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    Model citizen.

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th July 2015, 4:51 pm


    Taking care of babies was an annoying job, one which Erika had wished she had just skipped out on, especially since the robbery kit she tried to buy was already bought by some other thief who was apparently more persuasive. No matter Erika would simply need to steal the robbery kit so then she could rob the place she wanted to rob in the first place! it all made sense, you just need to think like Erika... actually don't think like Erika you might kill yourself trying.

    Regardless that setback caused her to rethink parts of her life, namely how she was mooching off of Faeral, and not paying him back at all. After all she did owe him a lot, like how he ate her last cookie, so she would get back at him by staring in something X-rated. Yes that would get him back for sure. Nevermind the fact that he probably wouldn't care at all about it, and she would just be wasting her time, no, he would surely be hurt by this gesture, to know that his lovely lord and master was doing such an act would fill him with righteous rage, or total indifference, probably total indifference.

    There was a job available that fit Erika's request to a T, be a natural model. Clearly natural meant it was nekkid time, and that meant only one thing, revenge would be her's... in some stupid way. Opening the doors with a loud thundering slam, Erika looked around as everyone in the room seemed to just focus on her and the incredibly strange way she entered the room. Damn some of these girls were really pretty, and that was a problem, no matter Erika had her own grey matter which could easily solve this problem. A few minutes later, and half a dozen rocks and all of them were knocked unconscious, with Erika being the only one who was actually awake for this most prestigious of jobs. Little did she know that someone else was either already signed up, or about to enter the room as the lady in charge of picking out the model entered the room with no half a dozen casualties and a smiling Erika.



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th July 2015, 5:16 pm

    Damn was she late! Aiyana had heard that the modeling agency from before was doing another shoot in the east forest of Magnolia. She had left as soon as she had heard the news, but had not paid for faster travel to get there. However, the job was screening applicants inside the town this time, meaning she had to find the right building and find her way through to the waiting room designated for the potential models. This had resulted in her arriving a few minutes later than the cutoff time. She burst through the doors, where the bandaged mage was sure there would be plenty of applicants. The young woman was proven partially correct, as there were plenty of models in there; all but one unconscious.

    The only girl that was in the room with her, barring the person in charge, was one with pink and brown hair. Her eyes were the opposite of this, although matching beautifully. She was almost the same height as Aiyana, and wore some unique clothing as well. Before she could introduce herself, the lady in charge began speaking to them.

    ”Welcome back Aiyana! Nice to see you'll be joining us again for modeling. You were a natural the last time. Now, it seems the other applicants are...not desirable for the job so you two will be the ones for this session. If you would kindly follow me please.”

    With that said, the woman waved for them to follow as the Lamia Scale mage walked up to the other woman.

    ”Hi, I'm Aiyana. It's nice to meet you. Hope we have a good session together today!”



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th July 2015, 5:31 pm

    The plan had worked without a hitch in the slightest, well almost. Apparently one had been late to the party, but Erika was still accepted for the job so it didn't really matter in the first place. Odd that they wanted multiple girls for this type of work? Was it going to be that kind of shoot or something? Erika wasn't fully against that, but it just seemed odd, especially since now all her surgical precision shots with rocks were in vein somewhat. No matter as long as Faeral saw it and got mad at it that's all that mattered. Before Erika could fully go with the service lady the late arrival walked up to her and seemingly was trying to make nice. Instead of speaking immediately Erika let her eyes scan the girl up and down to see exactly what she would be competing against for the most screen time, it wasn't that bad but naturally Erika was more beautiful, all the rocks lying around the room proved it.

    "Hmm, yes I suppose you will do though I didn't know it was this type of shoot. I'm Erika, Aiyana but if we are going to do this kind of thing we need stage names."

    As the hampster in Erika's head spun around in the wheel, she followed the lady towards their transportation to the forest. Then it hit her, and hopefully Aiyana was still following or around Erika, otherwise she would just exclaim it at nothing.

