Fairy Tail RP

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    How to bully a Bully


    Completed How to bully a Bully

    Post by Guest 9th October 2015, 2:23 pm

    Magnolia! A very lively and festive town. Everywhere you turn you can see people having fun and being cheery. Families can be seen playing around and having fun at the park, friendly folks walking up and down the sidewalks exchanging compliments and greetings. The towns guild, Fairy Tail can also be seen from a far which houses interesting and sometimes violent mages. But that's another story. We turn our attention to a local elementary school in Magnolia that has just ended for the day. A crowd of kids can be seen circling two other kids while they chant, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT." Both of the kids in the circle were boys. One of them looked small and skinny with a very worried expression on his face as he trembled in fear with tears in his eyes with a purple bruise on his left cheek. The other boy however looked muscular and taller then the weak boy by about 2 inches. He had a very sadistic look on his face almost as if he was enjoying beating up on someone weaker. As the other kids who have crowded around the two to see them fight, the bigger child raised his fist up again. The bully was about to strike him once more causing the boy to flinch, waiting for the impact until someone shouted "HEY!" This loud adult but feminine voice caused the crowd and bully to stop what they were doing and turned their attentions to the front doors of the school where the principal was looking down at them with a disappointed look on her face.

    Word Length: 267

    Last edited by FearDaNara on 12th October 2015, 10:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Completed Re: How to bully a Bully

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 10:16 am

    The next day, the young boy was walking down the sidewalk with a small brown bag held tight in his hands. He was very nice and polite. "E-excuse me..." is what he said every time he passed someone. He kept his head down and started speeding up a little as if he were in a hurry to get somewhere which he was. It appeared that he was making his way towards Fairy Tail with a shy but determined look on his face. Before he could go any further, the boy noticed his bully with some friends were walking down the sidewalk approaching him. They don't appear to have noticed him though since they were too busy rough housing but I would be a matter of time till they bump into each other. The boy panicked and darted down a nearby alley. Just his luck, the bully and his friends stopped at the entrance to the alley where they continued to rough house. The boy hid behind the dumpster peeking out a little. His hands were shivering so hard from fear that it made what ever was in that bag to bounce around and cause a little bit of noise. One of the bullies friends quickly looked down the alley before turning his attention back. Luckily the boy hid in time. The boy turned around and noticed that there was a hole on the bottom of the fence. It was small but it was enough for him to sneak under.

    He managed to get through the hole. He sighed in relief that he was able to flee from his tormentor. But now he has no clue where exactly he is. He knows he is still in Magnolia, but never has seen this part. It appears to be another park with flowers of different colors blooming on the grass, a playground for the kids to play in, and benches for others to rest on. The boy leaned up against one of the benches and looked around the place with a soft and peaceful smile on his face. ""Oi, this place looks nice dosent it?" The boy was startled by the sudden question. He turned to see someone sitting on the bench. It was the mage from the independent guild, Laughing Coffin. He appeared to be wearing a black tanktop with blue skinny jeans while barefoot instead of his usual clothing. The boy shyly nodded and said ""Y-yea" Shadow continued to look out at the park while resting on the bench as the young boy watched Shadow he noticed what appears to be a guild tattoo on his left shoulder. The boy quickly got up and stood in front of Shadow which got his attention. "Ermm...Everything ok kid?" Shadow asked before the kid quickly said. "Please I need your help!" Before he held out the brown bag infront of the mage which caused Shadow to blink and tilt his head.

    Word Length: 487

    Completed Re: How to bully a Bully

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 8:49 pm

    "Y-you're a mage right?" the boy said as he still had his hands out while holding the bag to Shadow. "I know this isn't much but please I need your help." The young fragile boy begged to Shadow. Shadow sat there with a puzzled look on his face as he slowly extended his hand to take the bag. He opened it and looked inside of it. It wasn't a lot of jewels much to Shadow's disappointment. He sighed and looked to the boy. "What is this job exactly?" Shadow asked. The young boy twiddled his thumbs while still looking down. He softly bit his bottom lip before looking up to Shadow. T-there is this bully at my school who....constantly picks on me. He shoves me around, pushes me to the ground, digs into my pocket for money and slams me against lockers." The boy then pointed to the bruise on his cheek. "...He even hits me." He said before putting his head back down. "J-just please...can you help me?"

    Shadow's puzzled expression quickly turned to a concerned one. He slowly got up from the bench and placed his hand on the boys shoulder. "What is your name?" Shadow asked him. The boy looked up to Shadow with some tears in his eyes. "V-Ventus." Shadow handed the bag of jewels back to Ventus. "A little word of advice, don't hand your client the money until they finish their job." He said to Ventus with a soft smile. This is unlike Shadow. Normally he would be causing trouble and getting into fights, but when an innocent person is getting tormented like this....he cant help but drop his silly antics and get serious. "So....do you know where this bully is now?"

