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    Lilium Santiais


    Posts : 816
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 6

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: αєgιѕ - тнє мιи∂
    Second Skill: муѕтι¢ - тнє вσ∂у
    Third Skill: ραиα¢єα - тнє ѕσυℓ

    Lilium Santiais Empty Lilium Santiais

    Post by Lilium 5th November 2015, 5:36 pm

    Lilium Santiais 1512854911822

    Lilium Santiais M9xPEoZ

    Name: Lilium Santiais
    Alias: Hikari Inoue
    Gender: Female
    Age: Twenty One
    Birthday: July 17th
    Sexuality: Straight

    Lilium Santiais SXlM0dv

    If you had to use one word to describe Lilium: it’d be wary. She is very cautious around people and those she interacts with now. She had trust issues within her at first but brushed them aside to keep up her act as a social butterfly, however, after seeing how easily her parents stopped looking for her and stopped caring, she thought it would be a lot easier to shut herself out and not talk to others anymore. It’s rather tragic. She had gotten past how bad she used to be at interacting with others and now, she can hardly stand to look new people in the face as she talks to them. Lilium generally tries to end conversations as quickly as they begin now as she doesn’t want to be close to people. All close ties she’s had with people have been severed or burned and hurt her in the process. She still has many questions but now turns to anything but asking people to find the answers to. She gets rather anxious when under the gaze of someone because she can hardly handle being looked at. Everything is stressful for her and she doesn’t want people who do need to be involved concerned or knowing of what’s she going through. She has only seen a little of what the world can spit at you and is already scared of what’s to come.

    Since Lilium doesn’t want to concern others, she wears a mask that is almost a diluted version of who she was as Hikari. She’ll still chat with people in a cheerful manner and act as if it’s okay. She tries to help people with their problems but it’s very draining. She overthinks her conversations as they are happening and worries that her responses may disappoint people. In moment’s like this, she will try to walk away from the conversation, not really concerned at what state she left them in. The impressions she leaves on people doesn’t really matter to her because she doesn’t really have to live out her life for anyone anymore. She had a bad habit of overthinking and over complicating situations due to finding herself in a lot of them. Her humor is rather dark and condescending. She uses it as a way of venting about her life through a different medium.

    Love is a feeling that really stings Lilium. She wants someone to care about, but views it as risky to fall in love with someone or love someone like family because all other times she has had these bonds, they ended up hurting her more than healing her. She wants to be able to care about others in that way but it’s really bad for her heart to continually get beaten up. Unlike how she used to react, she cannot handle teasing as she has a rather low opinion of herself. Your parents completely giving up on you and just trying to live a normal life by having another kid stings your opinion of yourself a bit. She doesn’t really acknowledge flirtatious teasing as a result because she has her doubts anyone would think of her in that way. She isn’t dense, she just highly doubts someone could be interested in someone like her.

    In battle, nothing has really changed other that how consciously she thinks in fight. Due to her overthinking, she now runs through multiple scenarios in battle as she fights, usually lending her the strategical advantage just with natural wit without even factoring magic. She fights with more gusto as she now has nothing to lose and that is her greatest advantage. She’d throw away her body as long as she can protect those who rely on her for strength. As a leader, she states her plans multiple times to herself before even mentioning it to one person. If a mistake happens or something doesn’t go according to plan, she gets rather frustrated about it and it even affects fighting. She’ll be so focused on how her plan didn’t work out and ends up thinking about what could have influenced the situation to cause an outcome that didn’t go under her prediction.

    Before, she had a rather hard time working under other people but now she follows her leader’s orders rather flawlessly. She simply does as she’s told unless it goes against her morals. She may think of herself as less than the average person but now, she wants to fight to keep herself going. Her morals in fights haven’t disappeared and it’s her only way to air out her stresses. So, most of the time, she silently works under leaders and accomplishes her missions without flaw. She no longer tries to offer alternatives because she thinks her strategies are not worth it and won’t question a faulty strategy aloud to the leader. She will think about it in her head and try to do minimal changes to make the outcomes more favourable in their side of the battle without changing anything too drastic.

    ⚜ Music ► Music is such an honest art form. It can speak what the heart truly desires. And most of the time, Lilium isn’t able to express her words appropriately so singing her true emotions is one of the most effective way to get her intentions across to someone.
    ⚜ Silence ► There is so few moments full of silence. Despite liking music, Lilium appreciates every moment of silence she can savor as she can simply get lost in her thoughts and she won't be missing anything.
    ⚜ Books ►  Due to basically reverting back to who she was when she was a noble, her passion for books is back ten fold and she will always be caught reading when she can.