    "I'm greased ice cream, and you are pussy willows. Perfect stage names for this type of thing!"

    You can facepalm it's fine, everyone else probably is.



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th July 2015, 6:07 pm

    It would be a while before the two would make it to the shoots location, which meant that the two woman had choices to make. Either they could engage in small talk or they could remain silent as they were led into the eastern forest. The other girl decided that the first choice was the one to go with. She introduced herself as Erika after mentioning something about how Aiyana would do for this even though she wasn't expecting it to be this kind of modeling shoot. 'What kind of shoot does she think this is?'

    She allowed the girl to silently think about stage names as they proceeded towards the target location, swearing that there was the smell of smoke coming from the girl's ears as her brain went into overdrive at the attempts of names for the two. It wasn't until they were almost there that the other girl would suddenly turn to her left to declare the names to the bandaged mage, as if there was no better name for them. Greased Ice Cream and Pussy Willows....the names were...dirty sounding to say the least. 'Oh god, she must think this is some kind of X rated shoot or something!' As that thought crossed her mind, the leading lady had managed to get them into the forest and at the place they were to be dressed and posed for pictures.

    If it was to be anything like last time, she was mentally prepared for it to happen again. She had no problem with being naked, but the way they had rushed the short girl last time had been pretty terrifying.

    ”Okay you two! Please wait here while they prepare everything for you, and then we'll start.” With that the woman was quickly walking towards the cameraman as well as the lead designer; the one and only Chanelle. The young woman wondered what she would be wearing this time, remembering the skimpy vines she had been given last time.



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th July 2015, 7:09 pm

    Erika certainly hoped that it was some kind of strange vine outfit that she would be wearing. Clearly this all natural thing was to symbol someone's little... fantasy. Yes, this was it, and now she would finally get her revenge that made no sense. Clearly she was a tactical genius of the highest order, and would even make money in the process! Win/win for Erika, and a loss/loss for Faeral and his cookie stealing ways. Soon the perfect plan would be unleashed and she could mock him to her heart's content. Sadly while Erika was lost in her own little world the world around her became ready for the photoshoot, and now she was faced with the most difficult of all tasks, admitting she was wrong!

    "Now you two, your outfits are all ready. We picked out something special this time, and it will our theme even better!"

    The outfits looked like well, they didn't look very comfortable or very sexy at all from the standpoint of being well... poetic at all. The outfits could be described as effectively tree paste ons. It was uh... very revealing for sure, but how in the world was this sexy, it looked like you would just get splinters instead, what kind of weird shoot was this. She was all up for vines and stuff but not for this kind of thing, she didn't like to get hurt, revenge and thus Faeral wasn't worth it! Sorry, Faeral.

    "Uh excuse me, but how I can get busy in this thing? Won't the guy you know get splinters?"

    "Uh... what miss?"

    "Yeah... like the outfit is revealing and will certainly show off how perfect I am in every way, including my humble attitude, but won't it hurt the guy?"

    "What guy?"

    "Wait so, this isn't... oh..."

    "Ma'm I don't know what you thought this was, but it's just a showing of how natural clothing can make the female frame so wonderful, and help the environment at the same time."

    "Oh, but uh I make sure I'm presentable."

    "Just get in the costume and get ready to pose."

    Erika sighed, and started to get ready to enter the costume she turned towards Ai.

    "I suppose we will only be partners in this shame of a photo shoot together, and here I thought I could actually get revenge, but karma always comes back to bite me. Which is weird cause I thought I had no karma."



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th July 2015, 7:37 pm

    Aiyana got to watch the conversation between Erika and the lady in charge of them getting dressed. Apparently Erika's clothing was paste on trees that would be covering her enough for this to be considered non-X rated for the magazine. The stage names made sense now, as the other model had thought the two of them were possibly going to get it on; not that the bandaged mage would have minded that at all. It wasn't like that would be new territory for her or anything. She looked at the woman as she walked towards her, listening to her speech of disappointment in the photo shoot followed by mentions of karma. She refrained from laughing, to keep from upsetting her more than she already was, before the clothing woman came towards Aiyana.

