Fairy Tail RP

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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 28th January 2016, 5:28 pm

    Magnolia Town, still as festive as ever. Just being in this cheerful town was enough to turn a frown upside down. The people were still as friendly as ever and sky was light blue with barely any clouds in the sky while the sun shined down on the earth. A lot of different people can be seen out and enjoying themselves. Some with their, friends, and others with their families, a lot of them being friendly and greeting each other as they walked by with some others seen having conversations. Kids can be seen running around, playing, chasing each other, couples on benches snuggling to each other while some of the elderly can be seen sitting on a chair at their balconies, enjoying this relaxing day.

    There was also a district filled with stands, selling many trinkets and relics as well as magical items. People can be seen looking at some of the items on the different stands, some purchasing, while others only came to see what they had today. Among those people were two mages who were not from around here. A white haired mage who was being accompanied by a brown haired mage. They were the Sinning Siblings of the neutral guild, Laughing Coffin, Sebastian and Brennan Skyllon. Sebastian had on his usual brown jacket with a bit of black on the right front, black pants, brown combat boots and four hoops, two on each wrist that was related to his magic. His hair as white as snow and his eyes red as apples. His jacket had a few stitches on it due to it being damaged from his pet vulture who yet again refused to come along with his owner.

    "Okay kid, here ya go." said one of the owners of one of the stands which was a flower stand, handing the white hair boy a bouquet of roses in exchange for jewels. "Thank you very much, sir" Sebastian said with a quick bow before he and his older brother walked off. "Hey kid! A word of advice." the stand owner yelled to the boy to get his attention. Sebastian then turned around to hear what the guy had to say. Advice? What did the white haired mage need advice about? "You should start by scattering the rose petals all over the bed, lay in it with nothin but your drawers on and a single rose in your mouth." Sebastian's face began to fluster after hearing this as he turned around and tried to speed walk away. How on earthland did he know that those roses were for a girl? Even though it should be quite obvious. "Oh yeah! Don't forget about the wine, always gets the ladies in the mood!" the elderly owner yelled once more.

    "Brennan, ya know, you didn't have to escort me to the town. This isn't my first visit." Sebastian said to his brother as he looked to him. Sebastian has been to Magnolia on three separate occasions. First on a job, second to meet a lovely lady he had ran into at Hargeon Town, ended up going on a date with her that didn't end well and third time was caught up in a party where he made some...mistakes. The Solar Mage was back in Magnolia to meet that one girl again from before. He wanted to make up for the horrible first date and to apologize on the job they went on before. Perhaps he could try getting her to go with him again, to prove he isn't as clumsy as he was before. Sebastian didn't know where the girl lived at exactly, but he knew which guild she's a part of. The famous yet infamous, Fairy Tail. The two approached the guild where Sebastian politely knocked on the door, quickly trying to fix his messy hair only for it to stay how it usually stayed. He then clenched the roses, getting nervous almost as if he was hear to pick up his date to the prom except he wasn't wearing any suit. "Oh crap, I should've worn a tux." Sebastian quickly said as his eyes widened before turning around and attempting to leave.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) MSCcge0
                                 Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Posts : 1043
    Guild : Black Sails
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    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 9,213.19

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cephalon Impulse
    Second Skill: ---
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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Mark Baxter 28th January 2016, 5:46 pm

    Brennan followed his little brother around Magnolia, the tie from his tux fluttering around in the wind. He had insisted his little brother bring him, and would simply not take no for an answer, and he honestly did not care how awkward it would be that he was on a date with his little brother, he wouldn't let any of the wacky mages from Fairy Tail hurt his brother, nor would he let any other people in the town of Magnolia hurt him. "Are you sure you want to buy roses, bro?" He asked his brother, "Sometimes it just works better to bring yourself. Yah don't wanna try too hard!" But he eventually shut up, knowing his brother would not budge. The man gave his brother some roses, seemingly unaware of his companion, after all, he started to tell Sebastian to scatter the rose petals all over the bed, and lay the practically naked. He also told a fourteen year old boy to bring his girlfriend wine! Not even Brennan was old enough to drink alcohol! Brennan clutched his metal-clad fists, and accidentally lit them ablaze trying to hold back his anger. Brennan took a deep breath and told himself to calm down, he did not want to burn through yet another suit, that happened way too often. Suddenly, Sebastian said that he had been here before, and that Brennan didn't need to be here. "Well, Sebastian." Brennan replied coolly, "I had nothing better to do, and I figured that it would be good for me to be here, to yah know, protect you."

