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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 15th June 2015, 9:11 pm

    Oh! My! GOD! This job was really happening! Aiyana was WAY too excited about the job she had nabbed earlier at the job request board! Not only would she be modeling for Sorcerer Weekly, but the mage would have the honor of items created by the famous clothes designer Chanelle! What an honor! This was possibly the start of a side career path for her! The Lamia Scale member definitely had the looks for this, barring the nails that weren't a problem as she was a mage. All mages had something off about them, and this one was no different!

    It didn't take long for the bandaged woman to arrive at the location in the east forest near Magnolia where the shoot was taking place. And nor did it take long to find the person she was told to contact. “Helloooo! My name is Aiyana! I heard you were looking for people to model and I came right away!” The young woman said all this with large motions that drew attention, giving her the stage when doing so.

    “Ah yes, and I see you'll be an outstanding model for the clothing we'll be doing today!”

    It wasn't Chanelle speaking, as the designer was over looking at her creations and making sure everything was perfect. Instead, it seemed to be a man that worked for Sorcerer Weekly in charge of making sure all went well today.

    “We'll wait for one more model to show up before we start, all we need is two today.”

    And with that, the wait for whomever would be her comrade in modeling began!


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 15th June 2015, 10:28 pm

    ’What a strange place for a modeling shoot.’ Then again, what did she know? Doing these kinds of things in the house sounded normal enough, but maybe they wouldn’t be doing it on such a small scale? And maybe they wanted the ambiance of nature to really bring out the models? Maybe the models would be on a larger scale compared to the photos she’d seen of people’s creations. She was still greatly curious what they’d be building, and what some fashion designer had to do with anything. Maybe the designer also loved crafting models, a hobby if you will?

    Happily the woman’s tail waved from side-to-side as she walked, a small tune hummed under her breath as the location came into sight…as did a very familiar figure. It caused a moment of pause, her mind threatening to blank itself again as if in self-defense, but ultimately the Sabertooth mage opted to ignore it and approach the pair. Almost immediately after greeting her the man dashed off to converse with the other mysterious figure, something about “seeing if the preparations were finished” or other, and left the two alone.

    As if unable to assess any potentially awkward feelings or air, Mao nodded to her companion, ”Hello again Aiyana. It would seem we’re to build models together. What do you suppose they’ll have us make? I suppose it wouldn’t be surprising to do a mock city of some sort in these settings, but I’m kind of hoping we’ll make some animals or something.” She liked that idea so much she smiled at the end, imagining cute felines and dogs.



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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 16th June 2015, 12:54 am

    It wasn't long before the second mage showed up. Lo and behold it was Mao, the supremely naive one she had met on her very first job! It seemed like the long eared, beautiful tailed, woman froze for a second upon seeing her, but there didn't seem to be a reason for it as once they were alone she began to speak to her as a standard friend. Although it was standard greeting and job talk, the bandaged mage couldn't help but laugh a bit too loudly at what she had said about today's job.

    "Mao, you have the wrong model definition here. I'm so sorry! We're not building any type of model kits, we're going to be modeling clothes. You know, like in fashion magazines?"

    It was hard not to laugh more, but she already felt guilty for laughing at her in the first place. “You'll see once they come back, I'm sure they'll have different clothes for each of us. I'll wear the more provocative of the two, since I doubt you'll want to wear it. Right?” Aiyana had a feeling this job could be quite the entertaining one with just her and Mao here.


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 16th June 2015, 1:16 am

    Mao experienced a mixture of confusion and disappointment: she’d been looking forward to making something. So it wasn’t that kind of modeling? More like magazines? As her eyes turned skyward, Mao thought about some of the ones they placed near the checkout stands at grocery markets and the entrance of other shops. They’d be doing…that? Color began to blanche from her face as the woman realized: she might have to pose in a swimsuit! And not just any swimsuit: a two piece. By the gods, she barely liked wearing capri length pants or short sleeves without some other layer over it! Mao felt way more comfortable the more she was clothed (and probably felt the best swathed in blankets in the safety of bed).

    While Aiyana’s offer was calming, Mao continued to internally fret: what if they were both skimpy outfits and there wasn’t much of a difference? Getting around the fact she’d be uncomfortable the entire time, would they allow her to pose in ways that her tail could maybe cover some things up?

    In the short time of their conversation it would seem that both photographer and designer finished their preparations, Ms. Chanelle snapping her fingers to some nearby staff as the photo-taker himself approached the pair with a broad smile, ”Okay ladies, looks like everything’s a go! We might have to modify one of the outfits a little, but it should be a snap for such a legendary designer. Guess the question is: who wants to be the Nymph and who wants to be the Elven Archer? Though…it’d probably be easier to modify the ny-“

    ”I’LL BE THE ARCHER!” Mao belted louder than she meant, but it flew out of her mouth the moment someone held up what looked like netting of leaves and she knew. She knew: that was the nymph outfit.

