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    Clash! Viola v. Yugi


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 11th June 2015, 2:16 pm

    Yugi sat inside of a restaurant in Hargeon Town; the camera would show his glass for a moment as he set it down harshly; some kind of orange soda. His eyes would move slowly to the other side of the room; as his vision settled once more on a girl he'd been eying for the last hour. He was careful to blend in so that she wouldn't truly notice him. She was very, very cute, and looked somewhat Elven; maybe she was from Seven, where the Elf home nation. Something was...different about her though, than any elf he'd seen. Even though her clothes did look somewhat Elven.

    There weren't any other wizards in the room except for two Lamia Scale wizards---but this girl. Yugi's face was shown at a close up, furrowing his brow in confusion as he honed his senses onto her. Her Magic Power......it felt so alive, so primal. He was reminded of the two Dragon Slayers he'd met three years ago during his time at Tartarus. Shuhei and Heero if he recalled their names. He wondered if...no, it didn't feel like that; it felt even less human. How could that be possible? Was she even stronger than those two?

    He tapped his finger on his soda for a bit longer; anxiety and curiosity getting the better of him. Standing abruptly, he slammed some jewels down on the table paying for his drinks and lunch; before he walked slowly over to her table.

    "Hey." as soon as she looked up, Yugi would raise his foot directly in front of him.


    A wall outside of the restaurant literally exploded as Yugi would boot Viola outside of the restaurant.

    "What are you?" he said approaching her slowly, loosening his tie as he walked towards her. "Doesn't matter if you want to answer...I'll find out eventually." he'd already decided that he'd push her too her true form; or whatever the hell kind of power she was hiding that he sensed.

    "Holy crap!!! He did that with just a kick!!!"

    People inside of the restaurant gawked at the hole in the wall leading to the sunny outdoors, dust falling from it, Viola's table and booth crumbled. The two Lamia Scale wizards approached Yugi from behind as he merely turned his head slightly to his back looking at them---and raised his Magic Power; causing them to go sailing back through two buildings with a mere Aura Burst; he hadn't even used half of his power to send them flying. A sideways view was shown of them slamming into buildings, one of them went through some glass.

    "You're still alive, I guess my theory was right after all." he smiled at her a bit, rubbing the back of his head in thought. "I suppose I shouldn't have kicked you through a wall BEFORE introducing myself." he took a sideways stance, and raised one finger matter of factly. "Name's Yugi, most people know me for ressurecting a certain Black Dragon three years ago....but I've changed since then, I promise I'm not this mean!" a single flame appeared over his finger like a candle. "But see, when my curiousity gets the better of me; I've just got to act! I've got a thing for magical creatures and what not----"

    With a single 'clap' Yugi would cause a huge wall of Fire to come ripping from nowhere, materializing out of nowhere with a loud 'WHOOSH'; and probably blocking Viola's vision left to right. The wall was 100 feet long horizontally; as far as you could see left to right; but 50 feet tall. It could be seen from outside of town taking up one entire street in the city.

    The wall roared toward Viola at 80MPH giving her only a few moments to respond. As soon as she did; Yugi would 'clap' once more as the wall either cooked through Viola or slammed into several buildings, setting them ablaze. With another 'clap' Yugi would cause the flames on the buildings to go out, causing a sizzling 'hiss' to fill the air; at the crispy rooftops and doors. People came running out of their houses to take shelter at the Lamia Scale Guild hall; Yugi thought for a moment that if they interfered he might not get the answers he sought.

    He didn't really care, if they came he would deal with them as well. But he didn't really want to cook innocents to a crisp. He was done with that kind of thing. He would then take off randomly at a run and do a front flip up onto a rooftop; skipping across them with large leaps, he would lead her outside of town. Since he'd just kicked her through a wall; he was pretty sure she'd follow. Once they were safely outside of town, Yugi would perform a front flip off of a nearby rock.

    He would flip through the air and land on top of the Railroad connecting Magnolia and Hargeon town.

    It was surrounded by rocky terrain, for miles, and miles, as Hargeon was now similar to a painting off in the distance. The other direction, was just railroad weaving through canyons.

