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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 4th September 2016, 7:11 am

    Previous Thread:

    Pushing open the door into the lobby of his apartment building, Itsuki would offer a brief wave to the man at the desk before heading towards the elevator. "Got yerself a girlfriend, kid?" He chuckled, enjoying the irritated expression that appeared on Itsuki's face. "Are you taking me for a pedophile?" came the easygoing reply the flare melting away into a joking look. Striding into the lift, he would gently help the vampire in. "Come on now, we're almost there," he would say in a reassuring tone, pressing the button for the seventh floor he resided on. In a small burst of pixels, an irritated Kioku popped to life. Offering Itsuki a frown and pointed look at the girl, she would solidify the pixels on her finger and press the door open button for them as the elevator dinged and let them out onto the seventh floor.

    "Right this way, miss," the semi-cyborg announced, gesturing towards a very plain door. Pulling a key card from his pocket, he slid it against the scanner and heard the following click respond through the hallway. Pulling open the heavy door, he would wave the two ladies in before closing and locking the entrance behind him. "Welcome to my humble abode!" It looked surprisingly plain, a couch and a TV before them and a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom going off of this main area. "Please, please, make yourself at home," Itsuki invited before heading off to make some tea.


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Mika Zonde 5th September 2016, 6:46 am

    The vampiress had followed this man for a while. Out of a forest and to this apartment building. She didn't know what compelled her to do so, but she thought this was right. This was the one....thing out of those things that didn't attack her. And it seemed friendly enough, so she went with him. Hopfully....this man could help her figure out what she was, who she was, and where she was. And...maybe at least hearing one person talk would help her remember how to speak this language.

    She was ushered into the apartment, and past a few people, which one of them talked out to Itsuki. She heard the words, something about girlfriend but...she didn't really remembering the meaning of said words.

    While going up to the room some figure appeared beside the man. She seemed to be made of wisps of something, like a spirit or something. It was odd...and it looked irritated.

    Whatever it was, the demon didn't care, it was too wrapped up in taking everything in. This new setting, this new land...when she arrived in the apartment, she seemed to try and think of a few words. It took a second, but, "Thank....you?" she stated, hoping that was the right statement.
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 5th September 2016, 8:02 am

    A small frown from Kioku was cast at the girl, realizing that she never seemed to react to anything, as if nothing was really quite happening. As if she was just floating through reality. With a quick reaching out of her mind, the AI touched the mind of another being like her. one who was considerably more substantial, but still of an artificial mind. "Project KAGAMI, you will probably want to check this out," she muttered through the link. A stirring on the other end was all Kioku needed to hear as confirmation that the entity had heard. Soon enough, the soft sound of rustling was audible from the bedroom. And then, there she was. Dark brown hair framing her face, a small girl of what appeared to be around ten years of age stood in the doorway, an indifferent expression on her face.

    "So, robot, what do you think of the new girl Granon-san had the nerve to bring in?" Though the tone Kioku used with the small robot was anything but friendly, the two actually got together fairly well. I mean, it was mostly just Aya nodding expressionlessly along while Kioku would vent the anger she couldn't direct at Itsuki. Stepping boldly up to the vampire, Aya as she was commonly called would stare calmly at the creature for a moment before gears suddenly turned behind those eyes, the lens switching into one that glowed a bright green light similar to Itsuki's. "Onii-san is certainly not of sound mind right now, is he, Auntie Kioku?"

    The dull voice seemed to sink into the ground below, her voice was so emotionless. Using the honorifics programmed into her mind, it was strangely depressing to hear her talk. Just as she said these words, a cheerful Itsuki whirled in with a tray of green tea. "Ah, my dear little sister, how could you say such a thing about your dear Onii-chan?" Setting the tea upon the table, he would gesture at the vampire, inviting her to drink and nodding cheerily at her feeble expression of gratitude. "So, do you know anything at all right now?" he asked in a light tone.

    Aya's Appearance :


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Mika Zonde 6th September 2016, 7:18 am

    The girl looked around the room, the A.I. seemed to be staring at her with a rather angry expression. Though, the vampiress didn't really understand what the look was. She didn't show emotion because she didn't know what was really going on. Almost all of her memories were blanks or hazy. All she could express was confusion.

