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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 19th October 2015, 5:52 pm

    Vanguard Collaboration

    Job Request:  The Job Request
    Job Information:  The Hunter

    Vanguard Job #1:
    The Hunter or the Hunted

    Gonna go to El Dorado!
    A job came in!  This one was from the Wizard's Council.  A firm grasp was upon the order as he walked in upon Rohma and Hayden.  Baal came screeching to a halt.  "Hayden, Rohma!" he shouted enthusiastically.  "We have orders from the Magic Council!  This job is time-sensitive so we gotta go now," Baal said.  he was already dressed up in full battle-rattle.  His cloak covered his body along with his leather armor.  He had a black scythe strapped to his back with the ribbons upon the weapon seemingly moving on it's own.  

    "They're offering treasure from the Wizard Saints' vault for completing this job.  We can't pass this one up!" he stated as he slammed the order upon the bartop.  Upon the orders, it showed a picture of the man they have to hunt down.  "There's the mark.  His name is Harper Goldenshine.  He's been stuck been in the Ancient Ruins for a while now and the Magic Council is afraid that he will mis-use whatever he finds there.  So the Council wants us to take him out.  That, and bring back a certain specific item," he stated before giving the two ample time to review the face of the mark.  

    "If we do well on this one, the Magic Council is sure to recognize our abilities," he said with a nod.  He folded up the order and placed it back into a small pouch that he has hanging on his side.  

    While it took Baal a while to get prepared to do a serious mission with his team, he is now ready and ripping to go.  His otherwordly weapon is prepared and ready for action and his skills have been polished, now as efficient as he can be at this point in time.  This is quite possibly the biggest job that Baal has encountered so far (well, other than that strange monster that came back to life in that pyramid that might have ended the world).  Being recognized by the Magic Council is a big deal, especially if one wanted to get in their good graces for possible favors down the road.

    But, he can't do anything without his boss's approval.  Baal crossed his arms, awaiting Hayden's decision.  "So, what about it?  Are we going to do this job, boss?"  Who knows what treasures are down there.  Perhaps something of tremendous power!  However, even more powerful than the item would be the notoriety and glory obtained by fulfilling such a request from the Magic Council.
    OOC Notes:
    Posts:  1/40
    WC:  418


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by MorpheusDavol 20th October 2015, 6:14 am

    When Hayden's teammate Baal came bursting within the Guild Hall the swordsman's curiosity was peaking from this, not that Baal didn't get excited a lot from what it seemed but mostly due to the piece of paper in his hand. The ecstatic alien from a far of world seemed finally ready and eager to engage upon a job with his two other allies who had braved bounties, monster infected zoos, and their singular leader who recently took down a bandit camp in a different nation all down upon request to be frank. Then again having another member that held the same ambition as him could prove to be useful or a crutch should they begin to doubt Hayden, while he trusted his teammates unconditionally he needed to keep his wits for that very same reason. Finally, the swordsman sat up his hand coming off the cloth he was using to polish his sword.

    “Let me see the paper.”

    Hayden asked this mostly to make sure that their excited friend did not miss any details or forget to inform them of anything crucial. Once he handed it over, if he did, Hayden would go over with memorizing the details to his brain should they lose the paper. Something he had taken to doing since he started doing jobs in the first place. Once he finished he would hand it back to his friend making a thoughtful noise as if conteplating what he wanted to do, a small smirk coming on his face as he threw a sly look to Rohma then Baal. What would be the decree of their leader upon this job? Would it be a denial or affirmation? Well this was Desmond Hayden speaking so their honestly was only one true answer.

    “Mount up, let’s start heading towards the area hate for some other folk to beat us to the prize.”

    [Words 313 post 2]


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Cielle 21st October 2015, 1:55 am

    It’d been a day for equipment care, or such had been the plan before an excited Baal burst into the room. One of her guns lay in a couple of pieces on the counter as she cleaned the thing out, the other already done and sitting off to the side. Dangling from her mouth was a small tool to help thread the cleaning cloth through the barrel, more there out of habit as she polished the thing, raising an eyebrow at their alien teammate. She didn’t know the guy too well, so seeing this other side was a bit entertaining as the man started spouting out details in his urgency.

