    Dmitry froze entirely at the strange, soft sensation on the side of face. When the girl pulled away, he didn't put his hand to his cheek in the typical, cliche manor one might expect. Instead, he simply stood there, his face a definite red for once and his eyes somewhat glassy. After about a minute of just standing there, he shook his head and looked around a bit, much like an animal that had just been dropped into a thunderstorm.  Getting his bearings again (sort of), he began leading Evia about again, this time without grabbing her hand. 

    Except, he wasn't really leading her anywhere. Rather, in his newly conscious state, it seemed he was simply going wherever his feet took him, a tactic that was far less effective in cities. Thankfully, the district they were in was filled to the brim with activities and games the two could get lost in, not to mention every kind of street food one could imagine. The two found themselves eating ice-cream, viewing awe inspiring works of magical art, and finally playing a game in which one had to try and catch a gold fish with a flimsy paper net, a game that both confused and frustrated Dmitry to no end. "I don't get it, you can't even eat the little scraps!" He shouted in frustration as the paper ripped a third time in a row, the mage contradicting himself by paying for another round. Eventually, he realized he was giving far too much money here and finally gave, but not before pressing his face against the bowl of his nemesis. "Count your blessings, you slippery little bastard..." Dmitry said as he eyed the fish with the utmost vehemence, causing the poor creature to actually get a little pale. 

    As the sun began to close in on the horizon, the gray haired mage felt strangely content. The two were now walking down the street at a somewhat slow pace, taking in all the sights and sounds the magical city could provide. He hadn't realized it, but he was actually quite close to the girl at the moment, his hand about a centimeter away from hers. Still feeling a bit of that strange sensation from earlier, fished around his noggin for something to talk about. 

    "So...what are you hoping to find here?" He asked Evia, initiating the conversation for once. "In Lamia Scale I mean. Seems like folks generally got a good reason for joining the guild, 'specially these days."

    Last edited by Dmitry on 31st March 2016, 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 26th February 2016, 7:36 am

    The pinkette hadn't seen the reaction of the grey haired man as she had buried her face into the plush pink that matched her cheeks. Her sky blue eyes were closed and she nuzzles into the bunny. Though her time to have to herself and gather emotions was soon brought to an end as Dmitry began to move once again. He led her through the steers and to many of the shops along the way. At one point the tow of them had stopped and ordered ice-cream. She didn't remember what kind he ordered but she got the cotton candy flavour that she knew would be filled with more sweetness than any normal person could take.

    At one point the two of them came to stop and a game stall where they played a game, trying to pick up a gold fish using only a small think piece of paper. Though watching was entertaining and the fact that the grey haired mage continued to rip his paper the young woman bought only one of the little pieces of paper and dipped into the water, slicing across the top so that the paper would not get as wet allowing for the fibers to hold together. The little orange and black fish that she had been aiming for was on top of it, flopping around slightly. Her cheeks brought up into a smile and Evia looked at the tender happily.

    The fish was packaged up and handed to her in a a plastic bag before the two mages headed off once again. It was now twilight and the air around them shimmered with the lights of the lanterns of the festival. It was a magical moment though both of the mages were oblivious to it. The young girl hand't noticed it either, but the two mages were quite close to each other as their ace in moving had slowed. It was quiet around the duo in a comfortable aura. But Dmitry's voice interrupted the still air around the two.

    The pinkette looked down at the ground thinking for a minute. before looking back up. "To be honest I don't remember now. I don't remember much in general. But if I had to guess I think it was because after losing my memory the guild of scholars and nature seemed like the best place to go to help me remember what I forgot." Her answer was simple yet straight to the truth and the young woman smiled up at her companion. "What about you?"


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
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    Posts : 811
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hati
    Experience : 8952

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature spirit Invocation
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 26th February 2016, 10:34 pm

    Dmitry paused a moment, not stopping his movement, but also neglecting to respond the girl looking up at him. Once again, it seemed somebody he was finding himself fond of was affected by amnesia, something he was becoming all to familiar with. Still, it was odd that she was so forward about it, openly stating it as a possible reason for her joining Lamia Scale.

    "Uh, well..." Dmitry said, deciding it would be better if he didn't stir things up just yet. "I guess...I was looking for a home. I didn't really know it at the time though, since that kinda stuff really didn't register with me back then. I just thought going on by myself was holding me back somehow, which was sorta true I guess." The mage thought back to his trial under the previous master of the guild, long before Evia showed up on their doorstep. Back then, he didn't even understand what friends truly were or what they would mean to him in the days to come, simply trying to become stronger for a reason he didn't even understand. 
    "Can't say I didn't get what I was looking for, but I think I'm still going. So far I got good friends, a town I...tolerate, and I'm learnin' stuff I couldn't learn before." It was at this point that Dmitry decided to stop and address what he had earlier ignored. 

    "Your memories...how much of them are gone?" Dmitry asked, not sure if he should. "I've got...experience with this sort of thing, so maybe I can help out a bit."
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 2nd March 2016, 2:06 pm

    The pinkette listened attentively to the story of Dmitry's. It was nice. he was looking for a home and found one within the guild. he had made great friends and done everything that he had wished for and even more. A smile grew on her pink lips and the young woman looked out at the street. She had made friends. Or what she hoped were friends.

