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    Psionic magic


    Lineage : Warriors Heart
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    Psionic magic  Empty Psionic magic

    Post by AAGGRESSS 25th November 2015, 1:42 am


    Primary Magic: Psychic
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Psionic magic is at its basest form, the power to manipulate the world around ones self using no tool but ones own force of will. The same principals necessary for several forms of magic, especially those that don't always focus on direct damage, are necessary here. Utilizing this psychic force, the wielder is able to manipulate objects from a distance, strike them with great force without even touching them, or even form force fields and cutting waves of pure psychic force.

    Tops method of battle is based equal parts around utilizing weapons, and the psychic force itself, effectively using every weapon available to him. He was trained to be brutally effective like a raging monster, however due to his personality and rule against killing, Top never uses his powers to full, lethal effect. He carries with him a great sword, along with a large supply of small, but useful Petard bombs. Utilizing his mental powers, Top is able to levitate his weapons, to wield them without even touching them. He can additionally use his psionics to move his body at great speeds and exhibit strength greater than what a human is normally capable of. The real versatility of Psionic magic hover comes from the fact that in addition to powering up his weapons and himself, Top is able to use the pure psychic force as a weapon itself, charging his sword with kinetic energy which he can then launch as a sword beam, firing smaller cutting waves from his hands, or simply batting an opponent from afar with a powerful psychic punch. When necessary, Top is able to project a force field over his swords blade, making it considerably more powerful and allowing him to block even some magic attacks with it.


    • Able to preform melee attacks at a range
    • Able to attack/defend from multiple directions at once at the cost of focus
    • very uncommon magic has few true counters, and not many know how to use said counters


    • Requires extreme focus to balance more than one psychic attack.
    • can not block or deflect non physical weapons or sound based weapons.
    • maximum range is dependent on the users force of will.
    • Psychic grapples lose effectiveness against enemies with willpower, strong force of will can break through a psychic grapple

    Lineage:  Warrior's Heart:
    Description: Long ago there was an era of Kings and Warlords waging war against each other over kingdoms for many years. Warriors and sellswords were well paid and became idols. The way of the warrior was a common path youngsters attempted to walk, but in order to become a true warrior they had to travel through dangerous lands to find the Warrior Saint. An old entity that would look into a warrior's heart and deem it worthy of his blessing. It would grant the warrior more courage and willpower than the ordinary man in times of need. One day the Warrior Saint disappeared and the age of warriors was over. However, some believed that some heroes still possessed the Warrior Saint's blessing. They said that a true warrior worthy of the blessing is blessed by the Warrior Saint at birth.
    Ability: These descendants are known for courage and fighting prowess, along with making them immune to any fear or discouragement.   Any weapon they wield adds 25% more overall damage to simulate their prowess on top of the increase the weapon already gives.
    Usage: Passive.

    Unique Abilities: Psycho-kinesis: Able to utilize his mental powers to grab and manipulate objects within a short-to medium range around himself. Living objects can be grappled this way, but their force of will will disrupt the grapple, allowing them to break free with some effort in a short amount of time. Requires focus proportionate to the size and weight of the object.

    In PVP, Psychok-kinesis can only grapple/hold opponents equal to or below Tops rank. Opponents can break free using a percentage of their own magic power. 5% if equal to Tops rank, 10% if below. In PVP, Tops maximum range for a grapple is 10 meters.

    Pure Shield: Top is able to project a small, personal shield over his own body. while reflexive and needing no command to cast, the shield only protects from attacks he is aware of. The shield is able to block a maximum of 20 points of damage before being disabled. Top can regenerate the shields power passively at a rate of 2 defence points per post as long as the shield takes no additional damage. If the shield shatters it will require 5 posts before Top is able to refocus the pure shield. The shield does not account for any weapons Top is wielding and does not effect allies unless they stand behind Top like an actual shield. The pure shield blocks damage and inertia, but if overpowered, it will not block any damage from the attack that shatters it.

    Enhanced speed and strength: As a result of his PK, Top is able to move his body faster than even other wizards of the same physical capability level. Accounting for a small boost in reaction time and movement speed. This power is completely dependent on Tops PK and will not be present while his focus is divided, such as when manipulating an object or weapon, meaning he can only fight close range with his enhanced attributes. Strength is enhanced by 25% while speed and reaction time are enhanced by 30%

    Spell Template

    Name: Havoc Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: one attack/post
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: Top forms claws from pure psychic energy over one hand and slashes at an enemy with the distortion effect. Like all psionic magic, while not overly damaging, this attack is not cancled by many elemental defenses, making it difficult to counteract.
    Damage: 20 HP
    Range: melee range
    Cost: 10 MP

    • instant cast
    • fast attack
    • rapid recharge allows to be fired consecutively.


