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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 31st October 2015, 7:47 pm

    Apollo had accepted the job to find this girl who had been kidnapped by vulcans. Though this time he had someone he hadn't really met before asked to come with him. Of course he had no problem with this since he could use the help. Apollo knew he wasn't really a fighter and knew the backup would be nice. As he walked to the the edge of the the forest where they agreed to meet up. He wondered what she was like or what she kind of magic she had used. As he walked it was a nice day today. As he walked he wondered why people keep going into the woods. This isn't the first time vuclcans had done something like this but no one does anything about this I suppose as long as there are wizards and guilds there is no need. As he got to the edge of the east forest. He saw a girl waiting there and he could only assume by the look she is a wizard. Ashe walked over he sighed straightening his tie and straightening his black suit. He then gave a wave as he got close he gave a wave. "Hey are you the wizard i'm meeting here"He said as he got to her smiling as he got a closer look at her. "I'm Apollo it's a pleasure to meet you" He said looking at her thinking how nice she looked. He then held his hand out to shake hers as he smilied trying not to act like a nervous wreck.

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 31st October 2015, 8:12 pm

    The girl looked up as he approached, sensing the magic coming off him. She wore a simple light blue kimono and a red leather jacket. Her clothes showed heavy wear and tear. The mage's arm's curled around her in a defensive manner. She noted his nervousness and hoped it had to do with her, not their upcoming job. Last thing I need is someone panicking in a fight.

    "H-hi, yes. The name's Nemuru. I was told someone had already taken the job. They did say I could tag along, so I figured you might like some help."

    As he extended his hand, Nemuru sighed. She shook her hand and smiled sadly. "It's nice meeting you, and I hope we work well together." She looked him over, angling this way and that. Where''s his guild mark? Is he guilded? "What type of magic do you use if you don't might me asking? I can provide some support to you, in the form of poisons. Otherwise, I fight up close. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Vulcans, is it? This will be my first time dealing with them. Is there anything I should know?" Despite her earlier nervous speech, she could be quite sociable once it came to business.

    Her eyes began scanning the surrounding forest. The poison mage stayed alert in case they might be ambushed by a vulcan. Whatever a Vulcan is. "What was the relationship of the kidnapped woman to our client, again?" Her voice sounded off, distracted, as she kept a nervous eye on their surroundings.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 31st October 2015, 9:15 pm

    Apollo gulped a little as she refused to shake his hand.  He could understand his nervouness meeting someone new.  He felt a little nervous inside as well to be honest.  The girl who stood before him now that he got a closer look at her looked exactly like his old girlfriend Eliza.   He felt weird on the inside as he stood there.  He got a little distracted wondering why he felt like this.  As she listen to her talked and say how she hoped they worked well together he couldn't help but smile.  "um yeah i mean yeah i'm sure we will...it's a pleasures to meet you Nemuru." He  had an very light blush on his face but then shook his head When she asked about his magic. "Oh my magic u'm it's really nothing to special I just use and make shield which is good that you are a close combat fighter i'm sure we will sienergize well..." He say then realized he was talking to much. "Um Vulcan are like big monkeys who kidnap helpless would and steal them away real freaks of nature." He sigh looking down rubbing the back of his neck.   He couldn't believe he was acting like this  he  barly knew her but she seemed diffrent for some reason.  he had to focus on the job then go from there. "um shall...we..um head out to find her" He smiled a little as he started walk a little his green fairy tail symbol on the back of his neck showing a little bit

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 2nd November 2015, 9:38 am

    Nemuru's eyes narrowed slightly at the blushing mage. So it's like this?The poison mage looked away. She sighed softly, thinking of Ciran. Wonder what he's up to? Hope he'll be okay alone.

    She'd never heard of that form of Maker magic before. "How exactly does Shield Make work? Is it entirely defensive or do you have some offensive abilities? Either way, let's do our best together, then." She tried to be more vocal and overcome her nervousness. They were working together, after all.

    "Big monkeys who kidnap people?" Her mental image, well, she immediately exaggerated the 'big monkey'. Soon she had the image of a giant ape climbing a building, a screaming woman in hand. Nemuru shook her head, torn between laughter and fear. Should I be looking up instead? She began walking with him deeper into the forest, keeping her eyes on her surroundings. "Do they have any magical ability, or are the purely physical combatants? D-do they climb trees?"

