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    God's Versus 'God'


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    God's Versus 'God' Empty God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 21st September 2015, 2:21 pm

    Job Info:

    So the guild he was in, to appease the people around him, had wanted him to go out and do jobs for them. What a pathetic idea! He had humored them for a bit, walking up to the job board that the leaders of the guild had set up for the others to look at, before he grew very serious. According to the job description some beast's shrine had been destroyed and it was now causing havoc because of it. The creature was drawing in the worship of elemental beings, meaning it was acting like some kind of god; a false god. No god would care about a simple shrine. No, they would be more worried about the entirety of their domain. Unless that was all the elemental spirit had had left at the time, then the frustration would be justified.

    As the God of Blood Chaoris understood these things as he walked along the edges of Talonia, avoiding just about everyone as he made his way to the location described on the job papers. The almost giant of a man wondered about what the spirit took as worship. Was it like his? The shedding of blood in his name and the offering of skulls? Or was it something else entirely? Maybe the elemental creatures flocking to it had to do what they had been doing to Talonia's weather to worship.  Not that it mattered! Anything that called itself a god and was not was something he needed to kill, to assert authority as a god himself.

    Basilisk Fang had said he wasn't the desired 'rank' for taking this job. He was not one to be ranked, and had stormed off to show them just how powerful he was. The job asked for four mages to go, and he had gone on his own. 'Pitiful mages, so lost in their magic that they don't realize who is before them.' The smell of blood and the sound of worship reached his ears, or so he thought, as his tongue stuck out slightly from the right corner of his mouth. The man had Schizophrenia, a long untreated case of it. Though most would just assume he was off his rocker, the twenty year old really did have a treatable condition should one be able to ever get close enough to him to help. How one got close to a man that could manipulate blood, no one knew. Maybe it was just best to let him loose amongst the world and just point him in the direction where deaths would be ignored for the most part. Or maybe the Magic Council would see something useful, a member willing to dive into the black depths of morality to gain access to someone to use for their cause.

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 21st September 2015, 2:41 pm

    Strange weather? Strange elemental creatures? Shrines of forgotten gods? Had any job been made more perfect for one such as the man who stood on the outskirts of Talonia waiting a short while to see if anyone else would turn up to join him on this little jaunt. To him, based on the ranking of the job anyway, this mission should be a cake walk, but that didn't bother him. The mission's details excited him. He'd been wanting to smack a particular god in the face for a while so this would make good practise. He wondered if it would be substantial enough for him to use his trademark headbutt move?

    "Going underground isn't really my style, but I suppose some gods prefer to lurk in the depths rather than soar in the sky." he said to himself as he stood there waiting. "And...I suppose as I'm meant to be the shadow of him...I probably should be more at home in dark places. Snakes are after all." He mused this thought over in his head. For one who was supposed to be so associated with snakes he wasn't really that snake like except in terms of speed and stealth. "Its a good job this isn't that high ranked...if I had to go all out i'd probably end up going back home due to cave in. That would suck."

    A small green light flew out from underneath his mantle and spun round him a few times before forming into a large armoured woman with scarlet hair wielding a spear. The wings upon her back, possibly the most unusual trait, were a pale translucent green and appeared insectoid yet also appeared to be made of light. "I guess it will be like home to you right Devon?"

    "It will be nice to be back underground...I can fight better with walls around me and ceilings above." she replied and Zack shook his head. He didn't understand how creatures gifted with flight like Devon and her race, the demon fairies of Malkriss, could prefer being confined. It just didn't fit in his head. When you had the freedom of flight the world had no limits. You could go as far as you wanted, go almost anywhere. It put a new limit as few could travel in space or even close to it, but still the fewer the limits the more one could do and explore.

    Still, perhaps if you'd been trapped all your life and knew nothing else then came into such a wide world...you might want to go back to the life you understood. Besides, they were trained to use their wings in indoor combat and utilise walls, ceilings and floors. It was a very brutal battle style, but it was one Zack had adopted and adapted into his own. Except for him everything could be a wall or a ceiling. Gravity was his ally.