    And more and more odd things were happening. She heard light talking and then some...small thing appeared. It was even shorter than herself. It talked emotionless and was...odd. She gave the robot a tilt of the head, examining it, trying to figure what it was. However, she couldn't find the words to even describe it to herself.

    It was honestly a mental headache. She was trying to get past this block, trying to figure out what was wrong with her. But everything was a haze. She could only remember waking up with Itsuki and the bandits there. However, speech was slowly coming back. More and more words were able to be defined in her head...

    Watching Itsuki, she looked down at the tea, and took the cup in her right, small hand, taking a sip. It had an okay taste to her, but provided no actual nutrition to her demonic body. She shook her head at Itsuki, her speech a bit more smooth this time.

    "I...know nothing...of before I woke up...you woke me up....it's all a bunch of.....haze...." she muttered to hm, the voice becoming less hoarse.
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
    Second Skill: N/A
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 7th September 2016, 8:25 am

    All eyes were on Mika as she gingerly lifted the cup to her lips. She took a sip easily without any reaction as well, causing Itsuki to heave an inward sigh of relief. So she was capable of ingesting human foods? Interesting. Perhaps he could get a bit more serious with food now, seeing as he was normally the only person eating, living with two artificial beings, he never had the chance to do so much. Poor him, it would probably take the semi-cyborg quite a bit to learn that the vampire received no nutrition or enjoyment from the act.

    Awaiting a response that seemed like it would never come from her blank expression, the trio finally received what they had been waiting in such anticipation for. However, the answer she gave was far from satisfactory. "She doesn't know a thing." The mental message was transmitted in disgust to the other two technological creatures. Immediately, a pale and casual hand would find itself on top of an Archive generated remote. A button quickly pressed, and one of the figures in the room disappeared. "I do apologize for Kioku-san's rude behavior," he would say politely. Along with these gentle words, a sharp mental stab would be directed at Aya, causing the robot to flinch slightly. she knew it was a reminder to be kind to the newcomer.

    "So, do you at least understand what you need to survive? I can set up a cot or futon if you're tired, and I have some food in the refrigerator if it will be needed..." Itsuki had never taught anyone anything besides how to put together computer parts, and so he had no idea how to approach this. It would have to be a hit or miss thing.


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Mika Zonde 9th September 2016, 8:21 am

    Mika, well, no one knew her name, not even herself, looked around the room. The place still seemed so foreign but. Language was slowly coming back to her, and hopefully, other memories as well...finally, she smiled. Conveying an expression of thankfulness towards Itsuki for all that he has done for her so far.

    She continued to sit down on the couch, looking at the ground. "I...erm...I feel weary.....but not hungry...not after..." she doesn't say it, but Itsuki would be smart enough to remember her feeding off the bandit from earlier. He can put two and two together and see that vampires, atleast this one, probably only get sustenance from blood.
    "I need...to not be wounded to survive, food to survive, and shelter...I know the basics..."
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
    Second Skill: N/A
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 11th September 2016, 8:57 am

    A breath was released between the two technological wonders, as the vampire slowly lifted the corner of her mouth into a faint smile in gratitude. It didn't seem like she was purposefully trying to deceive her as of now at least... However, if she had excellent observation skills, she would notice that though the pupil design on the surface of Aya's eye moved with the other one, the tinted lens beneath it never left the vampiress. She seemed not to know much of anything, huh.. Okay then.

    At her slow and choppy words about food, Itsuki mentally slapped a palm over his face. Of course! Why would vampires... ugh... How forgetful could he be at times? However, in the outside, a sympathetic grin was displayed. "Oh, yeah, I see... Well, that will be a bridge we will have to cross when we come to it. As for your weariness, do vampires have need of sleep, and if not, what do they do instead to regain health and energy? Also, is there any particular way you sleep? It would all be invaluable information."


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Mika Zonde 11th September 2016, 9:20 pm

    The vampiress wasn't the most attentive to detail, and she failed to see Aya, and barely have yet realized it wasn't like the others. The smile stayed on her face, and her features started to show more and more movement and less...for a failure finding words, robotic-like. She started to seem more like a normal being.

