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    A Gathering of Guildless

    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 31
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Almyra Bys 28th March 2015, 10:55 pm

    She had heard about this place a while ago, but had never imagined it would be something of this scale. She looked up at the great castle of Ald Ruhn, able to sense strong magic emanating from it. Magic that was capable of repelling guild mages. An interesting enchantment indeed. The small woman just stood there at the entrance, the hood of her cloak not covering her head for once, her satchel slung over her shoulder, and her ragdoll hanging by its arm in her hand. A peculiar sight to some perhaps. She wondered how many guildless mages were already inside, or would follow her in after she entered. It would be exciting to meet fellow guildless mages. That or they didn't like talking so she never met any. Though it would make sense for the majority of mages to have a guild of some sort, given the advantages of being in one and the various guilds one could join. She pushed the door open and walked inside. It shut behind her as she continued to slowly walk in, clutching her doll to her chest now.



    A Gathering of Guildless 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Scinis 28th March 2015, 11:06 pm

    Zellha sat in a dark corner of the main room where the entrance to the palace was. The soul Acalia ran around doing whatever, until she saw another mage enter through the big doors that was to the entrance of the magnificent palace. "Zellha! Someone's here!" Zellha didn't say anything in return, she just continued sitting in the dark corner, with a ball of energy in the palm of her hand lighting up the corner slightly, and she hummed her favorite song, one that she always hummed. Acalia just "hmph'd" and she stood in front of the stranger. If she could see or hear me, I'd introduce myself... but.... Acalia thought to herself. She didn't wanna mess with Zellha while she was in her "leave me alone" stage, but she also wanted to talk to the other mages that were'nt in a guild. She wanted to make more friends, be happy, and live her own life but she was stuck in her little soul form, while the Ruin Goddess still held her body captive.


    A Gathering of Guildless InvisNewSig
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Hana Suzuki 29th March 2015, 8:18 am

    "Ugh. Finally." Hana stumbled a little as she entered the castle, pressing a hand against her bleeding sides. She cursed mentally, doing her best to maintain her facade as she moved to a corner of the hall. Currently cloaked, like many wandering guildless mages she'd passed by before, she drew little attention to herself as she moved. The small drops of blood that stained the floors weren't so noticeable, and she was thankful the cloak provided some cover. She winced when she attempted to hasten her steps, mentally cursing at herself and the ass who'd oh so kindly given her the wound.

    Exhausted, slid down the wall in the corner she'd more or less claimed for herself, hand pressing down on the wound with much more strength than before. Her mentor, for once, was silent, as if he already knew what the stubborn girl would retort when he suggested getting help. She did have her own pride after all. It was embarrassing enough to have been stabbed by a traitor - an underling especially, who had no firm of Magic at all. Even the weapon had been an ordinary kitchen knife. She growled, bearing her teeth at nobody in particular. This was definitely not her lucky day.


    A Gathering of Guildless Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th March 2015, 9:49 am

    Almyra looked around to see one other mage sitting in a corner, keeping it lit by a ball of energy. She was humming something, but seemed like she wanted to be left alone, so she did just that and continued looking around. She heard the footsteps of someone else entering and looked behind her to see someone who seemed to be in pain, but she wasn't so sure. She watched as the girl pressed herself against the wall and slid down to sit on the floor, clutching her side. Definitely hurt. Almyra watched her for another moment or two before walking over to Hana. "Are you okay?" She asked her, a worried expression on her face. She stood in front of Hana, waiting for a response from the younger girl.


    A Gathering of Guildless 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Scinis 30th March 2015, 12:08 pm

    Acalia noticed another person walk in, and she followed her to the corner she had claimed to herself. She watched the person from before approach her, and when she asked if she was okay that made Acalia wonder why she asked that. It was then when she noticed that she seemed to be in pain, but she couldn't see why exactly. She yelled over to Zellha, who stayed in her corner still humming.

    "Zellha! Someone over here needs help! You wanna help them for me?!" She yelled. She knew her answer when she got no response from the goddess in the corner, but she stayed by their sides wanting to watch them and see how the conversation progressed. Zellha, too took attention to the person in pain, and she stopped humming for a second and turned her attention to them, looking over and listening intently, happy that they weren't that far because she didn't feel like moving. A person that's wounded wandering into a palace, how's that for interesting?