    God's Versus 'God' Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    God's Versus 'God' Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    God's Versus 'God' Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 23rd September 2015, 1:26 am

    The walk seemed to be taking forever, the tall man beginning to grumble words that complained about the pathetic human qualities he had while in the world of humans. The well dressed man continued on his way, a large cybernetic creature following beside him as he grumbled. The Sight of Suicide made a robotic mewling sound as the joker looking face stared into his eyes, rows of teeth looking like a maniacal smile as he patted the creature on the head. He had found the creature when searching through an abandoned warehouse, the place ending up being some kind of scientific lab that had been deserted. Instead of running in fear from the beast he had walked up to it, removing it from the chains that held it to set it free. In return the beast had seemed to assume him as his master; a cybernetic servant for the God of Blood.

    The ding of his hand hitting metal wasn't enough to cover the sound of conversation not too far ahead, another person in the area. In his musings he had forgotten to keep an awareness of his surroundings, something he would have to refrain from doing in the future. Calmly, but with an air of confidence, the man walked towards the voices to find one whose power seemed to surpass even the Blood God's. Eyes went wide as he stared at the person he had never met before, surprised to have found another god walking amongst the people of this world. 'So I'm not the only true god walking amongst those inferior to us. Maybe he's here for the same thing I am, and can tell him to join me in my quest to defeat that which would mock our deity-ship.'

    The Sight of Suicide growled loudly as they grew close enough to be able to talk without yelling out, the creature used to trying to scare anything that was within range. A rap across the beasts head would cause it to lower it's body in a sign of submission as the two stopped a good ten feet away, enough to dodge any sudden attacks that the man and creature before them could possibly throw their way. ”Strange, seeing another like me near a job I've taken. I take it you are here to slay the 'false god' that has the elemental creatures causing calamity around Talonia?” The God's deep, gravelly, voice rung out in a bass that gave a certain type of commanding tone to it; no matter his feelings when he spoke. Some would get upset over it, not that he cared if he drew one's ire; their lives mattered naught to him, while others would realize it was just how he was and continue on.

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 23rd September 2015, 11:32 am

    "Another like you?" Zack asked quizzically and looked over at Devon for some confirmation. He had no idea what this guy was on about. He raised his gloved hand towards the man trying to assess the magic aura. If he was the 'same' as Zack then he would be a celestial spirit or part celestial. However, his aura did not show that. No, instead it seemed to be one of blood. An odd magic and darker than most he saw. He honestly had no idea exactly what it was. It wasn't like any he had seen before, but it certainly wasn't like his. "Not sure what you mean there bud, but as for dealing with the elementals and this god or whatever it is...yeah that's what i'm here for. Been a while since i've battled it out with a god. Should be fun." He cracked his knuckles and then his neck. "If you're here for that too...then welcome aboard. I appreciate the company." He'd have to keep an eye on this guy though because he seemed to have quite a dark aura, but also he hated allies getting hurt or dying around him and this guy's power, whilst not weak, wasn't also on the level he'd expect to see on this rank of job. Perhaps he hoped to really test his strength and improve. Zack could appreciate that, but it also meant he had to keep an eye on him. An extra challenge that he hadn't expected, but he didn't exactly mind.

    With that Zack turned and began to stroll in the direction towards where the scout had apparently found a pathway down to the ancient ruins of the god. That was probably the best place to start though he hoped to some extent that he'd be able to get a warm up against some of these elementals before he got down there. It was better that way and it would be fun.

    As if in his answer to twenty 5ft large figures emerged. They seemed to be composed of multiple magical signatures. Five were of fire that shaped into a salamander, five were of water in the shape of mermaids, five were of earth as large spheres and the final five were of air in the shape of a bird. Now that proved a bit of a problem. He'd wanted a warm up, but that took it a bit further then he had hoped. He cracked his neck and stepped forward unsheathing his sword. He exhaled deeply and blurred forward slicing into one of the air elementals trying to cut it into pieces. It seperated and flowed around his strike, but Zack just grinned as another sword formed in his hand and suddenly crackled with lightning and in a blur of motion he sliced the bird-like air elemental into pieces. One down, 19 to go. That was quite a hefty number.


