Fairy Tail RP

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    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open


    Public INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Guest 25th January 2016, 7:23 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The town of Magnolia was becoming an increasingly familiar place with the constant and high demands of jobs and other communal labor throughout. When Izayuki could begin losing count of how many times she had been to a certain place, she knew for certain that it mean she could no longer view the land as a stranger. She could potentially become a familiar face to some individuals around, and thus, that meant she would need to be on her best behavior. Being from the Black Rose guild and nation which resided in Bosco, Fiore was only a place she traveled to for work or the random 'fun trip' every once in a while. Yet seeing as she had already been working and playing around enough times, Izayuki would allow her curiosity to get the better of her. The local guild was not a new sound to anyone who spent a decent amount of time in Fiore- Fairy Tail.

    Such an odd name, with a certain mischievous elegance to it that was enticing and graceful, but also mysterious. She had met one Fairy Tail member before- a little girl, about her age, called Nashi. But other than that, the youthful mage had yet to meet anyone else who was in the Tail of the Fairy guild. What did they think of Black Rose wizards, who were foreign and independent, choosing to not align with the laws and structure of the legals and the Magic Council. Nashi was the only one who might have slight knowledge of her home guild, but other than that, her pink-colored rose-design tattoo was safely hidden underneath the clothing on the back of her right shoulder.

    Today was just another one of her 'off' days for relaxing and hanging out, and as the guild's main extrovert, she could not just do it alone. Her pet and companion, Seika, was very much taking time by herself to recharge, which was fine. The small yokai knew how to get home or eventually track down Izayuki again. But right now, she would hang out with her good friend and former teammate from Kvasir, Magna Victus. He was a few years younger than her, but already an ace and someone she personally looked up to, despite the fact that she would never confess such a thing. The young chef-mage was with her, but the direction she was leading would be that of the mysterious guild of mischief, Fairy Tail. She wanted to see it for herself out of simple, stupid curiosity. It would not hurt, because after all, curiosity only killed the cat, not the tanuki. "C'mon Magna~" Izayuki would go on, happily. They were in the vicinity of the Fairy Tail guildhall now, and it would not be long before a few members showed face.  

    Location;; Outside Vicinity of Fairy Tail guildhall.
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 467
    OOC;; Fairy Tail members, post away~! ;3

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
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    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Shard 26th January 2016, 12:47 am

    Magna wasn't sure why he had been asked to come along to visit Magnolia with his former team mates. He also wasn't sure why he had agreed. Perhaps he just missed the companionship of being in the team of Kvasir or perhaps he just wanted sometime away from the guild which just reminded him of lost comrades. Recently, he'd been spending more and more time away from the guild. Due to his new found strength, magic and items he was more capable of travelling to dangerous locations to gather ingredients. Whilst he didn't enjoy combat he did enjoy the thrill of putting his life at risk to get rare and exotic ingredients. Besides, if he didn't get certain ingredients his rainbow fruit cultivation back on Silvermoon island wouldn't grow. The rainbow fruit was a key ingredient in one of his full courses so he needed a steady supply of it.

    In truth, it had been a long time since he had done anything with Iza. They had gone on a couple of rather fun jobs together and a few that were pretty dangerous, but after Jin and Kaya vanished they had inevitably gone down separate paths. Now they were back together again for a jaunt to the home of the Fairy Tail guild. It would be...interesting to say the least.

    "I'm coming Iza-chan." he replied with a slight smile. Her happiness was infectious. Perhaps this trip with her was just what he needed to lift his own spirits and bring him some closure. He wondered how Izayuki was doing at the guild. Had she been on lots of jobs? She certainly seemed stronger that was for certain. "Where are we going anyway?" He had been to Magnolia quite a few times. It was a good town to find certain ingredients. He'd not really been here just for fun though. Normally on business either for jobs or for his cooking. Today seemed to be a day of new things. He just hoped it wouldn't end up with a fight though as they were in the town of Fairy Tail, a guild renowned for brawling and collateral damage, that didn't seem likely.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open HqzsHuT

