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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:07 pm

    "We meet again, Phoenix Mountains," Anastasia said as she made her way up the path she took while she was in the Blue Pegasus. Unlike last time, she still had quite a bit of energy remaining. She wasn't huffing and puffing like she was last time due to the necessity of running and doing some heavy lifting. She was no longer the wimpy bard that assisted others; she was now a bad-ass in training. She had no need to help others, letting them support her instead. Certainly, she will assist people by taking hits if she had to and completely demolishing her enemy when necessary. However, her current opponent was the Phoenix Mountain. The Mountain takes no prisoners and is not kind to those unworthy.

    "You think I sat on my hands since the last time we met, Mountain?" she asked the large heap of stone she was on, staring up at the peak, and knew what she had to do. "If you thought that, then you are grossly wrong! I will conquer you!" she proclaimed as she pointed to the peak of the mountain. A big grin came across Anastasia's face before she continued to move her way up the mountain. She was dressed in a heavy winter coat to keep herself warm as she waded through the increasingly deeper snow as she continued her ascent up the mountain.

    Footprints were left in the snow as Anastasia slowly trudged along; the only thing she could hear was the voice of the mountain calling out to her, accepting her challenge. The wind blew more ferociously and fervently as if to blow her off of the mountain. However, Anastasia kept her footing and pulled the large, fur-covered coat around her body and more tightly around her face. As the winds

    WC: 300


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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:08 pm

    continued to blow, making the sounds of a pack of hungry wolves, she slowly began to doubt her ability to scale this mountain; ultimate declaring her victory over the crag.  As she continued her ascent, her footsteps grew slower and less frequent due to the snow growing deeper and the wind blowing even heavier.  While she does not wish to ascend the mountain with flight, she will take suit.  

    With a white glow, her body started to glow a heavenly white before changing into her Chaser Armor.  The armor took a step upwards, finding itself standing directly on top of the snow.  She would have otherwise been up to her thighs in snow if she hadn't donned this armor.  As soon as she donned her armor, she turned her head to hear the sound of a loud roaring.  That wasn't the sound of the wind blowing with ferocity; it was something else.  It was something huge and terrifying.  

    Had she stepped into the domain of a terrifying beast?  Was this what she could consider to be 'The Mountain's Guardian'?  Another loud roar resonated from a location just again.  Taking advantage of Chaser Armor's ability to ignore weather and natural hindrances to travel, she rushed ahead only to find the mouth of a massive cave opening.  Steam poured from the mouth of the cave only for another deafening roar to eminate from it.  A bone of another creature was thrown out towards her, causing Anastasia to recoil a bit.

    Heavy thumps was heard before the creature reared it's ugly head.  A large white humanoid creature walked out, pulling meat off of a bone with it's teeth.  It stopped and looked at Anastasia for a moment before smashing the large femur it had in it's hands into the ground, holding it like

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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:09 pm

    a club. It roared once more before a light could be seen in Anastasia's right hand before her fingers disappeared only to be replaced by an orange tube. Anastasia aimed the arm cannon at the creature and fired off a shot, only to see the creature pull back for a moment. There was no actual damage upon the creature, causing Anastasia to take a step back in awe. Anastasia aimed and took another shot at the creature only for the creature to howl once more and begin it's charge towards her. With a quick swing, the club came inches from hitting her. Anastasia took a step back before the creature threw the bone at her, forcing her to dash out of the way.

    After it forced her to dash to the right, it quickly jumped on her, pinning her to the floor. After pouncing on Anastasia, the two of them sunk down into the snow. She was capable of moving her hand up and shoot a couple blasts into the creature's gut, being enough to launch it off of her.

    Flying upwards out of the snow hole, she landed firmly on her own two feet outside of the troll's range. With an explosion of white snow, the creature delivered a single fist directly into her face, causing her to fly backwards upon her back. She slid a good distance down the mountain before recovering; getting back on her own two feet after waking up from the moment of unconsciousness. Anastasia shook her head a bit as sirens blared through her armor indicating that it is in danger of breaking.

    "Crap," she exclaimed before a white light surrounded her body, being replaced by another armor. This armor was pink with hardened plates upon her body. Shield Maiden Armor was designed to

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    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:10 pm

    take blows for much longer than most other armors. While she could have easily repaired her armor, she decided to do that with this one; the armor that was meant for longevity. The booster pack upon her armor ignited, taking her back towards the troll cave. While flying there, she was being hindered by the wind and snow. Unlike her Chaser Armor, this armor wasn't meant for navigating through storms and heavy snowfall.