    ⚜ Awkwardness ► Hated it as Hikari, hates it as Lilium. It's a feeling she is always feeling inside so there is already that within her and when it's in the environment around her, it's a rather irritating mix.
    ⚜ Manipulation ► When you’ve spent your entire life being manipulated to match other’s standards, you are able to see when it is being done to others. She does not stand for this and will usually act with rage if she sees someone that is being manipulated beyond their control. If no one was there to cut her strings, she needs to cut someone else’s in order to free them.
    ⚜ Lying ► A simple lie is fine because you could be protecting someone from a horrible truth. But when all that is spouted are lies that can change your world and how you view others, it’s those that Lilium finds truly disgusting.

    ⚜ Honesty ► The world isn’t black and white. Lilium has seen the worst people can do from being lied to her entire life. She wants people to be honest with her whether the truth hurts or not. She yearns for a world where the lies cannot completely change who you are and your life.
    ⚜ Knowledge ► If Lilium can do one thing right, it is learning. She has spent her entire life becoming knowledgeable and experiencing some of the things that she has read about. She wished to expand her knowledge so that she is able to react to near every situation that life throws at her so that she can be ready for the trials she will have to endure, the good and the bad.
    ⚜ Happiness ► Most happiness she has come close to getting has always been snatched away from her. She just wants to be happy and to stay that way. It's naive to think this and she knows that but she wants to be happy and stay happy for a while before dealing what life has to throw at her.

    ⚜ Opinions of Others ► She is well aware that she can't be perfect. But she's very fearful of people's opinions of her that she's worried that all her flaws make it so that she is painted in a negative light.
    ⚜ Isolation ► It has been drilled into her head that she needs to be very conscious of what society thinks of her and because of this, she is worried that she could become isolated from the rest of society if she doesn't follow the normal behaviours and customs.
    ⚜ Philophobia ► Fear of love. All acts and relationships that has love as a factor always ended with her being hurt. She wants the capability to love someone but is scared on putting her heart on the line because if someone hurts her again, it might break.

    Lilium Santiais Jgub8RN

    Height: 5’4
    Weight: 100 lbs
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Blue
    Skin Tone: Fair

    Lilium Santiais LGNQbFj

    Guild: Black Rose
    Tattoo: On her back in gold
    Rank: S

    Last edited by Lilium on 23rd August 2018, 5:17 pm; edited 45 times in total


    Lilium Santiais QOmg1XE

    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Mistress Venir 5th November 2015, 6:28 pm

    Lilium Santiais ZeE1vMj


    Lilium Santiais Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Lilium Santiais Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Lilium Santiais Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 29th January 2017, 9:42 am

    Unlocked at user's request.
    Hikari wrote:Name: Hikari Inoue
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Birthday: December 12th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Hikari is an emotionally strong person. She will usually complain out loud should something not go her way. Hikari usually will never hide any emotion whilst talking to people due to one of her morals being honest with people. She usually be honest unless the truth about which she is talking about will affect your life. When she tries to lie it is very obvious as she will mainly try to end the conversation by walking away and breaking eye contact frequently.

    Hikari fits the tsundere archetype. She will usually be cold and make fun of people that she first meets and doesn’t like. She will most likely warm up to you as time goes on or you become a treasured ally to her. Should you tease her it will make her blush since she can’t say anything on the spot, she can only think of insults in a short span of time. She will usually get mad at you if you make fun of her as well.

    Hikari has a sensitive side as she has been through a lot in her early life. She will listen to what you have to say and try to fix it with you, rather than for you. She isn’t a nosy type unless she can sense as though the person is severely being affected by what happened to them.

    On the battlefield, Hikari likes to be the leader. She has a very convincing demeanor when she discusses battle plans and plans in general. She mainly only works well with others should she be in charge of them. Everything Hikari does is usually flawless in battle but when a flaw appears, she appears visibly agitated for the rest of the plan after that.

    Hikari has trouble listening to others for orders, this makes her very stubborn and hard to co-operate with as she doesn’t like being told what to do as she likes to be the one telling others what to do. She is a good teammate when she actually respects the person in charge or is scared of them. It is usually the latter as not many people get her respect. She enjoys using her magic in battle due to it being able to be used in many different ways whether it be offensively or defensively, depending on the scenario.

    Hikari has many flaws and one of them is being a perfectionist. She can’t function properly knowing that something has gone wrong. This affects her strategic thinking and it also affects her ability to fight as she will constantly be wondering what went wrong within her plan and she will focus on that more than she will focus on the enemy at hand. She doesn’t like it when her leader’s plan works when she was confident it would fail, even though she should be working with them rather than thinking they are going to go down.

    Hikari will always try to turn a scenario in battle in her favor as well. She will constantly try to change her playing field so that is even and that she can have a fair fight. She makes sure the odds are stacked in no one’s favors unless her side is winning hard. She will always make sure that she wins as to her, failure is not an option.


    She likes to be able to sing and express herself through words that can’t come to her mind from normal means.

