Fairy Tail RP

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    It goes KA-BOOM!!!


    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

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    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Empty It goes KA-BOOM!!!

    Post by Rayner 29th August 2015, 1:11 pm

    Job Details:

    Nessa stood in front of the guildhall as she took a minute to breath in the crisp air and feel the nature around her. She had only been here a short time but was so overwhelmed by the senses here. She came from a forest kingdom a good distance from Fiore. However, this was completely different, and her senses were so filled here.

    Nessa stood there taking in the feel for the area for a few more minutes before she finally made her way into the guildhall. She could sense all the people here and the overall feel for the guildhall. It was a lot to take in to be honest. She was new to Fiore, and even newer to the guild and the idea of what a guild was. She had been a prodigy among her druid kind, and at first she thought she had done something wrong when they told her to leave and join a guild in Fiore, but after talking with the elders they spoke of a tell that spoke of a young druid that would leave them to help out the land of Fiore, and she fit the description of the person almost to a T. So the elders sent her here in hopes she would do great things and make a change in the land of mages. So Nessa took her place here, with the understanding she could go back and visit at any time.

    Nessa made her way all the way through the guildhall till she stood in front of the wall of jobs and just stood there. Her senses let her see anything.... anything but writing, there was no way for her to actually read the paper, and it suddenly became very obvious that this was going to be the hardest part about being a mage in a guild. She stood looking confused as she stared at the spot in front of her, which interestingly enough had no papers posted there, so she was basically just starting at one for the few empty spots on the board with a slightly concerned look upon her face.


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    Devon Sabathiel
    Devon Sabathiel

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Calorie Shave
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    Posts : 252
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    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Empty Re: It goes KA-BOOM!!!

    Post by Devon Sabathiel 30th August 2015, 9:10 am

    Devon smiled looked at the job bord in frustration the jobs on the bored seemed to have some intresting jobs but none seemed to jump out at her. Hearing someone apear next to her looking out the side of her eyes at the girl trying to place her but she could not this girl must of be new.

    Devon tilted her head as she watched the girls face get more confused by the moment then Devon looked at the bard where the girl looked and became confused herself "you realize your staring at a blank part of the bard" she stated looking back at the board herself her hand on her sword like always it was becoming a habit.

    Her eyes drifted to one job and she smirked lightly "ow this is interesting Wanted! Demolitions Expert ow 10k nice!" she stated lightly taking the paper from the board then turned to the girl "you can join me if you wish!" she said a soft smile moved over her lips as she waited for the response.


    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Devon_by_ravenart5-d9n27jw

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Empty Re: It goes KA-BOOM!!!

    Post by Rayner 1st September 2015, 1:43 pm

    Nessa had continued to stare at the board for a few more moments. This was the one things she had not accounted for, and would have to find a way to fix this little issue. She would have to find a solution for it later, but for now she hoped no one noticed it and called her out on it. However, that was not the cause as a few moment later the woman standing next to her pointed out she was staring at the blank spot on the board. She cursed her luck as she was caught in the act and couldn't really deny it. She had to be staring at the only blank spot on the board.

    Before Nessa could comment the woman spoke as she found a job and then turned to Nessa and asked if she wanted to join her on the job. Nessa turned to face the woman and through her nature sense pegged her to be a young adult, and by the her body, voice, and height, Nessa pegged her to be very late teens, to early twenties, but it was hard to tell as she couldn't get a good read on her face. Nessa had to focus to get better images, and that took time, so she just stuck with her guess on what she had. Nessa smiled as she answered "Yes, i would love to accompany you on a job... as for staring at the blank spot..... i cant see very well.... because i am blind. I was hoping no one noticed, so i could figure out a way to make a system to i didn't look like a fool staring up here, but you beat me to it." She gave a slight laugh as he held out her hand to shake Devon's
    Devon Sabathiel
    Devon Sabathiel

    Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Calorie Shave
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Experience : 1450

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    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Empty Re: It goes KA-BOOM!!!

    Post by Devon Sabathiel 5th September 2015, 2:32 pm

    Devon smiled nodding lightly as she lessoned to the girl and looked back at the board "maybe we can aske the guild master to put in a braille part of the floor!" she stated looking at Nessa and smiled lightly "I would be happy with some company but you can take care of yourself right?" she asked lightly tilting her head with the question she wondered if it was out of line or a step to far but Devon would not know until she had asked the question.

    Devon hoped Nessa would not be to mad at her and smiled lightly "I will inform the guild master and collect my belongings I will meet you at the entrance to the guild?!" she stated walking off waving as she did and went to her room making shore her armour was placed on properly she also collected her sword and some positions for the journey ahead. Devon sighed softly and she informed the guild master of hers and Nessa's plain he nodded quickly and Devon walked to there meeting place.

    leaning against the wall Devon waited with patients for her new found team mate at least for this job. Devon looked at her nails as the wait became longer and longer the time seemed to slow and Devon started to wonder what kept the Nessa, Devon wondered if Nessa had decided against the job all to gether, Shrugging lightly Devon pushed herself off the wall and started to walk off in the direction of Crocus a town that she had been to before so she was confident she could find her way again her only hope was that Nessa would joining her on the way.


    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Devon_by_ravenart5-d9n27jw

    Lineage : Shinokishi: Knight of Death
    Position : None
    Posts : 33
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    It goes KA-BOOM!!! Empty Re: It goes KA-BOOM!!!

    Post by Rayner 12th September 2015, 4:11 am

    Nessa listened to Devon;s suggestions before she spoke "Maybe... but that is not important right now. We can figure something like that out later. In the meantime we can partake of this job, and get something done. Also, yes. I am very capable to taking care of myself." Nessa could tell from her tone that she was wondering if she had crossed the line, but honestly, most people had to ask that question. A blind person had limitations, and a blind mage was even more rare as a concept. However, even if she explained in detail to others how her nature sense worked they could never understand. Even though she lacked simple things like the ability to read. It gifted her a sight other's could only wish for, and she saw things other people could never see with their eyes alone.

    Nessa shook her head and agreed with Devon's course of action and also left to get her stuff together. It didn't take her long and she was able to gather a few small things, but before she was ready she needed to take some time to pray. It was her first mission and she needed to pray and ask for a safe trip, and a successful job. She was so caught up in her praying that she lost track of time. By the time she was done she had taken too much time and she grabbed her stuff and ran down to meet with Devon but it seems she had already started along the path to the town where the job was at.

    Nessa took to the skies as she shifted into her bird from and started along the path to close the gap. It didn't take long for Nessa to catch up to Devon. As Devon was walking along she would see a larger then normal hawk land next to her and a few second later it would transform into Nessa. She turned to Devon and spoke "I am sorry for making you wait, i was speaking to my god. It took longer then i expected. Please forgive me for taking too long. I hope the rest of our journey will be a bit smoother." Nessa smiled at Devon as she finished speaking.

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 1:26 am