    The guy shrugged, ” ‘Kay, guess it’ll be more of a beastman archer or…protector of the forest deal. We’ll figure out how to spin it after the pics come out. For now we need to get you guys into the outfits and makeup. Chop chop!” To punctuate his demands their eager photographer clapped his hands twice before people swarmed the pair.



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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 17th June 2015, 12:53 am

    'Poor Mao...She really didn't know what she was getting herself into,' the Lamia Scale mage thought to herself as she watched the color from the Sabertooth Guild mage's face. 'But it is kind of cute how she reacts to this stuff...'

    It seemed that in the small amount of talking they did that the preparations that had needed to be done before starting were finished. A snap of fingers from the beautiful Chanelle brought a group of staff and the photo-taker to them with what appeared to be the clothing they would be wearing for the photo shoot. When asked whom would be in what the other girl declared, quite loudly in fact, that she was going to be the Elven Archer.

    It was pretty clear with why she had chosen such. It was pretty obvious by the look of the clothing that whomever was the Nymph today was going to be barely covered, not that Aiyana had a problem with being pretty much naked; or completely naked to be honest. After a few more sentences out of the photographers mouth he clapped twice, causing what could only be called a swarm of staff to come at them and start to prepare them for the shoot.

    Within moments people she didn't even know were basically feeling her up, putting on makeup, and getting her ready in her clothes. They had managed to get her out of her clothes completely in the time it took her to realize she had jumped back in reaction to the sudden swarm of people in front of her, bumping into Mao while completely naked. “Oh god! I didn't mean to do that Mao!” Her butt had rubbed up against the other girls tail in the process, something she KNEW wouldn't go well for the poor woman she was working with.

    Apologizing to the staff who were glaring at her for interrupting, the Bandaged woman allowed them to apply the makeup to her face to accentuate the eyes and match the “clothes.” A slightly dark green eyeshadow was applied, as well as a brown lipstick, to give the nude mage the colors of the forest to match the clothes they were about to put on her. The leaves turned out to be a kind of dress, which was draped over the short girl. It BARELY covered her though, which was probably the point of the whole thing. It seemed like something you would use in the bedroom, and never in public. Of course, Sorcerer Weekly liked to pull that quite often.

    As the staff stepped back Aiyana looked down to check herself out, doing a little spin as she did so. She leaves covered up, although just barely, the parts of her that would turn the photo shoot into a porno shoot.  “Well am I just gorgeous now or what Mao?” Aiyana turned to look over at Mao so the Lamia Scale mage could check out the other girl as she awaited a response from her.


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 17th June 2015, 2:37 am

    Neither mage were granted the modesty of a changing stall or tent it seemed, the pair more or less stripped in plain sight. The very slight comfort was that the photographer turned his back to get his cameras and the lighting ready…but being almost made naked in front of so many people left Mao a little traumatized – to put it lightly. Jacket, long sleeved shirt, tank top, shoes, socks, and pants: they took it all and left the girl a step above birthday suit. Her partner, however, was not so lucky thanks to the nature of her outfit – literally since it was basically a netting of leaves meant to cling to her body.

    Arms shoved through sleeves, feet through leggings and into soft leather boots, and people shoving odd brushes towards her face with bits of powder on the edges…their attacks were relentless! And to top it off, Mao only had a slight inkling of what touched her tail, but the fact that Aiyana apologized left the girl hoping a hip brushed against it and nothing more. Whatever she apologized for was far from the cruelty they committed then as a few people grabbed hold of the large limb and she felt something cool being slathered on it.

    ”What-?!” she barely refrained from screeching in alarm, her head jerking away from someone trying to apply a neutral lipstick before they ripped her face back around. Another person began massaging something into her hair, and again that panicked voice managed to squeak out, ”What-?!”

    ”Oh don’t worry honey,” someone outside of her vision piped up, ”Just a bit o’ color change that’ll wash out your next bath. Ms. Channelle wants the archer to be blond even if we have to change it from Elven to something else: y’know, keep it earthy!” And they did this…without her permission. She didn’t care how cute the pale blond color looked on her, they’d violated the sanctity of her tail AND personal space! This was the first time Mao recalled wanting to cry, the tears threatening to pop out if not for someone constantly dabbing at the corners as another person chastised her about stopping that or “she’d ruin her makeup.”