    • Low damage
    • small area of impact
    • can be blocked by armor equal to or greater than Tops rank, assuming the armor is large enough to block the claw swipe.
    • short range.

    Name: Havoc Breaker
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: charge for 1 post, then instant
    Cooldown: 3
    Description:Top gathers a large quantity of psychic energy given off by his teammates and/or enemies. After a charge time of gathering all this ambient psychic energy into a single point, he releases it as a large energy blast. Causes a knock back, sending opponents hit by the blast back 5 meters. The attack gathers more energy depending on how many fighters are in the area.

    in PVP, opponents 1 rank above Top are knocked back 2.5 meters. Opponents 2 ranks above top are not effected by knock back, but still take damage.

    Damage: 20 base, plus 5 for each combatant currently in area. No upper limit in PVE, in PVP, upper limit 50 HP
    Range: 10 meters, blast zone a total of 3 meters wide and 3 meters high.
    Cost 10 MP

    • high impact
    • medium damage
    • strong when outnumbered


    • Charge time
    • requires stationary casting
    • lack of long range
    • weaker when in smaller fights

    Name: Black Vortex
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, AOE
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: Top forms a field of whirling disruptions around his body, becoming the center of a raging vortex. Any enemies caught within are tossed around like toys, along with any weapons or large debris pulled in with them, and will take damage from remaining within the vortex. When its time/post count expires, the vortex will burst, throwing everything within away from Tops body and causing explosive damage.

    During PvP, or if a player is caught in it in general; Players above the rank of this spell are able to resist the pull effect. If they're caught in the blast they still take damage.

    Damage: 20 base, plus 5 for each enemy or weapon caught in the vortex, Limit of 50 during PvP, no limit during PvE
    Range 10 Meter radius, adds +2 meters per enemy sucked in.
    Cost 10 MP

    • wide area of effect
    • high damage
    • can effect multiple enemies at once
    • greater damage the more enemies are sucked up.


    • Slows Top down by 40 percent when activated
    • stronger enemies will not be sucked up
    • can be avoided if an enemy is able to root them self to the ground or a sturdy object.
    • can harm teammates as well
    • easy to see coming

    Name: Gigas Faust
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: instant
    Cooldown: 3
    Description: Top focuses all of his concentration into a single psychic attack, causing any weapons or persons he is holding to immediately be freed. Once top has determined the point, he makes a motion of punching the ground, causing a powerful, downward shockwave at the target, leaving a large crater in the shape of a fist. Whatever is hit takes crushing damage, those immediately outside will be hit by the shock wave.
    Damage: 30 HP, enemies around impact take 10 Shock wave damage.
    Range 20 Meters (diameter of shockwave surounding single target)
    Cost 15 MP

    • High impact
    • high damage
    • shockwave


    • requires all concentration
    • costly spell
    • Single target (shockwave not included)
    • Needs to be focused on a single enemy.

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)

    Last edited by AAGGRESSS on 10th December 2015, 10:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
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    First Skill: Soul
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    Psionic magic  Empty Re: Psionic magic

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th December 2015, 4:34 pm

    YO! I got this, comments in this color, like a boss.

    AAGGRESSS wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Psychic
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you bought at the store goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Psionic magic is at its basest form, the power to manipulate the world around ones self using no tool but ones own force of will. The same principals necessary for several forms of magic, especially those that don't always focus on direct damage, are necessary here. Utilizing this psychic force, the wielder is able to manipulate objects from a distance, strike them with great force without even touching them, or even form force fields and cutting waves of pure psychic force.

    Tops method of battle is based equal parts around utilizing weapons, and the psychic force itself, effectively using every weapon available to him. He was trained to be brutally effective like a raging monster, however due to his personality and rule against killing, Top never uses his powers to full, lethal effect. He carries with him a great sword, along with a large supply of small, but useful Petard bombs. Utilizing his mental powers, Top is able to levitate his weapons, to wield them without even touching them. He can additionally use his psionics to move his body at great speeds and exhibit strength greater than what a human is normally capable of. The real versatility of Psionic magic hover comes from the fact that in addition to powering up his weapons and himself, Top is able to use the pure psychic force as a weapon itself, charging his sword with kinetic energy which he can then launch as a sword beam, firing smaller cutting waves from his hands, or simply batting an opponent from afar with a powerful psychic punch. When necessary, Top is able to project a force field over his swords blade, making it considerably more powerful and allowing him to block even some magic attacks with it.