    Eventually, the siblings arrived at the guildhall, and Sebastian exclaimed that he should've worn a tux, and Brennan chuckled, "That, my brother, is why I am almost always wearing a tuxedo." By this point, Brennan had already calmed down, so the flames on his hands had been put out, and he looked completely normal, if one were to disregard the metal gloves on his hands. Brennan was very interested to see how this would turn out, he wondered if his sibling was any better with girls than he was with people in general. But then again, Brennan wasn't one to talk, after all, he often couldn't even hold a proper conversation for more than two minutes without bursting into flames.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) 1zya1cx
    Prince Tendo
    Prince Tendo

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 117
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Zinnia
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Embrace Of The Green Grove
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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Prince Tendo 28th January 2016, 7:57 pm

    Pausing for a brief moment, the adolescent male youth partook in basking the gentle warmth which was radiated by the brilliant golden sun as he filled in his lungs with the lovely scent of the sea that was next to this town. "Magnolia Town," The youth spoke to himself as he reflected on the journey that lead him here to this place and his decision to join the guild of fairies, Fairy Tail. "Even though I have only been here for a mere three days, this town is already feeling like home." He chuckled to himself after that statement. "And I making a killing performing for them all too! I know my performances are amazing, spectacular, and awe-inspiring, but I didn't expect for this many people to ask me to perform. But it also goes to show that the people here know a top-notch performance when they see it. My magicless magic and my alluring aura make the possess a je-ne-sais-quoi factor which makes them irresistible." He laughed a bit as he tipped the white top hat which adorn the top of his head.

    Today was a day of rest for youth known as Lucas Blaine and he had made his way to Magnolia's shopping district to pick out a few things that he couldn't get at the guild hall. It was just to go shopping for normal items though for Lucas had a goal. His goal was noble. His goal was just. His goal was to find a legendary item. The item in question was a chocolate bar that never went bad no matter how much you ate it never ended. A bit of drool escaped his lip before he wiped it away with a smile. "Sweet. Gooey. Delicious." He mumbled to himself in inaudible tone before he jumped with excitement. "Chocolate! The best thing in the world! The way melts in your mouth! Rumor is that a merchant here is selling such a rarity and I, Lucas Blaine, will be the one to get such a treasure! Upupupupu!" Then he raised his fist into the air. "Showtime! Quest for the never-ending chocolate bar begin!"

    With visions of chocolate running through his head, the teenager ran through the shopping district for there was no time waste on his noble and illustrious quest. "I must find it." This thought constantly ran through his head as he ran from stall to stall attempting to figure out where the legendary item that he was seeking was located. Then it occurred in the midst of his noble quest, an unfortunate accident for he wasn't paying attention to surrounding and collided into one of the individuals who were shopping. The only thing he remembered was running into something black and fancy then found himself on the ground. "Ow! Who or what would interrupt the illustrious quest for never-ending chocolate erm... my quest for magical items!" Lucas stated looking around to see what he had run into. He saw a little way away from him another indiviual in a fancy get-up. It was then that he sensed it. He couldn't sense it until he got here but these two were wizards. "Wizards?" He said standing up.

    The youth who had rammed into Brennan was wearing a white top hat upon his head that had a blue ribbon around its base. His suit jacket was white but now had a bit of dirt from falling onto the ground. The slacks and shoes he wore were also this same white hue. Attached to the suit jacket was a white cape while his shirt was a blue that matched the color of the top hat's ribbon. To finish off the youth's attire there was a red tie. "Well either way, you should apologize for ruining my hunt for the delicious treasure erm... items." He coughed. He couldn't let them know about the treasure. "But why are you guys here? Are you going to join Fairy Tail?" He then showed them the emblem that was stamped on his right hand and showed he was a member of the guild.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) UeFg0Np
    There are always flowers for those who want to see them.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Haru-senpai 28th January 2016, 11:10 pm

    As Heero exited the Guild Hall with Rose on his shoulder; the red cat would swish her tail back and forth as they stepped through the doors just moments after Lucas had ran into the two outfront; it looked as if he'd come jogging out of the Shopping District, passing back in front of the Guild.