    At first it looked like the woman was carrying the same article of clothing that she had worn last time. As she grew closer, it became obvious that it was not the case.

    ”I'm sure you already know how this works. There isn't any makeup this time, too many complaints and one sexual harassment law suit ended that recently.”

    The law suit part was worrisome to hear. 'Glad that won't be happening then. I really don't want that to happen with me not knowing whose doing it to me.' As she thought, the clothing was handed to her so she could begin getting into it. While it wasn't just paste on trees like the other woman's, it was skimpy as usual. A small amount of vines made up what would be the most revealing of bra's that could possibly be in existence. Other than that, the bottom piece to it was basically a piece of wood looking cloth that would just cover the necessities; a small amount of vine being the strings she would have to tie together to keep the piece on. Without further instruction, and having no shame in it, the woman began to undress. She took care with her hat, the precious item being her favorite article of clothing, before folding all of it up neatly and setting it down where an employee of the company could keep track of it. It took less time to put the modeling clothes on, given that it was less than she wore at any given time unless she was in her room.

    Upon finishing with putting the clothes on properly the young woman turned to her accomplice for this before speaking up. ”Ready for some fun now?”



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th July 2015, 8:16 pm

    "I suppose though this treekini isn't exactly what I expected. What you are wearing is what I expected to see from the rumors of this place, oh well. I suppose I'll get it started then, they won't even know what hit them, since this time my bark is worse than my bite."

    Determined to become the first of the two to feel the sting of the camera upon her frail frame, Erika wandered off with confidence, despite wearing almost nothing. This didn't phase her though, since as anyone knows wearing almost nothing meant that her defense was incredibly high, in fact, she was probably nearly invincible right now due to how her defensive stat probably was. This treekini probably also had other effects too, most of which was being uncomfortable, but that didn't matter if it helped her to min max!

    As Erika approached the camera the photographer was just finishing setting up, and smiled towards her.

    "Perfect, amazing, your body is smooth like the bark of the finest tree!"

    Stranger danger.

    "Come let us experience the natural beauty of the environment right now in the forest of Magnolia town!"

    Erika simply blinked a few times and looked at where the photoshoot would be taking place... it was between a few trees and low cut bushes, in fact, it looked like they had purposefully cut everything to make it work out this way. Erika suddenly realized that her dream of revenge was foolish indeed, for it had been what she imagined this man might have been... oh she didn't want to think about that. She'd forgiv- well let's not go that far, since even if Faeral didn't eat her cookie, she couldn't forgive him for making her think that in the first place, now could she?

    Now all she had to worry about was this tree hugger whack job.

    "Now if you can just start posing like an innocent fawn over there in the wilderness, I can start to make the shoot really something special."

    "I'm so glad I'm not having to f-"

    "Now miss Erika we only have so much daylight, please get into position."

    Grumbling a little bit, Erika entered the little stage area and began to pose, once of her back, once almost pulling down the treekini, the other time up against a tree innocently. It was all very... werid. Erika was prepared for an X shoot but not some weird nature fetish shoot. The jewels were looking less and less worth it as the moments passed her by. In fact, she didn't know what was really holding her back from hitting this guy? Pity maybe... no, she never felt that, perhaps she just viewed him as unimportant and but a breeze in the wind that threatened to make her give him an all natural knuckle sandwich right in the gabber. It felt like forever but finally the solo shoot passed her by though it felt like forever she was done... that is until... he gave her a weird look, one which screamed full on McGruff the crime dog stranger danger.

    "If he touches me, Faeral can't yell at me for murdering him."



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th July 2015, 9:23 pm

    Erika talked about how she was expecting to wear something more like Aiyana's clothing, shortly before dropping a pun about the clothes after it. "Yeah, this is pretty close to what I wore last time. If we could have had an option I would have traded you." With that said, it was time for Erika to begin her solo shoot for the job.

