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    Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

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    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)

    Post by Speculo 11th August 2015, 10:22 pm


    Spec walked into Magnolia Town, placing his boots on the stone pathways for the first time. The place was so big! How was it a town? It had to be a city! He walked from street to street, holding a bag half-full of wild fruit he had picked on the road and a pouch the money he had, looking at all the signs and the people and the bridges that traversed the river bellow, flowing through town. This was such an bright and vibrant place!

    Small high pitched barks near his feet made him jump a little. But, it was only a puppy! Kneeling down, he scratched it's head and behind it's ears before it barked again and took off.
    "Don't let it get away! Catch it!" Cried a man from behind Spec.
    Turning around, he found a man looking staring at the ground, panting.
    "Catch it? You mean the dog?"
    "Yes! -pant pant- it, uh, they! -pant- ran off! I was trying to sell them but they got away from me.."
    "Well, I can help out with that if you wanted."
    "You would? Oh, thank you so much! There are 5 in total, and they have been sighted all across town! If you get them back to me, I'll pay you. I live on Magnus avenue. Just leave them in the kennel on the steps of my house."
    "Sounds like a plan. I'd better get to work then."
    "One more thing!" He stopped Spec's turn and gave him a small bag.
    "Inside are dog treats. It might help lure them to you. Thank you so much again!" And then he was off. And so was Speculo.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"

    Last edited by Speculo on 12th August 2015, 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)

    Post by Speculo 11th August 2015, 11:02 pm


    Chasing after the same dog from before, Spec jogged through the alleyways of the large town, whistling and holding a dog treat out. Hopefully it would come out sooner or later. He ran past a garbage can, and before he rounded the corner he heard a large metal bang. Turning around, the trash can was on the ground, and a tail disappeared into another alley. "Gotchya!" Spec raced back and continued his whistling. once around the corner, he slowed down and keep whistling, hoping for the dog to come back to him. And just like that, it did. It was wagging it's tail and looking so happy about the dog treat. Speculo couldn't help but find it adorable. Kneeling down, he offered the dog treat. It leaped up and took the treat, munching on it happily. It didn't protest when Spec picked it up. Instead, it licked Spec's cheek. "Aw, ok, enough of that. Gross." He wiped his face back onto the puppies fur, then got back out onto a main street. "Now where is Magnus Avenue..?" He looked around for signs, but couldn't find any.

    Eventually he stopped somebody on the street, and asked them the question as to the location of Magnus Avenue. When he received an answer, he went down in that direction, and found the small street where the man lived. Looking down the row of houses, only one had a kennel on it. Speculo promptly opened it up and put him inside, making sure to lock it after giving it another treat. "Now you stay here. I'm gonna go get your brothers and sisters." He spoke to the dog before heading out again.

    The next pup wasn't that hard to find. It was only a few streets away, dumpster diving for food. After it picked up the smell of Spec's treats, it came right over to him, begging for one. But holding onto it? That pup was a slippery one. so many times it got out of Speculo's arms and ran off again, forcing Spec to repeat the process of baiting it with a treat and grabbing it. On the fifth time, Spec had enough of this dog. Using the age of trick of using another dog treat, the pup came as predicted.

    This time, it wasn't going anywhere. Concentrating hard, "Room of a Thousand Mirrors!" Speculo cast the spell, trapping the puppy in a small ball of mirrors. He then carried it back all the way to Magnus Avenue, dispelled the ball, and put the puppy inside. He figured that it had enough treats for one day, and didn't give it anymore. on the hunt once more.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)

    Post by Speculo 11th August 2015, 11:44 pm


    "Well, 2 down, 3 to go. Now.." Spec stopped and looked around him. "Where could they be hiding..? These two were around this area, so I should make a sweep before going farther out." And do a sweep he did. Over the next hour, he scoured ever nearby alleyway and street within a 3 block radius. Nothing. So, he moved on. The sun was starting to set at this point, which would make it harder to see in a moment.

    Step after step after step. Building after alleyway after street. Nothing. No sign of the three puppies. Speculo gave a deep sigh and leaned against a wall. Who knew looking for five lost puppies were going to be so hard? His thoughts drifted back to his last stop before coming to Magnolia, back to Peace Village. The look on those kids faces when they saw his magic. The look of joy and happiness. Of Wonderment. That was so incredibly worth it. He chuckled, and thought: Yup, as soon as I left the dark, I found light, waiting for me to embrace it.He closed his eyes and rested for a moment, remembering their faces. Pit pat pit pat pit pat.

    Spec opened his eyes and looked down. To see a small puppy. Sitting at his feet, looking at him curiously. Spec began to laugh now. "Maybe If I just stay in one spot, all of you will come to me like i'm some magnet." He picked up the pup and started on his way to Magnus Avenue, when an idea hit him. That's right. I don't need to go find them. I just need them to come to me! Quickly but carefully dropping the pup in it's kennel with a treat, he took off his glove, licked his finger, and stuck it up in the air. The air was coming from infront of him. Perfect, there was a slight breeze!

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo) Fighting-giffy
    I Make My Own Luck

    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
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    Completed Re: Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)

    Post by Speculo 12th August 2015, 12:45 am


    Spec traveled far upwind, as far as he could go within reason. Taking out the bag of dog treats, he made sure there was still quite a few of them. He opened the bag and laid them on the ground, waving them around and even crumbling one up into powder and releasing it into the wind to get the smell out. Hopefully this worked.

    A half of an hour passed, and still nothing. Spec was sitting in the shadows of an alley. The sun had gone down and everyone was in their homes, getting ready to sleep. It was a comfortably warm night out tonight, the slight breeze even making it into the alleyway. It felt great on his face. He closed his eyes as he waited, leaned his head back against the wall of the building, and passed right out.


