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    Lorewalker Mae

    Maelynn Le'Sylviea III
    Maelynn Le'Sylviea III

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Rage Of The Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 6
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Lorewalker Mae Empty Lorewalker Mae

    Post by Maelynn Le'Sylviea III 10th December 2015, 5:20 pm

    This account is an alt of Deszephyr. Shira was ranked up to C Rank here.

    Name: Maelynn Belrose Le'Sylviea III (<- The third)
    Gender: Female
    Age: Appears about 12-14
    Birthday: 11th of November
    Sexuality: She doesn't say, for obvious reasons
    Special Characteristics: Luminescent eyes, but otherwise nothing

    Personality: Mae is a fickle girl. Though on the same coin she is by far the most reliable source of truth you could hope for. Her method of acquiring friends happens no more or less by chance as a result of pure luck. You’d be wrong to assume she’s hostile though, but cold would be a good word in place of anything else. She takes things such as exact details and precise measurements very seriously, preferring order to chaos, Quality to Quantity. That’s probably why she looks so young, yet her voice only strays into the little girl tones when caught off guard. No, most of the time, she spends her time reading and learning, gathering intel and disassembling her own and other’s skills down to a science. She is straightforward, deadly honest, and utterly void of the need to show off, like most mages do. That doesn’t mean she can’t, just that she doesn’t need to. She is of the opinion that function comes before fashion, utility being the best medicine for a fledgling mage. This often makes her seem uppity, superior, and prone to correcting people’s posture, manners, and mana usage. And they’d be right, she is those things, but for good reason. She was raised to use every single molecule of her skill and other’s skills to their fullest potential. Evolution isn’t a concept she embraces, rather she embraces that everyone has their complete potential at birth, and must simply learn to unlock it all to reach their limit.

    Mae is perfectly capable of leading, and shows capability as a tactician and tutor, as well as her preferred role of librarian. She LOVES books, spending the majority of her time reading and writing them, studying every bit of information on the pages. Not just books either, but scrolls, tomes,  and even word-of-mouth stories and facts. She’s a loremaster, a literal archive of knowledge and secrets. This isn’t just because of her undying curiosity for wisdom, but her eidetic memory. Painstakingly honed since she was young, she is able to learn things quickly and recall them in perfect memory. This is what makes her such a great librarian. No sorting system needed, just her love for books! She isn’t all work though. Some special things break through her composed exterior and show off her softer, girly side, just like anyone else who calls themselves human. And while she hates people using said things against her, she can’t exactly hide them either! This balances out her more serious tones, on occasion, and those closest to her can see the more easy-going girl underneath. Not much can be said about her role under a superior though. She detests having to take orders from a less competent person. Rank and status mean nothing to her if a person is overly showy and doesn’t maintain stellar results. This, above all, is her motto in life. Be the best you can be and know your limits. Do the impossible with the limits you have. There is no “11” to crank it up to. There it only understanding.


    • BOOKS - Words cannot express how much she loves to read, almost as much as she liked writing information down in fact. Archivist and Librarian!
    • SWEETS! - Despite her best efforts, she gets extremely giddy when around sweets. The more extravagant, the better!
    • Cats - Felines are among her most favorite of animals. They act in many ways just like her!
    • Butterflies The Butterfly Effect, probably her bread and butter. Every action, a reaction. Plus they're beautiful.


    • Alcohol - She's TECHNICALLY old enough, but the side-effects it has on people are less than desired for a well-oiled machine.
    • Wasteful people! - Whether it's misuse of magic or littering, she despises it and the people who do it.
    • Males? - Not really a dislike, but she does prefer the company of females more.


    • Self-preservation - Probably a given, but she is concerned mostly about sustaining herself.
    • Testing limits - It's no secret that she believes only in one's limits, and doesn't care about luck or fate.
    • Become a tutor - A long shot given her record, but with what she knows, she'd make a great teacher. Plush she wants to swing a ruler at people!


    • Change - A bit bland, but considering she is all about dedication to herself?
    • Chaos - OR a lack of organization. Mess. Mayhem.
    • Rejection - As forward and aggressive as she can be with her ideals, she secretly fears her peers ignoring her and her knowledge.

    General Appearance


    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 90 lbs.
    Hair: Blond/Platinum Blonde. Many different styles
    Eyes: Bright Orange or Bright Blue.. or both!
    Skin Tone: Very light
    *All above appearance information is variable.
    Appearance: Normally, she appears to be around 12-14, with blonde hair set in twintails. Her eyes remain a bright, luminescent blue, but may change to an equally bright orange, or even one of both. Her physical age varies a few years, but never past, say, 12-14 and 18-21, to suit her purpose. This is due to her magic, which is not explained here. Pale skin always, because she spends the majority of her time cooped up in a library or in the shade with books and records. Clothing-wise, she is quite varied. Typically preferring functional wear for her "casual" time, she has been known to dress up in extraordinary dresses and fashion statements when called to special events. She seems to be able to vary her clothing and accessory style as much as her appearance.


    Guild: Sabertooth (Was told I could)
    Tattoo: Back of right hand, black color.
    Rank: D Rank[/u][/b]
    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 333
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 3
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Corenglaw ⌜Alive⌟
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer ⌜1st Gen⌟
    Second Skill: x
    Third Skill:

    Lorewalker Mae Empty Re: Lorewalker Mae

    Post by Princess Natsu 11th December 2015, 2:28 am

    Everything looks good to me.. approved!


    Lorewalker Mae 6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:10 pm