    • Able to preform melee attacks at a range
    • Able to attack/defend from multiple directions at once at the cost of focus
    • very uncommon magic has few true counters, and not many know how to use said counters


    • Requires extreme focus to balance more than one psychic attack.
    • can not block or deflect non physical weapons or sound based weapons.
    • maximum range is dependent on the users force of will.
    • Psychic grapples lose effectiveness against enemies with willpower, strong force of will can break through a psychic grapple

    Lineage: Warriors Heart Please copy and past this to your lineage:
    your lineage:

    Unique Abilities: Psycho-kinesis: Able to utilize his mental powers to grab and manipulate objects within a short-to medium range around himself. Living objects can be grappled this way, but their force of will will disrupt the grapple, allowing them to break free with some effort in a short amount of time. Requires focus proportionate to the size and weight of the object.
    As it is, I have no true problems with it; however I'd like you to add in that During PVP you can only pick up opponents equal to, or below your rank, and that they can use some of their own magic power (5% if they're equal to your rank, 10% if they're below) to counter this ability. Also the player would have to be in close proximity to you say... within 10 meters.

    This is more of a fairness kind of thing. But while on jobs, basically not fighting players this ability has free reign.

    Psychic Shield/charge: Able to project a shield of Psychic force around himself in part or in whole. Shield is made of physical force and as such can not block non physical attacks such as sound or pure energy, but will block weapons. Stronger or sustained attacks will weaken the shield until it is broken unless more focus is applied than the strength of the attacks. Secondarily, the change can be projected into a weapon, charging it with a burst of psychic energy and causing the next attack to deal an explosion of extra damage. Useful with thrown weapons, as Top can also use his Psycho-kinesis to recover them from a distance. Augments damage of a weapon with 20 Psychic damage, same as a basic spell.
    From what I can understand, this is a 2 part effect where you chose 1 of 2 effects.
    1. ) Either you gain a non-magical barrier; OR
    2.) You can increase the damage of your next attack by 1x Ability Rank Base Magic damage

    I'm gonna have to ask you to limit the amount of times you can create the shield; as well as specify how much damage the shield can take. Since this is an "either/or" kind of spell, when you charge your weapon the shield would have to go away (if it still exists). I'm imagining "focus" is your character's equivilant of "magic power" so I'd like you to specify how much "focus" it takes to strengthen the shield, as well as how much more durability the shield will have when you do this.

    Enhanced speed and strength: As a result of his PK, Top is able to move his body faster than even other wizards of the same physical capability level. Accounting for a small boost in reaction time and movement speed. This power is completely dependent on Tops PK and will not be present while his focus is divided, such as when manipulating an object or weapon, meaning he can only fight close range with his enhanced attributes.
    I'd like for you to specify exactly how much faster Top is. You can either give a percentage, or an actual speed value.

    Spell Template

    Name: Havoc Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2
    Description: Top forms 5 energy distortion blades, one from each finger, in a crescent shape, as he swipes his hand like a claw. The blades move all as one, shooting forward like a bullet. While fast and able to deal instant damage, the claw attack only hits once, as the 5 projectiles move as one, dealing cutting damage. has a range of about 25 m. Instant speed. Here in the description it says the spell has 25m range, but below it states 20 meters. Please reduce the range in the description to 20 meters. 'Instant' doesn't exactly state the actual speed of the spell, but rather how fast you can cast it. For a spell of this nature, I'd say between 3.5 and 4.5 meters per second (between 7 and 10 mph) would be an appropriate speed for the needles.
    Damage: 20 HP
    Range: 20 meters
    Cost: 10 MP

    • instant cast
    • decent range
    • rapid recharge allows to be fired consecutively.


    • Low damage
    • small area of impact
    • can be blocked by armor with a defense against slash damage Can be blocked by any armour equal to or greater than your rank assuming it's large enough to block all 5 of the blades, as well as Barriers
    • can not change direction after launch.

    Name: Havoc Breaker
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: charge for 1 post, then instant
    Cooldown: 3 
    Description:Top gathers a large quantity of psychic energy given off by his teammates and/or enemies. After a charge time of gathering all this ambient psychic energy into a single point, he releases it as a large energy blast. The attack gathers more energy depending on how many fighters are in the area. I like the concept of this attack, but I feel like being hit by this would send you flying. If you would like, you can add on a "Knock Back" effect that sends opponents back 5 meters.
    During PvP opponents 1 rank above this spell would be sent back 2.5 meters, and opponents 2 ranks above this spell would be able to resist the knock-back but will still be damaged.

    Damage: 20 base, plus 5 for each combatant currently in area (upper limit at D level 100) Limit of 50 during PvP, if you like you can have no max damage limit during PvE
    Range: 20 meters  Please reduce this to 10 meters, and specify the size of the blast (width, height, shape)
    - In addition to the main effect, you can have this blast gain +5 meters for each combatant with a max range of 30 meters.