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by ivyleaf33 26th January 2016, 6:59 pm

    Sorano walked out of the guild hall in good spirits, having just completed an especially tiring job. The letter mage hadn't been in the mood to stay inside and bear the inferno of unidentifiable flying objects, and had decided to take a seat on a bench just outside for her lunch. Looking around, memories flooded her as she realized that this had been where Sebastian had asked her out right after accusing her of drinking, the Laughing Coffin mage. He was quite an interesting character, but Sorano was still not completely sure of whether she could trust the older mage or not. He was of an independent guild after all, and who knew what his motives were?

    The youngest human mage in Fairy Tail started to munch on the rice ball, chewing slowly and thoughtfully in reflection on her last job. There were things she could have improved on, and decisions that could have been better executed. Mistakes were always there, and it annoyed Sorano. Though she was only thirteen, her mind was as developed as any adult's and it was evident in her thinking. So, it was with thought and caution that she glanced up and observed the mages walking closer, one with pink hair and one with red, both with considerably more magical power than her.

    Two pairs of eyes narrowed, one brown, one amber, gazing carefully at the unfamiliar mages. The exceed looked uncertainly at her friend after a while, who was deep in thought and concentration. Hoshi knew that this meant Sorano was carefully reading and scanning their auras. The letter mage was, indeed, and had come upon some unusual results. The pink-haired girl's emotional patterns were similar to an animal's, and Sorano knew what she was though she couldn't place a finger on the name at the moment. The other, a man, also had an intriguing aura. This one was a touch more discreet, and Sorano had no idea what he was at the moment, either. Both were interesting, and as long as they did no harm, she would observe.


    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Yukinon 26th January 2016, 7:09 pm


    "Sometimes we just have to let go."

    As soon as the two young mages came near to Fairy Tail a body was thrown out the window. A young burly tough looking man lay on the floor completely knocked out. A few second later another body came flying out the other window, finally a third body crashed through the doors causing it to open wide. There stood a young woman, with long black hair that hung low down to her waist. She wore a well fitted bartenders uniform that complimented her curves. She adjusted her gloves before giving the the third mage a good smack on the face.

    "When I tell you all to shut the fuck up and settle down. You're all going to shut the fuck up and settle down. Do you hear me?.....I'm the one who has to clean your mess. So you and your crew of fuck boys better clean up your act, before I clean you fools up, and toss your cold dead bodies in the dumpster." Yukina's eyes glowed red as she grabbed the mage on the collar. The young man nodded his head and quickly bowed down to Yukina begging for forgiveness.

    "Sorry Yukina-nee! W-we won't do it again." cried the defeated man. Yukina towered over him like an executioner. Yuknia noticed the two guest and immediately gave them a warm smile.

    "Hi there, welcome to Fairy Tail, how can we help you?" Yukina inquired sweetly as she fixed her apron. "I do apologize you had to see that, some of my guild mates and I had a small misunderstanding, but we settled it.....am I right? Boys?...." Yukina kept her kind smile, but as she spoke the word 'right', it seemed the gravity of the word had dropped an immense amount of pressure on the groveling man. Yukina quickly flicked her wrist, gesturing the man to pick up his friends from the ground and get away from her sight.

    "My name, Is Yukinon, but please call me Yukina. Would you two like to come inside and have a drink?" Yukina asked sweetly as she approached the two.



    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Guest 26th January 2016, 7:13 pm

    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open Tumblr12
    Kanix was sitting on the roof of a home close to Fairy Tail's guild hall, and the passing of two very strong auras entranced her. The dark mage, being one of curiousness, let her eyes follow the presences, then she slipped down from the roof. She lightly landed on her feet and followed after them, her staff guiding her way as she tracked their line of path. Magnolia Town was certainly not the place a dark mage was meant to be, not so close to the town's famous guild. However, these two people intrigued her and she wanted to know what those two mages were doing heading toward Fairy Tail. They couldn't be mages from there, could they be? Wouldn't they have spotted her if they had so closely passed by her? Absurd! They had to be mages from another guild, but if they were, then why in the world were they going to Fairy Tail?