    Anastasia landed inside of the lair. While it was extremely dark, she didn't have to deal with the weather or the cold as much. Here, it's a more level playing field. Her passing caught the Troll's attention and the troll shouted once again in it's never-ending rage and frustration. It wasn't hungry as it was finished eating and Anastasia doesn't recall Trolls being THIS territorial. Perhaps the Mountain was testing her or the Mountain made this troll, in particular, a bit more difficult to deal with.

    While she took the time for the creature to come towards her; it having to fight through the wind and snow as much as she had to, Anastasia began to charge energy into her arm, pointing the barrel of the weapon towards the troll. A humming sound could be heard which got more and more high pitched while it collected energy. The creature was blown over by a large gust of wind, buying her more time to charge up her weapon.

    "You putting this thing in my way, Mountain, isn't funny," she said out loud to the mountain. Her voice escalated due to the loudening as well as the high pitched noise of her weapon gathering energy.

    The creature stood back up and got on all fours and began to charge after Anastasia. The creature started to quickly close the gap

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    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:11 pm

    between itself and Anastasia. Once the creature got to 10 meters away from Anastasia, it lept into the air and opened up it's body in order to take a full swing at Anastasia. Before the creature got within arm's reach, her charger sent a notification to her heads up display telling her that it was complete. Anastasia let the energized blast go, quickly plunging itself into the creature's gut, launching it away from her, out of the cave. Once the creature fell outside, Anastasia took a sigh outwards in relief only for the creature to come back and charge at her once again. This time, it's eyes glowed a blood red color.

    The barrel of her weapon smoked briefly before vanishing. Anastasia began to panic before strange green particles began to gather around her, quickly spreading outward. Wondering what this is, she summoned the Blade of Typhon and with a quick burst of speed, she went towards the creature, cutting it in the gut and slicing it in half. Afterward, she turned around to notice strange after-images following behind her.

    "What the hell was that?" she asked before the Blade of Typhon was desummoned in a glowing white light. The green particles continued to surround her body. She looked down to glance at her hands, seeing after images of her hands and arms move. "What the hell is this?" she asked as an indicator on her heads up display popped up. A picture of a nano-droid appeared in her heads up display.

    "Nano-droids?" she asked inquisitively to herself. "Since when could I summon nano-droids?" she asked to herself. Clearing her throat, she de-summoned her armor and held her hand out to summon her observational droid, the CC-9 Destructo Tron (also known as Kevin). The robot appeared and rolled around a

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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:11 pm

    bit.   "CC-9, analyze these green nano-droids.  See if you can find out it's point of origin."  The robot bleeped and blooped a few times before it began it's scan of Anastasia's body and then began to scan the green glow, itself.  After a moment, the droid stopped and a strange data sound could be heard coming from the bot instead of it's usual bleeps and bloops.   Once it was done computing the data, it spun a few times before uprighting itself.

    "ThEsE nAnOd-RoIdS oRiGiNaTe FrOm WiThIn YoUr ReQuIp ArMoR.  tHeY wErE cReAtEd By PrOfeSsOr IvAn IsAyEv.  ThErE aRe SiX tOtAl TyPeS oF nAnO-dRoIdS iNsTaLlEd InTo EaCh Of YoUr ArMoRs.  YoU hAvE oNlY uNlOcKeD cLeArAnCe FoR tHe UsE oF tWo Of ThE sIx.  ThEy ArE tHe KeY cOmPoNeNtS oF tHe 'OvErDrIvE sYsTeM' iNsTaLlEd By PrOfEsSoR iVaN iSaYeV.  yOu MuSt SpEaK tO pRoFeSsOr IvAn IsAyEv In OrDeR tO uNlOcK tHe ReMaInInG oVeRdRiVeS," the robot stated uninterrupted.  After it finished it's piece, it went back to speaking in bleeps and bloops.  It was, as if, the nano-droids had a message encoded within them for Anastasia to find out.  This caused Anastasia to ponder for a moment, not knowing exactly what's going on.  

    The cold wind howled once again, forcing Anastsia to put the fluffy hoody upon her coat back over her head and grasped the coat tighter towards her.  She turned and looked to Kevin for a moment and smiled to the robot before causing it to disappear in the same white light as everything else she summons from her pocket space.  