    "No need to get anyone in town hurt right?" Yugi raised a hand and beckoned her toward him in a mock gesture with his hand.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 95%

    Spells Used:



    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 997
    Guild : ɢᴜɪʟᴅʟᴇss
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ѕтorм мagιc
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Viola-chan 11th June 2015, 3:38 pm

    Living all alone
    like the monsterthat i am
    ---that i am
    humans go so quickly, they fall so deep asleep. Never show the shock, but I start to weep. You fell in love with the monster that I am, uniform it suited you, hand in hand we ran. Calling all the snakes with all the powers that I have, if they disappeared I don't think that I'd be sad. A never ending world, made for you, and for me. Loving family then we will be. Waiting up for you. Door I closed behind. But you never came. Never wondered why.
    So far, the day was faltering by adequately. Desolated from the boisterous chatter of familiarity in emblem marks, and situated pleasantly in the cushioned chair of a fairly engaged restaurant, she engrossed herself in the entrancing plate of donuts before her. Ah, yes, donuts. An object of favor that assembled shudders of pure bliss to erupt down the spine with each munch she took, content while even coiled around conversing strangers who peered at her alien-like being. But, even she were oblivious to the whispering words and gaping eyes, thoughts envoked with nothing more than sweets and the indication of home as she ventured futher into each and every bite. 

    Although, that did not last. Footsteps neared, drawing out her senses as the acute ears jerked in counter to the sudden feel of sorcery that casually made it's way presicely in direction to the table. But, the dragon did not expose any recognition of dismay to the power that gratified her flesh, regularity continuing with bare chews and brief hesitation as a voice crumbled the attention, uncommon gems of amethyst stone steering to meet.. a foot?

    There was no time to revert the attack, the immense power of a mer kick caused the range around her to fracture, delicate frame shattering against the firm wall that busted from the force of her propelled body. Pieces of wall, and other structure crowded around her, gloved hands casually urging her to kneel upward in an expression of not pain, but mer rarity. "Huh?" she didn't even have the grasp on words to respond to this strangers sudden questioning. The pair of Lamia Scale wizards tumbling back like no more than light pieces of paper through the abrupt current of power that coursed among the town. Source of such destruction emitting from none other than the male, a face of innocence never departing her features. 

    "..Yugi?" the name drew a blank void of white from within her thoughts, looking at him almost befuddled with this aimless entrance, "..Never heard of you." she mused, arising onto her feet as another display was brought into reality, straining her shoulders as indigo tinted hues extended at the hefty walls of flames. Her darkened cape rattled against the power, beads of sweat forming from the mer heat as they shifted so quickly that there was doubt to any observer that the youthful girl would not make it out of there alive. But, like a flash of light, slender legs arched, pulsating against the broken ground as she forced her way upward, barely missing the fluctating flames that instead, embraced structure of homes instead. "What have I gotten myself into?" to herself, she whispered this mid-air, flawlessly landing on firm earth once more as this Yugi character.. began to run away? 

    "Does he think he can get away from me?" laughter, the dragon was ammused by this game, no delay in her movements as she pursued behind him, additionally dashing along wooden roof as the conclusion of Hargeon became an eventually closer view. With a leap, her feet landed against the railing of the tracks, cautiously peering at the male who but evidently taunted her to lunge toward him in obvious need for brawl. "Uuun, but.. The only one who will be getting hurt.. is you~!" and with that, she impended into battle, a beam illuminating features with nothing more than distinct restlessness written among her. 
    WORDS 569 - TAGS @Yugi - NOTES Bleh, crappy post /sweats
    made by jinx of adoxography and GS


    Main Theme:

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 11th June 2015, 4:16 pm

    The sound of clanking metal filled Yugi's ears as the girl came charging at him. 'Clank, clank, clank!' the sound of her feet hitting the track, man she was quick; definitely above your average wizard's level. Literally she seemed as if she was launching herself forward with each step; as she got there, Yugi would back away; calmly moving his hands at a way like a martial arts sensei.

