Fairy Tail RP

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    Matter of the Soul


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
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    Matter of the Soul Empty Matter of the Soul

    Post by Z3R0169 9th April 2015, 8:08 am

    Mission Specs:


    Matter of the Soul 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Matter of the Soul Empty Re: Matter of the Soul

    Post by Z3R0169 9th April 2015, 7:22 pm


    Ezeakieal woke up early as usual; four in the morning to be precise, the darkened skies coveted the breath taking scenery in a shade of azure blue, he took a quick shower then clothed himself, Ezeakieal walked over to his gear and equipped every thing he found to be a necessity, his stomach began growl as he started his morning regiment. For starters Ezeakieal exited his manor, performed a series of stretches, than began to ran towards the belt line of the shrubbery. Ezeakieal traversed through the thick forest tree's in search of sustenance, he passed by a verity of wild life such as a pack of grey wolfs, a doe guarding it's fawns as they drank from a small creek, and many small rodents. He followed the creek up stream when he stopped short at a small river. He removed most of his clothes and stared at the reflection on the surface of the water, his scars from his time as a slave reminded him of how weak he once was. Ezeakieal slapped his cheeks before diving into the ice cold river his heavy body sank to the deepest part of the lake, he gazed at his surroundings taking notice of the many schools of fish, the one he commonly hunted was part of a monster species called dragon fish, unlike most regular fish this one was particularly big and full of healthy properties for the human body. He held his breath for almost ten minutes before his eyes caught hold of it's prey. The fifteen foot blue and white scaled beast swam upstream eating it's way through schools of  river fish in a single gulp. Ezeakieal placed his feet on the surface of the river bottom and launched himself at the dragon fish, grabbing the fish he flew out of the stream, he slapped the dragon fish on it's head than proceeded to redress himself before heading back through the forest, Ezeakieal checked on several traps he'd set up over the mountain sides. Managing to gather various fruits and vegetables along with a forty pound bore, Ezeakieal flew his haul all the way back to the front gate of his manor to see Nu Ju Hachi knocking on the twelve foot wooden double gated doors. "You found this place rather easy." Ezeakieal said from behind his friend.  

    WC:388 Words



    Matter of the Soul 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete

    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1046
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : -

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    Matter of the Soul Empty Re: Matter of the Soul

    Post by Inspirational Quote 18th May 2015, 9:03 pm

    Ni-Ju turned to face his recently acquired friend and sparring partner with a wry grin on his face. "Not exactly subtle from the air." He replied, hiking his thumb over his shoulder toward the massive tree that served as his friend's home. "Might as well stick a giant sign on the front that says; Mage lives here, please knock with fireballs and cannon fire.". Laughing quietly at his own frail attempt at humor, Ni-Ju Stepped to the side to let Ezeakieal through to open the door, which he completed albeit by the simple expedient of pushing the door open with one tabi'ed foot. Following Ezeakieal inside, Ni-Ju began to explain the reason he had made the flight from Hargeon Town. "I found us a job in need of a couple of halfway decent mages. Seems that someone wants a few brave souls to challenge the lands of the dark celestials and come back to tell about it. If you are up for it grab your gear and lets head out, I'm anxious to get out there and see what the spirit world looks like." Ezeakiel set his catch down on the table and absentmindly wiped off his hands on the side of his pants. "I was hoping to have a bit of breakfast before heading out to train but that seems like it would be pretty interesting." A sound like someone stepping on a liquid filled bag emanated from Ezeakiel's stomach, echoing his statement in a strange moment of humor. Shrugging it off as something beyond his control, Ni-Ju gestured at the fish. "Better see about cooking that thing up I guess. No use in going all the way to the spirit realm only to have my partner collapse from hunger." Taking a seat next to the door to wait, Ni-Ju pulled his pistol out from beneath his vest and began to take apart the slide.


    Jobs Completed
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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Matter of the Soul Empty Re: Matter of the Soul

    Post by Z3R0169 20th June 2015, 5:32 pm


    Ezeakieal left Nu Ju Hachi to his own devices as he traversed through the well lit corridor of his home. After he reached the kitchen he prepared the boar and dragon fish by skinning and frying the meet with various spices he's collected trough out his life time. When Ezeakieal finished preparing the meal he invited Nu Ju Hachi in for breakfast. Nu Ju Hachi grabbed his chin and pondered for a few seconds before agreeing, he followed Ezeakieal to the dinning room. "So what do you want fish or boar?" Ezeakieal questioned, Nu Ju Hachi thought about it for a second and answered with "I prefer the fish." Ezeakieal made a well sized serving of fried fish and rice with miso soup, and placed it in front of Nu Ju Hachi, his eyes scanned over the meal with approving eyes, when he saw Ezeakieal's portion. "You're gonna eat all the rest?" Ezeakieal smiled and began to devour the rest of the meal, within seconds he had completely finished every thing on the table except Nu Ju Hachi's food. "That may have been the second fastest I've seen some one eat, you might actually be tied." Ezeakieal laughed "Can I see the the request flyer?" Nu Ju Hachi handed over the parchment as he began to eat. "This is pretty good." He complimented Ezeakieal read the job specs as he grunted, "All right this should be pretty fun, I've been working on a few spells and have been wanting to test them out." Nu Ju Hachi finished the meal and said his thanks, Ezeakieal quickly cleaned up the mess and put away his dishes he grabbed his his adventures gear and headed out to the entrance. Nu Ju Hachi called out to his pet Roc and mounted it, he turned to Ezeakieal and asked "Need a lift?" Ezeakieal began to fly "No I can keep up by my self."

    WC:319 Words



    Matter of the Soul 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:55 pm