    Flicking his head left to right with anime speed comically, Heero would get a sweatdrop over his head.

    "Sh-- the Coucil Member will be here any minute now." Heero would then do a double take as he realized one of the young men in front of Fairy Tail was none other than Brennan Skyllon, someone he'd trained with in Beanstalk Village, practicing their Slayer magick, and tossing cows around. He then turned his head and noticed the boy next to him looked very familiar.

    His mind raced, but then it settled on the Festival of the Fairies. This kid had been all over the place there! If he remembered correctly, this kid had a hell of a spirit. He wondered how different he was than his brother.

    Smirking and nodding to Brennan, Rose would tap him on the shoulder with a paw as the Exceed pointed forward up ahead. Towards a Council Member rounding the corner, flanked by ten Rune Knights. With a sweatdrop above his head, Heero would walk up between the group; as the sun shone on this so far glorious day.

    "Master Reyold, we've come to discuss Fairy Tail's involvement in other nations besides Fiore. We've been getting some reports of damage from other nations that are simply...startling."

    As Heero and the Council Member negotiated (argued), Heero seemed to piss off the Council Member who started yelling, as did Heero.

    Rose would hop off his shoulder and walk away from the arguement and hop on Lucas' shoulder.

    "Smelling good as usual Lucas! What IS that cologne you always wear?!" she would lean on his all white top hat, Exceed style and with the Magician would inspect the two wizards before her. "Hey! It's Brennan! I remember you cutie pie!" Rose would wink at him from Lucas' shoulder.

    In the middle of the arguement, after Heero had agreed to pay out a total of over a million jewels to the other nations in question; the Council Member would turn and look very carefully at both Brennan, and Sebastian. After staring at them for awhile, the older man in regal robes with necklaces hanging off of him would speak again.

    "I've never seen these two in any files of Fairy Tail wizards past or present, yet they definitely are wizards....am I right?" he would look back to his Rune Knights, who both shook their heads 'no' at the same time comically; as they were also wizards and could sense such a thing. ".....Dark Wizards? Or perhaps one of those unofficial Guilds that we aren't even supposed to recognize or perhaps...new recruits?" the Rune Knights stepped forward.

    "Reveal your Guild Crests imme---"

    Heero would step forward between them, and raise an eyebrow.

    "They're new recruits of course. Don't bother looking for a Guild crest....these youngsters don't have one yet." Heero comically would appear behind the two of them, pinching their cheeks and sparkling in a moment of pure Slayer comedy.

    "That one feels a bit strong for that..." they would nod to Sebastian and then look to Brennan, thinking he didn't feel that weak either, even for his age.

    "Well, they're with Fairy Tail now." Heero said, stepping up and possibly saving the two from being locked up, carted off to Era--and spending the next three months proving this or that. The advantages of Fairy Tail...flash that guild crest, and doors opened for you. Even official, secret ones.

    Slowly, the Council Member would nod and take his leave. But stop briefly, turning around one last time.

    "Bellum, Seven, Bosco, and Ca-Elum will be paid....correct?" he reminded Heero one last time of the nations that Fairy Tail had helped keep safe, but had also destroyed property in. However, the Council was also aware that Fairy Tail had powerful allies in each of those nations; and was just taxing them to prove a point. Heero would nod and salute the Chairman in a mockery, that pissed him off more as he took his leave.

    With a comical puff of an exhale, Heero would turn around with his hands on his hips like Superman. Silently for a moment, he'd look at the two.

    "Well...I see you've met Lucas, wizard and magician extraordinaire. He's an actual stage Magician by the way....ask him to pull a rabbit out of a hat sometime." he'd rub the back of his head and then turn to Brennan. "Who's this? He looks familiar." he would grin at Sebastian, letting him know that he already had an inkling as to where he was from.

    The crowds in Magnolia were pretty thick today, as even those who passed in front of Fairy Tail would look and wave from across the fence at the group of four wizards, and a red cat on the shoulder of the Magician in white. A few dozen regular humans passed them going into and out of Fairy Tail like a revolving door, probably filing requests from the Earthland stretching renown Guild of Wizards. Every now and then when the doors opened one, could hear the noise from the inside.