    The bandaged mage noticed it was a differnt photographer this time, shortly before he started off with the creepy quotes. 'Woah, the last guy was fine. This guy, THIS GUY, just made it sound rapey...' She listened with eyes wide as the man did his risque sounding quotes before they started taking the pictures of the disappointed girl. It all started with a back shot, and then got kind of erotic from there. The 'almost pulling it all the way down' bikini shot and then an innocently laying against a tree post.

    It wasn't long before it was her turn, Erika being told to step aside so the other young woman get could her part of the job done. Once the set was clear, Aiyana made her way over so she would be within camera range and ready to do whatever poses were necessary.

    "Ah, the mythic dryad appears to grace us with her beauty!"

    Damn, so he was going to be like this with her too. Ah well, not like much could be done about it.

    "Come, let us show the world what nature has to offer to the eyes of the people!"

    That was her cue to begin posing for the camera, at least she assumed so. She walked up to the nearest tree on the set, putting out her hands against it and arching her back as she gazed at the camera. After a few dozen clicks of the shutter, Aiyana moved so that her back was against the tree. Leaning her head back, she placed on hand just above her stomach and her other up against her breasts. A creepy moan left the mouth of the cameraman as he took pictures as fast as he could.

    'God this guy is actually giving me the creeps.' Her body shuddered as the thought ran through her head. She didn't stay long in that position, fearing the cameraman would suffer a nosebleed and pass out if she stayed like that any longer. For her last pose, she got down on her knees and one hand, the other reaching out towards the camera as if pleading it to come to her. The cameraman didn't react as positively to this one, but she could imagine the whistles and catcalls of the men that might come across her after seeing the images in Sorcerer Weekly.

    "All right, that's good for now Aiyana. Why don't you go get a drink, take a short break before we get to the last part of the shoot."

    Aiyana simple nodded her head before getting up to walk off of the natural set. The holder type mage knew what was coming up next, but she doubted her partner was prepared for what was about to happen next. It was as close to X rated as she was going to get for this job. Maybe karma was on her side on the last part if it went like it did last time.



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 28th July 2015, 10:38 pm

    "Good news girls, I have come up with the perfect little part of the performance."

    The cameraman's heavy breathing didn't make Erika feel any better about this, in fact now she was getting seriously weirded out. The break had been nice, but now things were getting strange... very strange. He seemed to not only make creepy breathing sounds but creepy hand movements too. Erika was very close to beating him up right here and now, but she wanted the money, so she would try and endure, after all it couldn't be that bad... could it?

    "Both of you together in this shoot will be amazing, it'll be the crown of my accomplishments in the field, for you both are so... perfect for nature."

    Okay, this guy was weird, killing worthy levels of weird, but perfect for nature? Erika's hair was pink and brown, how was that naturally? Nothing naturally could be so perfect as Erika was, so this guy was clearly full of it. She didn't know what he was full of and she didn't really want too, but you know what, it's all water under the bridge, hopefully he'd just make it short and simple.

    "Now then the two of you should get into the frame and hug each other vigorously, press each other up against one another, and show up how the costumes would create a natural vigour about everyone in the room."

    While Aiyana certainly wasn't ugly and Erika wouldn't mind a snuggle here or there, she didn't want to make this guy have a snuggy. The money was looking less and less appealing as time went on, but she would endure if only for the sake of not giving into her primal desires, and her thirsts for vengeance.

    "What poses are we to assume?"

    Erika suddenly regretted making that choice, as the man had brought Erika and hopefully Aiyana to pose them into a weird grouped together pose. Basically, he was trying to wrap Aiyana around Erika, like ivy around a tree, naturally with their hands touching more risky areas. Erika didn't mind this, because as far as she was concerned this Aiyana girl was perfectly nice, not like this weird man. The only reason Erika knew this guy was so weird was because not only were his hands clammy, she was the pinnacle of sanity, and as such she knew what crazy was. It was this guy and what was happening.