    She kept herself hidden behind objects and buildings, anything not to be noticed by those two Black Rose mages. If she could get near enough to them, touch them even so lightly, she would be able to figure out who those two were. Breathe the same air as them, but never be seen by them; she just so badly wanted to know who they were and what they were up to. Kanix slithered after them like the Basilisk she was, creeping toward them until she was nearly behind Magna and Izayuki. Ever so close would she be before she darted behind a barrel or a sign, and then they reached the guild hall, no? Not as if Kanix could tell; she could barely walk normally without running into something, it was a surprise sneaking worked for her. Her eyes grazed over them again, taking in the darkness that were their forms-- well, that was everything, actually.

    The Basilisk fang mage would let out a purr and step out from her hiding place, standing proudly with a strong grip on her staff. "Two very strong mages at the guild of Fairies; please, do explain to me why you're here at a place that causes collateral damage," she spoke in a lilted voice. She tilted her head slightly to the right and smiled at Magna and Izayuki, though it wasn't a genuine smile at all. Due to her blindness, that was extremely hard to tell, but Kanix wasn't one who gave out genuine emotions at all. Emotions were... well, they were nothing to her. She didn't understand them, couldn't comprehend them, and displayed them so easily despite the falseness. Her sightless gaze swept toward the monkey man, and the grin grew wider toward him as she stepped closer. "You... you are adorable, you... hm... is that... a monkey's tail? That's quite cute, yes..." Her voice faltered and she looked to Izayuki.

    "Bakedanuki..." she pointed a finger at the Black Rose mage, cloudy gaze watching her. "Where are your tail and your ears? How do you maintain that human form so well?" She was so intrigued by the duo that she never took notice of Sorano's presence. Though it wasn't Sorano's inherit appearance, it was the loud crashing of glass and bodies hitting the ground that attracted her attention. She lifted her gaze and stared dead ahead at the guild, brushing her hair quickly over her shoulder to hide her mark. The blind woman would observe Yukinon from her place behind Magna and Izayuki, this time remaining silent.

    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Daddy 26th January 2016, 9:28 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    It was a truly peaceful day for Kiku starting out. Having told his charming assistant that she was manning the bar on her own today so that he could get some rest. Well, that was supposed to be what he was doing. In fact, he was up in one of the higher rooms that he had bribed out of Heero in exchange for becoming the bartender so that he could have his peace while he worked on this. Only a select few in the guild knew what Kiku’s talents were. Other that Heero, he wasn’t sure if anyone else even knew that he was a slayer, let alone what kind or the style of it that he used. This also left some curiosity to many of the members, as all that he was ever really seen using was a multipurpose lance he always wears strapped to his side, but that was for another topic.

    Currently the man known as Kiku was sitting at the work table of his room. Before him was a large blue sheet of paper with white lines traced all around it. His hand was constantly at work jotting notes down about what was before him, and thinking of a manner to bring the work of art before him to life. This ‘art’ is the thing that could possibly bring forth his absolute control in an area that he was fighting in.

    Suddenly, the sound of a window shattering quickly filled his ears even from the room that he took residence in. A scowl slipped across the man tattooed pale skin. His permanently transfigured demonic looking eyes closed for a moment with a sigh before his fingers came to grip the side of his nose that shared space with the corners of his eyes. ‘Lovely…. was the thought that slipped through his mind as his mind put together the pieces that most likely lead to that break. Most likely someone got handsy, or smart; thus pissing off Yuki down there. Lovely Time for damage control.

    He stood from his desk, and slipped on his jacket like vest over his shirt, and ensured his lance in it’s restracted state was securely attached to his belt, but allowing it enough slack for him to pull it out if needed. This was after all, due to a restriction put on him by the guild master, he was forbidden from using his magic. It was an annoying restriction, but due to its current unstable nature, he did quite understand this. Though he was still able to use it’s sensory perks, and it was then when Kiku tensed.