    "Nano-droids and 'Overdrive System' huh, father?" she asked non-rhetorically with a big smile upon her face.  "Well, looks like we are going to have a little chat after I finish off this mountain."  Pulling the fluffy coat in tighter against her,

    WC:  300

    Last edited by Anastasia Isayev on 10th January 2016, 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th January 2016, 10:13 pm

    she walked out of the cave and back upon the trail.  The trail seemed to have already been traversed once before.  There was a narrow passage way with metal rods stuck to the passage way with chains going through loops within the metal rods.  It made a make-shift safety rail for fellow travelers in the future.  Even with that make-shift safety rail, she didn't have much armor to use for the time being, so she either has to wait it out or she could cross right now.  Turning her eyes upwards to notice the sun starting to go down, Ana turned her head back towards the cave and sigh outwardly.  She returned to the cave.

    After a while, Anastasia is seen with a fire built and she was lightly singing a song to herself.  She thought the song was beautiful in it's own way, even though most people wouldn't want to hear a capella.  She would have had music playing over the nyanplifiers, however, due to her not having worn them due to the nature of this expedition, she had to settle for a capella.  While she was singing, many smaller creatures came into the cave and snuggled up next to the fire by her.  These animals were harmless and generally herbivorous; like rabbits and squirrels, and other creatures you wouldn't expect to find this high up on the mountain.  It wasn't until a pair of pure white snow foxes appeared next to the fire did she become alarmed for the other creatures.

    However, strangely enough, the small herbivores didn't mind the pair of white foxes to snuggle up to the fire with them.  Maybe her songs still had magic within them, even though she decided to switch her focus to something else other than song magic.  Maybe it wasn't

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    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th February 2016, 7:04 pm

    magic. Maybe the pure emotion and love she puts into her song could be felt by others; feeling the song with their emotions instead of being forcefully manipulated through magic. Regardless of how much she missed song magic, she doesn't regret letting it go to the way-side. It was an inferior magic compared to the hard work and strength of her requip. Now she has a place in Team Four Star as the offensive tank. Never again will she feel inferior or weak when it comes to being with her teammates.

    Nao had the observational skills, Ashe had the support skills, and Almyra; well, Ana doesn't really know much about Almyra's magic skill. With the way Almyra conducts herself, however, it doesn't lend her to being too offensive in the slightest. Maybe support driven? Either way, she didn't really have a place in her team that wasn't already saturated with support abilities.

    Ana reached over and placed her hands upon the animals gathered around, petting each and every one of the animals. A light chill came across Anastasia before snuggling up towards the fire. The other animals gathered around her, giving her not only warmth but also security in this frigid tundra. To defeat a mountain, one must have support. In Anastasia's case, her only support during this expedition are the animals gathered around her. Even if they are only here for a brief moment, the temporary reprieve from thinking of her isolation helped her immensely.

    Her eyes drifted closed before hearing a gentle lullaby in the background. A little smile came across Anastasia's face as the gentle lullaby was comforting to her; a memory from when times were simpler and she felt more love than she does now. Something about this song reminded her of her mother and father.

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    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th February 2016, 7:05 pm

    Unlike most mages, she had a beautiful and privileged childhood; something that most children in this world couldn't say.  Her eyes drifted closed, slowly swinging her into slumberland.  "Good night, my friends.  I'll see you tomorrow," she said before letting herself get taken by the sandman.  

    Anastasia awakened to find herself in a strange land; a land that she had never seen before filled with bright, exuberant colors and pleasant ambiant noises.  The air smells of licorice and the temperature is nice and cool.  A kind of paradise for Anastasia.  At first, she was struck with confusion only to come to a realization that where she was seemed pleasant.  She laughed and giggled and began to run around, jumping over rocks made of chocolate, seeing flying whales soaring overhead.  

    Beautiful music could be heard in Anastasia's ears as she stopped by a creek filled with soda flowing everywhere.  Ana's eyes lit up before she sat upon her knees and leaned over to get two palms full of the orange soda and brought it up to her lips.  The taste was crisp and the soda didn't go flat.  The flavor was magnificent!

    "I could live here for hte rest of my life!" she shouted before laying back, finding herself laying upon a fluffy bit of cotton candy. While she was laid back, she started flapping her arms and legs to make a cotton candy angel.  She laughed and giggled while doing all of this.  She stood up and examined her work, nodding her head as she returned to frolicking and playing in the land of make-believe.  

    Certainly, a place like this doesn't exist in the real world.  Then again, Anastasia has no idea about the world named Meshi.  But if she ever does, she will certainly gain a bunch of weight.

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    Anastasia Isayev

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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 13th March 2016, 1:26 pm

    Anastasia continued to roll around in the cotton candy for a little while longer before the sky grew dark within the paradise that she found herself in.  This caused Anastasia to stop and look around for a moment, noticing all of the candy was beginning to rot around her.  Standing up, Anastasia noticed the world beginning to crumble around her, starting from the chocolate pond to her north.  With a sense of urgency, she began to run as fast as her legs would take her.  