    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 23rd September 2015, 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total


    God's Versus 'God' Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    God's Versus 'God' Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    God's Versus 'God' Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by NPC 23rd September 2015, 11:32 am

    The member 'Speed Demon Zack' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    God's Versus 'God' StrongMonster

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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 28th September 2015, 1:22 am

    Quizzical look would be met with quizzical look at the other god's question about his previous statement. Did he not believe Chaoris was a god? Or was it the other way around. Either way it mattered little to him, as he seemed to be here with the same goal in mind; the killing of the elemental spirit claiming to be a god around here. So long as they would be working towards the same goal he would cooperate and allow the other one to keep him company. After the half introductions, no names being given at all, the two began to make their way to the origin of the weather changing monsters they would be slaying for the rest of their stay near Talonia. They were stopped before the completely arrived, however, by a swarm of the elementals coming to fight them; five of each of the four elements.

    Without much wait, the god that was with him seemed to blur as he moved forward to destroy one of the air elementals, the creature sliced into pieces in but a moments time. While the other had the power, and a weapon to go with it, all the God of Blood had was his bare hands and magic. Only one part of his magic would be useful, sadly, as the beings before him had no trace of blood to manipulate. ”Your god will be slain after your bodies litter the ground!” His deep voice would yell out, the words echoing in all directions as the insane mage's body flowed with a power none could expect. Even as this happened, scythes of blood erupted out from his elbows as he began his charge at the closest enemies near him; the five earth elementals that had found the god's rage pointed at them.

    The first elemental that found itself being struck did not last long, a series of punches followed through with the blades at his elbows felling the creature before they could even register the lower ranked mage as a threat to them. Once this was realized, however, Chaoris found a few rocks the size of his fist coming at him as projectiles he needed to dodge. He ignored the rocks, instead charging through and ignoring the pain, from the one that hit him, as he did an uppercut to the next of the rocks he was crushing. The elemental left the ground, finding itself taking another punch followed through with a scythe before finding itself being hit with two punches that brought both scythes into the elemental body of the being before the enraged man tore out with both arms; pieces of the earth beast flying in all directions before he looked towards the next one of his victims.

    Stuff Used and HP/MP/Etc.:

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 4th October 2015, 3:16 am

    The blood mage seemed to have some sort of power that was hidden. The strength that had come out suddenly was much higher than his aura should of been capable of. Had he somehow been hiding his physical aura somehow? Or did he have some other ability. Perhaps one of those rare bloodlines that seemed to make mage's a lot more than what they appeared. It seemed he was stronger and could take more damage than Zack thought capable. Using that power he managed to take down two of the earth elementals. That was pretty impressive. However, there was still a lot of these elementals left. Had their god sensed Zack coming and thus sent out such numbers in order to deal with them? That was one explanation. Or perhaps they just had been unlucky and ran into a large amount. Another valid explanation. Unfortunately though Zack couldn't hold back otherwise they would fall despite their strength.

    He couldn't use his ultimate spells as they might be needed to face the god if this is what his servants were like. That meant one thing and one thing only. He'd have to unlock the 13th gate. Well, part of it anyway. "Sword arm of the 13th." he whispered his arm glowing bright. Without waiting for the spell to finish activating he flew like a spear straight through the remaining air elementals. However, his speed was that high that as he had been piercing through them he had actually been rapidly slashing. Soon all the air elementals had fallen leaving only earth, fire and water to deal with. As he stopped moving his arm had transformed. It was now an armored form with a large horned lizard like head and the head was clamped down upon the sword giving increased grip.

    It was fortunate he had done so because just as he had launched his attack all of the remaining elementals had been glowing bright as if preparing for some powerful joint attack. As the last air elemental fell though the magic that had been surrounding them faded. However, whilst this was initially good as it meant they were saved from what they were preparing an anger seemed to start flowing through the remaining elementals. A rage which they turned entirely on Zack. The fire elementals hurled fireballs, the earth elementals balls of earth and the water elementals high pressure beams of water. This alone was quite devastating from 13 opponents. However, what made it worse was that the fire and earth spells combined together to form balls of magma making them large, which were then cooled by the water making them into boulders. They were large than even the earth elementals. They were the size of houses and they were still going at high velocity.

    [color=teal]"Sorry buddies, but that ain't gonna work. Ciao." he pointed at the ground and then dropped through it appearing behind the water elementals. "Ninpou: Junsuii CHikyu" One of which he stabbed with a powerful lightning soaked thrust causing it to explode into balls of lightning charged water. This did little damage to the earth elementals, moderate damage to the fire and a ton of damage to the water. However, they weren't down yet.