    Having lived within the guild for a few months, he has come to learn the feel of every member there, and if anything he can feel the residual mana from their guild seals from the air of his territory, and this building was his territory. As the three people had approached the guild, he wasn’t exactly pleased. Two of them, they seemed rather powerful, a bit more so than the person down there, and the other was off to him. Something about her feel said he should eat her in one way or another. Now, he had an issue. He wanted to get down there, and best way to do it was in style, or at least fairy tail style.

    He moved over to his window in nearly a flash before nearly busting them out, which instead they opened gracefully before he was out of it. As he began to drop from the window two large pairs of black and red angel like wings spread out from his back. It wasn’t till he was 30 ft from the ground did he spread them out, allowing them to completely slow his fall before he came to a near stop, just to touch the stone below, just to the side of the door.

    He didn’t bother to hide his wings, as he had already created a bit of a show. His head cocked to the side, his eyes full of curiosity. He flicked his head to Yuki, having had his curiosity die that fast. Now, he was showing concern. For those that didn’t know him that well, they’d assume he was concerned about the female no instea-”Yuki, dear. Is the bar okay? I heard some things break. I would rather not have to do major repairs, again He quickly questioned, emphasizing the last point. He really didn’t want his bar destroyed. That was the reason he left Infinity Hydra…other than the her death.
    WORDS: 0000 - TAGS: 757- NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open JAgwtRZ

    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Guest 27th January 2016, 6:33 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Isn't it obvious?" Izayuki replied with a question to Magna, flashing a mischievous, toothy grin as she glanced back at him. They were going to meet Fairy Tail! Mostly, it was out of the yokai's own stupid curiosity, yet it was no dumb idea to her. She enjoyed meeting new people and potentially making new friends. As an extrovert, this was how she received her fair share of energy- she hated being alone for too long. While it was good to let out some of the energy by spending some time in her own thoughts, she could not stand the idea of being without people around for too long. So the more people, the better! And as she was quite the attention-hog, playful, and a bit of a funloving prankster, she would love making her existence known to such a large, infamous legal guild that was known for its mischief.

    The first thing to catch her attention was the rough and awkward scene between a poor, weak man and some strange woman. Izayuki stared in innocent bafflement for a few moments before the lady moved forward to greet the two Black Rose mages. Yukinon was her name, yet she preferred to be called Yukina. Allowing a sincere, warm, and friendly smile to brighten her expression, the youthful mage returned the greeting. "Hiya! I'm Izayuki Hyoujin, but you can just call me Iza, and this is my friend, Magna~" she introduced happily. They were not there to join Fairy Tail, but spending some time with the guild would definitely be interesting. She was about to respond positively to the idea of joining them for a drink, but another presence caught the yokai's attention.

    The person to approach was a most strange and eerie individual, with something of an ominous feel about her. Crossing her arms, Izayuki turned to her, listening with curiosity and a neutral, innocent expression on her face. "None of your business," she said, lifting her chin stubbornly and narrowing her eyes at the woman at her inquiry as to why they were at Fairy Tail. She did not seem like one of Yukina or Nashi's guildmates at all, but Iza had yet to confirm that. Still, in a way, it was quite obvious that she was a stranger, and she was not about to eagerly answer someone who spoke to her in such a way. Despite having only known her for a few seconds, the yokai already received the impression that this person was not someone she was going to be fond of, especially with the way she talked of Magna. It was not her place to seemingly taunt her former teammate or call him adorable- only she had the right to do that to her guildmates, not some weirdo lady!

    At the mention of the word 'Bakedanuki', however, Izayuki's heart skipped a beat as she froze for several seconds, which seemed like years. How did she know? This person was not of Black Rose, nor anyone from her past, so... how? It was just like Daemon, a wolf, who simply noticed that her scent different from that of a normal human. But this person did seem like a natural human, so how could she tell? Either way, the Black Rose mage was quickly starting to dislike the lady and the situation. Coming back to her senses, she thought about how to go about this, as she could not allow her identity and true nature to be unraveled just like that. So, because this was just some random stranger, she would blow it off as a joke, framing the lady as silly, not in her right mind, or just as she was- weird. "A what?" Izayuki responded with a grin and a laugh, putting her fingers up to her own lips and chin to seemingly try to quiet her own chuckles. "The hell are ya talkin' about?"