    The name struck her as familiar, though Rohma couldn’t place why, her mind far more focused on the possibilities of treasure. Turning back to the weapon she began to snap the pieces back together, a glint shining in the woman’s eyes as a small smirk grew. ’Wonder what we’ll find down there~’ One could almost hear the invisible music note of pleasure as the gun toting mage snapped the last piece into place and checked the sights. Checking the silent Hayden she caught the sly look, granting him a cheeky grin in return: this sounded far too good to pass up.

    Cleaning up her mess it was only then she caught a glance at the picture of their potential foe, the face shocking her right out of her silly musings on whether or not they might find selfies or very “ye old porn mags” from the Wizard Saints of old. Gently placing the pistol back on the counter top she picked up the paper, glaring at it as the memories slowly surfaced and she growled at it, tossing the troublesome paper aside. ’That stupid scuzz-bucket. If he so much as dares to get between me and treasure he better pray to every damn god in the cosmos and beyond.’ Though the woman wouldn’t have any issues shooting the treasure hunter a couple times, particularly in his troublesome behind.

    ”I’ll meet you guys outside,” she tossed over her shoulder, marching off to drop the other supplies in her room and grab the usual travel bag. Now if only she could find something particularly spiky and unpleasant to take along just in case they found the crystal-make user. ’I’d even sacrifice some ancient artifact at this point if it meant causing him eternal suffering down there…’

    [404 error]


    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 21st October 2015, 8:22 pm

    Job Request:  The Job Request
    Job Information:  The Hunter

    Vanguard Job #1:
    The Hunter or the Hunted

    Onwards to Adventure

    Baal was asked for the paper once again.  Blinking a moment, Baal quickly responded by taking the sheet of paper and unfolded it.  He placed the paper down in front of his teammates, having the information facing them.  He then placed his fingers upon the parchment and slid it over towards the two of them.  Hayden simply examined the paper while Rohma picked up the paper and threw it to the side.  Baal looked appalled at Rohma's reaction.  

    Rohma marched off in a huff.  Baal had an inquisitive look on his face for a moment as he watched her leave.  He didn't know how to respond to Rohma.  He glanced at her for a moment before turning to look back towards Hayden.  "You don't think that she had a run-in with the mark before, do you?"  Baal asked.  It was the only thing that came to mind.  She didn't looked to have read it, but the look of familiarity did appear in her eyes when she took the paper.  

    Walking over to the sheet of paper, he cleared his throat, picked it up, straightened it out as best he could, and then folded it back up.  The paper would probably be important in case any of them forgot his face.  But judging by Rohma's reaction, she wouldn't forget that face.  He put the paper back into his pocket and turned to look back towards Hayden.  "Well, I'm already geared up," he simply stated.  His enthusiasm quickly quelled by Rohma's anger and rage.

    This is going to be The Vanguard's first job as a full team.  A big, toothy grin crossed his lips.  The thought of treasure excited him!  "Meet you outside, brother," he said before turning to walk in the direction Rohma went.  He assumed that was the direction outside, only to swiftly get corrected and walked right through the bar again.  "Wrong way," he said.  He still didn't know his way around the Guild Hall quite yet.   

    OOC Notes:
    Posts:  4/40
    WC:  329


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Roger's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 86
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 631.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash Magic
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by MorpheusDavol 25th October 2015, 2:52 pm

    Hayden watched Rohma march out rather quickly causing him to watch her move, his eyes following a tad bit to long which Baal might have noticed as he made some type of noise indicating he agreed. Whatever past she had it was clear that something about this job or the mark was upsetting her causing him to say before looking over to see Baal confused about which way to exit out of causing him to chuckle, at least he had funny team mates. Never the less it was time for the swordsman to head outside.

    As he now with Baal, who was heading the correct way, was heading to the door they exited outside to see where Rohma was. Once Hayden found them with Baal should he have followed he would offer her a strange look for a moment before turning his head forward.

    "We should head to the train station unless you two need to pick up anything. Where is the closest city to the ruins?" Hayden asked Baal questioningly as if designating him the unofficial location navigator. Maybe not the best choice but hey he just wanted to get there and finish this job off quickly.

    Meanwhile Hayden had the small amount of time to get his thoughts together and figure out how he feel about this whole sitation. He had a team mate that for some reason seemed a bit salty about this job and a alien that barely knew this world mixed in with their swordsman leader who had issues with authority at time particular a angry streak with tyrants. They where a mismatched team of ambition mixed with a drive to succeed all cap off with a bit of weirdness, maybe not the perfect team but it was to be determined how their battle chemistry would turn out to be.

