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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 5th July 2015, 1:47 am

    Job Info:

    Mairin was shivering in the damp morning air at half past 6, sitting on the steps near her client's door. There was no coat to be had, or warmth to snuggle into, all that was with her was a letter in a folded pink envelope in a pair of shaking hands, the air around her puffed white with breath. How was it, that her joyous Sunday had dived into this kind of Monday Blues?

    Doting on the subject of her suddenly joining the Rune Knights, Mairin saw no sort of problem. In fact, what she saw was a golden opportunity shining against her eyes, like the sunset beams glossing over the roaring seas. To her, the meaning of justice was right there, and all she had to do was run towards it and jump-- higher, higher than she's ever done to catch it in between her fingers. But then she had to hold unto it tight, otherwise it'd slip right past her fingers.

    "It was worth it," she'd say to herself -"...totally, extremely, every bit of worth it."

    The muse was no longer just a muse, but she was a proud Knight-to-be. Such a reality even sent tingles of the girliest kind of happiness through her nerves. It was almost enough to keep her warm, almost, perhaps, if she just listened to Mr. Davidson when he offered her a coat after he explained the significance of his letter. She still politely declined, knowing she might have to deal with the laundry mat lady if she ever had it soiled. Let's just say their share of history wasn't so pretty and neat-folded.

    Mairin stared blankly at Mr. Davidson's door. He wasn't any younger than her master, but he certainly held a kind of love that would make Mairin sick with envy. Fortunately for him, she was too bothered by the shaking noises her knees made as they buckled against each other in the cold to even care about forgotten love letters and what-ifs. Heaven forgive her for slightly hating her master on that day in particular, however. For dismissing her out of his mansion so early then, kicking the job papers in her face and tossing her pressed clothes hurriedly that one would think he was literally making her leave in a fit.

    "He said he wasn't angry." she whispered, walking with swinging wrists and brisk steps to make her blood flow back through the veins in her legs and arms. "He said he was doing it for the good of my training, now that I'm a Rune Knight, or....supposedly one." Mairin flares her cape off, irritated by a lot of things. "But what does he know?" she hit the surface of the sidewalk with her boot, a thin line of dirt gathering at the tip as she did so. "What does that selfish-..." another strike to the pavement, "-....sadistic," another strike, this time to a large pebble, she sent it flying brutally, "-and utterly sexist Friedhof know about training a Rune Knight!?"

    There was another kick there, in between her tantrum and bubbling teen anger. But that kick wasn't a pleasant one, that's for sure, because when she decided to give one final, murder-filled thought to power her leg to whatever was before her, she hit a lamp post.

    "A-a-a-awwwww! Oh cheeses!"

    Inevitably, because she started to flail around, grasping her toes in a poor attempt to calm the tempest brewing up pain in those bundle of nerves, she failed to notice the quickly trotting carriage racing down the road. The horses' hooves were clunking noisily, in tune to the repetitive groaning of a certain conductor that neither had heard the other.

    And you can be sure that one thing led to another.

    Last edited by Mairin on 6th July 2015, 2:09 am; edited 3 times in total


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 5th July 2015, 4:51 am

    At first, it had been the coachman.

    He fancied a cigarette so early at dawn that the smoke had him engulfed, even stronger than the alcohol he consumed the night before. He had a thing for those kinds of activities lately, having that slightly impulsive urge that comes with no control measures like the white powders sent to him at midnight. That morning was the start of his work day, carrying carriages across Magnolia, a slow paying job that even his old horses could beat at a leisurely trotting pace. But by the grace of the dragons had he been gifted with a rather special guest, famous to a pound for owning a better than normal voice. Opera, was it?

    Anyhow, her name was Miss Heather Darlington. Singer, actress, the best of what her dusty hometown could offer.

    He couldn't care less of what she did best, all he could think of was the hours he'd spend counting the change he'd get from his boss, the things he'd do with it too wasn't missed and in a heartbeat, he was thinking of the mounds of vices he'd take part in. In fact, he was so focused on the ideas that he forgot to look past his horses and notice a blue spot jumping up and down hurriedly against the horizon.