    Word Length: 288

    Completed Re: How to bully a Bully

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 9:22 pm

    Ventus crawled back through the hole of the fence in the alley that he came from with Shadow behind him. Unfortunately for Shadow he got stuck in the hole. Ventus turned around noticing Shadow struggling to get out tilted his head as he tried to figure out how he even got stuck under there since Shadow is pretty much skinny as well. "Grrrr....are ya just gonna stand there and watch? I could use some help over here!" Shadow said as he continued to struggle. "Oh...haha right." Ventus said chuckling a little as he ran towards Shadow and began pulling his arms. Ventus was able to get Shadow out of the hole, but he may have pulled a little too hard because it cause Ventus to fall on the ground back first and Shadow to hit is head against the side of a dumpster. Shadow groaned and got up, rubbing his forehead. "Errr are you sure you need my help? You seem strong already" he said jokingly. Ventus sat up and looked back down to the ground. "I'm sorry..."

    Shadow shook his head and walked towards Ventus while holding out his hand to help him up. "Come on Ventus, ya gotta stop looking all sad and stuff. Be strong." he said with a grin on his face as he helped Ventus up. Ventus looked towards Shadow and nodded softly before taking the lead and peeking out of the alley. Ventus looked to the left then the right where he could see his bully with a couple of friends sitting at a playground at another park. Shadow peeks out as well and says, "Geez...this town has so many parks" Ventus clenched the side of the wall as he glared at his tormentor. Shadow looked at the young boy's hand then back to the park where the small group of kids were. "He's somewhere down there isn't he?" Shadow asked as he walked out of the alley. Ventus nodded and followed behind him. Shadow punched the palm of his fist gesturing that he was ready to throw down. "Okay just point to which one and ill teach them a lesson they will never forget. Unless of course they are all your bullies then I will just take em all down!" he said with a grin on his face. Ventus quickly shook his head. "N-no!...He really deserves it I know but...can you just threaten him or scare him away so he will never bully me again? I cant stand to see people get hurt." Shadow put his hands down and sighed. "Geez you really are a softy huh? Very well let me see what I can do." he said with a grin o his face as he placed his hand on the top of Ventus' head.

    Word Length: 463

    Completed Re: How to bully a Bully

    Post by Guest 12th October 2015, 10:10 pm

    "His name is Chad. He is the one sitting at the top of the monkey bars." Ventus said as he pointed to the playground. Shadow nodded as he looked at the muscular boy at the top of the monkey bars. "Ok so here is the plan, I am goin to need ya to walk up there towards him and I want you to speak your mind. Tell him how you feel about him bullying ya." Was this seriously the same Shadow who causes unnecessary chaos giving someone good advice. Ventus barely knows Shadow but hearing Shadow give such advice caused him to tilt his head in surprise. "A-are you sure that will even work? I mean...I tried to before but he wouldn't listen." He said before Shadow placed a hand on his shoulder. "Oh don't worry. Heheh he will listen." Shadow said confidently with his classic grin.

    Ventus walked up to the park slowly making his way to the playground. His hands were trembling in fear, but he knew he had to be strong just like Shadow told him to be. As Ventus made it to the entrance of the playground, one of the kids there turned around and said "Look!" All the kids turned facing Ventus which caused him to step back a little. Chad was the last to look. The moment his eyes met with Ventus' he started to laugh. ""Hahah, well if it isn't Venny! I am sorry twerp, but kiddy time is over. Only big kids allowed at the playground!" he said as he laughed again while he was making a shooing gesture towards Ventus. Ventus gulped as the other kids began to chuckle a little at him. Ventus stopped trembling and balled his fists. "N-no...you look here Chad. I don't like what you do to me. You push me around and call me names. you also hit me....and I really don't appreciate it!" The area got quiet. Chad shook his head and wagged his finger. "Oh hoho...you shouldn't have done that boy" Chad jumped from the monkey bars landing in front of Ventus. Chad took a knife from out of his pocket and looked at Ventus sadistically. "Was gonna let you off the hook today Venny. But instead you wanted to grow a pair. We aren't in school anymore boy....so prepare yourself."

    Ventus squeezed his eyes shut fearing for the worst. The other kids looked surprised as they witnessed Chad pulling a knife out on the poor little boy. Before Chad could cut Ventus, a flash of lightning appeared next to Ventus. The lightning instantly disappeared revealing Shadow who then grabbed Chad by the wrist holding the knife. Shadow glared at Chad as he struggled to get from the lightning mages grasp. "I would not if I were you...If I so much as see you try to lay a finger on Ventus...or anyone for that matter I wont let you off so easy. I really despise bullies to do yourself a favor and quit before things get messy." Shadow said with a stern voice as he lets go of Chad. Chad who was now trembling dropped the knife and quickly ran out of the park. Shadow then turned to the other kids who did the same and ran out as well. "Well there ya go kid! Told ya it would wor..." before Shadow could finish his sentence, Ventus quickly hugged him with tears in his eyes before letting go and hand him the bag of jewels. "Thank you! Thank you Thank you!" he said as he continued to cry. Shadow held the bag in one hand then patted Ventus's head with the other as he smiled. ""Geez kid...enough with the water works hahah."

    Word Length: 618
    (Job Complete)

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 8:00 pm