    "Yes that is perfect, hold that pose or make it so you two just start to get more comfortable with it, I'm fine either way."

    If Aiyana was paying attention to Erika's face, then she could plainly see Erika was giving the most sincere smile of her life, which if anyone actually knew Erika could see that meant she was about to beat someone over the head with something, preferably her fists or a rock.

    Meanwhile, if Aiyana was there, Erika wasn't fully paying attention to what she was doing, which could be a very bad thing, or a good thing depending on how you look at it.



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th July 2015, 11:54 pm

    Their break was interrupted by the cameraman telling them that he had come up with the perfect thing for the last part of the photo shoot. Aiyana wasn't too thrilled with how excited the man was, and neither did Erika. Along with the hand movements, and the heavy breathing, the man was starting to sound a bit too excited for the job position he held. 'He seems more suited for reviewing the finished images than the one taking the pictures.' The creepy dude continues speaking compliments to them, making the two feel a bit uncomfortable in the process. If this had been a standard catcall she would have been okay with it, but this felt more like being pushed into a corner by a stranger as he tried to undress you. She could not, for the life of her, understand the comments about them being perfect for nature. She had light green hair for the gods' sake! And her modeling partner was a duo of pink and brown! Nothing about that was normal for nature!

    After that the man finally got to directing them around to how they should position themselves. It started off with a VERY close hug. Aiyana had no problem with this, going into the tight hug and allowing their near naked bodies to push up against each other. The overly excited cameraman snapped a few pictures as they held each other together, the warmth almost soothing compared to the comments from the man behind the camera. After Aiyana released the hug, the man in charge of photos halting his finger from pressing the button as he seemed to be trying to catch his breath.

    Once he had done so, he guided the two woman into poses that could only be thought of as “Are we about to have sex?” positions. The man guided Aiyana into a post that almost wrapped her completely around the younger woman, her hands touching what would be considered overly sexual for two strangers to suddenly be at. Did he really tell them to get more comfortable? That was the easy part! She moved one of her legs so that she was straddling the girl instead, her one arm staying dangerously low as she moved one hand up to caress the the woman's face. It was apparent she wasn't paying attention, as she made no movement as Aiyana's head moved closer to the other girls so that they were face to face.

    ”Wake up beautiful.” Those were the only words to leave the ivy and wood clad woman's mouth before she went in for the kiss that would surely drive the cameraman into his final moments. If Erika responded well enough, maybe she would add in a little tongue and get a bit more enjoyment out of the kiss; as surely the other girl responding in kind was an opening to continue on.



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Special Snowflake 29th July 2015, 12:16 am

    All of Erika's focus was upon the rage she felt for this strange man, who was quite clearly trying to get a snuggy into naptime land. I don't even know what that means, but you probably got the joke anyway. Then suddenly she felt the warmth of the other girl pressing against her, it was true that the outfit had been rather cold, but Erika didn't really make too much notice of it, till the girl pressed her face up against Erika's. It was a moment like in a fairy tail... wait no fairy tail was full of losers, it was more like a moment out of brothers grim fairy tail, like red riding hood getting eaten and such. Man now for some reason Erika really hated red riding hood, snow white, beauty and the beast, and the three bears. That sure was random.

    Anyway random thoughts over with, Erika suddenly snapped to a realization, this was a terrible kiss. There was no effort in it at all like really she couldn't stand this. it was insulting how much of a lack this girl put into it at all, and Erika was most disappoint. She would have to show this girl the proper way to kiss, if only out of Erika's own pride to be perfect, and flawless in every way imaginable... at least in her own mind. Pushing away from Aiyana's face Erika proclaimed...

    "You call that a kiss? THIS IS A KISS!"