    Spec woke up to sunlight in his eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the light. Where was he? ...Right, Magnolia Town. He stretched and yawned, before looking over to the pile of dog treats were. Or, were supposed to be. The spot the were supposed to be at as empty, save a few crumbs. A few Crumbs! Crap! He had fallen asleep when they arrived! And that was the last of them! He groaned and hit his head against the wall. How could he have been this stupid?! To fall asleep on the job! Maybe they were still around here! He quickly stood up and looked around quickly before running into an alley, whistling for the puppies. They had to be. That just had to. Maybe they were around this corner-. Nope.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"


    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 120
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mirror
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Find those Puppies! (Job,Solo)

    Post by Speculo 12th August 2015, 11:15 pm


    They weren't anyway.. Speculo slumped down at a fountain in the middle of a small plaza. The cool water felt great as he washed his face and hands with it. With a sigh he looked at the sky. Maybe he could ask around about the lost puppies. With only two left, there was a chance they would be reporting the puppies that he'd already rescued, but there was also a chance they wouldn't. There was a fair amount of people out. Maybe one of them saw the puppies eating the treats.

    "Hey, you haven't seen two little puppies around this morning or last night, would you?"
    "I'm looking for two adorable little dogs. You seen 'em lately?"
    "Has anybody in here seen puppies lately?!"

    Nobody... Not one person...

    Speculo sat down at the fountain again. It was so hoooot... Promptly, he dunking his head in the water for a few moments before pulling out and wringing his hair out.

    "Hey, were you the one looking for two dogs?" Speculo looked up and saw an elderly man with a cane. this guy looked ancient. Hunched over, wrinkly skin, polo shirt tucked into his pants.
    "Uh, y-yeah! I was!" He stood up quickly. "Do you have any information?"
    "Actually, I have that and one better. I know of the dog's going missing, they escaped from their kennel a few days ago. You're trying to help the man who wants to sell them, correct?"
    "Erm, yes, I am."
    "Well, some of them come by my house every now and then and I leave food out for 'em. They are the cutest things. Their little brown spots on their face and sides are just too darn adorable. Anyway, if we go back to my humble abode, I'm sure at least one of them will turn up."
    "Great! Thank you so much mister. What's your name? Mine's Speculo."
    "Speculo.. That's an interesting name. Anyway, call me Joshua."
    "Nice to meet you Joshua."
    "Yes, well, we had better get a move on."
    "Right. Lead the way."

    And so they walked. Slowly, because the old man's gait wasn't that long and took a while just to take one. They walked a little bit to the outskirts of town to a house that was.. basically falling apart. "This thing needs to get fixed up." Spec commented. The elderly man sighed, and nodded his head. "Yes, it does. But I don't have the capability anymore. The inside I'm to keep alright, but I'm not as strong as I used to be. And the storm is coming soon! I don't know how bad this one is going to be but it might be the last one for this old place..."

    They stepped inside, and the old man was true to his word. the inside was very well kept. There were pictures of him and his wife everywhere. Old, middle age, and young. But as he went through the rest of the house, he realized something...

    "She's dead, isn't she?"
    The man froze, and turned to him, and angry scowl on his face.
    "I'm sorry for your loss. Living way out here alone must be hard."
    "Well... I..." The look disappeared as he turned back around. "I guess it has been. Yes. Anyway, I left food out for the dogs before I went into town, so they could be here any minute."

    More waiting. The man treated Speculo to a small breakfast, but Spec cooked instead of the elder. Spec wasn't the worst cook, but he could do some basic things. Eggs, bacon(although they are usually rocks), and pancakes are things he can do if the weather is right and the stars align. Although the eggs have a slight burn to them and the pancakes are often very misshapen.

    They had just finished such a meal when small scrapes were heard against the back door. Speculo rushed to the door and opened it, and lo and behold, one of the puppies! The food bowl was empty, and it seemed like it was asking for more.

    "Is that one of the dogs?!" Called the old man from the other room.
    "Yeah!" Speculo picked up the puppy and walked back inside.
    "You should wait until the other one comes. Then you can take two back and be finished."
    "Well, I'm not sure if carrying two of them all the way back to Magnus Avenue would be a good idea. Not sure I could handle them both."
    "Ahh sure you can! You're a strong looking fella."
    "Well.. alright." Spec gave in and bobbed the puppy up and down a few times before it licked his cheek. These puppies were just so lovey.

    Spec refilled the bowl of food and kept chatting with the old guy. Or, more like a one way speech. He just kept going on and on about his life, and it was actually a good story. An adventurer with something to prove, met a woman, turned out to be the wife he'd been wanting, settled down, and was about to have some kids before she got news that she couldn't have any. Devastating news, but they trekked on with their each others company until she passed away in her sleep. Speculo had to keep wiping his face with a towel from the puppies licks. Soon enough, they heard a slight, muffled crunching noise. Speculo went over to the door, and found the puppy, it's face buried in the food. "Well hello~ there!"

    Spec scooped up the pup, thanked the man for his help, and was off. Holding two little dogs was hard. He had to make sure he wasn't squishing them, but he also could let them fall out or get away. He used his coat for support, using it to cradle them as he held the bottom so they didn't drop. He crossed the bridge to the right side of the river, and arrived to the kennel. It was empty, meaning the man had taken them inside. Knocking on the door was a bit awkward.

    The man opened the door and was delighted to see the last of the litter returned. The man gave Spec 1000 jewels for his troubles, thanked him, then ushered Spec out of the house as if he couldn't be there for more than a few minutes. Oh well. He added the money to his bag of fruit and past earned money. Alright... what now?

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Link: "Character Magic"

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 8:09 pm