    Eventually, Heero would nod to the two to follow him inside, a Rose would hop from Lucas' shoulder to on top of Sebastian's head as she began playing with his white hair, Happy style.

    The doors would burst open, as a scene from the manga was shown. The guild in full lively hood.

    "Oi! The master's back! Clear my browser history!"
    "Hey, isn't that the kid from the drinking contest?! SO underaged!"
    "Yeah, and that one was laying naked on fire....."
    "I'm gonna challenge the burning kid now!"

    Randomly, a Fairy Tail wizard with long green hair would stand up and clap his hands, making wood come alive from the tables, and the floor as a huge circle was formed around the group.

    "Wood-Make: Animate!" the guy would yell as the floor and chairs literally started to stretch out and attack Brennan; the crowd around them cheered on the newfound battle as the chairs literally hopped towards Brennan rapidly, and pieces of wood stretched out to grab onto him.

    Afterward, the wizard would run at Brennan and attempt an uppercut on him. As Heero merely crossed his arms, wondering how Brennan would handle himself, since Heero himself had trained him once.

    "But they just came in...." Rose would say from Lucas' shoulder with a facepalm. "Don't worry, he'll be just fine against that wood guy right?" she said turning to Sebastian and holding a paw out as she talked by habit before crossing her arms and watching the one on one brawl. As the crowd hooted and clapped, some women even cheering and whistling at Brennan on because they'd seen his package at the party, which apparently was O.K for a guy his age.


    × Bio
    × Magic

    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Rose


    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by ivyleaf33 28th January 2016, 11:56 pm

    Amber eyes widened, and wings snapped in the air as the exceed Hoshi snapped to a halt in midair, having seen something she knew Sorano might want to know. She had just been out for a hunt that day, trying to track mice or squirrels through the forest, in an odd eagle/cat style. Thought Hoshi usually ate human food nowadays, near about every feline creature enjoyed hunting out in the wild occasionally. Even the scaredy-cat Hoshi enjoyed the taste of a fresh mouse every now and then, as felines were natural hunters and predators. However, from her eagel-eye view above, two figures, one more familiar than the other stood below her. The familiar white hair and nervous posture, yup, it had to be the Skyllon siblings. In a flash, Hoshi banked back towards the guild, determined to warn her friend who was coming, knowing that Sorano still didn't trust Sebastian after their last job. As she dove through a window, she barely stopped herself in time to nearly careen into the wall.

    "Sorano-chan! Sorano-chan! It's, hah, Brennan and Sebastian Skyllon-san!"
    the exceed was out of breath and breathing hard, slowly flying up to the table just as the mage's came in. By now, the letter mage was alert, her focus trained on the door, trying to quickly plan how best to take care of the situation. Should she be welcoming to the mage's, or hostile? Her guild master seemed to be fine with their presence, and with so many mages around, she doubted Sebastian's unfortunate condition could do too much damage. The guild hall was used to plenty of damage, anyways, so it wasn't too much of a worry.

    She would stay in the back corner of the guild for now, and observe. It was something she did quite a lot, observe and strategize. She tilted her head, watching with mild interest as a wood mage began to attack Brennan, and merely smiled slightly as Heero watched on. The letter mage knew that he probably wished to test their abilities, knowing he liked to constantly recruit. How would she react, though, if the siblings joined the guild? She would accept them as family, and continue on with her life. They weren't bad guildmates to have. Now she turned her gaze back to her hands, where she had been practicing mirror magic again. Make a mirror, break. Make a mirror, break. The methodical process Speculo had taught her, to keep her endurance in mirror-making up. She was still observing however, and listening.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 29th January 2016, 6:14 pm

    As Sebastian turned around, attempting to high tail it out of there due to the failure of brining a tux, he was met by another wizard, who was looking towards Brennan with fury for a second. The white haired mage wasn't too concerned about this guy because something else caught his attention. He was wearing a freaking suit as well! Sebastian's left eye twitched as he rose his arms into the air, balling them up in a fist as he was still holding the roses. The expression on his face was priceless, almost looking like he were about to scream before placing his hands back down and taking a deep breathe. "But why are you guys here? Are you going to join Fairy Tail?" was what the timid boy heard the fancy looking wizard asked as he showed his guild mark.