    By the end of it she sported a dark brown shirt, the sleeves reaching just beyond her elbows and the laces of the small V left untied, a forest green vest cinched over it, and her favorite part – the leaf styled short cloak that blessedly came with a hood. Even darker brown cloth leggings disappeared into knee-high boots with the slightest of heels and a couple of clasps up the sides. Someone at some point of the makeup process slipped a belt around her waist at a tilt, the decorated hilt n’ dagger keeping it in place despite a small pouch on the opposite side. An equally decorated, green bracer sat on the wrist that would hold the bow while a charcoal black glove covered the arrow-wielding hand. She didn’t mind the outfit, but did the process have to be so…intrusive?!

    So out of it and traumatized, Mao absentmindedly agreed with Aiyana, ”Yes, gorgeous.”



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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 17th June 2015, 11:56 pm

    Mao didn't seem like she was doing too hot right now. The response to Aiyana's question was in a drone-like tone that made her worry for her new friend. 'Maybe I should take her for something enjoyable after this. Maybe she could ask her if she wanted to go somewhere fun after and see how she responded to it once she got some composure back after this insanity.

    ”All right ladies! Let's get the single shoots done first! Nymph! Come stand about ten feet out from the camera and lean against that tree! Make it look like you didn't expect us to find you here!”

    'Well, I guess this won't be too bad. I mean, at least he's pretty damn descriptive about what he wanted me to do for this,' she thought as she walked over to the tree. He said tree was a fully grown one, leaning over quite a bit where she could climb it at an angle. Using that to her advantage, she leaned down to make it look like she was about to climb before looking over towards the camera. Apparently the surprised look she was trying to pull off was good enough, as the flash of the camera abruptly started as the photographer continued speaking at an insane pace.

    ”Perfect! Keep moving slightly like you're trying to cover up now! Act like those leaves are covering absolutely NOTHING and that we're seeing a completely naked you!”

    If only they knew how little she cared about people seeing her naked. Luckily she wanted this job too bad to mess up on acting something. Making the surprised face just a bit more of a “how dare you” face, the nymph crossed her legs a bit and moved her arms to wrap around her chest. Another massive set of pictures was taken as the young woman moved to other bashful poses, including a half turn away from the camera to act camera shy.

    Okay! That will do for the Nymph Solo shots! Go ahead and stand off to the side, and out of the camera! Now we'll do the next solo set with the other model”

    With that, the Bandage using mage walked out of camera range so Mao could get her turn over with so she could get out of here that much quicker. ”Good luck Mao!”


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 18th June 2015, 2:16 am

    Partway through Aiyana’s solo act Mao’s senses and sensibility finished rebooting, and though they didn’t know each other superbly well something still felt oddly amusing about asking the girl acting embarrassed at being found like that. ’Besides if that’s how a nymph normally dressed, why would they be embarrassed? They wouldn’t likely have a human’s sensibilities.’ Truthfully she was overthinking this, but in the girl’s defense this was definitely her first photoshoot and the photographer and designer’s ideals and desires for the finished product were bound to be…off from reality. That’s what fantasy was all about, right? ’So if I just think of this like some of those stranger fictional books, then the rules are determined by the writer’s whims.’ The notion made her sigh, but she let it go all the same.

    Eventually her turn came up, and they pulled out a ladder to get the girl up a tree without damaging the outfit in the slightest. ”All right, hmm…all right, lets lay your tail out along the branch, the shade kind of obscures it, but it’s still visible,” the man waved his hands until she positioned it to his liking, the limb lying flat and the tips griped around it like an extra brace, and he nodded, ”Good, good, now stay crouched like that and a hand against the tree, perfect! Now, you’re trying to hide – no I need to still see you, you’re just hiding in the shade – like you’re a scout on the lookout for trouble.” The shutter clicked a couple times as he took a few shots.

    Face serious yet relaxed, Mao peered out from slight shadows of the hood and shade of the tree, searching for something beyond the photographer, and then as if looking through him. Only the slightest of movements were made as she adjusted the position here and there, the man occasionally suggesting some. Eventually they helped her back down and she took a few stances between some close trees as if she’d just “revealed herself to an adventurer/group of them” and a couple of “battle” shots with the bow that devolved into what might be classified as fanservice shots – all of which required more direction than the natural ones.

    ”All right, quick five minute break to touch up the makeup, and we’ll start on the pair shots!”

    ”I don’t think I understand half of this,” Mao murmured to Aiyana before they were slightly assaulted by the makeup artists – far less than earlier – ”The…kissy face just seems awkward, and why would I solicit a random group of strangers? Why would I do that as my form of greeting?”

    ’So weird.