    A Gathering of Guildless InvisNewSig
    Fayt Satori
    Fayt Satori

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Fayt Satori 30th March 2015, 7:45 pm

    The night's wind blew ominously as Fayt walked towards the castle. A soft hand reached up to his shoulder, holding onto the cape that would sway as the gusts of wind kept their pace.

    "When did this wind pick up?.." He had thought to himself, as it drew his attention directly.

    Two straps wrapped around his arm, that held his seemingly light satchel over his shoulder. There were also a few pouches at his belt and no weapons would be found on his person. He traveled light, and in fact, to the untrained eye, this man and his demeanor carried themselves as if they were an aimless adventurer.

    He was able to pass through into Ald Ruhn, however, so that would prove otherwise. Fayt had heard of this place, and decided to stop in as he'd continued his travels.

    The door to the castle opened as Fayt was welcomed warmly by those who stood guard. Silent footsteps made way for the pair keen eyes that wandered curiously down the entrance hallway. At the end was a wooden door, which evidently would lead towards the central lobby where others would seek sanctuary. The silent observer kept to himself, as he entered the room with a passive expression. He would seek out a vacant seat in the corner of the room, and pull his satchel over his shoulder to take a moments respite. The leather bag would sit on the table in front of him, as he tilted his head upright. Soft eyes closed for but a mere moment as his hand shifted to his stomach, though only for a brief moment.

    "Wonder if they have anything to eat around here.." He would shy his actions away from his thoughts, letting his arms fall to his sides to fight the visage of hunger. Little attention would be paid to the others that occupied the space for now.
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 50

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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Hana Suzuki 31st March 2015, 8:00 am

    Sadly, her efforts to remain unnoticed proved futile, in the current state that she was in. She scowled, glaring at the floor as she heard footsteps, light and quick, heading in her direction. The concern that the fellow guildless showed towards her was appreciated, but unnecessary in her eyes. Her cold gaze shifted from the floor to the face of the female who'd approached, noticing how short in stature she was. She looked to be perhaps around 15? Hana couldn't tell with the fuzzy vision she had - now where did that come from?

    "I'm fine. Thank you for the concern." she forces out coldly, pulling the hood of her cloak over her head. It was more or less obvious that girl was not in the mood for any sort of interaction. Not that she ever was of course.

    She felt a pair of eyes on her - although it was unclear to her whether she was imagining things or someone was indeed eyeballing her. She hoped it was merely a curious soul who'd also noticed her, and not another after her life.


    A Gathering of Guildless Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
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    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 31
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Almyra Bys 31st March 2015, 1:12 pm

    Almyra blinked and continued looking down at the girl, noticing some of the blood on the floor now, gathered around the sitting woman. "You are bleeding and need help." She said. "Please let me help you. I have bandages and other things to help treat injuries." She said, unslinging her satchel from her shoulder and putting it on the ground in front of Hana. "Or... well if you don't want me to help, here. Use whatever you need in my bag to treat your injuries." She said. She continued to look at Hana, worrying about her more now as she tried to guess the extent of her injuries. She waited for a response, hoping the girl would let her help, or at the very least use some of her supplies to help herself.


    A Gathering of Guildless 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Scinis 1st April 2015, 1:59 pm

    Another person entered, and Zellha decided it was time she said hi. While she isn't one for "social interaction" Zellha decided that Acalia was, so she allowed Acalia to take the body, in exchange that she had the confirmation that Acalia would leave her alone, so she did. The ball of energy dissipated as Acalia gained control, and she stood up and stretched. How can Zellha be so comfortable sitting like this? She thought to herself. She ran over to the person who was wounded, and sat down next to her and looked down, seeing the blood that was dripping to the ground, and gasped. "U-Uhm miss what happened to you?" she said with her voice filled with worry, while Zellha simply rolled her eyes and continued humming while sitting in the corner like she was just a minute ago.