    The two continued down the street at the grey haired mage continued to talk but suddenly bringing up the topic of her memory loss. Evia looked up at Dmitry and placed her hand under her chin looking down before looking back up at him. "I honestly have no clue. Like It was as if one day around the age of 14 or so I woke up on the ground at a park with no idea where I was yet I knew who I was. Since then that was all I have had to go off on. I don't know what I am, where I came from, or what I was doing previously. But I know a lot of things and things come easy to me. Like guns and weapons I can pick one up and be able to get a hang of it in a day or so like I had used it before. Also with words. I don't know what they mean or what they are but if i hear one that I might have known I get an emotion to it like I had seen it before and I knew what it was." The pinkette looked back up at her companion with a soft smile. It was all that she could tell him that she knew.

    "Oh and you mentioned a home. Where do you live? I-I'd like to visit. Y-ya know to make sure that you're place is not poisonous. Or if you die." the words came stuttering out of her mouth as she looked down at the ground not having the bravery to look up at him.


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 2nd March 2016, 10:16 pm

    Dmitry listened intently as she listed off the circumstances, his frown turning into a scowl as he noticed the similarities between this case an a certain rabbit eared friend of his. The fact that she had a perfect ability to use weapons she can't even remember touching, not to mention having certain reactions to specific words led him to believe that she might have been programmed. While this wasn't likely done in the same way as it was for his friend, the purpose was likely similar. It infuriated the spirit walker, but all arrows seemed to point to this being done to her, something that Dmitry simply couldn't forgive. However, at the girl's next topic of choice, he found himself a little confused.

    "Hmm? But...you live in Hargeon too right?" Dmitry said, not realizing how far off he was from what she was getting at. The simple truth was, the gray-hair had lived alone in the wilderness for a very large portion of his childhood, leaving him ignorant to much of the practice of renting and home ownership. To this day, he can typically be found snoozing in various parts of Hargeon Town at various parts of the day, much to the bewilderment of passing citizens and the irritation of those proprietors of the buildings on top of which Dmitry sleeps.

    "Oh, you mean one of those house things, right?" The mage said, remembering that people often sleep in houses. "Yeah, I don't got one of those. Seems like they're gettin' pretty popular though. Everyone seems to have one these days." The homeless man couldn't even begin to understand just how silly he sounded at the moment, talking about houses as if they were some kind of fad.
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 30th March 2016, 7:15 am

    She wasn't sure that she had heard him correctly. No house? Did that mean that he had an apartment? The pinkette looked up at the man and looked over his face, scanning to see if he was just pulling her leg or if he really didn't have home to return to every night. Her feet placed one in front of the other before she stopped in her place and looked up at Dmitry once again and shook her head. "You mean you don't have a house? No place to go and return to every night to sleep?" The girl seemed astonished as she looked at him and merely shook her head. Her arms slipped into each other, crossing over her chest and she popped out a hip. How he could have not told her this before. But even so, what could she do? It wasn't like she could just go and buy him a house-

    Blue eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint and her lips twitched up into a smirk, she had an idea. "Why don't you just come and live with me. I mean I live alone in my house so it gets a little lonely-" Realization of what she was requesting suddenly hit her like a train and she came to a halt mid sentence. "I mean I don't want you there cause I feel bad about your situation you got yourself into that. I-I think th-that there is something i-in the house that m-might help us find out why I con't remember a-anything." Her stutter began to kick in as she began to come up with excuses rather than just telling him the truth.

    Her cheeks were a light pink once again and she looked away from the gray haired mage.


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 31st March 2016, 10:24 pm

    Grey-haired medium eyed the girl somewhat suspiciously, considering the strangeness of her reaction to her own words. It would be easier to understand if she were reacting to something he said, but Dmitry had yet to utter a word on the subject she brought up. 

    "Eh, the night doesn't really scare me or anything, especially in Hargeon, and I've been sleeping outside for as long as I can remember, so it's not a big deal or anything..." He brought his hand to his chin, a motion he rarely made, and thought on the matter. It certainly would make sense for Evia's own house to have traces of her past, not to mention the fact that it would be nice for him to have a roof over his head when it rained out; bridges weren't doing the job that well. On top of that, he was beginning to run out of places to hide the money he was making on all the jobs he was doing and he didn't fully comprehend the use of a bank, despite having slept under many a shocked and angry bank teller's desk. It would be nice to have a place where he could put aside some of his money, even if he didn't have a clue how weird that would sound out loud.

    "Sure!" He said with a bit more excitement then he intended. "I'll stay at your place for a while. That oughta make finding clues a bit easier, right?"
    Rowan Miles
    Rowan Miles

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Rowan Miles 25th May 2016, 7:37 pm

    The girl knew that in her mind that she was cheering and happy as she could ever be, but she also knew that she couldn't tell him that. He wouldn't know anything about love or about liking a person, it that was what these feelings were. The girl took in a deep breath as to attempt to hide the blush that had risen on her cheeks. Her eyes opened and she nodded with a serious face. "That would be great. Lets go and move all of your stuff into the house right now."

    She broke away from the grey haired fiend that had taken her heart and unknowingly run off with it and started to her house, her cheeks finally beginning to visibly turn red. She was unable to hold back her blush any longer.


    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] KFWnRQr
    Rowan Miles



    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event] Empty Re: A Mingling of Gray and Pink (Private) [V-day Event]

    Post by Benjamin 25th May 2016, 9:25 pm

    For a moment, when the pink haired girl looked at him, he ceased all movement. Something about her face in that moment, something he clearly didn't understand, had him frozen. He didn't even noticed the traces of heat that were gathering on his face, threatening to form a blush. It wasn't until after she spoke that he remembered they were having a conversation at all. Even after she broke off and began heading in the direction of the city limits, Dmitry's thoughts were only on the strange sensation he was feeling. However, her last statement echoed in his ears a moment, prompting him to head after her.

    "Hold up, pinky!" He called after her.

    "We took the train to get here!"

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