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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 19th June 2015, 6:19 pm

    Watching Mao on her turn was...interesting? They had Mao climb up a tree for the first part, making her move her tail around until it was 'perfect' before even starting pictures for that pose. A chuckle left Aiyana's lipsticked lips when the other woman almost hid completely before doing it in a way that could be taken in a picture. There were plenty of other pictures, just like hers had been, but they went a slightly different route. Apparently, they wanted her to act as if she was meeting a group of explorers as well as a couple battle shots mixed in; fan-service shots included. After all of her pictures, the man yelled about a five minute break before they started on the group shots for them.

    The other mage started to speak to Aiyana as makeup was reapplied to them, albeit by a MUCH smaller and less intrusive group. ”Yeah, I understand what you mean. That's how it works with this, nothing really makes sense. They just want people to look at us and go, “Wow, they're beautiful and I want what they have on,” or they notice something about the makeup or a product they use us to show off.” That was all the Bandage Mage had time to say before the photographer called for them to both come over so they could get through the last of the shots and call it a day.

    “Okay, Mao. This is where it'll get even weirder. They might ask us to do something you wouldn't ever even think of doing in your lifetime, but I'll still do it so prepare yourself!” With that said, the man started asking them to get into certain poses.

    It started off decently simple. Act like the archer had found the Nymph and considered her dangerous. Simple really, something both of them could easily do and was comfortable for both. Pictures were taken as they continued on as if greeting and speaking to one another, becoming friends. After that is where it started to turn to the stranger, more fan-service based, side.

    Okay you two, I want the Nymph to give the archer a BIG hug from behind. Make it look genuine!”

    'Well, hopefully Mao doesn't kick or swing at me when I do this,' the woman thought as she pressed up against Mao's back with her chest. She made sure to position herself where Mao's tail was between her legs, so she didn't accidentally kick or step on it when she moved after the picture. Wrapping her arms around Mao's stomach, Aiyana rested her nose against the other woman's head so that her eyes and up could be seen in the picture.

    Holding that pose was comfortable for the socialite, but who knew what Mao's reaction would be!


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 23rd June 2015, 8:53 pm

    ’So it’s really more about aesthetics than any “story” they’re trying to create.’ Any story they wanted to convey or create with these images would likely devolve into some silly drivel, the kind that you found either in the children’s section or the adult’s…and Mao started to ponder where this might be going. ’So long as I get to keep my clothes on, then I suppose anything else is fine.’ Yes, if anyone of any age could buy the magazine then so be it, she’d just avoid such jobs in the future. Going for jobs based on looks just didn’t seem her thing…and maybe she’d ask someone for clarification on what a job wanted, just in case this sort of thing occurred again.

    ’I really wanted to build models…’

    Aiyana’s warning did little to help, the animalistic mage now fretting on the inside on what they might want. What if they wanted something crazy, that involved some weird gymnastics routine or…or holding an almost impossible pose for too long? They instead chose to go back to some pseudo story, something that helped Mao relax a bit as the girl found herself at least a little closer to comfort. Except in the end, perhaps it was all an elaborate ruse to bring any sort of shield down?

    ”Eep!” the girl squeaked as arms circled around, arms holding her just beneath her bosom as legs framed her tail. With the hood down her ears stood ramrod straight even as she kept her tail perfectly still. Heat began to spread across her face even as surprise kept a grip on her, and just on the barest reaches of her consciousness, Mao could make out some excited and quick clicking of the camera.

    ”BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL! OH, THE INSPIRATION IS GOLDEN!” the man yelled as he hopped all around with his camera, getting different angles. Yes, it all came to him in a fit of brilliance as he had them change poses multiple times. At first they sat down, the man having Aiyana sit on her knees as Mao was forced to nearly lay down as she hugged the Nymph around the middle, her tail curling around from behind as a secondary hug as she gave the camera a shy glance over her arm, and as the leaf-clad girl smugly smiled at the camera a hand patted the beast archer’s head. From there they again swapped with Mao actually lying down on her partner’s lap in a “peaceful nap” as the Lamia mage was allowed to curl her legs out to the side and stroke the currently golden locks.

    And then had to stare at the camera with a shy blush as they coordinated Aiyana in “aggressive nymph” mode to straddle her and bring their faces close, the other girl told to convey, “You jealous?” to the camera. The man muttered something about “the hunter becoming the hunted” but Mao could barely pay attention. At least they only removed her cape and loosened the strings on the corset – the air felt rather nice, but when they had her green-haired companion bite one of her ears her mind blanked completely and unable to realize when they finally ended the photo shoot on that note.



