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    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)




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    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Private [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 20th March 2015, 9:04 am

    Job Details:

    "Yeah, it was a cool job!" Ayato explained to the bartender in the Blue Pegasus guild hall. Recently, he had gone to the Mystic Tower with his friend Zack to accomplish the task of destroying a Lacrima that turns ordinary people into sun-worshipping zombies; some even Mages of Sunlight. It was a job well-done with H-Rank assistance, especially by one who also specialized in the art of swordsmanship. The only reason Ayato was speaking about the job was how thrilling the feeling felt to help others, and be the great hero in a mission for once. "It took up a lot of my strength..." Ayato explained, "I used a lot of my magic getting through these enemies, you know? First there were minions of this one leader, then the leader himself along with creatures of sunlight. After that, I battled two other Mages along with their weaker companions. In the end, we ended up rescuing a ton of civilians and a wanted daughter, specifically." The bartender sighed and called Ayato a talkative one. The bartender suggested that Ayato summarize his stories further from now on, though his next action was a surprise.

    Momentarily, the bartender gave a note addressed to Zack, but also a request for Ayato to join in. Ayato was not authorized to read the letter as stated in his own letter, but rather find the one who had come across the Celestial Spirit King at some point, and hand the other letter to them. With curiosity, Ayato felt like he should get these two letters examined by Zack, after all. If these people knew about the Celestial Spirit King, there was a chance that these people were Celestial Spirit Mages. Perhaps they saw how Ayato and Zack just completed a job together recently, and were convinced that they would make a good team again for this task, in particular. "Where can I find Zack?" Ayato asked the bartender. He shrugged, and gave Ayato the obvious advice of looking around the guild. Ayato nodded, and scouted through the guild to try and find Zack. He also left a note with the bartender in case Zack passed by. On his days of work, it was hard not to find the bartender whilst entering the guild, anyway. "Zack! Where are you?" Ayato questioned. He needed this other letter read by him to assure the one intended for Ayato was no joke.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 20th March 2015, 12:35 pm

    Zack was standing on the roof of the guildhall at its highest point staring out into the distance. There was something in the air. Some sensing of warning or foreboding. There just something not quite right. He knew the monkey king might be plotting something and he knew the sky emperor was probably super pissed at him, even if it wasn't his fault. However, it felt like it wasn't either of those. It felt like it was something...otherworldly somehow. It didn't make sense to him. Perhaps his connection to the celestial spirit world was causing some sort of sensing of other worlds. That or he'd spent too long playing around with the Saving Goddess' engines. Or perhaps being H rank had improved his sensory skills so far he could do so. He exhaled deeply.

    He stood there a silent sentinel expanding his magic sense as far as he could. Something, something was up. He was certain of that, but he couldn't feel it with magic sensing. He couldn't see it, taste it, smell it or hear it. It was another sense. Something he couldn't explain. Fortunately for Seitenshi the words he called out were just loud enough for him to hear. He walked off of the roof and dropped down to a window below and walked in just as Ayato walked past.

    "You looking for me buddy?" he asked sitting down on the window sill. He didn't think there was another Zack in the guild, but it was always possible. He wondered where Devon was. She'd headed off by herself. She seemed to be doing that a lot recently. Perhaps she was planning to join the guild properly as a mage and was soloing some jobs. Always possible. "What's up?" He could see letters in his hand and wondered what they were.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 20th March 2015, 1:18 pm

    Ayato was startled by the sudden presence by Zack whilst searching for him already. "You really need to improve on your greetings..." He joked, "Another important task has come, and this time, it may come more to your interest than mine. A celestial sent this, after all." Ayato revealed his own request as proof, though he was unsure if this was the real deal or not. His request asked him to go to another world, though he was unsure on how to do that, exactly. He knew Daisuke lived within his book, though that was another story. Curiosity continued to build inside Ayato, though now that Zack was here, there could be confirmation on both letters. "Perhaps you can sense some sort of magic essence behind these letters?" Ayato suggested, "I tried, but it is very unknown for me to clarify. All I know is that these people are, in fact, wizards like this." He looked back to the bartender, who was again clueless on the matter. Ayato sighed.

