Skyllon's Bank
Approved Weapons:
- Spoiler:
Approved Armors:
- Spoiler:
- [url=Url of armor app goes here]N/A[/url]
- [url=Url of armor app goes here]N/A[/url]
- [url=Url of armor app goes here]N/A[/url]
- [url=Url of armor app goes here]N/A[/url]
Approved Pet(s):
- Spoiler:
Ongoing Missions:
- Spoiler:
Finished Missions:
- Spoiler:
(Please note that when you rank up, you need to clear this out. They will not be exchangeable for EXP anymore after your Rank-Up Exam)
Ongoing Threads:
- Spoiler:
Finished Threads:
- Spoiler:
- The Bird vs. The Tech
- Battle of the Gods
- [url=Eclipse Soul Intro][/url]
- The Bird vs. The Tech