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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 23rd June 2015, 9:55 pm

    The "Eep" from Mao was the signal that brought on the frantic clicking of the cameraman’s camera as Aiyana did her hug. Mao hadn't expected it at all, the poor girls ears sticking straight up and her tail stopping all movement. A playful giggle left the Lamia Scale member's lips as the man in charge began to give them poses to start doing.

    She was told to sit on her knees, Mao being told to hug the other young woman around the middle, and was almost to the point of laying on her. Not only that, the tailed girl's tail was also wrapped around her as a kind of secondary hug. "Can I stay like this? I like this one," she said in a temptresses voice as Mao looked at the camera; a shy look on her face. After that Mao was actually told to lay down on the other's lap and pretend to take a "peaceful nap" while Aiyana laid there with her legs curled out to the side. All the while, Ai was allowed to stroke the girls false colored hair as they sat there.

    After that it got even raunchier, the cameraman seeming to enjoy the shoot the more erotic it got. Not that she was complaining, this was a lot more fun than the solo shoots. Well, fun for her at least. Mao seemed to be just barely holding on to consciousness as the flood of things she wasn't used to kept happening one after another. Aiyana was told to straddle the other girl, moving her face really close to the Sabertooth guild member's face. Just when it looked like the bandage mage was going in for a kiss, she looked over at the camera as she was told. The greedy smirk and the ways her eyes  were made it look like she was saying “You jealous?” at the camera without having to say a word.

    With her cape gone, and the corset loose, the pair looked like they were going in for more than just a “friendly” meeting. Using this to her advantage, Aiyana leaned in close to the already overwhelmed girl before whispering quietly into her ear. ”How do you taste, I wonder? With that said, the young woman opened her mouth to let her lips envelop the tip of Mao's ear she had whispered into. Lips closed into a soft, toothless, bite that made the entire staff go crazy as the man in charge of the camera tried to take pictures faster than the poor object could actually handle.

    ”Okay! That's enough for today! You girls were amazing! This has to be one of the best I've done in quite a while. Such power and passion involved! Nymph, you were a natural! If only more could pull off what you do with such ease, we would be pulling in so much with more like you!

    With that said, Aiyana got up off of Mao; whom seemed to be frozen to the spot as if she had gone brain dead while her body kept on breathing. ”Uh...Mao? The jobs over, try to get up. I know if wasn't what you wanted, but I definitely loved what we just did.” She had MORE than enjoyed it! Mao definitely took care of herself better than most she met, her ear had been pleasant on her tongue as well. Come on, let's go for a walk around town! We can find something to do so we can wind down after,” she said with her large amount of enthusiasm, as she always did!


    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) MQNhOUw


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    You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao) Empty Re: You're Not Supposed to be Naked! (Ai and Mao)

    Post by Chesha 23rd June 2015, 10:45 pm

    It required a few minutes of recovery time before Mao could fully get back up, and even then it was mostly some of the helpers dragging the poor girl to her feet. They did, after all, need the clothes back whether the model was fully conscious or close to frothing at the mouth from sensatory overload. Even as the people shoved the stunned mage back into her original clothes, Mao could only feel her poor, soft ear partially in someone’s mouth, that little portion feeling hot compared to the cool breeze. Some faceless person passed a small towel into her hands, mentioning that a bit of water would easily get the magic-based color dye out.

    And with a flurry of motion, the people packed up and left as Mao stumbled over to the nearby stream.

    ”Sure…just…a moment though,” she shakily mumbled out before outright dunking her head into the river. The day had been warm and with that tight getup the heat only became more prevalent as her body could finally breathe in the lighter outfit. Soft T-shirt, loose and short jacket, pants that didn’t cling to her body and boots that not only ended a bit above her ankle, but didn’t squeeze the daylights out of her leg? Yes please. The only thing that could’ve been better would’ve been wearing a pair of light, breezy cotton pants and perhaps opting for one of the oversized scarves today, ’But oh well.’

    Blond vanished quickly back into dark blue as the girl finally yanked her head out of the stream with a wave of water. Squeezing out the worst of it – and ultimately leaving her hair in an even wavier condition than before – Mao mopped up the rest of what she could with the towel before using it to wipe away the extensive blond coloring of her tail. With each, soft and cool stroke a bit of normalcy and calm returned to the otherwise frazzled mage until she could almost breath easily again while her tail returned to its natural, matching dark hue. Standing, it would seem her legs remained a little wobbly, still somewhat drained physically from the exhausting photo shoot so she waved her hand, ”Lead the way.” Perhaps a little jaunt around would help get her mind off that disturbing job, the only thing making it okay being her partner.


      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:26 pm