    As soon as she reached him, he would do a friggin 'split', which would probably surprise her for a guy to be this agile. In the next moment, he would launch himself upward from below her with a spring of his hands; the top of his head shattering into her the bottom of her jaw in slow motion.

    He would then, still in the air; deliver a whipping spin-kick to the side of her head. If it hit, he would grab her by a loose foot before she sailed off of the track and pull her into an extended elbow. If it did miss? Well he would merely plant his feet on the ground and shuffle once into another spin kick like a true master; causing her to meet another heel as soon as she popped back up from ducking.

    After the whirl-a-kicks on the track Yugi; still spinning would stop his backward spin with a 'CLAP' as a huge torrent of fire whipped around him in a godly manner as it would 'SNAP' into position. Fire Make: Bazooka~

    At this close of range, he wondered if she would be fast enough. Shouldering the weapon; Yugi would fire it, a sideview showed the kickback of his hair and clothes as the flames literally whistled and howled down onto where she'd been standing on the track.

    Following her magic power, a first person view was shown as Yugi looked through a scope made of fire; the camera would zoom back out as two more napalm like blasts exploded as he fired the bazooka on his shoulder again twice. It de-materialized at the last shot as Yugi had already begun running on the track; 'clank, clank, clank'

    In slow-motion, he would leap into the air; sideways, spinning like a breakdancer with a 'CLAP!' as a gigantic hand of fire the size of a car would come from nowhere beneath the track; exploding upward through the earth and metal just below Viola. Fire Make: Hand~ The hand would attempt to open palm her toward Yugi, who was still spinning sideways in the air; and would deliver thunderous kick; sending her sailing through the hand of fire itself and back down onto the track.

    "Cmon! Step it up a bit!!! Or I'm really gonna torch you, you're pretty hot by the way. A shame you had to be more interesting than a simple "Hello!" You some kinda elf? I've read SO many books on them, there's the lake elves, the forest elves..." Yugi was trying to trick her into admitting that she was NOT an elf. Hopefully she fell for it so he could cross that off the list of just what the fuck she was; her Magic Power was...unlike anything he'd ever felt, but as he'd said before; similar to Shuhei or Heero's. "Aw cmon, that didn't hurt."

    HP: 100%
    MP: 95%

    Spells Used:



    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 997
    Guild : ɢᴜɪʟᴅʟᴇss
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ѕтorм мagιc
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Viola-chan 11th June 2015, 6:41 pm

    Living all alone
    like the monsterthat i am
    ---that i am
    humans go so quickly, they fall so deep asleep. Never show the shock, but I start to weep. You fell in love with the monster that I am, uniform it suited you, hand in hand we ran. Calling all the snakes with all the powers that I have, if they disappeared I don't think that I'd be sad. A never ending world, made for you, and for me. Loving family then we will be. Waiting up for you. Door I closed behind. But you never came. Never wondered why.
    The wind that snapped reinforced the push of gravity, inclining her to her limits of speed as the ground beneath her feet fractured with each singular step. Every second that tumbled along the ticking clock of time gathered overwhelming elation that painted her gentle features of youth, the currents of air emitting from her dashing figure in dusts of faint white as the male abruptly tumbled to the ground, tools of action split. That's something you don't see everyday! she mused, mentally fitting into laughter before the solid crown of a head buffeted into her jaw. If she hadn't been nearing so forcefully, the skull of another likely wouldn't have been as bad against her own form, yet, blood cascaded from her mouth in small bits.

    But, that alone would not halt the dragon, her neck craning forward as the lunge intended to lash against her face sweeped over her head - a second one casually coming. Range of proximity advised her without delay, urging upward as her gloved hands crossed over, feeble arms embracing the kick as she accelerated back, spewing dust with her feet and hardly faltering against the structure of tracks. "Peh.. He's really strong." spoken aloud, a smile widened along pinkish lips at the words that curled off her tongue, indulged in another fascination as the second spell of magic was reunited to her eyes, clothed fingers tumbling from her chest and back to the safety of side.