    God's Versus 'God' Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    God's Versus 'God' Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    God's Versus 'God' Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 5th October 2015, 4:43 pm

    All of the elementals seemed to forget about Chaoris for a moment, each one turning their focus and rage onto the god that was along with him for this job. The speed at which he destroyed all of the wind elementals was impressive, but only to a point. Had these creatures had any source of blood they would all already be dead, lying pale white on the ground with no more of the source of life flowing through them. With rage still flying through him, he continued to charge as he watched the combined attack of the monsters as well as his companions counter attack against it. The explosion of lightning infused water struck all the the remaining survivors of their slaughter, the damage corroding all of them even as the God of Blood reached hitting range with his fists.

    The first weakened earth elemental would find itself being struck with enough force to overkill it, the near dead creature exploding with the strike to fly out as shrapnel as he continued running through the epicenter of it to move towards another. This one managed to throw out a defensive attack, a small burst of pebbles that he simply ran through as he swung out at the earthen beast. The pebbles left small cuts, abrasions, and bruises as he hit straight through where a heart would be in the normal human. The attack location was purely out of instinct, the punch going through as well as the scythe, to strike in a way that would have burst the heart into oblivion in anything that took the hit normally. The creature did not crumble this time, the god instead having to withdraw his hand from the rocks. There was only one more earth elemental left, and it was next! The elemental showed no fear as it rolled forward in an attempt to run the blood manipulating mage over, though the attack would fail as he simply jumped to the side to let loose a spinning kick that knocked it a good ways before it hit the ground. There it lay for a moment, unmoving, before it slowly eroded into dust before the eyes of all involved.

    His breathing was heavy and ragged. He was obviously exerting way more physical prowess than the human body could normally withstand for his build,  though the man whom believed he was a god paid no attention to that. The sound of worshipers reached his ears as he charged a fire elemental, leaping into a double punching charge that crossed his arms and sent both magical blood scythes into the creature even as he burned himself in the process. The damage was enough to sizzle the elemental out of existence, the tall man hitting the ground in a roll as he made an unsteady recovery to his feet.

    Magic, Enemies, and other Information!:



    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 11th October 2015, 11:24 am

    Fire and water. The two elements remaining. The water's would be easy enough to deal with, but the fire's could prove difficult. He didn't have any spells really suited to taking down fire based opponents. He dropped through the earth again to avoid several blasts of water that flew at him. He grinned as he leaped out of the ground slicing through one of the water elementals and then flipped in the air and sliced through the second before dropping into the ground. Like before they exploded into balls of lightning doing further damage to the surrounding elementals, which included the remaining water elementals. It was just enough to push them over their limit and they fell into puddles. That was unfortunate. Zack had been hoping they would explode like the others and do further damage to the others. Still, with just the fire elementals left he could focus on them. Suddenly, the ground around him began to heat up. He quickly moved through the ground and leaped out once more. It was fortunate, because the area he had been hiding and thinking in had been superheated by blasts from the four elementals to such a state now that it had become lava. Something that could of easily put Zack out of commision.

    Now, how best to deal with these fire elementals? As mentioned earlier he had no real spell that would be super effective. At least not if these followed the traditional patterns of fighting. He'd just have not rely on that. He was a H rank mage after all. No need to worry about things like these. Especially as his partner for this job seemed to be holding his own. He also had his sword arm out, which meant he should probably utilise that whilst he could. He charged at the fire elementals, moving from side to side dodging blasts of fire. One caught his arm burning it heavily, but it wasn't enough to stop him. He thrust his sword into one of them "Choetsu Kiba." he said with a grin the runes on his sword lighting up and the cutting power and damage power of his blade even more. It was enough to bring the fire bird down. Suddenly he had his other sword in hand and thrust into another swinging one horizantally and the other vertically then both diagonally breaking it into pieces. Two more had fallen. There were now only two left.

    That was a much easier amount to deal with. He leaped backwards his swords twirling around him suddenly and he backflipped back several times avoiding rapid bursts of fire from the remaining elementals. They seemed to be a lot fiercer now that they knew they were truly in danger. "Getting riled up huh? I haven't even used half my strength yet." he said with a wink as he blocked two combined fire blasts with his swords and swept them to the side causing explosions all around him especially behind him causing his hair to ruffle. In truth it looked very dramatic and traditionally shonen or super sentai style.