    It had been her next, the jumping blue spot. Her mistake was made when she decided to take her boot off in the middle of the road.

    Mairin had no idea, or rather, she held no particular care to what was happening around her. Her entire being was racked into rubbing the pain away from her sore foot. "Ouch!" she screamed, puffing her cheeks with air out of habit. "This day just keeps getting worse...and worse...and...!"

    The very last worse, the climax of the tempest, was eventually lost in a wind that smelled of horses and cigarettes, sounded like metal wheels and a dainty lady falling off a bridge, like how one of those nursery rhymes used to go.

    To be prompt, it was a rather....rough ride for Miss Darlington. And even more so for the blue-haired child. For when Miss Darlington had seen a body sprawled out across the road, she had automatically assumed she was unconscious, and she had already scurried out of the ravaged carriage and knelt beside the blue-haired girl.

    "My Lord! Have mercy! We just ran over a child! Quickly! Bring her to a doctor!"

    And for the blue-haired girl, well...perhaps the day wouldn't get any worse after all. Through her half-lid eyes, she could see a beautiful young woman who had bewitching green eyes. The same eyes that had stared past the photo frame across the lounge of Mr. Davidson's home.

    "Miss Darlington! Miss Heather Darlington please stay inside the carriage!" screamed one of her guards, and with that divine kind of confirmation, Mairin let her eyes close, slowly, falling like curtains to the drama show.

    "Oh dear, oh dear, please stay awake!"

    Oh no, she was anything but unconscious. She was a tricky one, and therefor feigned the act of blackening out. After all, her master did say 'use things to your advantage'. In her head, Mairin imagined herself shrugging as she was carried off aboard a set of large muscular arms that would put her master's to shame.

    'I was a little sleepy, anyway.'

    The streets were ever so brightly covered in sunshine, too. Warm, bright, with a tinge of horse hooves running wildly across cobblestone.


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
    Second Skill:
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 5th July 2015, 6:50 am

    When Mairin woke up, it was to the sound of a loud dong. It was the same sound her master's nocturnal grandfather clock would make. But this one wasn't muffled by the tangible silence in Marchen's room, plaguing it like a blanket. This one was right against her right ear, and inevitably it had sent an electrifying echo that even the cookie jars in her dreams shattered into bits.

    "Ughhh..." she mumbled, one hand clutching the bandage-wrapping around her head, "I almost stole all the pastries, almost...-"

    'Wait. Bandages?'

    It was a hasty action, but nonetheless frightened when she realized her upper forehead was rounded by a soft white gauze. A little tight, she noticed, trying in vain to slip her fingers beneath it.

    What happened, she wondered. What flashes through the spaces in her vision when she thinks of horses and her foot aching was when she tried to avoid that rickety carriage sound wheeled by two horses. If her memory served her nicely, with all the cherries on tops and whatnot, Mairin was very sure that she was hit by the carriage because she flung her boot away from her accidentally when she tried to dodge, and hit the driver instead.

    Heel first. Right in head.

    The horses were so frightened by the screaming agony of the driver that they had tried moved wildly in an attempt to escape the dreadful sound, wheeling the carriage right into Mairin's dodging body. It had her by the chest, throwing her off slightly because she was already in a jumping stance. If their had been any blood, she'd notice immediately.

    But as far as she was concerned, a heavy offering of gauze was a little too cautious. She clawed at in vain. "What's with this? It feels so awkward..." she recalls the times where she rarely had an injury, and how most of her injuries weren't so much in need of so much bandages of those kind. It made her bite her lips, slouched in a clinic bed with the sun setting at 2 minutes before 5 PM. Mairin's eyes bore into the glass of the grandfather clock across the room, it's clock hands watching, ticking slowly, almost hesitantly under her gaze.

    She sighed and swung her feet over the bed side, "I think I missed the train back home, too, oh geez...how am I supposed to explain this to my master?"