    Eruptions of flame bursted toward her, figure venturing forth once more as she effortlessly surged from left to right, expressed as direct but eventually missed hits each and everytime. The heat was hefty enough to blaze the flesh of a regular human, regardless of presice landing or not, but, the dragon's boiling blood emitted enough heat through her system that she could hardly feel the layers of flesh that reddened mildly from flames like sun. Through the haze of crimson flames and a dusty air, the attack suddenly unraveled into something else, elfish years twitching against the audible sound of running as Yugi was percieved mid-air. 

    Just as she was about to accompany him, the ground beneath her feet tremored as if the earth it's self were shivering in counter to being suddenly chily. The dragon nearly shattered from her balance as a rather broad structured fire hand seized through the surface and glided hesitantly through the tracks, belting her into the air as she steered in recognition to meet.. another foot. 

    Descending in force, her body vanished into a bed of ruby as the ground broke against her body, assembling a grand cloud of dust. For a few passing seconds, through the mass of glazed air, she could distinctly catch sound of his voice, mocking her from afar. The sheet unvieled eventually, exposing her as she layed their on her back, situated once more in pieces of broken track and ground. Patches of burns were seperated among her figure as she blinked at the male, clearly bewildered. Even after such a strike, the girl never formed any expression of pain or anguish. "Ahh! Geez, you talk too much! I barely have any time to comprehend what you're saying!" a large sigh, she casually stood to her feet again, "But, I'm not an elf.. if thats what you're so desperately trying to figure out here." a pause, that childish smile resumed to play along her lips as she braced for battle again, "Let's see how willing you are to see the real me! Yugi-san~." the dragon was taunting him, arised rigidly as if she hadn't even been striked by the mage at all, ameythst hues eyeing another pair merrily. 
    WORDS 612 - TAGS @Yugi - NOTES Meh
    made by jinx of adoxography and GS


    Main Theme:

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 11th June 2015, 8:05 pm

    "Gahahahahaha! Tough little cookie aren't you!" he smirked to himself, one fist up; the other lower in a fighting stance as she rose to her feet; taking up a stance of her own; flipping her hair up as she stood; ready to face him again. "It's when I stop talking....that you should be worried." Yugi smiled at her again as she proclaimed that she wasn't an elf. "Yeah, a regular elf would've broken in half by now." his voice was somewhat more serious as he said this; his facial expression also got serious, as if he were looking right into her very core.

    Yugi was a person who had unrivaled knowledge of magical creatures; and his curiosity literally was driving him insane. He'd even given a few monsters he'd created their own Magick to use, set some free even. He just...had to know what she was; she wasn't a human girl. She wasn't an elf, definitely not a Neko. A Demon perhaps? If she was, he'd be able to easily mind control her with Satan Soul as he felt like he was more powerful than her. However, he didn't want to wait any longer to figure this out. He was about too see how tough she really was.

    "So you fancy yourself tough huh? Well, let me ask you. How many years has it been since you've felt true pain?" Yugi's eyes would flash a 'very unnatural' yellow, especially for a human.

    As two small yellow Demon Horns~ seemed to grow out of his hair, along with a long black classic devil tail. Yugi would wag his Devil Tail~ behind himself playfully, as his teeth looked a bit more fanged now; he still had his usual charming looks about him though, and he was still dressed to impress as usual.

    "Here I am." he'd moved so fast behind Viola, that her clothing and hair was still in motion when he kneed her in the back; sending her sailing into the sky. A Yugi's fist on a trail of Neon Red fire would then smack into her within the next second; sending her sailing upward in an explosion of Neon Red flames.

    Like fireworks exploding into the sky, Yugi knocked Viola around; only letting her fly ten feet in any direction before she was met by an elbow or a fist. Speeding up; the explosion of flames seem to be moving at the speed of a machine gun as Yugi eventually would appear in front of Viola one last time; grabbing the back of her head and kneeing her straight in the head; letting her go sailing back to the ground. The railroad track would definitely shatter if she hit it at that speed; so Yugi threw his body weight downward, reaching the ground in a split second; he would dive forward, kicking up dust and appearing just before Viola hit the ground.