    "U-um..actually, I'm here for..." Sebastian hesitated a little as he slowly shook his head. Before he could finish his sentence, the door to the guild opened, a familiar face coming out of it with a red exceed on his shoulder. Sebastian's eyes widened as he stared at the man, having brief flashbacks of a party that happened here in this town. There was no way he could forget someone like him, the guildmaster of this guild here, one of the Gods of Ishval, the lightning dragon slayer, Heero. He just stared at the guildmaster, no words or actions could describe how, nervous, happy, scared, and even angry he was to see this powerful figure. Looking at Heero flashed Sebastian back to the moment he first saw him at the party, how a sudden burst of inspiration and confidence snuck up on the timid mage when he saw him, which also reminded the boy of the agonizing hangover he had to deal with the day after.

    The moment Heero walked past the two neutral wizards was also the same moment Sebastian snapped out of his trance. He blinked his eyes repeatedly as if he was just waking up. "Wait, Council member?" Sebastian said with an eye brow raised, just now remembering what he heard Heero say a few minutes ago. He then turned his head around as far as he could and glanced at the Fairy Tail guildmaster who was clearly arguing with a man who was backed up by ten Rune Knights. Sebastian gritted his teeth, of all the days to come, the neutral mage had to pick the day a council member of all people who was backed up by ten freaking Rune Knights would be here. He couldn't hear what the two were discussing exactly, but Sebastian didn't really care. He just hoped that the chairman wouldn't ask them any....specific questions. He was completely focused on the councilman, not noticing Rose talking to his older brother.

    As it appeared that their conversation was over, the chairman looked over to the two neutral mages, Sebastian's glancing eye meeting his. "Crap!" Sebastian said before quickly turning his head back to face the door then to Brennan nervously. The timid wizard could hear the knight's getting closer. Suddenly, "Reveal your Guild Crests imme---" was what Sebastian heard, quickly hiding the Laughing Coffin guild crest on the front of his left hand under the roses, fearing for the worst with his head down.

    The boy then rose his head up as Heero appeared behind the two, telling the councilman and the knights that they were new recruits. "Huh?" Sebastian said, a bit confused about this, not fully understanding that Heero was lying for them to get the law off their backs. Then like an alarm clock going off in his brain, the white haired mage finally understood what was going on, quickly and constantly nodding to the knights. Thankfully, the group bought it and with one last comment towards the guildmaster, they were off, Sebastian giving off a sigh of relief.

    The dragon slayer then looked to the white hair mage and his brother for a moment. Sebastian gulped and clenched the roses, to nervous to say thank you. Heero would then introduce the two to Lucas who Brennan had just ran into earlier, saying that he was an actual magician which the boy thought was cool even though he was more of a sci-fi guy. He then turned around to the response of Heero asking Brennan who his brother was causing The white haired boy to squint a little before looking towards Brennan, a bit confused about this. "Wait...y-you two...know each other?" Sebastian asked his older brother. It appears that Brennan was well known. Every time Sebastian would introduce himself by his first name, the first thing to come out of anyone's mouth was if he either knew or was related to someone named Brennan. But, to be familiar with one of the Gods of Ishval? Sebastian quickly shook his head, trying to focus as he looked back to Heero. "M-my name is Sebastian Skyllon. I am Brennan's younger brother." the boy said timidly and politely as he took a quick bow.

    Heero would then gesture for the two to follow him into the guild as the red exceed that was on Lucas' shoulder would hop up on Sebastian's head and begin to play with his hair, causing the neutral mage to look up, feeling a bit strange since the last exceed he met is terrified of him for some reason, so this one's friendly approach was quite odd, but heartwarming to the boy.

    As soon as the two mages entered into the hall behind Heero, a sudden outburst of different comments came out from this packed hall. Sebastian blushed a little as he heard some of the comments about him coming from the crowd which caused him to nervously smile and rub the back of his head, really hoping that Sorano hadn't heard that if she was in the hall. He then cringed after hearing other comments about his brother's....moment. Suddenly, a green haired mage using wood make magic jumped out of nowhere and began manipulating the wood in the hall, mainly the chairs to attack Brennan where he then attempted to uppercut him. Sebastian got in a battle stance, thinking this were a trap and was bout to come to his brother's aid until he heard what Rose who was now back on Lucas' shoulder say. She did have a point, fire was naturally stronger than than wood.

