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    Balance of Spirit

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
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    Balance of Spirit Empty Balance of Spirit

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 30th April 2022, 10:31 am

    I did 2000 words for the magic: Link.

    Magic Name: Balance of Spirit (Statless Magic)
    Magic Type: Primary Curse [ Associated Magic receives 2 additional signature spells equal to the character's rank (Up to S)] / Auxiliary Mystic Eyes [Both Unbound Eyes spells gain +1 abilities equal to spell rank.]

    Description: After finishing his magical training with Mercury Arsenault, Tsubasa left on a trip back to his ancestral homeland in order to learn the magic of his ancestors and better prepare himself for a life of journeying as a sorcerer or whatever path he would eventually choose. This involved the unlocking of a binding seal placed on his family line, which could allow for the unleashing of massive magical energy at the cost of time. The Kageyama family magic provides constant cellular regeneration and keeps the user looking young and healthy until their power is active. At that point, however, the reverse becomes true. To put simply: He ages twice as fast while his powers are active. Otherwise, however, the unlocked magic was supposed to increase his speed, strength and overall constitution. The intended use was always to purify the users' foes and make them see the error of their ways. In addition, it is a healing magic intended to purify the ill and otherwise maladied. This is the dangerous blessing of the 純粋な目 (The Pure Eye). And that is how it should have been.

    Unfortunately, karma knows no master and even the kindest of young men may befall horrifying fates. On a routine attempt to practice his magic assisting others in a local town, an unearthed artifact caused a terrible plague to ravage the village. Although another, more accomplished magic user may have had a different way to dispel the artifact's terrifying magic, it was all that Tsubasa could do to utilize his Pure Eye magic to contain the curse within himself. The Curse, which he has dubbed 不純な傷跡 (The Clouded Scar), grants similar boons to him of speed, strength and constitution, the Scar's magics are completely and entirely destructive, initially unleashing on their own in times of extreme desperation, with caustic effects on whatever the magic comes into contact with. Through time and with practice, Tsubasa has learned to control these magics to an extent, although trial and error has taught him that they must regularly be released or the buildup could become lethal.

    Now, the power of his curse has melded with his family's bloodline in order to create a powerful but dangerous balance of power within him. The purity of a family of priests constantly raging against an ancient evil of untold proportions, relying on one young man to contain both in an ongoing battle for peace: A Balance of Spirit.

    Unique Abilities:
    • Ability 1: Sanctity of the Nether - A blessing to protect the bearer of the Pure Eye, when taking a considerable amount of damage in one hit, Tsubasa automatically becomes cloaked in a protective shield.

    • Ability 2: Imitation of Wisdom - Filled by the wisdom of those who possessed the Eye before him, Tsubasa’s speed and strength are increased by a frightening magnitude.

    • Ability 3: Miasma of the Haunted - This magic works best against souls who already possess internal hardships. Thus, any who are facing strife of any kind could find themselves harmed further by Tsubasa’s onslaught.

    Signature Spells

    Name: Carnage of Phantoms
    Rank: S
    Duration: 10
    Description: A spectral claw overcomes Tsu’s hand, giving a hint of the creature contained by the curse.

    Name: Wave of Unified Fury
    Rank: S
    Duration: 10
    Description: Slashing wave of pure energy strengthened by both the scar and eye’s power. Only usable when Carnage of Phantoms is active.

    Name: Seal’s Ignition
    Rank: S
    Duration: Passive
    Description: During battle, the Curse Mark on Tsubasa’s shoulder glows with a dark flame, visible through his clothing. It causes an increase in his movement speed.

    Name: Calming Passion
    Rank: S
    Duration: 1
    Description: Soothes the soul and body of any recipient, repairing some of their wounds sustained during battle. It concentrates all distance and duration for one single burst of healing goodness.

    Name: Press
    Rank: S
    Duration: Passive
    Description: An overwhelming pure aura increases Tsu’s Spell Damage while battling him. For those of a lower rank, this may present itself as a heavy energy within his magical aura (Flavor, requires permission).

    Rank C Spells
    Name: Dedication Bolt
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5
    Description: A simple bolt of energy, shaped as the Kageyama family seal.

    Name: Wave of Ashes
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5
    Description: Utilizes any kind of debris or nearby refuse, burns it to ash and sends it howling at opponents

    Name: Soulburn
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5
    Description: Causes a burn to the opponent in the shape of Tsu’s scar mark.