    Cost 10 MP

    • high impact
    • medium damage
    • strong when outnumbered


    • Charge time
    • slow You didn't mention anything about how fast the the energy blast moves, please include a speed for your spell if you wish to keep this weakness. Between 5 and 8MPH would be appropriate.
    • can be dodged All spells are able to be dodged, please replace this with a true weakness
    • weaker when in smaller fights

    Name: Black Vortex
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, AOE
    Duration: 3
    Cooldown: 5
    Description: Top launches a raging whirlwind through psychic disruptions. The attack not only travels forward at a slow pace, but will expand its vortex out, drawing in objects, friends and enemies alike who approach, into the center of the vortex, where they will take shrapnel damage from whatever is sucked into the vortex with them, including each other. After a short amount of time, the cortex will burst, throwing everything out, this causes explosive damage.. Please specify the max range the vortex can pull something in from, the max range forward it can launch, and the size of the vortex when it stops moving.
    During PvP, or if a player is caught in it in general; Players above the rank of this spell are able to resist the pull effect. If they're caught in the blast they still take damage. 

    Damage: 20 base, plus 5 for each enemy or weapon caught in the vortex, no upper limit Limit of 50 during PvP, no limit during PvE
    Range 20 Meters Please reduce range to 10 meters, you may have it gain +2 meters per enemy. Also please specify if the range is in Radius or Diameter. If the range is in diameter you don't have to change it.
    Cost 20 MP You can reduce this down to 10 MP

    • wide area of effect
    • high damage
    • can effect multiple enemies at once
    • greater damage the more enemies are sucked up.


    • Very slow Please specify the exact speed of the vortex, I'll leave the numerical value to your discretion
    • can be avoided All spells can be avoided, either remove this and 1 of your listed strengths; or replace this with a true weakness. Removing a listed strength has no effect on the quality of the spell.
    • can not change direction once launched
    • can harm teammates as well
    • easy to see coming

    Name: Gigas Faust
    Rank: D
    Type: Psychic, offensive
    Duration: instant
    Cooldown: 10 You can reduce this to 6 posts... I get it's uber powerful but 10 posts is ridiculous for a cooldown at any rank below A...
    Description: Top focuses all of his concentration into a single psychic attack, causing any weapons or persons he is holding to immediately be freed. Once top has determined the point, he makes a motion of punching the ground, causing a powerful, downward shockwave at the target, leaving a large crater in the shape of a fist. Whatever is hit takes crushing damage, those immediately outside will be hit by the shock wave.
    For an instant spell I can't allow it to deal 2.5x Rank damage. I'd like you to either reduce the damage to 30(1.5x), or make this a charge-up spell (1 post and then instant on the next post). Having a long cooldown and high MP/focus cost alone isn't enough, since you're able to just pop this off without having to worry about someone stopping it.
    I'd also like you to list a few ways your opponent would be able to stop the charging of this spell, as well as specify if you're able to move/attack/block while charging.
    - If you make it a 1.5x damage spell with an instant duration, you can reduce the MP cost to 15; or make it the normal cost for a D Rank spell and add some other cost to it like a self inflicted debuff or something. You can also drop the cooldown from 10 to 3 in this case. 

    Damage: 50 HP, enemies around impact take 10 Shockwave damage.
    Range 20 Meters Radius or Diameter? Either is fine, I just need specifics. Also please specify how far away the 10 damage from the shockwave would be able to reach.
    Cost 60 MP

    • High impact
    • high damage
    • shockwave


    • requires all concentration
    • costly spell
    • Single target (shockwave not included) Does this mean it deals the 50 damage to 1 target, an then the 20 meter blast is the shockwave? If so, please specify it in the description as the current wording implies the 50 damage is dealt to the 20 meters.
    • Needs to be focused on a single enemy.

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)(List your Spell Fusions here, name them, category them, have them make sense, and most importantly make them shiny!)

    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)

    Lineage : Warriors Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 49
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t18408-psionic-magic
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    Psionic magic  Empty Re: Psionic magic

    Post by AAGGRESSS 10th December 2015, 5:49 pm

    Alright, gave it a overhaul using your advice, thank you.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Psionic magic  Empty Re: Psionic magic

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th December 2015, 7:10 pm

    Enhanced Speed & Strength : +5% is really, REALLY insignificant of a change. How about +25% Strength, and +30% speed & Reaction time?

    Lineage : Warriors Heart
    Position : None
    Posts : 49
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t18408-psionic-magic
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    Psionic magic  Empty Re: Psionic magic

    Post by AAGGRESSS 10th December 2015, 10:35 pm

    heh ya, i am still getting used to what numbers and percentages are considered standard for this place. Thanks for the help.

    and updated.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Psionic magic  Empty Re: Psionic magic

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th December 2015, 11:02 pm

    Psionic magic  MqXl8kK

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