by Daddy 6th November 2015, 4:43 pm
So I’ve sat in the past couple of days since I’ve been away thinking while doing some personal writing considering what the month is, and I figured that I should just toss it out after hearing that a lot of people want this to be a thing. We need an Event team. A team that alone is dedicated to running/creating events. I say this from the point of view of prior event admin. This way admins that are to be handling things that truly concern the site like apps or development aren’t hassled, and the Dev team can stay in their little corner with their computers and code, making new things for the site.
As bad as it sounds, I would like to be part of this team as it’ll allow me to do stuff other than grind away while also Ardere told me he’d love to be part of event staff. If allowed, I’d like to head this, as given the leeway, I’d go ahead and start working on the FOUR EVENTS I already have in my head, and general rewards/cool stuff to excite people, and make it more exciting as some returning people have mentioned.
Keep in mind, and I say this now. Please keep to the topic at hand in this, and reframe from off topic jabs at people. This is purely to discuss the idea of a dedicated Event team.