“Eiji! Come here and help me carry these planks of wood. They’re really heavy!” Shouted Ninko, who Eiji thought has a voice powerful enough to shake the mountains and miraculously reach the heavens because it was really loud. Being the quiet man that Eiji is, he nodded his head and walked towards the planks of wood, shivering, trying to generate as much heat as possible. Even though he was wearing approximately 10 layers of clothing underneath his sweater that was made from wool which helped retain the heat, the heat wasn’t nearly enough to overcome the cold. Eiji has never been accustomed to the cold, nor does he want to. He hated the cold weather. He and Ninko carried two planks every time, with Bartre, Ninko’s father, placing the nails in, to build the walls for a wooden cottage for Nino, Ninko’s sister, and Bartre’s daughter. Who would want to live in this snowy place, Eiji doesn’t know. People are strange after all.