It was in a small cabin, just outside of town, in a secluded place that you wouldn't even notice, unless you have a sketch and directions on how to get there. The place looks run down but still habitable. When she knocked on the door, an old man in his sixties opened the door. He was homely yet ragged, a strange combination one would say, but from experience she can tell that he was a person who went trough a lot and tried to change his destiny. And she was dead on spot, as the conversation rolled by the man revealed his past life and the reason that he was in a tight spot. When the man said "I had to leave to protect them. I..I miss my family. I miss my wife and my boy." that's was when she decided that she would give what this man wanted and she would do everything in her powers just to make that a reality.
Just as her flash back ended, the terrain had started to change. Trees and vegetation started to get thicker. With each step bringing her close to the edge, a dark forest was now in front of her, its time to make an old man's wish come true.