    Attempting to make an impact against Aiyana's lips like a thunderous hurricane Erika would strike. She didn't just wrap around the lips with her own, however, there was the little devil of a tongue inserted as well and made sure to try and wrap around the other girls. Erika would hold this position till the other girl was possibly out of breath from the sheer magnificence that is Erika's kissing abilities. The sound of the camera snapping filled the air as the man behind it was fully losing control of himself, and now Erika realized what she must do.

    If the girl had taken the kiss, Erika would now release her to the natural forest around, and march towards the man behind the camera, fists raised, it was time for an ass whoopin'. Slamming her fist into his face, she didn't get the reaction she was expecting out of him. He seemed to get more excited...

    "Yes that's it, the two of you have been my best subjects, it's been an honor... hit me more let me feel the nature of your fists!"

    "Well this just makes it easier!"

    The man by the end of it all could have joined the blue man group in terms of both his jewels and his bodies own color. Speaking of jewels Erika turned towards the lady who had recruited her for this very job.

    "Where's my money?"

    "Uh well you see, you hurt the camera man so..."

    Erika cracked her knuckles, a bit of blood still upon them.

    "You were saying?"

    "Oh yes uh they are right here thank you, you have been wonderful!"

    Tossing Erika bad, Erika made sure to actually count the amount which thankfully for the receptionist was the correct amount. Nodding and slinging the small bag over her shoulder Erika went to retrieve her clothes nearby and change, but not before winking towards Aiyana.

    "Work on your technique honey I need to go and spend this cash on a little revenge scheme, till next time."

    And with that Erika would ride off into the sunset, well walk off, she didn't have an epic mount yet... since she had yet to meet your mother.



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    Model citizen.  Empty Re: Model citizen.

    Post by Cr1tikal 29th July 2015, 12:57 am

    Her light kiss to get her attention had turned into what had been the kiss she was longing for. It had been a while since she had gotten this close to another person, as well as gotten a kiss out of someone. She could forgive Erika's belittlement of her kissing skills, how could she know she hadn't really been trying until she got the return kiss? That had been the plan, and that was exactly what she got. After the small outburst her lips were wrapped in the other woman's, the man suddenly clicking as fast as he could at the sudden make out session that had begun with no warning whatsoever. Not only that as Aiyana started to let a little bit of tongue slip through, Erika was doing the same. Their tongues were allowed to dance long enough for bliss to set in before Erika released the kiss suddenly.

    She had wanted to keep the kiss going just a little bit longer, mostly for her own greed, but she had to quickly roll off the other woman else she would have been pushed off as Erika suddenly stood up. It appeared her partner had finally had enough of the creepy, perverted, man and had decided to take things into her own hands, literally. Even as she beat the man to a pulp all he did was take pleasure in it. Another shudder left the scantily clad woman's body as she stood up. Once the beating stopped, the pink and brown haired girl inquired about her money from the woman that had led them here. After a small threat the other girl was given her money, quickly counting it to assure it was all there.

    After making sure her money was there, and as Aiyana was slowly walking to her folded clothes, the other girl quickly got dressed before telling the bandaged mage to work on her technique and taking her leave. Hoping she would get to see her again in the future, the Lamia Scale mage removed the minimal clothing and got back into the warm shirt and hat she loved so much. Once she had everything on, and all her belongings were in order, she walked up to the woman in charge to receive her own pay.

    ”Sorry about that. I didn't know she was going to get aggressive so suddenly or I might have tried to stop her.”

    ”I wouldn't have asked that from you. Thank you for being so patient, and dealing with the camera guy. He's new, but I don't think we'll be keeping him on our payroll after today.”

    ”Thanks for that, really wouldn't want to see him here again when I come back next time.”

    ”We love your commitment to Sorcerer Weekly. I wish they allowed me to pay more than the standard, but that's just not a possibility.”

    Aiyana just nodded her head in understanding as she was handed the bag of jewels that would be her payment. It was easy money, after all, so why should she worry if it was only seven hundred and fifty jewels? She shook the ladies outstretched hand before saying goodbye and making her exit as well.



    Model citizen.  MQNhOUw

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:27 pm