    A bunch of small, spider-like creatures began to fall from the sky like drops of rain with many landing on her and most upon the remains of the paradise that she once 'inhabited' for a short while.  Anastasia could sense the flow of electricity going through these small creatures; they were large nano-machines.  The creatures simply looked towards Anastasia, noticing this small creature had 6 little beedy eyes.  After noticing what these little creatures looked like, she began to frantically try to dust them off of her body.  She didn't like the idea of creepy crawlies, let alone having them crawling around on her body.  

    She couldn't spend too much time messing around with them, however as the world was still crumbling behind her.  Her urge to live was stronger than whatever fear she had of small creepy crawlies.  She continued to run, however, the land gave out from under her feet and she began to fall, reaching upwards before everything went into darkness.  It was while in the darkness, she saw thousands of pairs of little red eyes looking at her before a massive metallic spider-like creature's silhouette could be seen as it constantly approached closer and closer.  

    It spread out it's massive spider-like legs and quickly grabbed Anastasia from her fall with a

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    Anastasia Isayev

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 13th March 2016, 1:36 pm

    quick jerking motion.  As soon as the massive spider grabbed a hold of Anastasia, smaller nano-machines began to crawl over Anastasia, eventually enveloping her completely.

    ~We are the collective.~
    ~We are One~

    Anastasia abruptly woke up from what appeared to be a dream, sitting up and screaming out loud, scaring away her little animal friends that she gathered.  She looked upon her body, not seeing anything creepy crawling all over her.  Looking outside, the storm seemed to have stopped for now, however it was much colder than it was the previous day.  The snap of the cold was temporarily avoided from the ever-burning flame that warmed the cave.  However, the very thought of going back out there chilled her to the bone.

    Anastasia shivered for a brief moment and began to put her heavy clothing back on.  After a moment, she looked back over her equipment to make sure she had everything before walking out into the tundra that is the peaks of the Phoenix Mountain.  She will defeat this mountain!  She won't be stopped by herself nor nature!  By scaling this mountain, she will prove to herself that she was better than what she was while she was in the Blue Pegasus; someone not worthy of 'sitting back while the big kids have all the fun'.  

    No, she isn't a background character that isn't worthy of attention.  She is going to be in the foreground and she will take the spot-light from everyone else.  This wasn't meant as a slight against her team as they are just as responsible for her strengths as she is for theirs, but she no longer wants to be in anyone's shadow any more.  She will carve her own path and defeating the mountain that laughed at her the first time she stepped foot

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 13th March 2016, 1:54 pm

    upon it is the first step to doing just that. She has to destroy the demons of her past in order to carve out her own path. She could easily just fly up to the top, but she wouldn't have learned nor accomplished anything by doing that. If she NEEDED to fly as a means of saving her own life, then that is a completely different story.

    Anastasia stepped foot into the cold, letting the frigid air enter her lungs before exhaling steam from between her lips. Anastasia took a few steps away from the cave and turned to look up towards the peak. She didn't have very far to go, maybe another 2 kilometers left to go upwards. However, the climb will be arduous and climbing up directly without the use of her Requip will be nigh impossible to do. She will see just how far she is able to go without using her Requip.

    Anastasia continued up the path from when she had to fight the troll earlier, only for it to come to a very narrow path hugging the mountain. Anastasia stopped for a moment to peak out and down the mountain. At this elevation, she sees clouds beneath her, obscuring her vision to the bottom. She knew for a fact that she was up there very high and that a single slip would mean certain death. Swallowing hard, she took a step forward only to feel her legs grow weak and begin to quiver in fear.

    ~Calm down, Anastasia! You can do it!~ she thought to herself, but no amount of a pep-talk would help her conjure enough courage to take the step upon that ledge. The ledge was far too narrow for her to put on any of her Requip armors, relying on only her

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th April 2016, 5:23 pm

    "Ice Climbin'"
    abilities and her abilities alone.  Anastasia retreated back into the cave that she spent the night in and took her pack off to take out her rigging kit.  She only read briefly on how to use this stuff, and she was glad she brought it with her.  The rigging kit is primarily made so that she could create anchors in the mountain so she can traverse terrifying places like the little ledge she was about to embark upon while having some insurance that she wouldn't instantly fall to her death. Unlike a video game, there are no extra lives.