    She fell a step behind him as she continued to think over what these opponents might be like and caught sight of his green guild mark. "F-fairy tail...?" Her voice was soft and a bit unsure. She'd never met a Fairy Tail mage before but had heard a bit of their exploits. "Y-your a legal guild mage, yes?" A slightly nervous tone began to rise in her voice. If only Ciran knew the company I'm keeping. At least he's not a Rune Knight, I guess. Mentally, she began to go over her list of spells trying to figure out if there was anything she could do to prepare hersef for the coming fight.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 2nd November 2015, 4:21 pm

    Apollo Smiled as she started to talk more. Her voice soft and shy was almost like music but he kept that to himself. He chuckled a little as she called it maker magic then slowed down so he was walking next to her even though it made him nervous on the inside. " Um well to start My magic isn't maker magic I manipulate the energy in the air and solidify it. while it's very similar since I can manipulate them at my will." he says making a few shapes out of his hands." He smiled as someone took interest in his magic. "Um to an extent most shielding magic is purely defensive but i crafted this version my self so I do have some offensive ability just some prerequisites need to be met first." He shrugs a little bit.

    As they walk deeper in he nodded "Yeah they are like giant monkeys but you'll know when you see them, and they don't just kidnap people they specifically go for women they find beautiful and just attack men in general. He sighed looking at her then gave a smile. "you seem capable though could you share about your magic?" He smiled brightly. curious what she could do.

    As he heard her mutter Fairy Tails name and ask if he was a legal mage he smiled happily and proudly "yeah I am a member of Fairy Tail and yes we are a legal guild" He smiled seeing her still nervouse. Are you part of a guild if I may ask?" He tilted his head curiousely as he adjusted his tie a little bit.
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 2nd November 2015, 5:18 pm

    Apollo Smiled as she started to talk more.  Her voice soft and shy was almost like music but he kept that to himself.  He chuckled a little as she called it maker magic then slowed down so he was walking next to her even though it made him nervous  on the inside.  " Um well to start My magic isn't maker magic I manipulate the energy  in the air and solidify it. while it's very similar since I can manipulate them at my will."  he says making a few shapes out of his hands."  He smiled as someone took interest in his magic. "Um to an extent most shielding magic is purely defensive but i crafted this version my self so I do have some offensive ability just some prerequisites need to be met first." He shrugs a little bit.

    As they walk deeper in he nodded "Yeah they are like giant monkeys but you'll know when you see them,  and they don't just kidnap people they specifically go for women they find beautiful and just attack men in general.  He sighed looking at her then gave a smile.  "you seem capable though could you share about your magic?" He smiled brightly. curious what she could do.

    As he heard her mutter Fairy Tails name  and ask if he was a legal mage he smiled happily and proudly "yeah I am a member of Fairy Tail and yes we are a legal guild" He smiled seeing her still nervouse.  Are you part of a guild if I may ask?" He tilted his head curiousely as he adjusted his tie a little bit.

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 5th November 2015, 6:16 am

    "You manipulate them at will..." Nemuru frowned as she thought it over. Personally it sounded like dynamic maker magic to her but, apparently his was different. "I hope your pre-requisites are not too limiting."

    Her face twitched slightly at the mention of legal guilds. "I'm not a member of any guild, nor have I been. I'm a member of a team, though. Not some lone wolf..." She cursed inwardly as she realized she might sound like some kind of bandit. She continued to look up and down he trees they passed as the forest got denser. "Does it matter? I'm not a dark mage, nor do I have any illegal activity under my belt." Nothing exactly legal either but that doesn't matter.

    "My magic is just simple poison caster magic. I can't manifest it more than a short range. The magic I use is equally offensive and defensive." The mage seemed hesitant to explain too much. Life can be dangerous for a guildless mage, best not to mention my deficiencies.

    "You said they are giant monkeys that kidnap women? Is it the same for female vulcans? Or maybe only the males kidnap people?" Her question was honestly one more of curiosity than anything. She frowned as she focused in on something. Walking over to a tree, she turned to show him her find. "Do they happen to have white fur?" She held a small clump of white hairs. The other hand held a red stiletto shoe. "I think we might be headed in the right direction."