    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 13th October 2015, 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total


    God's Versus 'God' Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    God's Versus 'God' Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    God's Versus 'God' Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1136

    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 12th October 2015, 12:33 pm

    The unsteady recovery became a growl as he saw his next target explode into lightning infused water. HE had wanted to kill that water elemental! The God of Blood turned his head to another of the water elementals, his feet moving him in that direction so he could get neat enough to hit his victims; enemies being too nice of a word for what was happening to the elemental creatures. Even as the tall man did so, he had to watch as the other god took out the rest off the water elementals as well as two of the remaining fire elementals. 'NO! THESE TWO WILL BE MINE!' The thought was so loud in his head that it covered all of the voices he had heard at the time. The sounds of people fighting in his name, the sound of battle, all of it vanished as his body grew closer to the last two remaining opponents.

    Eyes watched as the other one blocked blasts of fire while Chaoris moved ever closer, finally reaching one to throw a single scythe through the body of it. The hardened blood sizzled, not purifying it as his blood was perfect anyway, as it went through the elemental's body and tore the bird looking flames in twain. It was too bad these creatures held no blood, being composed completely of the element they were for. It would have been wonderful to feel their blood against his skin, blood mixing with blood, and to actually collect a skull or two from them to claim for his throne. Hopefully their 'god' would be of flesh and blood, that way he could have his fun and get what he wanted out of it while slaying the false god and heretic.

    There was not really time to remain in thought, there was combat to be had! Once more life to slay and THEN the God could think about the next victims they may see in the near future. Noticing the death of it's compatriot, the burning beast turned towards Chaoris to let loose a large fireball. Not wanting to feel the pain of nerves repairing from that kind of burn across his whole body, the near giant of a man leaped to his right and continued running towards the last one standing of the twenty that had put up a feeble resistance for the two gods sent to destroy them. The fiery beast seemed to know what was about to happen, the flames shaking as if in fear before a final last ditch effort of an attack was made. A wall of flames was released, the man rolling underneath it, before the last elemental found itself smothering out with a single strike from his blood scythe on his left elbow. The man stood there grumbling, something about how he needed more enemies to slay; some with blood to shed. Moments later he would look over to the other god that was with him before speaking loud enough to be understood. ”Let's go find this false god, before it wastes more of our time with these weak beings.”

    Magic and Such!:
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 13th October 2015, 12:34 am

    It had taken longer than he would of liked and he had used more magic power and more spells than he would of liked, but between the two of them they had been successful in destroying all twenty elementals. Sure, most of the work had been done by Zack, but this blood wielding mage had done his fair share of damage. In order to conserve magic power and allow them to be used again soon he dispelled the remaining effects he was using and sent his long sword back to the pocket dimension he maintained in the celestial spirit world. The man who he was partnered with was certainly not the normal kind of mage Zack would team up with and it was a pure coincidence that the two were together for this job. His aura which was already dark and blood soaked was now even more apparent with the words he mumbled and his fighting style which seemed brutal and strength based. There appeared to be little elegance or beauty in it. However, the man's power was not something Zack could easily ignore and his magic was intriguing to say the least. The ability to manipulate blood into weaponry would of made Zack near unstoppable before he discovered his true self. Why? Because his blood had been poisonous to all who touched it reducing their physical abilities and making them easier to beat. With that in weapon form he could of been truly devastating.

    It was truly a shame then that such a mage had gone down such a dark and twisted path. Was he however beyond redemption? Member's of his guild after all had some pretty bloody pasts and still weren't exactly the most 'legal' seeming of 'legal' guilds. Perhaps Zack would work with this mage and be able to divert him into a better path. It would be difficult and unlikely to succeed, but if there was one thing Zack enjoyed it was a challenge. He turned and faced the blood mage. "Sorry blood. Forgot to introduce myself. The name's Zack Rose though some people like to call me Speed Demon. Up to you which you choose." he said and then paused and decided to reveal another name. "Or Ophiuchus. That's another name a certain group of individuals know me by. Feel free to call me that or some nickname based on it if you prefer." Zack really didn't care that much, but this would at least allow some communication between them in battle apart from 'hey blood mage do this' or stuff like that. It was better than nothing.