    Granted, she could easily just put on a suit of her armor and fly back to safety, but that wasn't the point. Anastasia pulled out the rigging kit, to include longer lengths of rope as well as her pick-axe; the first time she has had to use that this entire journey. After all of her gear was removed from her pack, she placed it back over her shoulders and took a deep breath inward. Her heart was racing and fear began to develop within her. This was probably the final obstacle she'd have to climb before ascending the final ridge all the way up to the top of the mountain. Exhaling, Anastasia stepped out of the cave and into the snowstorm outside.

    "I just have to beat you and I'll make it up the summit! I won't let you beat me! No way!" she shouted out having her voice drowned out by the sound of the howling wind. Her nerves were absolutely shot and she thought that shouting at the mountain would help strengthen her resolve. While it did very little to help encourage her through this trial, it was still something. And something was always better than nothing.

    With another
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th April 2016, 5:24 pm

    "Ice Climbin'"

    breath in, Anastasia made her way towards the ledge, picking her legs up with every step towards it to save energy wading through the knee-high snow. Upon finding herself near the ledge, the sheer amount of ice upon the ledge became an issue. Thankfully, the boots she wore had metallic spikes protruding from them in various directions to ensure grip. With an anchor point in her hand, she took the hammer-end of her pick and began to nail it into the side of the mountain and then ran some of her additional rope through the loop of the anchor point. She fastened the rope to another carabeener and sloly took a step onto the ledge before walking slowly acrossed the narrow walkway. Her legs shook in fear, looking down to see vast nothingness under her feet. She hugged the wall of the mountain for a moment to regain her composure.

    "Don't look down, Ana. Don't be stupid," she said before moving out of range of her first anchor and grabbed another anchor from her pocket and pounded that one in. With her last pound, she saw some of the snow from above break loose, letting a chunk of it fall down passed her back. She began to breath heavily before unroping the previous anchor and moved to the new one she just hammered in. She continued this a few more times before reaching the half-way point. This little trek took her nearly two hours, making each move slow and deliberate. She pulled out yet another anchor and began to hammer it in before feeling a rumbling upon the mountain.

    What sounded like a jet engine roaring could be heard as the mountain groaned, shaking off a massive amount of snow in the form of an avalanche. Ana looked up and
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th April 2016, 5:32 pm

    "Ice Climbin'"

    shouted. "NO!" as a pulse of sonic energy surged upwards, splitting the avalanche in half, leaving her safe. Ana closed her eyes tightly and braced for the impact of the avalanche only for nothing to happen. She opened her eyes in a bewildered manner only to see the falling snow splitting in twain around her. Her heart raced and her body shook in absolute fear. What did she just do just now? This wasn't the first time she displayed this kind of terrifying power. Was this the power that CC-9 mentioned earlier, that she should consult her father about? But it was strange how the mountain, the very thing she was trying to conquer, was the one teaching her how to use this newly found power.

    Feeling a bit more confident in her ability to climb up the mountain, Anastasia cleared her throat, regained her composure, and continued passed this hellish pass. Quite possibly the most difficult part of the journey. As soon as this last part was completed, she was on the home-stretch up the final ridge. Her confidence got to her, however, as she stepped forward and slipped on some ice causing her to lose her footing. Anastasia fell from the ledge only to come to a screeching halt thanks to the anchor point she had planted. Groaning in pain, Anastasia attempted to pull herself back up, however, her actual physical strength was starting to fail her due to the lack of nutritious food she was consuming, lack of sleep, and overall lack of strength.

    Gritting her teeth, she reached deep inside. If she needed her adrenaline to kick in, now was the time for it. Her pack! Her pack made it far too difficult to pull herself up. Clicking the clasp on her backpack open, she let
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th April 2016, 5:42 pm

    "Ice Climbin'"

    the bag fall into the deep dark down below. She saw her bag hit the side of the mountain, smashing into bits and pieces and expelling all of it's contents. The sound of smashing could be heard for quite a while down. Swallowing heavily, Anastasia turned to look back up only to slowly pull herself up onto the ledge where she hugged the wall and moved over and planted yet another anchor point. If her heart wasn't racing enough from the avalanche, her heart felt like it would explode now.

    "Damnit, why is this mountain so terrifying?" she asked herself before continuing across the trecherous ledge and found herself back on wide land. Once making landfall, Anastasia fell on her back into the snow and began catching her breath. "What the hell? I'm definitely flying down once I'm done here. I'm not going through that crap again!" she said noticing the sky darkening. She needed shelter, but there wasn't any shelter here. Nor did she have her pack which contained her sleeping bag and tent. She wasn't in a good spot. Certainly, she could reach the peak right now, but doing so would make her more vulnerable to falling down from ferocious winds.