    His devil's tail would catch her; upside down by one foot as he would hold her by his tail. Arms crossed, and chibi devil horns on his head visible to her upside down.

    "How the hell are you still alive.........what are you?" even another wizard, who had superhuman endurance and resilence naturally would be out cold by now. How was this....girl so tough. As he accidentally realized held her upside down and saw her panties, Yugi blushed as 'surprised marks' appeared over his head. Dropping her instantly and comically on her head he would blush and spin around. Wondering what he was thinking...beating up such a pretty girl just too see what he true form was.

    "Yknow, I've been rethinking this whole thing and uh, I dunno I think you might break soon!" Yugi rambled on Goku style as he rubbed his hair, demon horns still visible, devil tail wagging. "I uh...I get it you're tough! You haven't even used any Magic on me so I don't just wanna go.....crazy on you? I thought for sure you were a Wizard too..." Yugi let out an anime huff off frustration at his own failure at Sensory, even as an S-Ranked wizard he couldn't figure out exactly what she was--he usually had no problems recognizing or sensing energies. "So uh.......I guess you're not as tough as....I thought." Yugi stretched, he was turned slightly sideways as he reached his arms up; then bent his knees a bit; as if Viola weren't even there.

    "Tsk, if I'd have known you don't have any Magic I wouldn't have even bothered taking you so seriously."

    Spells Used:



    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Brute of Fiore
    Position : None
    Posts : 997
    Guild : ɢᴜɪʟᴅʟᴇss
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 2023
    Mentor : ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ
    Experience : 1891.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ѕтorм мagιc
    Second Skill: -
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Viola-chan 11th June 2015, 11:02 pm

    Living all alone
    like the monsterthat i am
    ---that i am
    humans go so quickly, they fall so deep asleep. Never show the shock, but I start to weep. You fell in love with the monster that I am, uniform it suited you, hand in hand we ran. Calling all the snakes with all the powers that I have, if they disappeared I don't think that I'd be sad. A never ending world, made for you, and for me. Loving family then we will be. Waiting up for you. Door I closed behind. But you never came. Never wondered why.
    She was alarmed by his remark, the genuine sincerity written against his features arrayed a form of sweat along her fore-head, carefully eyeing his rather composed movements with intruigued orbs of indigo tone. Instead of pooling the atmosphere with her regular banter of eternal chatter, she conceded to let the male vocalize instead, situating her clothed hands rigidly onto her hips as she witnessed his speech intently. The semblance of magical energy that whirled hesitantly around him sent a shiver along her impaired flesh, breathless by the sudden diversity that unravled along his form, anything but human. 

    What is he planning? she queried to herself, ostensibly diverted by this sudden steering in events as a blink faltered, and then, he was gone. It was as if the air had inhaled him whole, desolating her in muted silence as the display of scenery spanned out lengthily before her. But, then that voice came, humming a tone of words into her ear as if he were exposing expressional kindness, the acute knee boosting her up into the air as she clenched her teeth in strain the nerves of muscle screaming along her back and rattling her spine fiercely. 

    The frame of body felt unactive mid air, disabling her from action as another buffet of firey fist launched her even further into the ceaseless sky of blue. She didn't even have the enclosure of time to counter any of his attacks, thrashing her back and forth like a feather light soccer-ball as his conclusion ended with her sailing toward the ground. Blood was flavoured against her taste-buds, tumbling down the corner of her lips as she readied for the secondary impact of solid earth today. Closer and closer, half-liidded eyes inclined into sealing shut, but, oppositely widened instead. Rigid surface never confronted her skull, mildly tilting upward to see the flipped world view of her opponent who was notably grappling her with his inhuman tail of raven night. 

    She was dazed by his questioning again, only blinking in reply as the colour of crimson dusted along his features, grasp of tail around her ankle detaching as she then debarked uncomfortably onto her head and then her back with a abrupt thud. What a fickle guy.. she mused, inclining upward to lean against her arse and gradually, onto her feet. His back faced her, and he stumbled on with his blundering and rather disheartening words as she gaped at him like some befuddled child. "Break?" there was no way she would simply snap like some frail twig, regardless of her delicate appeal, her very being was made for the endurance of lasting in battle. An irritated expression unraveled along her emotions of confusion as gloved hands that once dangled loosely, balled together, firmly into fists. 