    He wondered what was inside Zack's letter. He continued reading his until he saw a name he remembered hearing from Zack. "Celestial Spirit World." Ayato confirmed, "I suspect only Celestial Spirit Wizards would know about this world. I only know about them after your information, anyway." Ayato walked outside of the guild hall, questioning if he could find the people responsible for this message somewhere nearby, though he failed to do so. He looked at the envelope, and saw that the sender was unknown. What was he supposed to do about a request if he couldn't even identify the sender? He didn't want to ask Zack for his opinion because, as the bartender said, he seemed to be speaking too much already, and matters relating to the Celestial World could be personal to Zack. Besides, if stories about ancient times were brought up, Ayato would find them personal too. "What do you think about this issue?" Daisuke asked Ayato telepathically. "Perhaps we should just assume it's legitimate. If it is a trick, so be it, though I bet Zack could figure this out more than any of us. He has even seen the King!" It was all up to Zack, at this point. What would he consider from this message? Ayato used his intelligence to the utmost, but could only discover that these people were Celestial Spirit wizards. If they truly wanted him and Zack to go to another world, they probably estimated that Zack held this capability.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
    Position : None
    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 22nd March 2015, 3:57 am

    A letter from a celestial. Now that was unusual, but it matched the feeling of apprehension he'd had recently. It was something from another world. The celestial spirit world or something similar. Zack held out his hand towards the letters and focused his magic sensing. He hadn't used it for this before, but it should work to some extent. There was definitely residual star-based magic, but whether it was celestial or another star based magic he could not tell. There was something off about it. He took the letter addressed to him and read it carefully and slowly. "The celestial spirit world is known to many, even the king is, but the world my letter mentions...few amongst even the celestial spirits know of it." he said. In fact, he doubted if any except the king, zack and his zodiac knew about it. Perhaps Crux, but even that was not the case. Weird that he had been told about it now that he thought about it.

    "We need to go now." Zack said with a surprising amount of urgency to his ton. The question was how to get there? The answer was obvious. "Let's head to the Saving Goddess...there is no other way to get there quickly." He didn't have time to go look for Devon. If something bad was happening in this particular world, bad enough for him to sense, then he would have to go without her. What was annoying was that they hadn't come to him directly. It would of been faster. As he finished reading the letters and made his resolve clear though the letter faded into starlight. They had managed to project a letter through, but nothing more. That explained why they hadn't come to him directly.

    He ran off heading towards the dock where the Saving Goddess resided. They wouldn't need the ship to move, but they would need its realm shredders to open a portal to the dark spirit world...and another to get back. Fortunately, when he arrived he found Devon aboard the ship. That was good. She wouldn't be able to come and help on the mission because he'd need her to guard the Saving Goddess whilst they were there. They couldn't allow that to be taken.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 22nd March 2015, 11:11 am

    "So it's not the Celestial Spirit World, huh?" Ayato wondered. He questioned whether or not he should speak unless Zack spoke out to him, beforehand. Perhaps this whole story was bringing back memories, just as whatever event these two were about to go on would be recorded in Ayato's book. Ayato was curious to know, but understood that people held some things personally, and did not wish to share them. He noticed that Zack's tone changed throughout the little conversation they had in response to this request. He was upset by the fact that whatever adventure he went on with Zack recently turned out poorly for the both of them. He hoped at some point the two could go on another happy tour through the tour just as they did a while ago.

    "On we go then." Ayato continued with Zack's command. He really did not seem in the mood for some bright comments at the moment, though Ayato did not mind. While this job seemed more important to Zack, Ayato was glad he was there to help. Just like the Mystic Tower, this world soon to be discovered would face new law and order; the darkness would be forced to vanish, along with the corruption of some evil spirits. At least that's what Ayato assumed to be the enemy. He was unaware of both the good and the bad in the spirit world; the Celestial Spirits and their own enemies. All he knew about was the legend of the Celestial Spirit King, and a little tale Zack told about a meeting between him and the almighty sage. "The Saving Goddess. Was that not something the guild acquired recently?" Ayato asked, "I've only seen it once before with you, but I wonder where it came from." This all seemed poor-spirited as the two were forced to clean up another mess. Zack seemed in a rush by what Ayato was witnessing; being in a more demanding state than usual. It made him depressed, to be fair, though Ayato would have to tolerate it until the task was completed. This what one cost to being a Mage, after all. Once aboard the ship, Ayato looked over. He was on a much greater height than he expected, and Devon was here again. "Nice to see you buddy." Ayato greeted. It was now time to set forth a new journey.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 22nd March 2015, 12:32 pm

    Once Seitenshi was aboard the ship Zack placed the letter atop the console and it vanished. With a rapid sequence of movements he put in some commands to get the realm shredders ready. "We are going to the dark celestial spirit world." Zack said as the ship began to start moving. "As for the Saving Goddess, a former member of the guild built it and left it to the guild. When I became H rank it was given to me to captain. Some call it the Red Wing." Zack had a slight determined grin on his face now the ship was beginning to move.

    "I should let you know that the world we are going to is dangerous. As soon as we set foot there we will be attacked. Dark celestials hate those of the real world, but they hate celestials like myself even more." he said as the ship began to slowly open a portal. Normally, it took longer to open such a portal, but the letters had some strange magic in them that accelerated the time significantly. Plus as a H rank with a celestial based magic he had a link himself. It would still take a little while to open the portal enough to go through. "It seems, based on the letter, the dark celestials are planning something and normally celestials cannot enter this world. I've spent long enough in the human world and had my body tampered with so much that I can though. Humans like yourself...normally wouldn't survive there. However, it seems...according to the letter...you are an exception due to the curse you once suffered."