    "You needn't, child, I've contacted your master already." a voice whispered lovingly, and to her surprise, she saw Miss Darlington standing in the doorway, one that a strange and slightly translucent green curtain for a door. It occurred to her right then that the sun rays that were filtering the room from the windows made her green eyes sparkle even more. "Wow..." she whispered, caught in the intricate display of green. "I mean....w-wow, how'd you know the phone number?"

    Heather knelt beside her, a green forest staring back at a wide blue sea. She carefully laid out something she had hidden behind her, the familiar blue color almost making Mairin gag with laughter. Noticing her stifled giggles, the opera sweetheart was also on the verge of giggling. "Your master is a funny person, I've noticed that too."

    At that, the muse tilted her head slightly, questioning with her eyes. "What do you mean?"

    Miss Darlington carefully flipped her boot over, delicately almost as if it would break at her touch. She made sure the sun caught the sole of it, making the letters that were hastily drawn with black marker shine endearingly.

    "See, right here, it says...'IF THE GIRL WITH THIS SHOE ENDS UP LOST AND IS WITH YOU, PLEASE CALL THIS NO. TO RETURN HER. XXX-XXX-XXX'" Heather placed a dainty hand over her lips, "How caring, no? I'm sure he worries for you immensely to be able to-..."

    Her words were muffled through an angry ruffle of sheets.

    "That bastard!"


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
    Second Skill:
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 5th July 2015, 10:37 pm

    "What does he think I am?!" she fumed, tearing off the bandage in a fit, "An object?! A doll he can just...put a claim on?! I'll have him know that I-...!"

    As she stood on both legs in that solitary bed in a small room, she couldn't help but feel so tiny underneath Miss Darlington's judging gaze. She sat back down with a yelp when the opera singer narrowed her eyes even more. "Dear, were you really hurt by our carriage? You seem fine..." Mairin gathered her hair over her face as she slouched in the bed, curving her back in shame and distraught. ".....You can tell me anything little miss, please be honest."

    The muse took that opportunity to smile, scratching her head sheepishly with a weak arm. "It's a long story, haha...but.." with her other hand, she fingered the side of the bed for a familiar pink letter. But then she realized, it wasn't anywhere to behold. It was lost.

    Her stomach did flips, and that's when she started to panic. "Oh cheeses! The letter! Where is it...?!" she frantically tore the bed apart, pillow off, comforter down, bed sheet disheveled and frightfully reduced into a mess along with everything else. "What're you looking for?" asked Miss Darlignton, cocking her head towards Mairin as she unlocked every drawer on the small desk next to her. "Your letter, miss Darlington! A letter from Mr. Davidson!"

    Heather widened her eyes at the mention of a familiar name, her breath caught in her gentle curving lips. Staring back carefully, Mairin thought that Heather was caught in a daze, almost as if she had never heard the name in such a long time, but she oh-so-dearly wanted to hear it once again. Her happy face was proof of that, a woman's blessed smile.

    "Charles...? Could it really be Charles? He sent me...a letter?" Miss Darlington brought her gloved hands down from her lips, bundling them up nervously. "But I've....never heard from ever since I started travelling for my shows...why now, Charles? Why now....?" she flicked a few stray tears from her cheeks, dragging her make-up in all sorts of places across her face. "Oh...Charles....I thought you've forgotten me...."

    Mairin twirled around from her waist, her lips stretched into a serious line, the calm ocean roaring with the tide of determination and frustration. "He hasn't, miss Darlington, let me tell you, he has never, ever forgotten you." She stomped towards her on her stockings, the mat underneath her soft and fluffy, but not even it's plushness could make her stop in her tracks. The young muse grasped Heather's hands in her gloved ones, a lady's strength to another as she relayed everything Mr. Davidson had told to her that day.

    She told her many things. About the chocolates that melted before they could reach her, the roses that were never in season, the carriage that was too expensive and even the letters that were always on the wrong address. How Charles never forgotten, how he's still single and learning to play the piano slowly and steadily, how he wishes to rekindle what they once had.