    A Gathering of Guildless InvisNewSig

    Lineage : Knight Of Honor
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by kingray13 4th April 2015, 8:22 am

    Ray yawned as he entered through the doorway and looked around. "Ald Ruhn..." He muttered as he glanced around the building. This was the safe haven for people like him, those who weren't members of a guild. It was kind of like the guileless guild house. Regardless it was a good place to lay low, only those who were guildless were granted entrance, meaning they couldn't be disturbed by the judging eyes of the legal guilds or preyed upon the malicious dark guilds. Of course there were neutral guilds around as well that slightly resembled the guileless as far as general alignment, but why join a guild at all if that was the case?
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
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    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 22
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Hana Suzuki 9th April 2015, 6:31 am

    (OOC: Right, I'm just going to assume this has no order of posting. Correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Dull red eyes observed the dark haired girl for any signs that could give her away as a threat. Her features, her body language, and her tone of voice. She heard nothing but concern, with a hint of indecisiveness. It was either genuine or well faked, the girl couldn't tell. She was tired - her half-lidded eyes and the dark bags beneath them exposing her weakened physical and mental condition.

    Basically it meant she was vulnerable, and god she absolutely hated - no, despised, her current plight. It was humiliating.

    Still, she needed treatment as soon as possible. As much as she hated to admit it, the girl was right. It was either treatment or death. She couldn't die now, it wasn't her time yet. "I accept treatment. I'll pay you for your services if you wish. But, don't even think, of trying anything funny, otherwise I'll have a reason to dismember you. Is that agreeable?" she spoke, deciding to have the girl treat her instead. She regretted not asking the girl if she had any experience in first aid, but then still guessed the girl would do a far better job than Hana. The pink haired girl only knew how to hunt, kill, a scarce range of basic first aid and to stitch wounds up with a needle and strong thread - her needlework was not something to brag about either.


    A Gathering of Guildless Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 678
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 41
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    Age : 31
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    Experience : 1787.5

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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Almyra Bys 24th April 2015, 6:34 pm

    Almyra nodded to Hana. "Yes. I don't need any payment. I just want to makes sure you're alright." She said before taking a knee and getting out her things. She worked quickly, and had a fair amount of experience treating wounds. It would probably be painful for Hana though, since Almyra didn't have anything to treat the pain. She would manage to stop the bleeding, though the wound could probably use some more care for proper cleaning. "There. I stopped the bleeding." She said, wiping her hands off with some cloth. "You should probably find someone else to properly treat it though, since I couldn't clean it all that well, but you should be safe from bleeding to death." She said, sitting beside the injured girl.


    A Gathering of Guildless 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Scinis 27th April 2015, 1:27 pm

    "Wow! You're a doctor!?" Acalia said as she watched Almyra help out Hana. She watched intently, considering she couldn't do anything really. There was a person in need if help and Acalia couldn't help in this situation. So, wanting to be prepared for any situation she watched and learned, and felt a bit depressed when Almyra said that someone else should patch her up better, that meant that while the information Acalia just indulged was helpful it wasn't the best, but she needn't be the best if someon was hurt, she just needed to help. Zellha, still sitting in the corner watched as well, but not so much out of interest so much as it was Zellha was just bored. She was in a castle and nothing was going on. Couldn't anyone cause a bit of trouble or chaos? Obviously everyone was too good for that, which erked the Ruin Goddess. As for Acalia, the horned girl glanced once over to the soul that stood looking dismal in the corner, and made a face. She shook it off and continued watching as events unfolded.


    A Gathering of Guildless InvisNewSig
    Hana Suzuki
    Hana Suzuki

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Commander's aura
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    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
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    Age : 22
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    A Gathering of Guildless Empty Re: A Gathering of Guildless

    Post by Hana Suzuki 28th April 2015, 4:05 am

    Barely suppressing a wince, the half-blooded siren was at least wise enough not to pull a weapon out the minute she felt a slight twinge of pain. Pain was normal. It meant that she was still alive. Breathing. And it wasn't that bad either, since an occupation like hers had its hazards, she was somewhat used to pain. A bit of torture and interrogation training helped, and although it didn't lessen or numb pain, it made pain bearable for her to the point where she wouldn't be affected too much by it.

    As the dark haired girl before her finished up with her task. It wasn't extrmely professional, but the bleeding had stopped, so Hana could care less. It'd heal in time. She nodded her head. "You have my gratitude. I'm hope you're aware that as you've declined payment, I will owe you nothing. Are you sure of your decision?" She questioned, her eyes closed as she leans against the wall for a short rest. She couldn't help but silently laugh at the horned redhead, blatantly assuming someone was a doctor the moment they demonstrated first aid was just... Naive.

    'She seems fairly interesting though.' She remarks to herself, having felt an odd presence from the girl, most likely with relation to her magic.


    A Gathering of Guildless Sig3

    Main I Battle I Sad

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