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 5th November 2015, 2:32 pm

    Apollo shook his head. don't worry they are mainly reflection spells and such we will be fine. He said nodding his head. As he mentioned being a legal mage he could tell he had struck a nerve some where and it irritated her so he had to recover. "No-no believe me there is nothing wrong with that at all if fact it could be good your free to see the world and such." He said nodding looking around at the trees. "I know you aren't a dark mage you seem to nice for that so let's get back to hunting ok." He said happily as he looked around. "Poison magic huh thats cool I can only image the effectiveness at closer ranges and such." He nodded as he walks with her. The forest got denser as they walked through is and then Apollo found her question about Vulcans. He felt bad because aside from what he saide these beasts were kinda unknown to him. "sorry I couldn't tell you much more I know they come in all shades and sizes but beyond that I couldn't tell you." He rubbed his neck seeing her walk towards a tree he followed. as she held up white fur and a red shoe Apollo nodded when she said they were getting closer. "I agree I think we are getting closer we should proceed with caution." He nodded walking towards the direction she found the fur and shoe in "Come on lets get going" he gestures as he walks into the woods more looking around "That was a good find excelent work". He smiled thinking how much he was thankful that she was here.
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
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    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 5th November 2015, 2:33 pm

    Apollo shook his head.  don't worry they are mainly reflection spells and such we will be fine.  He said nodding his head.  As he mentioned being a legal mage he could tell he had struck a nerve some where and it irritated her so he had to recover. "No-no believe me there is nothing wrong with that at all if fact it could be good your free to see the world and such." He said nodding looking around at the trees.  "I know you aren't a dark mage you seem to nice for that so let's get back to hunting ok." He said happily as he looked around.    "Poison magic huh thats cool I can only image the effectiveness at closer ranges and such."  He nodded as he walks with her.  The forest got denser as they walked through is and then Apollo found her question about Vulcans.  He felt bad because aside from what he saide these beasts were kinda unknown to him.  "sorry I couldn't tell you much more I know they come in all shades and sizes but beyond that I couldn't tell you." He rubbed his neck seeing her walk towards a tree he followed.  as she held up white fur and a red shoe Apollo nodded when she said they were getting closer.  "I agree I think we are getting closer we should proceed with caution." He nodded walking towards the direction she found the fur and shoe in "Come on lets get going" he gestures as he walks into the woods more looking around  "That was a good find excelent work".  He smiled thinking how much he was thankful that she was here.

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Experience : 500

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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 8th November 2015, 6:39 pm

    "Travelling is one of the perks, yes. Though any mage on a job has that benefit, I assume. We tend to just grab a request a random and let it define our destination. It's hard sometimes, being guildless. Not as many jobs are available to us, nor good information. The lack of people at your back means you need to make good contacts." She shrugged, unsure if it was wise to tell him much more.

    Nemuru flinched at when he said her magic could be useful. "Sometimes, it's too effective at close range," she stated with a dark tone. The poison mage turned her head away in irritation.

    "So we don't have a very good idea of what we're looking for, eh?" Another sigh escaped her. She preferred to have knowledge of her enemies, not just run off headlong into something dangerous. Yet, it couldn't be helped. She needed the cash and besides, afterwords she'd have more information for the future.

    The poison mage followed along behind him, drifting closer. She had no idea what the range of his shields were, but her's was small. Protecting themselves against an unknown enemy is of the utmost importance. Keeping her eyes to the ground, she soon spotted another possible clue. A massive track similar in shape to a human footprint. Nemuru paused to place her foot next to it, marveling at the difference.

    "Apollo?!" She pointed at the ground. In the soft mud the tracks appeared to go in every which direction. It was almost as if the beast had ran in circles. "What do you make of this?"


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 9th November 2015, 4:19 pm

    Apollo nodded at Nemuru understandingly. Being in a guild made it easy to find jobs and get he had a easy time finding people to do jobs with so he wasn’t in a position where he couldn’t complete them. It must be hard for her. Not being able to really get anyone to help and having to work this hard to get reliable contacts. “Well if I can help at all in the future let me know ok” He smiled a little at her knowing she isn’t saying everything.

    As she said how effective it was at close range, it sounded dark like she was unhappy about it. Apollo sighed and shook his head a little. “ I am sure we will be just fine and I’m her if something goes wrong” he say trying to help but then realizing that might have sounded bad. “sorry…”he rubbed his neck.

    As she sighed due to not having a lot of leads Apollo looked up at the trees then at her. “you know we are not going in completely blind..” He said looking at the fur in his hand. “We can assume we are looking for this shade of Vulcan and we can assume it’s size due to the foot indent on the ground.” He shrugged. Also Looking at the distance between foot prints we got a good idea of it’s speed…” Apollo sighed looking away then up at the trees. “Sorry I know most of that is speculation and probably not as helpful as it sounds but it’s better then being completely blind.” He sighs looking at her trying to cheer her up in the situation.