    Name: Mystic Flare
    Rank: C
    Duration: 5
    Description: A wave of flares around the battlefield, reducing movement speed of opponents.

    Rank B Spells
    Name: Jinx of the Ancestors
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6
    Description: As though gripped by the Kageyama family line, the opponent’s abilities are hindered causing a reduction in damage.

    Name: Spirit Rupture
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6  
    Description: Opponent’s own mana ruptures like pustules on them.

    Name: Silence Mind
    Rank: B
    Duration: 6
    Description: Tsubasa attempts to blank the opponent’s mind, negating a spell they’re attempting to cast.

    Name: Charm of Health
    Rank: B
    Duration: Passive.
    Description: HP Up.

    Name: Purity of Senses
    Rank: B
    Duration: Passive.
    Description: A calmness in the heart causes Tsubasa’s spells to be stronger and capable of a much greater range.

    Name: Abomination Seal
    Rank: B
    Duration: Passive.
    Description: MP Up.

    Rank A Spells
    Name: Soul Frenzy
    Rank: A
    Duration: 7
    Description:  Tsubasa’s soul ignites with righteous fury, culminating a barrage of close range attacks. Empowered by Carnage of Phantoms.

    Name: Disturbance Hex
    Rank: A
    Duration: 7
    Description: A hex is placed on the opponent reducing their Spell Healing.

    Name: Remorse Resurrection
    Rank: S
    Duration: 10
    Description: Shadows of the opponents’ failures arise as however they would see them, be it an object, a person or even a weapon. They rush at the opponent and explode on contact.

    Unbound Eye Spells

    Name: The Pure Left Eye: Atonement Expulsion 純粋な左の目: 贖罪追放
    Rank: S
    Duration: 10
    Description: At the release of his left eye, Tsubasa rushes his opponent and must get within grabbing distance of them. A bare palm up to their face (or head, if they don’t have one) and he inflates the good of their heart and reminds them of all the people they have helped. When an opponent’s heart is calm, this is a painless voyage into the mind with the intent of soothing the soul. However, when the heart or mind are racing - such as in a battle - this causes incredible harm within the body as it forces the opponent to reconcile with the past, present and (if they can see it) the future.

    Name: The Pure Right Eye: Blind Exorcism 純粋な右の目: 盲目祓
    Rank: S
    Duration: 10
    Description: At the release of his right eye, Tsubasa needs only make eye contact with an opponent (or be aware of where an eye would be, should they not possess any) in order to release this mark. Blind Exorcism forces the darkness out of the recipient leaving an empty gap to be filled with whatever would naturally flood the victim’s mind. As with Atonement Expulsion, during a peaceful reconciliation, this is a healing exercise. During battle, it can cause a flood of dangerous emotions.

    Advanced Spells
    Name: Metamorphosis of Failures
    Rank: B+
    Duration: 8
    Description: Tsubasa holds a hand out in a protective fashion, sending a spell back at the opponent.

    Name: Spirit Flash
    Rank: A+
    Duration: 9
    Description: An unabashed flash of Tsubasa’s full spiritual aura, which can halt strong attacks.

    Name: Chaos Salvo
    Rank: S+
    Duration: 12
    Description: A wave of hundreds of meteors that fire wildly around for the majority of the duration and will hit any opponent that they can, before targeting a single person with the remaining number.

    Last edited by Tsubasa Kageyama on 3rd May 2022, 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.

    Balance of Spirit Empty Re: Balance of Spirit

    Post by Guest 1st May 2022, 4:04 am

    Hey there, I'm here to ruin this magic...Seriously though, there's only a couple of things that need to be edited and you'll find them in blue.

    Tsubasa Kageyama
    Tsubasa Kageyama

    Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Adventurer’s Spirit
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 264
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 273,376

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Hodgepodge
    Second Skill: XVI Battle Suit
    Third Skill:

    Balance of Spirit Empty Re: Balance of Spirit

    Post by Tsubasa Kageyama 3rd May 2022, 11:38 am

    Fixed! Thank you~


    Let us use our hands to help and hold...

    ... let us pour love into the Mighty Soul.

    Balance of Spirit Empty Re: Balance of Spirit

    Post by Guest 3rd May 2022, 11:44 am


    Balance of Spirit QlhAT3Z

      Current date/time is 3rd July 2024, 6:33 pm