    He did have to agree that spending time battling these elementals, whilst fun, was not getting them any close to their goals unless of course said 'false god' could only create a limited amount in which case defeating them would severely weaken it. He didn't agree that they were weaklings. It was rare Zack had to use as many spells as he did, particularly those, so they couldn't of been that weak. "Yeah let's get going. No sense hanging around."



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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 14th October 2015, 9:28 pm

    Ah, it all sorted out now. What he thought was a god was actually a demon, a speed demon if one went by what his 'friends' called him. The man that went by the name Zack Rose also had his demonic name involved, Ophiuchus. It had a certain ring to it, like one of importance among the realm of deities and demonic presences. ”It is nice to meet you, Ophiuchus. I go by the name of Chaoris Orneis. There is no nickname for it, though I may permit you to come up with one if you so choose to do so.” The words were said in a more friendly tone, a surprise if there was one to be had. The tall god normally talked down on all, even other gods if he sensed he was superior in any way. To hear a friendly voice from him meant not equal status, as no god has the same status as any other, but meant that there was no animosity from any way just yet.

    It was strange for him still, he was used to being the only god around. Even the 'Celestial Spirits' he had met, and fought, had been simply spirits under contract with a human or other being. Anything that made contracts with others using simple terms needn't even consider themselves of a higher status. They were just like humans, fighting each other for positions over one another. But that was where Chaoris got his worship! Even those that did not know about him that shed blood in battle were still worshiping him. So long as violence was in the world, Chaoris would have followers. Even so, followers that directly worshiped their God were better than any amount of unknowing ones.

    A wandering, and humorous, thought reached his mind as the two continued on their way to find the false god they were going to slay today. The God could use his own name to devise a nickname by simply using a part from each first and last names. Chaoris Orneis, if one took the the first parts of each, would become Chorne; an apt nickname if he had a say in one's decision for it. He would remember that name, should he meet any new followers. That would be the name he used for underlings and worshipers from now on. Only those he deemed worthy would ever again hear his full name spoken.

    Humorous thought aside, the Schizophrenic man decided to let the demon lead the way from here on out. The power that emanated from him was immense, the speed demon obviously very powerful for his kind, having proven himself in the previous battle. ”'I'll let you forward the charge into the creature's lair.”

    Rosetta Crawford
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 18th October 2015, 1:20 pm

    Of all names for this man to pick he decided on the one that linked him to the celestial spirits, his other half, the serpent bearer. He decided to call him Ophiuchus. Strangely, the man did not seem phased at all by any of his titles. No, not only did he not seem phased he seemed to brush it off as a normal occurence. Perhaps because he saw himself as a God and Zack had introduced himself as a 'Speed Demon'. The man also introduced himself. His name was Chaoris Orneis. A name Zack was not familiar with, but was surprised that there wasn't at least some sort of nickname to go with it. Off the top of his head he could think of a few. "I think...i'll call you Chaos, it suits your fighting style." It was true as well. The fighting style had been random and brutal. There was no pattern and thus it was chaos incarnate. No, this blood mage was Chaos incarnate. On top of that it combined parts of his first name and part of his surname so it worked on two levels. It was quite a good nickname or so he felt.

    Eventually they reached the cave. It was not as swift as he would of like but the normal speeds he travelled at were not easy to match for any normal human being, no matter how god-like they thought themselves. Now a speed based mage might have been able to keep up, but Zack had seen both this mage's physical and magical aura and it was not that high. At best it was a C rank mage. It still amazed him that this man had decided to come on this job. However, so far he had shown himself to be a match for many that Zack had fought along side that would be ranked much higher. Perhaps this man just could only access his true strength in small bursts. Yes, he had met mages like that before. Akryn for example had 'gates' he could temporarily open to supercharge his strength and magical skill. However, those gates were hard and dangerous to open. He wondered if Chaos had such a weakness to his strength bursts?

    "Keep your eyes open and focus your sixth sense...this 'god' should have a strong magic aura." he said and with that Zack began to compress and hide his own magic power so that it wouldn't be possible for his aura to get mistaken for the gods. On top of that it would also make the god less aware that they had gotten so close. It also allowed him to focus more on detecting the god's presence. However, as he entered the cave he felt something odd, but couldn't identify it. For now it seemed like it was nothing so he ignored it deciding to think on it later.