    Sitting up, Anastasia looked around for some place to call home for the night. Unfortunately, there isn't a place. It seemed like an ice-hole it is. Anastasia began to dig a hole next to the face of the mountain, building a cubby hole with the packed snow and ice, making the hole just big enough for her to squeeze into. The tighter the hole, the more heat she could preserve. After carving out the hole, Anastasia snuck into it, feet first and did the best she could to curl up into a ball to preserve her body
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 26th April 2016, 6:02 pm

    "Ice Climbin'"

    heat. This was going to be a rough night.

    A storm picked up and the wind howled as it blew over the mountain. The snow began to blow completely sideways, blowing in cold air into the little hole that Anastasia was stuck in for the night. Anastasia kept herself curled up into a ball with her face against her knees for warmth, using her knees to reflect her breath back to her face. She shivered as the storm began to blow in air and snow to cover up the hole that she was in.

    Anastasia was too cold to fall asleep and she was too hungry to have any energy to do anything else. Shivering, Anastasia attempted to sing a song, but her animal friends were nowhere to be found. She couldn't blame them as that trecherous path was difficult to cross. It was at this point that she was all alone and had to rely on her knowledge of the world and her ability to stay alive in such cold weather. She started to curse her luck as the storm continued.

    It wasn't until 3 in the morning was she able to get some sleep; even just a few minutes here and a few minutes there. She needed to remain alert so she wouldn't freeze to death and die in her sleep. Her pride is the reason she's up here and she had too much pride to let a giant rock kill her like this. "No! If I die now, then Team Rampage will beat me. No! I won't let them beat me like this! I'll prove to them that I have worth. I'll prove to them that I'm a force to be reckoned with!" she said to herself before curling up into an even tighter ball, watching the
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st May 2016, 5:25 pm

    "You have recovered your HP/MP
    But you're still hungry"

    entrance of the hole slowly close up, poking her hand through the hole to keep it open so she wouldn't get snowed in.  The wind continued to howl, sounding like screeching imps and hyenas outside.  Thoughts of fire and warmth began to take over her mind, hoping to stay warm if her thoughts matched.  "Stay warm, Ana.  You have to stay warm.  You won't die to this weather.  No, the mountain can't take you.  You have so much more to do," she said over and over throughout the night.

    The next morning...
    Anastasia woke up shivering.  She only got a couple hours of sleep last night, trying to stay awake as long as she could so she wouldn't die in her sleep.  Thankfully, she remained alive throughout the night, noticing the storm had subsided.  She had roughly a quarter mile to go up the mountain, which, due to the slope is a near 1 mile hike.  Thankfully, all she had to do was make her way up a ridge before she got to the summit.  She's almost there!  Poking her hand through the hole she created before, she cleared away some of the freshly laid snow to find herself in calm and serene weather.  A beautiful day to claim victory!  

    Anastasia stood up, stretching her entire body still wrapped up on the coat she brought for this expedition.  Her stomach growled, having ran out of rations when she had to ditch her pack.  Her stomach turned a bit, reminding her of the last time she ate something; which was yesterday.  Taking a knee in the snow, Anastasia shoveled some of the snow into her mouth to let it melt, supplying her with water to keep herself hydrated.  The blistering cold wind could easily sap the water out of a person.
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st May 2016, 5:34 pm

    "You have recovered your HP/MP
    But you're still hungry"

    After feeling slightly more refreshed, Anastasia shrugged her shoulders and hopped a little as if to adjust her pack, feeling slightly stupid in the process since her pack is gone.  A quick sigh signalled her return to her journey.  She stepped with high knees, trying to work her way through this freshly laid down snow, already feeling exhausted after the first 20 feet in her travel.  Her snow-shoes would have been great!  However, she was stuck with her spiked cleats meant for ice-climbing.  She continued forward for a moment, having only traveled 200 feet before having to stop to take a break.

    A combination of dehydration, starvation, and exhaustion started to kick in.  The sun began to glare off of the snow, forcing Anastasia to place one of her gloved hands over her face to reduce the risk of snow-blindness.  That isn't something she needed to deal with at the moment.  Snow-blindness will take her out of travel for a couple days; couple days she didn't have time for due to rations and supplies completely gone.  After a short break, she closed her eyes, shoveled a bit more snow into her mouth and then placed a hand over her eyes, only being able to peek through her fingers before she proceeded upwards.  