    Though, she did not know about the sleeping thing. She was rather weary, and could only surmise she needed what this man named sleep...mhm...actually she can remember the definition of that word. The language was coming back to her.

    "No..I require rest..a normal bed works...thank you again for all of this Itsuki..." it seems where this demon comes from, probably another plane of existence from Earthland, they do not use honorific titles for those they are indebted too...

    She stilled showed gratefulness towards Itsuki.
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
    Second Skill: N/A
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 13th September 2016, 8:02 am

    Slowly a a subtle transformation was happening to the demon. Her face softened a bit, and her movements grew more fluid. It was as if some grand transformation had just suddenly occurred inside of her, and turned her into a living, breathing being. Eyes beginning to brighten with the influx of more knowledge, one could almost see gears moving in her brain, trying to start it back up. Smiling at his success with her answer, Itsuki would nod, sending a message mentally to the robot to prepare a futon for the oddity. With an abrupt movement, Aya was gone, leaving the vampiress in her master's hands.

    "You'll have a bed ready in no time, miss, and a room if you don't mind sharing with Aya-chan. I'll sleep on the couch for tonight and we'll work something more permanent out eventually if you decide to stay here a bit," he yammered on, filling up time and space with fluff. As he yammered on, the small robot would pop a tousled head out, alerting tiphe two to the completion of its task. "Well, head on in, and feel free to tell Aya or myself if you have any problems! 'Night!" Closing the door quietly behind him, a sigh of relief would be slowly released before the semi-cyborg returned to his new sleeping area.


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Mika Zonde 14th September 2016, 8:10 am

    It was in fact true that more and more humanoid mannerisms were coming back to the girl. It was like she had just been woken up from a sleepwalk, and was finally able to realize the world around her wasn't some magical land...but was...well, a magical land, you catch my point.

    Returning another grateful smile towards Itsuki, she listens to him ramble on for a bit..though, her mind was still in thought. She had finally consciously realized what was going on. She was in a foreign land with creatures she could not remember with a language that was slowly coming back to her. She had no idea of her name, where she came from, or what she was doing here.

    This caused the girl to look even sad, showing the complete opposite emotion from the happy expression she had from before. Though, upon the odd entity coming back, Aya was it's name, she nodded towards Itsuki and stood up to go to that room, simply stating.

    "Erm...good night...is the expression I think..." she gives him another weak smile before entering the room, to probably see a bed prepared for her. However, she sits on the corner, spending the time she has alone to figure herself out.
    Aoi and Aoba
    Aoi and Aoba

    Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 244
    Guild : Hidden Blades
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Akaito Contract Summons
    Second Skill: N/A
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    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) Empty Re: The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika)

    Post by Aoi and Aoba 15th September 2016, 9:10 am

    A soft creaked resonated through the room, and the pale figure of Aya stepped inside. "Apologies. I will do my best not to disturb you Miss Vampire." Her flat voice barely travelled any distance at all, and the girl then turned to the pattern of circuits across the far wall. Though much of the energy she required was cleverly generated by motion, sunlight, or wind, there was still that last bit that required a charging up every night for her to function to her fullest extent. Undoing a clasp on the jacket, the red covering fell down to reveal an only partially completed skin covering with a simple shift over it. In many places, inner wires and circuitry could still be seen. Tugging one of the cords out, she would connect it to one of the sockets, repeating the process with several others. Finally settled, she relaxed back into the rest for her back.

    "So what are you wanting to do here with Itsuki onii-chan's kindness, Miss Vampire?" Slowly, brown eyes blinked downwards, opening again to reveal bright green ones. "I doubt you really are muddled and confused. Auntie Kioku has a perfect right to be suspicious, and we are both quite disappointed in Itsuki onii-chan's bad decision-making. Just be warned, Miss Vampire. We are both programmed to destroy all that wish harm to Itsuki onii-chan. You are no exception." With this, she would promptly enter hibernation mode.


    The Semi-Cyborg's Charging Dock (Social/Mika) H3Duo3CJ_o

    Feed me your negativity! Talk some more about me - I know that you love me, love me~!

    Aoi & Aoba Itou | Akaito Contract Summons | Bank

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