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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 2nd November 2015, 7:53 pm

    The nickname the demon had chosen for him was also quite fitting. Instead of using both of his names, the being had used letters from just his first name. That plus it really did suit his fighting style. What use was it to be predictable? If one did not do whatever they felt like doing, one could guess at what would happen next! That was enough of that. If he thought about combat too much he might have started a scrap with the demon, and his pet, before him. As if sensing this the Sight of Suicide made a whimpering growl, though the tall man wasn't sure if it was out of fear or disappointment.

    Ophiuchus, the demon now leading the way as a front line, mentioned the keeping of eyes opened as well as using his sixth sense to look for the magical aura of the false god they were going to be finding in the cave. Upon saying such, the magical aura that he could sense emanating from the powerful demon suddenly drew within itself. Taking the lead of his 'minion,' the man who could control blood did the same. The god willed his magical aura to simply disappear. While those amazing power would still be able to find him, ones that could do so were far and few between. A snap of his fingers would bring his pet to heel, the creature almost attaching to his hip if the terrifying creature moved any closer.

    A lust for blood welled inside his soul as he looked around the cave as they walked. No mages could be sensed around, nor could he feel any blood flowing other than those that were currently allied with him. After this was over he would need to find something that could bleed. How could he expect others to worship him if he didn't do what he asked others to do?

    Something felt off about this place. Maybe it was the elementals and the magic that held them together. Or maybe it was just his impatience getting to him almost instantly upon leaving combat. A shaking of his head could be visibly seen before he began to calm down, his brain registering a scent of fresh blood for only him to sense; his schizophrenia doing that as well as providing the murmurs of chanting prayers with it. Soon he would show his followers what he did to 'false gods' as well as claim a grand skull from what he hoped would be a worthy opponent. If it turned out to be too weak he would simply use it to rest his feet. Yes, using a false god's head as a foot rest. That sounded lovely.

    Rosetta Crawford
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 12th November 2015, 1:10 pm

    It seemed Chaos was very skilled at hiding his magical aura. Even Zack, who was quite skilled at sensing magic power, could barely sense it. It was probably more hidden then his own. Quite impressive really, very impressive infact. Zack continued to stretch out his senses to try and find any sign of the magical creature who was this supposed 'god'. He was also trying to identify exactly what was strange about this place. His body felt both invigorated and weakened. Almost as if there was some kind of energy flowing through him, but it was too much. It didn't seem to be effecting him negatively or at least not yet. Perhaps it would be best to hurry though? He had no real issue with that. He was the 'speed demon' after all. "Let's pick up the pace a little. Something is off about this place. Best not to stay in the realm of an unfriendly god for too long." Zack said with a grin. "Could be stealing our power or anything. Though that just makes things a bit more of a challenge."

    As he said this though a sudden huge flare of magic power tore up around them. 20 seperate magic powers. Very familiar feeling magic powers. "Ah great...another bunch of elementals." Zack said with a groan. Taking them on again wouldn't be fun. Particularly as he had used quite a bit of magic power the first time. "Hope you're ready Chaos. Its the same as outside, but now we are on their turf."

    He drew his sword and without waiting for an answer ran forward through the cave and came to a huge slope inside an even larger cavern. A massive cavern at its center a temple. A temple that appeared to be shattered from some natural disaster. Or perhaps some attack. That must be the cause of the rage of the 'god'. Yet the temple itself was surrounded by the 20 elementals. They weren't doing anything yet. Just floating there waiting. Defending the temple from their approach. A cavern was not the ideal place to fight though. If he went all out he could cause a cave in. There was also the risk he might destroy the shrine and further piss off the 'god'. He didn't want to deal with that whilst fighting with 20 powerful elementals.

    "Chaos. We need to be careful here. We have to take them down swiftly." he said calmly exhaling and preparing for battle. The water elementals were the easiest ones if he had a lighting spell ready to use. He did have one that might help, but it wouldn't hit them all. Then again. It seemed these four shared some sort of link. Water beat fire. Earth beat wind. Wind beat water. So fire beat...earth. Now that was interesting. He had a couple of fire spells he could use. That might be his way forward. "Any ideas? I reckon the earth will be easies for me."