    As she moved upwards, the snow continued to get thicker and thicker.  A little rumble caused Anastasia to stop for a moment, seeing some of the snow being knocked down from the top of the mountain.  Her heart pumped audibly as what she feared may occur once again.  She didn't have a ledge to save her this time, nor did she have whatever that ability was that parted the first avalanche.  No, she was in the open and she had no means of escaping under her own power.
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st May 2016, 5:42 pm

    "I don't want to see snow ever again after this!"

    Another rumble could be heard and felt before a rushing cloud of white could be seen. Anastasia's eyes opened wide. She didn't have a lot of time to think about all of this. Looking down, she began to dig straight down, digging herself a quick little hole to hide in so the snow of the avalanche could pass. The hole was only three feet deep, which was quite impressive for someone of Anastasia's strength and stamina, but adrenaline allows people to do nearly impossible things. And thanks to the storm last night, the snow was soft and powdery, allowing digging to be much easier.

    Closing her eyes and pressing her face to her knees, Anastasia began to question why she came on this trip in the first place. She began to plead to the mountain to let her reach the top safely. She didn't come her to harm the mountain, but to simply reach the top under her own power. The troll earlier, however, was a command decision she made in order to survive. There wasn't anything she could do to the troll outside of her armor. The rumbling came above her, covering up the hole she made as she laid in the fetal position once more, feeling the weight of the avalanche blow over her. Thankfully, not much snow was entering the hole due to the angle she made the hole at. Once the rumbling stopped, Anastasia started to dig her way out.

    Poking her head out of the hole, she noticed she sat a lot higher than she did before. Grumbling, Anastasia pulled herself out of the hole and stood on her own two feet on a surface that was 4-5 feet higher than she was only moments ago. The top of the mountain wasn't clearly visible due
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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st May 2016, 5:52 pm

    "Of course, slip and cause this to be more dramatic!"

    to a layer of clouds that hides the apex of the mountain. All she had to do was finish that last bit and she was at the very top of the mountain! She continued up the slope, taking several breaks here and there due to her exhaustion and inability sate her hunger. She did, however, take one last break at the face of a cliff. This wasn't something she expected to see. This was the final leg of the climb, seeing the clouds just above her. She couldn't imagine that the peak was that much further up. Thankfully, she didn't ditch her spiked cleats! She examined the face of the cliff for a moment before removing her outer mitt, knowing she's going to need to utilize her fingers for this. Under the mitts, however, were black mechanix gloves. While they had plenty of grip, they probably wouldn't help her much in climbing.

    Anastasia took a step onto the cliff-face and grabbed a hold of a rock and started to climb. She climbed a bit until she reached the clouds. This was where the climb got really tricky. She couldn't see any good holds due to the thickness of the clouds, so she was forced to grope around, which made jumping around from hold to hold extremely difficult; not that she had the upper and lower body strength to be able to do that in the first place. Anastasia reached upwards, finding what felt like a good hand-hold and began to pull herself up. However, her grip with that hand slipped, causing her to lose her positioning, only to save herself when she dug her cleats into the mountain to save herself from falling.

    "Holy crap!" she shouted. She was too high to worry about avalanches at this point. She found
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    Anastasia Isayev

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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 1st May 2016, 6:00 pm

    "The end is nigh"

    another hand-hold and used it.  After a quick pep talk, she used it to push herself up the mountain without slipping this time.  However, with this one, she found herself poking through the cloud, only to find herself staring at a walk-way to what appeared to be the apex.  

    "Holy crap!  Holy crap!  There it is!"  Anastasia moved her hands to the ledge, where she tried to pull herself up onto.  Damn exhaustion made that very difficult.  However, if Anastasia wasn't strong enough to pull her legs up to her body, she will just need to stick her feet into the rocks a bit more until she slowly walked up the cliff-face then!  After a few moments, Anastasia pulled her body up on the ledge and took a break, laying on her back trying to catch her breath.  The thin air made it difficult to breathe, but she was alright with that.  A laugh came from Anastasia's lips as turned her eyes skyward, staring at the dark skies ahead.  Shooting stars streaked across the skies.  

    A smile on her face was plainly evident, even if her face felt frozen into a single position.  An obstacle that had plagued her for a few years had finally been conquered.  "You weren't very nice, Mountain!" she shouted out before even more laughter came from Anastasia.  This was a tiny victory for herself; the next was to be recognized throughout the entire world.  Whether she was known as a powerful mage, industrial leader, or a terrifying pirate was something she wanted.  She was told she was useless and defeating this mountain was the first step to proving them wrong.