    The white haired mage stood back with Lucas and Rose, watching the brawl in confusion as the others who were in the hall were cheering as if this were a usual thing....which by the looks of it seems to be the case. From the corner of his eyes, Sebastian noticed a familiar looking exceed eyeing him and Brennan before flying off. Sebastian turned his head to see where she was going, where he noticed her. Her beautiful, silky hair, those captivating eyes. Her all around cold, but angelic appearance. It was none other than Sorano, the person he had came all the way to Magnolia to see. Sebastian stared at the script mage, his heart pounding against his chest as his gaze met her cold stare.

    Sebastian then clenched the roses and walked past the magician and red exceed as he approached Sorano. His face looked as if he had everything under control, but on the inside was like a battlefield. What should I say!? Is she still mad!? What if she doesn't talk to me!? What if she doesn't recognize me!? How's my breathe!? Does she like roses!? I should've worn a freakin tux!!! was all that was going through his mind as he inched closer to the script mage, maneuvering around the tables and people until he suddenly tripped over a table, falling flat on his face as usual while dropping the roses, them sliding about half way away from him.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) MSCcge0
                                 Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) Empty Re: Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages)

    Post by Mark Baxter 30th January 2016, 7:53 pm

    After ramming into Brennan, Lucas abruptly asked the brothers if they were there to join Fairy Tail, and revealed an emblem on the back of his right hand. "Joining Fairy Tail?" Brennan asked, raising his eyebrow. "I don't think so... unless Sebastian here has some sort os secret plan I'm not aware of..." At that very moment, Heero walked out of the guild hall and told everyone to shush, and that the council member would be arriving soon. "Council member?" Brennan asked, instinctively covering his left hand before remembering his guild emblem was already hidden by his metal gloves. Heero and the council members argued for a brief moment, and Brennan heard the words one million jewels. That was a hell of a lot of money, was Heero going to pay that to the Magic Council? What had the infamous guild done this time? Then Heero said that Brennan and Sebastian were going to be joining Fairy Tail. Was Sebastian aware of this?! Brennan most certainly was not, but the young man bit his tounge, not wanting to be carted off to jail simply for sporting a pink mark that the Council did not like. When Heero asked who Sebastian was, Brennan paused for a second, realizing Fairy Tail's guildmaster had not yet met Sebastian. "This is my younger brother, Sebastian." Brennan said, gesturing to the white-haired mage. Brennan then gestured to Heero, "And this, Sebastian, is Fairy Tail's guildmaster, Heero Reynolds."

    Soon after, Heero gestured then inside, and the guildhall erupted with noise, with most members yelling that Heero was back, or that Sebastian had been part of a drinking contest, or that they had seen Brennan naked, or that they were going to challenge Brennan. 'Wait what?!' Brennan thought to himself, 'Did I just hear the words Sebastian and drinking contest in the same sentence?!' He grimaced, 'I'm gonna have to scream to him about that later.' And then there was the issue of naked Brennan, which caused the young man to sigh, "My reputation precedes me..."

    Then, seemingly out of the blue, a green-haired mage stood up and clapped his hands, causing chairs to hop towards Brennan. "This is ridiculous..." Brennan said. He just stood there, and let one chair hit him, jumping out the way of chairs awkwardly for five minutes before something strange happened. Brennan literally burst into flames, and his brown eyes turned orange. "Hyper Mode engaged." He said calmly right as the wood-make wizard ran towards him, attempting to uppercut Brennan. He sighed, and grabbed the wizard's wrist, twisting it and easily chucking the wizard into the wall. Right as the wizard smashed into the wall, the chairs stopped moving, and the flames surrounding Brennan were extinguished. "It's a good thing I wore a flame resistant suit today..." Brennan mumbled as he glanced over at the wizard, "I think I might've gone a bit overboard..." Brennan turned to Sebastian and walked up to him, "So, bro, why'd you wanna come here again?" He glanced around, and was glad that no one was gawking at him, but he was surprised that he hadn't been knocked out of the guildhall for brutally knocking out the wood-make wizard.


    Sinners in the Land of Fairies (Private/Brennan/Fairy Tail Mages) 1zya1cx

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 8:07 pm