    Then Heather Darlington cried. She cried a waterfall of girly tears. Mairin had never seen a girl cry like that, smiling, with makeup lines going all over her face, mumbling 'I love you.' repeatedly, not brokenly, but dearly and adoringly.

    Now she has, and it was the most beautiful crying she's ever seen.


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
    Second Skill:
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 5th July 2015, 11:19 pm

    "But then..." Mairin clutched at Heather's shaking hands sorrowfully, "I lost his letter...the one that was supposed to tell you everything." She bowed her head in apology, "I'm sorry, miss Darlington..."

    'It was my first job too, as a Rune Knight.' she thought sadly, not being able to think of what Mr. Davidson would say when she returns to his home with the tragic tale of horses and a stubbed toe and a flying shoe. Heather spoke up, though, her voice extremely weak, "....C-child, we can still...think of something, I'm sure, there's still hope." Miss Darlington looked up from underneath the ugly black markings of her streaming makeup, her eyes a striking green against the soreness of soiled mascara, "I too, wish to see him again....so much, dear child, so very much. So I'm sure the heavens would grant us...some type of miracle."

    Mairin's breath was crumpled up in her throat, her words of giving up shamefully shoved down her stomach. She cast her gaze hesitantly at the wall mirror hanging across the room, their reflections shining in the glass. She thought of the picture frame in Mr. Davidson's home, how it had no dust and always looked so polished and cared for. The Heather in that picture was prim and proper, whilst that Heather in the mirror was all runny and shaky, her hair flying off in curls. What Charles wouldn't give to see his nearly tragic lover in that state at the mention of his name.

    Or....perhaps....he didn't have to give anything?

    Mairin's eyes lit up, passionately, bright with the light of a thousand stars as they shone upon Heather. Her smile was so wide that the opera star blinked in confusion, mistaking her to be possessed, or something close. "Miss Darlington...I think I've found a way." she laced her fingers through Heather's equally gloved ones, jumping up and down with excitement. "I've found a way! Yes! This has too work!"

    Miss Heather could only open her lips meekly, unsure, and fidgety, "But...how? Is there really a way...?"

    Mairin nodded knowingly, as if she knew all the answers to all of Heather's questions in that one moment. "I need to borrow your carriage first Miss Heather, along with four horses, not just two." The older woman looked at her in disbelief, blinking wide-eyed and breathless, "What ever are you planning dear girl?"

    The young, ambitious conductor shot through the door with Miss Heather's wrist underneath her hand, "A miracle miss Darlington!" They both ran down the stairs towards the lobby, "I'm planning a miracle of a reunion!"

    - - - -

    The carriage was easier to get than she had thought. Initially, Mairin hoped to spar against the wrath of the carriage driver for hitting him with her shoe. But apparently, one of Miss Darlington's guards had him arrested for being drunk while on duty. It appears that he too, was the cause of her bandages when he angrily threw her boot back at her when they were carrying her towards the clinic room. It hit her in the head and made it bledd a little.

    The driver was content with that, and happily handcuffed himself. Well, that would also explain the pain she felt in her dreams from the fallen cookie jar.

    The lobby was quiet when they entered, it turns out Miss Darlington had the guards assist the doctor with the charges for the driver's rampage, where he had destroyed cabinets and scared patients with his outburst while he was trying to fling her boot back at her. The story couldn't possibly get any more ridiculous after that, she hoped.

    By the time they reached the carriage that was haphazardly drawn at a tree beside the clinic, they had already illegally borrowed two more horses from the doctor's stable. Why he had a stable was beyond the two ladies, and they instead focused on the matter at hand.

    "You still haven't told me what you're planning." Heather noted as Mairin helped her up into the carriage. "Don't worry! I've got this covered. My master said a Rune Knight should know how to get the job done." she closed the carriage door with a triumphant grin, "But he never said how, exactly!"

    "Oh, so you're a Rune Knight?" Mairin shaked her head furiously, happily denying that, "Not yet miss, but sure will be! Just watch!"