    [Words 305]


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Easy-modo_zps6vsri8ro
    ~ Vanguard ~

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 298
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Paradise Control
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Cielle 26th October 2015, 12:27 am

    Unfortunately for her and lucky for Mr. Goldenshine, Rohma couldn’t locate anything (un)pleasantly spiky enough. She grumbled under her breath even as a concerned voice floated through her head. ”Please do not become clouded by vengeance,” it caused Rohma to pause in her stride, her glare lessening to a frown, ”Acting in anger may cause you to trip up. It would upset me to see you hurt by him a second time.”

    Just thinking about the last time she saw that man caused another rush of anger, the woman’s fingers balling into fists. Only through a couple of deep breathes could she release her grip before blood could be drawn, and a few more before her shoulders relaxed. The damages that man wrought couldn’t be forgiven from the lives taken to the history stolen from that dig site…she couldn’t forgive a lick of it. Absentmindedly her left hand stroked the right side of her ribcage where a thin scar remained hidden beneath layers of cloth. Realizing she’d paused for who knows how long the woman kicked it back into gear, grumbling beneath her breath, ”Maybe I’ll just shoot his dick off…”

    She was only a few minutes behind them at least, this time bearing a bag bearing a single strap crossing her body and the guns properly affixed to her thighs. Ignoring the odd look – more like avoiding it – Rohma shrugged, ”Snagged it already, I’m good.” Curiosity took hold as the woman refrained from raising an eyebrow. ’Prolly better to let them handle it unless…or until we get hopelessly lost.’ It’d be a good opportunity to evaluate their skills outside of combat, though she hadn’t honestly interacted much with the dark elf fellow. ’Sides worse comes to worse, can always have Amarylis scout ahead a bit.’ The avian conveyed a feeling of agreement rather than sending an outright thought, Amarylis somewhere high above the clouds, enjoying the altitude and no doubt a leisure flight while they’d make their way by train.

    She was already half tempted to ditch them and get there first.

    ’No no….maybe on the way back, but it wouldn’t be a good show to just up and leave ‘em now. ‘Sides I can always just try n’ nap on the train I guess, things depending,’ she thought whilst eyeing Thing 1 and Thing 2.



    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 26th October 2015, 6:58 pm

    Job Request:  The Job Request
    Job Information:  The Hunter

    Vanguard Job #1:
    The Hunter or the Hunted
    A World Map Would be Swell

    Clearing his throat, Baal forgot something.  He didn't know how to get to the Ancient Ruins, but he knows of a way to find out!  A bit later, he showed up outside, looking at a giant map.  There was a big X where the guild was.  The guild was located south-central of the continent, tucked away in some mountains.  A small dot could be seen upon The Map where the ancient ruins are.  Baal cleared his throat and rolled up the map.  Well, a trip through the mountains might not seem too difficult.  Well, at the very least it wouldn't be difficult for Baal due to his Mystic Hands supporting him while climbing mountains.  His partners, on the other hand, might have issues with extremely rough terrain.  If he had to, he will carry them over the mountains.  He can and is able to do that, but hopefully things go smoothly with this troubling trek.  

    "We aren't taking a train anywhere," he simply stated as he turned his eyes up to the sky to notice the position of the sun and the time of day.  It was still in the morning hours before he started to whisper the mnemonic to himself.  'The sun rises in the east and rests in the west.' before turning to look to the sun and put it to where he was facing south.  The rest of his guildmates could see him actually thinking about everything.  While he was thinking, he zoned out, ignoring the rest of his teammates.  It wasn't until he went 'eureka' of the direction that his attention span returned.  

    "Seems we have to climb over mountains.  If the terrain gets tough, let me know and I'll assist you," Baal simply stated.  His Mystic Hands were strong enough to carry himself and his teammates over the mountain.  "Let's get going," he simply stated before jumping towards the mountain range.  Oh, that's gonna be an exciting trek.    
    OOC Notes:  Let's RP in the mountains for a bit before pressing on.
    I put up a link to the actual world map.. so yeah.

    Post:  7/40
    WC:  324


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] Empty Re: The Hunter [Team Vanguard]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 19th November 2015, 11:41 pm

    Cancelling Job.


    The Hunter [Team Vanguard] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

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