Welcome to the magical world of...
FAIRY TAIL BOUNDLESS! Where the sky is NEVER the limit! This is a brand-new, AU, free-form, non-canon role play site based on the popular anime/manga series by Hiro Mashima. It is brought to you by the minds of your fellow fairy tail fans. A site by RPers for RPers! Here at Fairy Tail boundless, the possibilities are well, boundless.
Create unique character that's all your own. Choose from one of the many canon magics that exist in the fairy tail universe. If you feel like you have the skill, try applying for one of the many limited magics on the site. Or... be BOLD, and create your very own custom magic that is unique to you.
Meet new people and make new friends, all while furthering your character's plot and development. We have plenty of guilds you can choose to join, so pick one and join their close knit family!
Your character's destiny, is in your hands, and no one else's. So what will your destiny be?
Cool Features the site offers::
-Character Creation
-Magic Creation
-Custom Races
-Limited Magics
-Positions of power
-Slayer Magic
-Lost Magic
-Cool Future Events!
-and much more!