    As she drifted closer Apollo got a little more nervous. This wasn’t like him so why was he getting bothered by this. He could assume it was so if they were attacked they were ready or something. As they walk a little more she runs ahead. As she called his name. he ran up seeing the foot prints circling the ground. “wow another good find by you…” he nods looking at the random foot print tracks. He looked at them going random patterns and circles. He then looked up around the surrounding area. He then saw a random tree branch broke with some blue cloth attached. Apollo looked at Nemuru. “I think we are getting close look over there.” He said pointing to the branch and cloth. Apollo pulled his pistol Checkmate out then looking around he knew they were getting close he figured it was best to be prepared.

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    Lineage : Truth
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    Experience : 500

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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 11th November 2015, 7:25 pm

    Nemuru didn't sense Apollo's nervousness as she got closer. Unfortunately, she was rather focused on the evidence at hand.

    Nemuru eyed the pistol and wonder if that was where Apollo's Shiled magic originated from. "Eh, just lucky I guess..." the poison mage shrugged, "I don't know if it's even from the right vulcan. After all you said they all like to pick up women."

    The poison mage tried to take a few long strides next to it to understand his theory. Unfortunately, she was of relatively average size and in no way comparative to a Vulcan. "Y-yes, this should go just fine with both of us here. I guess that might work... though..." She hesitated. "Are vulcans legs as long as people's in relative proportion to their bodies?" Nemuru frowned as she thought on the topic. A sigh escaped her as she realized this wasn't her forte.

    She hunched over to look at the foot prints. "Apollo can you make anything of these?" I really have no idea. The poison mage poked at the fresh mud with a finger. The soft slowly slid back into place with a slurping noise, leaving a shallow divot. She eyed the footprints and wondered how they managed to stay intact. Though even she was able to note their depth.

    A soft growl came from the shadows behind them. Red eyes reflected from within the fern fronds. A silhouette grabbed for Nemuru. A scream escaped her as she turned. Her thoughts raced, is it a Vulcan? The one we're looking for? Don't they attack women? What's gonna happen to me? "Help, Apollo!"


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

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    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by NPC 11th November 2015, 7:25 pm

    The member 'Nemuru' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission NormalMonster
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 11th November 2015, 10:57 pm

    As Nemuru was looking at the foot prints on the ground Apollo went to examine the cloth hanging from the tree. He heard a rustle in the bushes and then spun around. Before he could even react a forest Vulcan was attacking Nemuru. Before anything could happen he heard something simple that changed him. Help…Apollo…” time seemed to stop as those word rang through Apollos ears. Then as if a switch was flicked inside him Apollo went into protection mode. His eyes narrowed thinking of what to do quickly. Not having enough time he spun the barrel of his gun to the knight. “Promotion to knight!” He called out to himself. Now to Apollo time seemed slower he could feel lighter in every aspect. Then with a rush of speed he ran to Nemuru then right both he reached her he clasped his hands together looking at Nemuru. “Not another…Energy Shell!” He called out as a light black tinted domed shield appeared around them catching Nemuru at the edge just in time. As the Vulcan hit the shield it looks like glass about to shatter but then it looks as if the glass mended itself.

    Apollo stood there in his shield unable to move as he Vulcan made contact with it. His heart racing a bit. He had only tested out the gun in training but using it practically was completely different then what he had expected. As he held the shield up he looked at Nemuru he had a serious but protective look on his face. “Made it just in time…you ok?” He panted a little bit. Then looked up and back at her. “This shield won’t take another hit so when you’re ready tell me and well take the offensive…” He said needing her remembering she as close combat hoping that would help them.




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    Lineage : Truth
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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 14th November 2015, 2:32 pm

    Her hand was clenched tight in front of her chest as she caught her breath. "I-i'm alright, just startled. Not sure if this guy is our culprit, but I don't think we have much choice." She dove through the glassy substance hoping it woudn't block her mobility. Nemuru thrust her hand down and forward as she jumped towards the forest vulcan. A green magic circle appeared as she lunged. "Viper's Strike!" She hoped diving into action was enough of a hint that she was ready to fight. I'm not about to just stand around.

    A dark, glowing hand print appeared on his face. "Oof, mean pretty girl!" The vulcan uttered with rudimentary language skills. The forest vulcan rubbed at his stinging cheek. He dove, hands outstretched at Nemuru, clearly intending to repay the favor. His face plastered with an enraged glare.