    With the sun slowly ending daybreak at the horizon, Mairin climbed up the driver's seat and grabbed unto the horses' ropes. She had no training in carriage driving whatsoever, but with her goal set, she wouldn't let something as trivial as that get in her way. "Miss Darlington!" she screamed, getting ready to lash at the horses. "Do you trust me?!"

    Heather popped her head from out of the carriage window, "Yes, I do, in the name of my four fathers, I do!" she said excitedly, grinning with happiness.

    "Then off we ride!"

    The horses galloped crazily at the brutal slap of rope, a little too strongly, as one might've guessed. But that didn't bother them. Heaven's no. They were both laughing childishly. One inexperienced driver to another fool in love, no one cared, they just rode on into the sunset.

    'You'll see, Mr. Davidson.' she thought as the horses ran towards his home, 'This is the day I'll finally say...' the horses turned a sharp curve, the sun glaring into Mairin's sea-set eyes.

    "Here comes the bride!"


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tempest Notes
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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 6th July 2015, 12:12 am

    When Charles Davidson heard a knocking on his door, he hoped to see a letter addressed to him with nothing but rejection. It was 6 in the evening when it came, a hurried tapping sound that signaled his immediate reaction. He sprung from his place by the fireplace and put on his evening sweater before opening his door.


    What he saw, though, was not a mailman, but the knight-in-training who had offered to give send the letter for him. His mouth hung low at the sight of the carriage behind her, and at that, Mairin giggled victoriously. "Mr. Davidson, I lost your letter, I couldn't deliver it." she confessed, watching his eyes grow wide with surprise, his ears grow hot with frustration. But before he could smoke any sausages with the heat fuming from his face, Mairin spoke up again. "But I've delivered something better to you."

    The blue-haired girl ran, then, towards the carriage and swung the carriage door open with one big curve from her arm. Charles could see the faintest shimmer of a gold dress and the curling of brown hair from underneath the shadows of the drawing night.

    "Child, where are we?" Charles froze, Heather looked ahead, and Mairin smiled.

    "Welcome, Miss Darlington to Mr. Davidson's home."

    The winds suddenly stopped. The sun stood still in the horizon, illuminating the two as they just stared at each other. Surely enough, there were tears streaming through Heather's white-washed face. She stepped closer, her heels dragging the shimmers in her dress up the stairs of his small home.

    Charles cleared his throat hesitantly, "You look....horrible, Heather, your make up is..-" Heather smiled, interrupting him. "And you too, Charles, you look like you haven't had much sleep."

    The muse rolled her eyes and shouted, "Both of you know that the other is the cause of that!" to which Charles and Heather happily agreed to, throwing both of their arms upon the other in a much delayed hug.

    Mairin knew that by the time they embraced each other, the air of longing shifted into something grander, like the kind you'd only get when you've found something you've lost after such a long idle time. It didn't take someone as all-knowing as her master to figure that out. There was a value to keep there, for sure.

    But then she realized the sun had gone, and dusk was slowly sprinkling the sky with stars. A lot of people were going to be worried, not just for the opera sweetheart, but for her too. Marchen must've been furious the whole time!

    Charles' beckoning snapped her out of thought. "Hey, Rune Knight," he eased, patting her on the head. "I'm not good with words, but I know you'll make a great knight one day. I just know it." he smiled at her, a smile that lost all it's burdens from the past years. "Hold out your hands." he told her, and as she did so, he placed a small coin bag in her hands. It almost slipped because of how surprised she was. She looked at him, bewildered at the fact, and promptly offered him a fish-like face of confusion. Charles laughed wholeheartedly at her speechlessness.

    "You didn't deliver my letter, true." he slung an arm over Heather as she drew closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder. "But you've brought something even better." his eyes glistened under the lamp light of his home, "I can't thank you enough. For us, this is something priceless. I hope you'll be happy with what I can offer to you."