    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 12th November 2015, 1:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by NPC 12th November 2015, 1:10 pm

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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Khorne 27th November 2015, 12:19 pm

    It wasn't long before more of the elementals showed up to stop them. Another twenty of them, a mix of five of each of the four elements. The elementals were not a problem, but they were a nuisance! The creatures were not a match for the god and demon that were striking them down, and the things did not even have a circulatory system to drain from them. His pet beside him mocked a yawned, the massive teeth looking menacing as it made a strange metallic sound; for it was not even organic. The bored mage simply looked over at Ophiuchus, listening to his words about being careful and taking them out swiftly.

    "While we could take them all out. Would that not waste our time and energy? Why do we not charge through and push to the main aggitator that is drawing all of these elementals to it?" Chaoris Orneis brought up a valid point, though not all would agree with the point of view and opinions he had.  For all he knew, the demon standing before him wished to slay all of these creatures that held a false god as their master. They had taken out the first batch easily enough, it wouldn't be hard to do the same with this group. 'It's just so boring and pointless. I just want to kill this false god, shed it's blood, take it's skull. Once that's done I can continue spreading my influence acrosss the realm.' His thoughts raced with ones similar to this one, this being the most sane of the group, as he also listened to Zack talk about the monsters before them.

    So the earth elementals would be the easiest for him? His eyes would look down at the burn he had acquired fighting the fire elementals. They were not the easiest for him, nor would they be so long as he went for physical attacks; his specialty. It was then a choice of air or water, which could he fight against better with his blood? I care not which I fight against, though the water elementals would be the easiest for me to deal with." Calculating eyes watched the creatures that stay passive, for the moment, sway slowly in their places. They were most likely communicating, in whatever language they had, about how to deal with the two invaders that had effortlessly slain twenty of them already while outside of the temple. Though now they were on the opponents turf. Who knew what kind of tricks, traps, and plans the enemy had inside of their own domain. Of course the four, if you counted the familiars, intruders had a better chance of surviving than anything else inside this place.

    Rosetta Crawford
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    God's Versus 'God' Empty Re: God's Versus 'God'

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 12th December 2015, 10:04 am

    Charging through them at high speed. That was one way to deal with the situation, but the problem was they were powerful elementals who could probably wipe them out easily if they had a chance to combine their forces. Zack could probably get through if he went at his top speed, but would the one he had nicknamed Chaos be fast enough? There was no guarantee of that. Zack was a demon of speed and he wasn't even 100% sure he would be able to get past them. Not without using some magic anyway. He nodded as an idea came to him. "You charge through and get into the god's temple...or whatever that building is. I'll act as a decoy to get you through without harm."

    Without waiting for a word Zack drew his sword and another formed in his hand. The small fairy that was Devon flew out of Zack's pocket and formed into her full size form spear in hand. "You keep Chaos safe and help him in the temple i'll join you soon." With that he blurred forward and into a zig zag. As he did so more Zack's seemed to form out of nothing. These were mere after images and would fade five seconds after they formed, but they continued to keep forming. It was a good technique as it was near impossible to tell which was the real Zack. That kept him safe, but also made him seem like more targets thus distracting the elementals as much as possible.

    Suddenly, he was in front of an earth elemental spinning through the air like a drill with his swords as the points. His speed was so great as was his momentum and power he drilled straight through the creature shattering it into pieces. Unfortunately, it seemed that this wasn't enough to deal with it entirely as the earth from it flowed towards one of the other elementals and increased its size. So if they were left alive long enough they could combine? That was quite an interesting ability. He wondered if they could combine only with elementals of their
    own type or if they could combine with the others? That made his curiosity swell up to high levels.

    "This is gonna be a lot trickier than I thought." he said as the earth spheres not only combined but formed into a floating sphere with arms. It reminded him of a much more fearsome version of a creature from a lacrima game. A Terraman if he recalled the creatures name correctly. Though it was just one of many species of creatures. He couldn't recall the name of the game itself. Zip monsters? Or something like that. It seemed the other elementals had decided to take a step upwards as well as they now combined in either pairs or trios. Now he was facing a terraman, a four armed terraman with legs, a huge turtle with aquatic cannons, a smaller turtle with bubbles around its mouth, a large dragon like creature and a smaller wingless dragon and finally some truly fearsome birds. The enemies had decided to take things up a notch and all their attention was on him. Now was Chaos and Devon's chance.



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    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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