    The Vulcan grabbed Nemuru with one arm and threw her into the mud. The poison mage bounced along the ground hard. Beating his fists against his chest, he roared. His feet stomped churning up the the loose mud. Pulling his arm back, the forest vulcan launched a back-handed strike towards the shield mage.

    That will leave some bruising. She could already feel the soreness along her ribs and arms. Nemuru pulled herself up to her feet in time to cry out, "look out Apollo! He's coming for you." All she could do was watch and hope. It was just too far for her to go in time. Stay safe.


    Signature courtesy: Seikatsu:

    Team Signature:

    Nemuru Magic 3/3 jobs, 2/3 social Bank
    Jobs completed: D-10, C-1
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 15th November 2015, 11:06 am

    Apollo saw Nemuru jump out of his shield and strike the Vulcan. As Nemuru struck it and it left a hand print on his cheek. Apollo nodded it was a solid strike. Though as the attack connected and Nemuru landed on the ground the Vulcan said she was all mean girl and then grabbed her and threw her to the ground. Apollo's eyes widened when this happened. "Nemuru!" He called worried he focused on her for a moment getting a little distracted from the fight. He was relieved when we saw she was okay. But then was quickly brought back into the reality of the situation as he heard her call for him to watch out. Apollo then saw the Vulcan swing his arm back to back fist Apollo.

    Apollo's eyes widen there was no time to dodge this one. Then shield rose from his feet up. It got there just in time to block the vukcans fist from hitting him. Apollo gave a quick sigh. Thank God I had that natural protection. He said to himself briefly then jumped back. As he jumped back while in the air he fired two rounds at the Vulcan. One round hitting him in the left shoulder and one round hitting him in the side of his ribs.. The Vulcan was now focused on Apollo pounding is fists against his chest. "you mean man must get rid first." he said very roughly. Apollo just shook his head. he thought as the Vulcan got ready to attack him.

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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Nemuru 15th November 2015, 9:13 pm

    The vulcan took a fighter's stance. He took a few practice jabs at the air before swinging hard at Nadarr. His fist aimed straight for the shield mage's gut.

    The poison mage ran a few feet towards the forest vulcan. Bouncing off a rock, she dove towards her target. Suddenly, she moved just a bit faster, just a bit lighter on her feet. As she jumped, one would swear the poison mage could fly with the distance she'd gained.

    Nemuru decided to rely on a spell she'd innately mastered since her magic sprung forth. However, like all her magic, it was far from flawless. "Poison Spray!" The green magic circle burst forth again. Palms faced the vulcan, together in front of her. A spray of green bolts discharged from a few meters away as she entered the fray. Five hammered into the Vulcan's back. The sixth, however, went wide as it narrowly missed Nadarr's shield.

    Landing her jump close to the Vulcan, Nemuru closed the distance. However, the Vulcan swung around with a strong backhanded strike at the poison mage. He then raised his fists above his head, thrusting them up and down in the air. "Me defeat the humies..." Nemuru resisted the urge to facepalm. He seemed completely obvious to the still standing mages.

    Widening her stance in the slick mud, the poison mage focused on where would be best to hit the forest Vulcan. A feminine cry above her distracted her momentarily from the combat at hand. Then, the shoe fell towards Apollo.
    (255, Wyvern's swiftness, poison spray(2), Viper's strike (4))


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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

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    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 15th November 2015, 11:22 pm

    As Apollo geared up to defend himself Nemuru came charging in with a fury of strikes. Apollo grinned as the attacks hit the Vulcan dead on in the back. But then he notice one heading for his shield. he jumped back his shield following it barely missing him barley. He looked at her then the vulcan and gave a sigh "while he couldn't complain because she hit the Vulcan she almost hit him as well. He then jumped further back "Good hit" he called as the Vulcan started yelling and pounding his chest. As Apollo got ready to act he saw a shoe fall in front of him. He saw a girl hanging from there tied up.

    He looked at the Vulcan then at the girl. "Hang on were hear to help you" He called to te girl then stare the Vulcan who was getting ready to charge Nemuru. It then Charged at Nemuru with great speed. Apollos eyes widened then had an idea on how to win the fight and stop it. as it charged APollo pointed at Nemuru "Shield Waltz!" he yelled as rings formed around her. "Let him hit you trust me!" He called to her knowing it the shield broke it would stun the Vulcan leaving it open to a direct attack without any interruptions from the vulcan. Apollo hoped that she trusted him enough to follow through he new that even when she's hit not only would she not feel a thing but she wouldn't even get pushed back since it would freeze it. He prepared for the worst in case it didn't work for some reason.