    Mairin shaked her head, clutching the small brown bag tightly to her chest. Her other hand flinging to her head in a salute. "All in a day's work, sir, this is more than enough."

    Charles gives her a fond smile, "And who would've thought a child like you would take up the dream of becoming a Rune Knight." Heather giggled beside him, "It's striking, I think, you don't even have a sword. My guards thought you were a performer or something."

    'Your guards might have arrested me if I did, though.' she thought carefully, thinking of Octavia who was still locked in the basement.

    "You'd better be going now, though, I think your master might be looking for you over at the clinic." Heather said, a bride's smile strewn and never worn out. "Don't worry about me, I'll call the clinic to tell them of my whereabouts. I..." a few fingers were threaded together in a loving clasp, her gaze thrown at Charles'. "-...have a lot of catching up to do, don't you think, Charles dearie?" he smiled back, a groom's grin curving in both love and security. "Definitely."

    Mairin had already turned her head around to avoid being regarded as the third wheel in that love-sick theatrical take of a drama scene. "Alrighty! You take care, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. I'm off!"

    Heather blushed furiously at that, while Charles could only laugh as they waved to a very brightly shining muse who rode across the ill-lit streets of Magnolia on a carriage with no passengers.

    "How does the girl know how to drive a carriage, though?" asked Heather, watching the carriage gallop off to where it was before.

    Charles shrugged in reply as they entered his door.

    "Who knows?"


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Time Keeper's Curse
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    Posts : 52
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Mentor : Märchen von Friedhof
    Experience : 25

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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Mairin 6th July 2015, 12:32 am

    The clinic was a peaceful place -was, used to be, before Lord Marchen von Friedhof entered frantically in a clean white dressing shirt and black riding pants. His hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail, Gustav's handiwork, perhaps. He had come all the way from his mansion to personally fetch his douche apprentice who apparently got into an accident with a carriage on her first job. 'How careless' he thought on, his black riding boots tapping against the floor.

    The thought grew again as he eyed the doctor who was panicking at the absence of both his patient and the lovely Heather Darlington, to whom her guards are frantically trying to gather themselves to find out where in the world she had gone off to. Again, he mumbled, "....How careless."

    He folded his arms and slouched into the chair, an action ensuing various sighs from various women who have gathered at the clinic upon hearing the story of the frustrated, yet very handsome and charismatic horse-rider over by the local clinic. "Oh my~ He's at it again....I wonder who's he waiting for~?" another girl spoke up daringly, flaring her lavish fan beside him, "You can wait for me, daring rider~" and then another girl fumed at that, "You're one to talk! I'm the one he's waiting for! I deserve his heart~ Riggghhtt~?" she cooed, all of them leering at him under their plastic lash curler things.

    He stood up and stomped out of the clinic, causing an uproar of disappointment from the ladies. "How....careless...." he whispered, a hot breath of annoyance.

    The night then was calm. Was. Used to be. Before a rickety carriage burst forth from the darkness of the streets and trotted beside him, whirring air and dust and leaves into his clothes and hair. He coughed. "How careless...!"

    Then he noticed the driver had blue hair, and a white cape, and a voice that sounded familiar with that "Oh hey master!" kind of greeting. From then on, he let his patience waver, and furiously grabbed Mairin by the waist, throwing her unto his horse. Without so much as a warning, he slashed his ropes and ran off on his majestic black Mustang, back towards the mansion with only the pale moon as his guide.

    "Next time....!" he said, loud enough for Mairin to hear amongst the noises she made over the bumpy ride, "Dont ever be careless like that again!"

    "It's off to the sugar store for you!"

    And then the night grew quiet as the young muse's screams faded slowly into the wind.


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Sig2_zps2hqx3fgh

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Outgoing Muse Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote The Tempest Notes Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote A Glorious Battle Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote Character Theme Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Musicnote

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } Empty Re: Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo }

    Post by Hikachu 6th July 2015, 2:10 am

    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } YdROJZD


    Deliver that Letter, Knight-in-Training! { Mairin/Solo } JhB4MAf

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