    "Take that!  You dumb blue ponies!" she said as she punched at the sky for a moment.  A feeling of accomplishment swept over her.  Joy
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    Anastasia Isayev

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 2nd May 2016, 3:16 pm

    "When the dragon awakens, everything ends"

    and pride swelled within her.  However, the feeling was short-lived once she realized she had yet to reach the absolute apex.  Taking a deep breath, Anastasia turned over and got back up onto her feet only to stop dead in her tracks.  There was something strange at the top of his mountain.  A strange monolith of sorts.  An onyx slab standing at the very top of the mountain.  Keeping her eyes on the slab, she started to walk up to it.  The closer she got, the more clear she saw words inscribed upon the surface of the monolith.

    After approaching the Monolith, she noticed the words inscribed began to glow.  While she was looking over the inscription, written in a foreign language, Anastasia felt the area grow warm around her.  Her Valkyrian lineage began to activate, turning her hair pure white as wind began to pick up around her.  

    "Tiid fin do"

    It was as if something had possessed her, allowing her to read the strange language.  Her hair grew long and her eyes turned red.  After the words had been spoken, the monolith began to crumble and the wind died down to nothingness.  Confusion began to set into Anastasia as she looked around, trying to figure out what just happened.  A deafening roar could be heard coming from somewhere.  Clearing her throat, Anastasia removed her lineage's spiral lance and stood in a ready position.  Another deafening roar came around only to hear a loud flapping sound coming from down below.  

    "Down below?" she asked before a large creature came from below and made it's way above Anastasia with it's wings spread wide.  The creature simply glanced at Anastasia as it's 6 wings flapped to keep itself afloat in close proximity to where Anastasia was, remaining above her to keep
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    Post by Anastasia Isayev 2nd May 2016, 3:31 pm

    "When the dragon awakens, everything ends"

    his dominance known.

    "Child of man who speaks the tongue of dragons. Why have you come here? Not many of you mortals understand the tongue of dragons," the dragon stated as it's eyes wandered to Anastasia's lance and to Anastasia's long white hair and gave out a hearty laugh. With a thundrous flap of it's wings, it dropped down, grabbing the mountain with it's massive claws. It was as if the dragon was large enough to tear off the tip of the mountain and fly off with it.

    Anastasia gripped her lance tightly as white energy evaporated off of her. Saying she wasn't scared would be a bold-faced lie. Anastasia was terrified, seeing a massive dragon before her that could snap her in twain or simply brush her off of this mountain.

    "Time. It devours all," she simply stated. She had this very same expression written upon her spine. The very act of defining what she spoke in the tongue of dragons showed that she some what knew what she was talking about. The dragon lowered it's head down and spoke to Anastasia directly.

    "Child of man, daughter of Freya. Why have you come to this mountain?" the dragon spoke out to Anastasia clearly and plainly. Words came out but the creature's mouth didn't move.

    Anastasia stood, unflinching, before this massive beast. Her body quivered like a leaf in the wind, but she didn't dare make any sudden movements around this massive behemoth. Clearing her throat, Anastasia simply stated. "I was weak when I arrived here first and was beaten by the mountain. I wished to see if I could best the mountain on my own power. To show people I am not as weak as I was before."

    The dragon nodded it's head and laughed heartily. "Fallible and pathetic
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    Anastasia Isayev

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    Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo] Empty Re: Anastasia's Secondary Training [Solo]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 2nd May 2016, 3:43 pm

    "When the dragon awakens, everything ends"

    humans. Always striving for more power. For what cause? To prove yourself worthy? That is not a noble cause for wanting more power."

    "That's not true! I wanted to prove to myself that I came this far and that I grew as a person! I needed strength in order to protect those important to me," she said as she postured at the dragon, placing her hand upon her chest in response to stating that she was to protect people important to her. Whle strength to protect her friends and loved ones was extremely important to her, it meant more to her emotionally that she completed this quest.

    "I needed to know that I wasn't weak of heart and weak of will. That is why I came back to this mountain to defeat it," she stated with firm conviction. The dragon laughed and nodded it's head.

    "Very well. If you wish to protect your friends, then I have an offer I would like to make you," spoke the dragon. Anastasia tilted her head to the side inquisitively. "What is it?"

    "There have been an insurgence of these things called 'Dragon Slayers' running rampant throughout this land. They are built directly to kill dragons. As you may know, I'm a dragon and I don't take kindly to that. I have seen your power. You seemed to exhibit a natural talent for it."

    Anastasia uprighted her head, thinking of the power that the dragon spoke of. The few times she exhibited strange powers from earlier. "You mean, when I use my voice?" she asked. "But I've had that power since I was younger. I used it in my songs."

    The dragon laughed once more. "You don't say? Perhaps you were born for this job," the dragon spoke once more before rearing it's head
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