    The next person to arrive was also a rather curious individual, but nothing too surprising for a wizard of Black Rose, the "guild of misfits". In a way, he reminded her of Aether to a degree, and his odd mutation was nothing new of of interest. Nevertheless, still trying to blow off Kanix's discovery, Izayuki would throw her pink gaze in his direction and send him a small wave of her hand in greeting, along with that trademark perky smile of her's. Yes, this would undoubtedly be an interesting day.

    Location;; Just outside the FT guildhall.
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 740

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : YinYang Monkey Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 905
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 5,031.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Coquendum Magus
    Second Skill: Cerberus Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by Shard 2nd February 2016, 1:27 am

    Magna stood there as he was introduced by Izayuki. He had been meaning to introduce himself. "As Iza said my name is Magna, Magna Victus, but please call me Magna." he said and then paused and looked at Izayuki. He had no idea why they were here. He didn't know how to answer these questions. Had they come all the way to Magnolia to look at the guild of Fairy Tail. Especially as it was known for causing a lot of collateral damage as the one who said he was adorable said. He flicked the tail a little bit around a little bit trying to know what to say. "Iza here brought me with her. No idea what we're here for. Guess to get a look at one of the big guilds I suppose. She'll probably want to go to Hargeon or Clover next." He added with a smile, though there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, but this did not come out in his tone of voice. In truth, he would of rather have gone to Hargeon. It was a port town and as such a lot of great ingredients were constantly going in and out of there. His sea food cooking had been down a little lately. Some of the famous places there might help liven it up.

    "Though if there are any decent restaurants about I wouldn't mind going there to see if I can learn a few more kitchen tricks." he said and then with a gesture of his hand a portal stove appeared in front of him with a frying pan on top. Without even saying another word he conjured up some eggs and bacon and began to do a fry up. All of this seemingly down with one hand whilst his tail and other hand began to butter some bread and put it on the side. "Whilst we're talking. Anyone fancy a fry up?" Why he'd suddenly started cooking wasn't exactly clear. Perhaps for him it had become almost a reflex. Meet a new person and show off your cooking. If he cooked for them and they liked it then it caused a bit of a bond. They would not likely hurt eachother. That and cooking soothed his nerves somewhat.


    Need details on Magna. Click the below image:
    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open HqzsHuT

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Public Re: INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open

    Post by ivyleaf33 2nd February 2016, 10:45 pm

    Sorano watched the scene with mild interest, her curiosity slightly piqued. She kept her etesvon the scene between her guildmates and these strange mages, wondering what they could be doing here. By now, she could tell that the girl- no, Izayuki was some type of animal. Not enough people had the ability of aura sight, so there weren't many books to read on the subject. As a result, Sorano was more testing out how auras worked. This Izayuki girl's aura definitely showed some type of animal, but what animal she couldn't be sure.

    However, the strange man she was still clueless about. She couldn't match his unusual aura to much at the moment... She barely noticed as the bartenders Yukina and Kiku came out, being used to thas sort of stuff going on in Fairy Tail all the time. Finally making up her mind, the letter mage hesitantly stood up, walking over to her guildmates and tilting her head slightly, listening to the conversation. "Hello, Yukina-san, Kiku-san. Who are these mages?" Though Sorano had been listening the whole time and knew their names by now, she still asked to be polite. She then watched with mild amusement as the man- Magna asked about restaurants, and started cooking. This would certainly be interesting. Whoever these mages were, they didn't seem to be of any bad intent.

    However, just to be sure, the letter mage asked, "What guild are you with? Or are you guildless mages?"


    INTRUDER ALERT! ♦ open B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

      Current date/time is 26th October 2024, 12:30 am