    She doesn’t just like leadership, she loves it. Especially when she is the one leading the other people.
    She loves the idea of everything involving it being original because hardly any people share the same magic. It’s a sense of individuality that she likes.


    Teasing done to her
    She hates being put on the spot and she hates teasing since it puts her on the spot and it mocks her.
    Being Bored
    She hate being bored mainly because she can do something more productive but she can’t think of what that more productive thing is.
    Allies that hold back
    Whether it be by them holding back while fighting with them or they are holding back their emotions, she hates it because they aren’t being honest with their capabilities or how they are feeling at the moment at the moment.


    Hikari has trust issues due to being lied to her whole life. She wants people to honest with her whether the truth hurts or not. She strives for a world where the lies can’t change your life.
    She knows that no one has permanent time in their lives so she wants to enjoy her life to the fullest while she can.
    She knows that everyone deserves a fighting chance and people deserve redemption when needed and she does this, but never to an extreme extent. She has a sense of fairness and wants most things to be as equal as they can be.


    She doesn’t want her life to be cut short and she wants to enjoy to the very end where she will accept her end graciously.
    She is horrified of them. Just solely due to the fact that she always thinks of worst case scenarios when she rides a boat.
    She doesn’t want others to think of her as incompetent so she fears what others will brand her as should she fail something major.

    General Appearance:

    Height: 5’5
    Weight: 125 lbs
    Hair: Silver, flowing to the middle of her back and it is wavy.
    Eyes: Red
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Hikari has silver locks that are wavy and end at the middle of her back. She has a black headband with a silver ornament on one side. Hikari has a light complexion and she has red eyes. Hikari wears a silver breastplate with silver tassets above her thighs. Under the breast plate, she wears a navy blue tunic with slightly large sleeves, which she wears silver greaves on top of. On top of the breast plate, she wears an iron pin that holds her navy blue cape in place. She wears black frilled stockings under her silver greaves. She wears navy blue ballet slippers.


    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: The guild tattoo is located on Hikari’s left thigh in silver.
    Rank: D-Rank[/center]

    Hikari Inoue:

    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 18th June 2017, 8:30 am

    Lilium Santiais ReaIoJo


    Posts : 1219
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ⛧ Fallen God Slayer ⛧ ⛧ First Generation ⛧
    Second Skill: ⛧ Shadow Dragon Slayer ⛧ Second Generation ⛧
    Third Skill:

    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by kittykool75 6th September 2017, 7:26 pm


    Unlocked at user's request


    "You've got me shaking from the way you're talking
    My heart is breaking but there's no use crying

    Lilium Santiais 1LMjHkp
    Golden Lacrima until 4/16/2019


    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:40 pm

    Lilium Santiais XEibTrW

    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 11:09 pm


    Lilium Santiais UV4CWLG

    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 1st January 2018, 8:24 pm

    Unlocked upon user's request.

    Hikari wrote:
    Lilium Santiais Giphy

    Lilium Santiais

    Hikari Inoue



    July 17th


    Personality: Hikari is a headstrong and fearless young woman which plays into how she interacts with people. Usually, she has been forced give an audience to some sort of noble her entire life. So, she thinks that she is gracing others with her presence and doesn’t seem to realize that the world isn’t always going to be focused on her. She is very overbearing when talking and will usually ask you to comply with what she is saying. She enjoys being the centre of attention because that’s where she was most of her life. It’s hard for her to adjust to not being the forefront of attention so she is slowly trying to expand her knowledge about those around her. Nevertheless, she finds it enjoyable when she finds out more about her. Her sheltered lifestyle mixed together with her tendency to ask questions usually makes her enjoyable to talk to. This is also mixed in with that Hikari is somewhat innocent from the world due to not experiencing most of the joys it could bring until now. So at this point, she is eager to discover more and find out more about the world around her. She is very interested in expanding knowledge in what she does not know yet and is always excited to ask questions.

    Since Hikari does love to always talk, this had her develop into becoming a social butterfly that enjoys interacting and talking with people. She always makes sure that she can talk to someone about her problems and things of importance to her. She wants to have friends so that she can have a shoulder to lean on. This makes her feel rather uncomfortable while she is alone. She doesn’t enjoy being alone and when left alone to her thoughts, she usually is downtrodden. She also generally tries to stay positive as well when in the face of danger. She values the impression she makes on others as she wants to come off as a well-informed and interested individual however, most people can find her as a pain to deal with.

    Hikari is also a very intellectual individual. She enjoys reading books in her downtime as well as in those few moments when she is alone. Knowledge can win a battle and as such, she wants to be able to know as much as she can. She always will always come off as such when she speaks in an incredibly formal manner. She tries her best to stay caught up on her learning and to never fall behind, even if that means days where she is simply in her guild hall, tucked away in a quiet corner, reading multiple books. It’s one of the few times her true nature shows. Lilium was raised as the family jewel. Beautiful yet unapproachable, made her grow cold to those who tried to approach the noble family’s heiress and she usually locked herself away in books. Hikari feels as though she wasted time from how much reading and how little interacting she did but now, she cannot help herself if she finds a book that she indulges herself in now. It is usually books which cause her to isolate herself from the person that she has become today.