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    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
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    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Nemuru and Apollo's mission Empty Re: Nemuru and Apollo's mission

    Post by Kit Kerrington 22nd December 2015, 9:13 am

    As the Vulcan hit her he was stuck in place allowing her to get a solid hit on it.  As Nemuru jumped up and slammed the vulcan into the ground she then jumped back. "Secure the girl I'll fight him and make sure he doesn't follow you!"  he called looking at them.  As Nemuru grabbed her they started to run from the beast.  "No pretty women mine!' he gave chase.   and went to hit them.  Apollo sighed "you stupid beast...You will not hurt them on my honor of a Fairy Tail Mage" he sighed  then clasped his hands together .  then with a flash of light he Called forth his Mirror wall spell.  "Mirror Wall!"  he called forth and then a towering shield erupted  the ground and his fist made contact with it.  the shield didn't even waver a little and the shock from the attack sent it howling.  

    As it jumped back the shield dissipated and Apollo pointed his gun towards him. as it spun around Apollo wasted no time and fired two bullets it its head.  At this range there was no possibility of missing it took to round to the face. As it howled in pain Apollo looked to see they were gone and nodded. "good they are safe now it looks like it is just you and me.  It howled louder but then jumped at Apollo slamming towards the ground.  As Apollo jumped to the side it hit the ground cracking it messing up his landing. As he slipped he couldn't even react as a Fist Flew at him.  "Guild Shield!"  he called as the fist made contact breaking the shield and hitting him sending him flying back.

    I skidded across the ground he stopped coughing.  "Ok I have had just About enough of this not only did that hurt but you ruined my coat" he growled annoyed.  He then spun the Barrel of his revolver staring the beast down. "Promotion to Rook!"  he said spinning it feeling an Immense burst of magical power spike.  "Prepare yourself vulcan!"  he then fired a single round at him Aiming to the left of his chest. .  The vulacn dodges easily laughing at Apollo he just grins "Ricochet!" he says as it bounces off a tree and hit's the vulcan in the back dealing major damage. causing it to stumble.  Apollo was surprised though dispit all of this damage it has received it was still standing.  It was tough but obviously on it's last legs and barley standing at all. But it stood up and gave a roar.  Apollo sighed looking at him  shaking his head. this fight was already over it was just how much longer till this vulcan finally fell over out cold.

    The vulcan roared at Apollo.  Apollo smirked planning his move out already.  The vulcan just pounded his chest.  "puny  fairy don't belong in forest" Apollo looked mad now.  Excuess me.." he said glaring.  "puny Fairy!"  he laughed.  Apollo clenched his gun pissed off. "Don't say that!"  he said then decided he was done here. Nobody would insult him or his family and get away with it scotch free.  He decied on what plan to do and went a head with it. "Trinity shield offensive formation"  he called as three disc shields then flew at the enemy Vulcan who couldn't even react in time.  three disc shields flew at him and cut him down as they all made contact with him.  he just fell back coughing in defeat.  Apollo holstered his gun staring at the creature "never call me a puny Fairy again"  he scoffed leaving the battle.

    The Vulcan had been defeated and Apollo walked away from the battle field sighing trying to locate Nemuru and the girl. he had no idea how far they ran off into the woods.  As Apollo followed her trail he hoped that they hadn't run into any creatures that could harm them in any way. he sigh this forest was such a huge place they cold have ran anywhere.  But where would they be he didn't think they went far he could only assume they stayed close in case Apollo needed help.  after a while of running around looking he eventually found them and gave a sigh of relief.  "good glad your safe are you alright miss?"  he said smiling at her.  she just nodded quietly.  Apollo understood that a lot happened so didn't require her to say much more.  "how about we get you home now ok"  he said with a smile.  she nodded happily and they walked out of the forest escorting the girl home.

    As they walked out of the forest the city was a sight for sore eyes.  he knew nothing major would attack them here so in a way he could rest easier now. As they walked through the streets to the girls house it was utter silence in the group. Nemuru must have been thinking about something so Apollo didn't want to interrupt her.  As they got to the girls parents house there was a tearful reuion.  Apollo smiled a little in envy.  He looked at Nemuru and gave a nod and they both left without another word.  After that Apollo had said his goodbye's to Nemuru and thanked her for the help.  He said if she ever needed him that he would be there.  with that she nodded and left Apollo hoped there paths would cross again but only time would tell.  he then traveled back to the guild hall to report on his succsess.

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:37 pm