    A thought crossed her mind, a random, yet vivid image that assembled briefly at the back of her mind. Viola herself was aware of the magic that sheltered itself within her form, yet, there was no knowledge of callings or lore about what it even was. Evidently, it was wind, but that didn't really explain anything to her in the slightest. "Sora no Akuma.." a pause, broad formations of alluring white wind started to whirl around her hands, fulgurating violently, "...no Tebukuro!" the wind pulsated with power, booted feet urging so immensely against the ground, that before the male had the counter to react, a fist of fleeting magic met the side of his face. 
    WORDS 577 - TAGS @Yugi - NOTES Meh
    made by jinx of adoxography and GS


    Main Theme:

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 12th June 2015, 1:16 pm

    Yugi was very surprised as Viola rose...yet again, although he could tell she was feeling it now. However, this time she didn't hesitate at all. Yugi decided the time for talking was over for now. But as soon as he saw the white wind surrounding her; he took a step backward...'White wind? Is it possible......Zack Rose.' Yugi had a few quick flashbacks to his battles with Zack as he focused yet again on the young lady---however as soon as he did so; it seemed she was in front of him.

    'That fast? How?' his eyes would widen just as the amount of wind surrounding her gusted by him as she delivered a right hook to his mouth and jaw.

    An explosion like a Rasengan at close range went off as Yugi was thrown off of his feet and carried on the wind; bouncing once he would try to slow himself down by flipping upright; but the wind continued to carry him backward as he rolled and eventually stopped.

    Rolling backward onto his feet, Yugi gritted angrily at her as a 'pissed off' mark appeared over his head. 'Impossible, another Sky Devil Slayer?!' he watched on as he felt a little bit worried now, if this girl was on the same level as him.....'She could be a problem in the future....' Yugi wasn't so sure she could defeat him, even if it was his Fire-Make v. her Sky Devil Slayer, he was at an advantage with Fire against wind...however, if he used his Satan Soul like he did now.....

    "Tsk, just count yourself lucky I decided to use Satan Soul against you...that wind wouldn't be so strong against my flames." Yugi would wag his devil tail behind himself playfully before looking up as his eyes, now unnatural yellow would lock with Viola. "Just more fuel to the fire."

    Yugi would wipe a trickle of blood off of his mouth from her punch as he would draw silent for the first time in awhile. Arms crossed, chibi horns upon his head.

    "I gained this magic by absorbing.....hundreds of Demons from the Book of Zeref that I myself created.....old Demons, hundreds probably even thousands of years old...Demons I had no business creating in the first place." regret passed over his features for a moment as he looked down at the ground. "This magick....Satan Soul....it's my curse and my blessing. Perhaps I can do something good with it's power after all."

    Yugi would bow to her once randomly, and apologetically.

    "Sorry, I get carried away when it comes to new kinds of creatures...I'm not sure what you are but...it's not my place to treat you like this just because I don't know something."

    Yugi thought about all the papers and books he'd written and scrapped, stacks of paper miles high in his old study at Tartarus, filled with more vodoo and rituals than he cared to think about at this moment on the tracks with this girl.

    "I know I don't exactly deserve to know but---could I ask your name?" Yugi wondered if she was still ready to continue, if she was he would gladly oblige her. He wasn't sure she realized exactly who he was, if she did he was sure she wouldn't be this nonchalant. Or maybe....like Roya...she wouldn't judge him for his past. He hadn't told her everything about the Spirit of Zeref training him in the Dark Arts---he wasn't so sure that would be something he would reveal to anyone---he just hoped she didn't figure it out herself eventually.

    "Well? Like I said, my name's Yugi Sparrow...my brother is Count Lucien Sparrow...the ex-chairman, and Ambassador of the Magic Council." he would nod to her and await her answer, whether it be more Devil Slayer wind, her fist, or her voice. He found himself admiring the beauty of the woman, even though he'd been beating her up just a few moments ago--fueled by his own curiosity.