    In battle, Hikari enjoys leading others. She is a good source of motivation for others as her positive attitude and fighting can keep the morale of her comrades up. She is very confident when she speaks and will always work well with others should she be the one commanding. Hikari is a perfectionist while fighting and everything she does is to aim to be flawless but should she slip up, even the tiniest screw up, can leave her agitated for a long time during the battle. The perfectionist is a good trait however, it is a curse as much as it is a blessing. She cannot function properly should her plan go wrong. She will always end up dwelling on what happened and what went wrong. Most of the time, it affects her battling capabilities as well as she always will be focused on what went wrong rather than the enemy at hand.

    While Hikari enjoys leading others the most, she works well with comrades as well under someone else’s order. She makes sure to help the others around her as she works tirelessly to make sure her leader’s plan works out. She offers strategical advice when she can but doesn’t try to overstep her authority. She makes sure that in battle she will maintain an advantage because life isn’t fair so why would the ugliest part of human interaction, fighting amongst each other, be fair when everything else is not. She will try to stack the cards in her favor. She wants to win as she has never experienced failure so why should she experience it now?


    ♦️ Music ► Music is such an honest art form. It can speak what the heart truly desires. And most of the time, Hikari isn’t able to express her words appropriately so singing her true emotions is one of the most effective way to get her intentions across to someone.

    ♦️ Socializing ►  Due to lack of social contact when she was still living under her real name, she decided to socialize with people now that she has the chance to. It’s been a delight to socialize with all the interesting people she has come across and it’s become a hobby to talk with people about different things.

    ♦️ Books ►  While socializing is fun, it’s hard to beat Hikari’s original passion: books. They are always there with a new adventure and story to follow and as such, she will always enjoy and usually get sucked into a good book.


    ♦️ Awkwardness ► Hikari is somewhat new to socializing so this is a new concept. As far as she knows, she doesn’t enjoy the discomfort of when a situation gets awkward so she’ll try to steer the interaction to a positive direction to get this feeling out of the air.

    ♦️ Manipulation ► When you’ve spent your entire life being manipulated to match other’s standards, you are able to see when it is being done to others. She does not stand for this and will usually act with rage if she sees someone that is being manipulated beyond their control. If no one was there to cut her strings, she needs to cut someone else’s in order to free them.

    ♦️ Lying ► A simple lie is fine because you could be protecting someone from a horrible truth. But when all that is spouted are lies that can change your world and how you view others, it’s those that Hikari finds truly disgusting.


    ♦️ Honesty ► The world isn’t black and white. Hikari has seen the worst people can do from being lied to her entire life. She wants people to be honest with her whether the truth hurts or not. She yearns for a world where the lies cannot completely change who you are and your life.

    ♦️ Knowledge ►   If Hikari can do one thing right, it is learning. She has spent her entire life becoming knowledgeable and experiencing some of the things that she has read about. She wished to expand her knowledge so that she is able to react to near every situation that life throws at her so that she can be ready for the trials she will have to endure, the good and the bad.

    ♦️ Fitting In ►  Hikari is new to socializing and was always put above others. Making her think that she was better, she felt like she never had a place to belong. This motivates her more to be with people that she loves and cares about so that she is able to become part of their lives in a positive manner.


    ♦️ Boats ► Hikari is fine with the ocean but boats are another story. She had a traumatic experience with them and it is hard for her to stand on one without the fear of what happened with her before while she was being punished. She cannot stand them and will have a hard time if forced onto them.    

    ♦️ Taken Back ►   She has gone through many precautions to make sure that they cannot find her. Hikari has spent her entire life building up her bonds with people around her and as such, if she were to be torn away from that, she wouldn’t be able to deal with that situation and it hurts to think about what would happen in that scenario.

    ♦️ Love ► She has read about many quarrels and undesirable fates as a cause of love. She doesn’t like because love was never a cause with her birth from her parents. She views this emotion as odd and hates it. She hopes that she never falls in love with someone and has maintained a lock and chain surrounding her heart, praying that the seal is never broken.

    General Appearance


    125 lbs



    Skin Tone:

    Hikari has a lean body type and carries herself with a presence befitting of a noble. She stands tall and proud as well as never slouching whilst standing or sitting.



    Black Rose

    On her back in pink


    Lilium Santiais Empty Re: Lilium Santiais

    Post by Guest 1st January 2018, 8:53 pm


    Lilium Santiais 9EB27lh

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:44 pm