Fairy Tail RP

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    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)


    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12th June 2015, 1:00 am

    Alex was sleeping on the train to Hargeon docks, while Blake's head was hung outside the window. After about 30 minutes of a nap, Alex woke up to see Blake laying down on the floor while drooling and groaning. Alex shook Blake and tried to get him situated before their arrival, but nothing seemed to work on him. Once they arrived, Alex helped Blake off the train and they got to solid ground. Blake felt better after that, they then looked around and saw a huge line by the docks of Hargeon. They ran over there and they heard from someone that there were only going to be 200 passports available to the 500 people in the line. Alex and Blake looked at each other and knew that they were going to have to do whatever they can to get 2 passports.

    Passports Remaining: 200/200
    Spot in Line: 500/500

    Last edited by xXSpiritXx on 12th June 2015, 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)

    Post by likeaboss756 12th June 2015, 1:28 am

    Blake and Alex needed a plan to get to the front of the line. The boys knew that due to the fact that they are only selling 200 passports and there are 500 people in the line, patience isn't an option. "Okay, I've got a plan." Blake said. "We can walk up behind them, tap them on their left shoulder, wait until they turn to the left and cut in front of them by passing them on their right side. It's full proof!" Blake said confidently. The two boys walked up to the back of the line and gave it a try. Blake tapped a man on his left shoulder and when the man turned over his left shoulder, Blake and Alex dashed in front of him. They laughed to themselves and tried it again but this time Alex tapped the man and when he turned, the two boys dashed in front of him. By using this method of trickery the boys were able to secure a spot in line around the 300's.

    Passports Remaining: 150/200
    Spot in Line: 300/500


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12th June 2015, 1:37 am

    After doing the same method for a while, Alex tapped a mans left shoulder but he turned right instead of left. The man shoved the two boys out of the lane. After they stood up they made another plan. "Alright, so i'll do magic to get everyone's attention while you're cutting your way to the front of the line to get those passports!" Alex said with dignity. Blake shook his head and decided to go with Alex's plan. Alex was growing flaming bones out of the ground and doing tricks with them, while Blake was sneaking his way to the front. After a while, the same man who shoved them out of the line noticed Blake cutting. He yelled to everyone that Alex was a distraction and that Blake was cutting. Blake then was shoved out of the line for a second time. Blake ran to Alex who hid in the water by some boats, and the two were in the water plotting their next course of action.

    Passports Remaining: 100/200
    Spot in Line: N/A


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Chains
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)

    Post by likeaboss756 12th June 2015, 2:03 am

    Blake was crouching in the water next to Alex and they were discussing their next plan. "This next plan will work for sure, just you watch." Blake said while grabbing a small crate from the nearest boat. "I'll carry this box while walking towards the front part of the line and then i'll pretend to trip and i'll let everything fall out of the box. People will help me pick up my stuff and help me off the floor and when they do, i'll just take their place in line, It's simple." Blake said while holding the box over his head. The wizards decided to put the plan in motion and Blake began walking towards the front of the line. Some people were paying attention to him but most people weren't. Once Blake decided he was in a good enough position, he faked tripping into the line dropping his box and spilling all of it's contents. Some people stopped and looked at Blake gasping and some others helped him pick up his stuff and help him off the ground. Once Blake stood up and good his box back, he stood up in line in front of the people that helped him up, taking their spots. Blake thought he was in the clear when suddenly someone tapped him on the shoulder. Blake turned and saw the man that threw them out earlier. "Hey there buddy." Blake said slowly. In a split second, Blake was out of line and sitting flat on his butt, again. He got up and rejoined Alex who was laughing uncontrollably.

    Passports Remaining: 50/200
    Spot in Line: N/A

    Last edited by likeaboss756 on 12th June 2015, 2:16 am; edited 1 time in total


    Main Theme:

    Battle Theme:

    Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Xv498UB

    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/7= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade! (C Rank)

    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 90
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 168.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fossil-Make
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake)

    Post by xXSpiritXx 12th June 2015, 2:15 am

    After about a good 3 minutes of dead out laughing, Blake punched Alex and Alex came up with an idea. "Okay, so i'll hide in this big crate right here, and you will wear a disguise and walk to the people who are giving out the passports and tell them its 200 more passports. Then you'll walk away. While you're gone i'll open the top and while no ones looking i'll slip 2 passports into my crate. Then you'll come back and tell them it was the wrong crate!" Alex said assuming that it will work. So Alex got in the crate and Blake got his disguise on. Blake took the crate to the front of the line and set it next to the table where the people were giving out the passports. While Blake was gone, Alex opened the crate and looked around making sure no one was watching him. After the coast was clear, he reached his hand out and slipped 2 passports into the crate. After about 5 minutes, Blake came back telling them it was the wrong crate. He then picked it up and walked off, never returning with another crate. Alex and Blake hi-fived each other and Alex gave Blake the second passport. Then they got back on the train to Sabertooth.

    Passports Remaining: 0/200
    Spot in Line: N/A


    Jobs (Complete/On-Going/Total Exp):
    D- 6/8= 150
    C- 0/0= 0
    B- 0/0= 0
    A- 0/0= 0
    S- 0/0= 0
    SS- 0/0= 0
    10- 0/0= 0
    100- 0/0= 0
    Guild Bonus- 18.75
    Total Experience: 168.75

    On-Going Jobs: Get Rid Of The Pesky Blockade!(C-rank)
                         Wedding Crashers!(C-rank)
                                   Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsig_zpsc5925e59
                      Too Earthland...And Beyond! ((Private) Alex & Blake) Alexsignature_zps08857557

                                                    COMPLETED JOBS
                           D: 6  l  C: 0  l  B: 0  l  A: 0  l  S: 0  |  SS: 0  |  10: 0  |  100: 0

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:38 pm