    'Oh how did you meet Dad, Mom? Oh he KICKED ME through a wall without so much as an introduction! No dear it didn't go quite like that.' he mused to himself almost breaking into a full smile at his own thoughts. That future would probably never come to pass, but if it did, how amusing it would be.

    "Usually, I do my best to protect all types of Magical Creatures, although I know it's hard for you to believe...I really am just that curious. I never would've kicked you like that back at the restaurant if I didn't think you'd have survived...." he got a sweatdrop over his head briefly, ashamed at how he'd act if he ever got curious about something. It was this same curiosity that led to him stealing 5 pages of the Book of Zeref in the first place. He guessed he hadn't conquered his curiosity yet.



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    Clash! Viola v. Yugi Empty Re: Clash! Viola v. Yugi

    Post by Viola-chan 12th June 2015, 6:39 pm

    Living all alone
    like the monsterthat i am
    ---that i am
    humans go so quickly, they fall so deep asleep. Never show the shock, but I start to weep. You fell in love with the monster that I am, uniform it suited you, hand in hand we ran. Calling all the snakes with all the powers that I have, if they disappeared I don't think that I'd be sad. A never ending world, made for you, and for me. Loving family then we will be. Waiting up for you. Door I closed behind. But you never came. Never wondered why.
    Her tool clashed against his face, bone urged against bone as he lastly savored the anguish that reasoned as no more than curiousty. Dust vomitted into the air, meddling with the clarity of stainless breathing, as feet rooted to the broken ground in evident shock. "Huh..? What did I..?" blundering, a crown of alluring green tilted down, engaged in the hands that caged themselves in such unlikely magical power. The calling just in the past of time came to her almost simply, like reviewing it off the page of a book. So effortlessly. It was the humming of tune that came to her randomly. The voice of another was the only thing that seized her attention once more, chin raising upward to clash against his infuriated eyes. 

    There was no insight on what he vocaled. As regularity, she was no more than a muddled child, blinking at him with such innocence in the void of amethyst that it was astonishing she had not liberated just yet. Book of Zeref? What the hell is that? This is where memory loss did not aid in the thoughts of the dragon. A sigh gradually nearing again. "Geez! If you wanted to know what I was, all you had to do was ask!" she rattled her head, lengthy locks of lime green swaying along the movements as her eyes closed in brief drag of disappointment. Immediateley she peered at him again, pinkish lips alifting into a smile, "Although, even if I told you, I don't think you'd believe me anyway!" meager laughter tumbled from her throat, flares of indigio steering to glance in another direction, "It'd be nice though.." she mused, the wind embracing her lowered voice as she perceived his words again. 

    "Viola.. Viola Purefoy.. At least, I think thats who I am anyway.." sheepishly a gloved hand confronted the nape of her neck, disconcerted that she had no recognition as to who she really was. It was a frustration she attempted to avert whenever she could, just like the rest of the tasks that somehow meddled into her life. "What?" the hand descended back to her side, fluttering lashes of raven stunned by his second introduction, "Your brother was apart of the Magic Council!? That's amazing!" kneeling forward like a restless child, she comically presumed, "Just imagine.. speaking to the whole country.. Let us try to increase the usage of donut shops and.. ramen! No! Just food in general!" making a series of gestures, the mer display of dream in her mind made her laugh mutedly to herself, shuddering abruptly into reality to sweep away the sudden mood as she twisted in direction to smile lightly to him once again. 

    "Yugi.. It doesn't really matter to me, how many demons you created, how many mistakes you made.. I've learned not to judge people on their past mistakes, no matter how bad they may have been.. a pause, her arms folded neatly behind her back, "After all, I too, have made many mistakes.. So.." the wind assembled to hands in shades of white, arms shifting to her side as she bounded toward him with emitting bliss gleaming along her eyes, tightened fist hoisted to strike the identical spot again. "Lets not end this battle now!" with a merry exclamation, the collision was seconds from impact. 
    WORDS 553 - TAGS @Yugi - NOTES Handing you some feels
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