    It was quite coincidental that two people could enter this world when normally their races couldn't. Almost some divine providence perhaps. "So you ready for a fight then?" Zack said just as the portal opened. With a big grin he kicked the ship into over drive. "Hope so because HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO!" With that the ship suddenly blasted forward through the portal.

    The world they entered was strange. It was like space, but rather than being darkness flecked with light it was almost the opposite. It was like whitness flecked with black. A reverse of the celestial spirit world. A mirror. A dark copy. This was the dark celestial spirit world.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 28
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    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 22nd March 2015, 1:11 pm

    "I'm always prepared for a fight." Ayato stated the moment the dimension opened, "When I fought the leader of the Sun wizards, I felt that vibe at its highest level. I saw my inner potential flash before my very eyes; something unfathomable. It told me that no matter what the challenge, as long as I have the spirit to fight, I will achieve success." Ayato unraveled END from his jacket, which then awakened the Skillful Elucidator. "Back when you revealed your sword to me, I noticed something special." Ayato remarked, "The form was identical, though your sword held power my sword could not compare to. I could imagine your sword being the father of mine, if anything." With this thought stuck in his head for a few minutes, maybe this connected the two- or perhaps differed. Zack's sword held history that expanded beyond Fiore's reach, while Ayato's existed since the dawn of time, though not in other dimensions. It was as if Zack's power came from some sort of paradox, while Ayato's still originated from reality.

    The moment Ayato realized he was in the Dark Celestial World, unknown spirits suddenly surrounded the Saving Goddess. "Seems we have been watched this entire time." Ayato commented, "No worries. These spirits particularly seem harmless." Ayato was right. Courageously, he set foot upon this new world, and all these dark spirits did was course around his body. It reminded Ayato of his time in the Spooky Forest. Laughs, voices, screeches from all over; these spirits were trying to haunt Ayato, but he would not allow it. Ayato proceeded ignorant of these spirits until he saw some more intimidating creatures nearby. "Perhaps we should explore before encountering the enemy." Ayato suggested, "We are unaware of the ground we set ourselves upon, anyway. Who knows if these threats will make use of it." Sadly, Ayato was interrupted after he was shoved over to the side. He caught himself and failed to fall, though there was something around him much more dangerous than the shadows he once experienced eye-to-eye. "Who or what are you?" Ayato asked.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j

    Posts : 23954
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2015, 1:11 pm

    The member 'Seitenshi Ayato' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) NormalMonster [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) StrongMonster
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
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    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 24th March 2015, 2:10 pm

    Suddenly, as Zack was about to step off the ship his eyes caught site of a monster. However, he only saw it for less than a second before he felt like he was bound in tight chains on each of his limbs pulling them apart. Another wrapped around his neck and another round his waist. He was being bound tight and in front of him he saw the monkey king. Yet that was not all. He saw the monkey king ram his hand through Seitenshi's chest tearing out his heart and eating it. Devon charged in to try to avenge him, but the monkey king casually backhanded her with such force that her rotated several times before flying off.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Zack roared out trying to break free of the chains. Yet something was off. The monkey king's power was nowhere near as great as normal. Sure, it had one shotted Seitenshi and Devon, but that he himself could do, even in his old body with his S class magic. So...what was up? Plus...the monkey king didn't use chains. Before he had a chance to think he was suddenly feeling the chains draw painfully tight against him and out of nowhere came Shuhei and Ayeseru to attack the monkey king in their full H rank glory. The two of them united to try and defeat the king, but with a flare of power he grabbed them both and crushed their skulls. The four people he cared most about were dead. The money king had killed them. The monkey king that he himself had unleashed. Wait...something was off again. How did Shuhei and Ayeseru get here? The Saving Goddess' portals closed immediately behind it and it had been a couple of minutes. He didn't have much more time to think because the monkey king was coming for him and the chains were tightening. More and more chains began to bind him. He felt so helpless, so weak. His friends and family were dead. Was this the end?


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
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    Posts : 442
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    Age : 28
    Experience : 1270

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ankhseram Black Magic
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 24th March 2015, 6:32 pm

    Before his eyes, a peculiar little guy had pushed Ayato, but why? He didn't look adorable, neither as scary as the rest of these fiends. In fact, if Ayato could say so himself, this creature was frightened to the utmost. Once Ayato attempted to move back towards his fellow guild member again, he felt this new presence attach itself onto his leg. "What are you doi--" Ayato attempted to ask, but interrupted himself while he heard Zack roar? Roar? Why would Zack roar? To his eyes, it seemed like Zack was doing nothing but roaring. He was acting as if he were immobile in his situation, though to his east, Ayato suddenly witnessed a beast incoming towards his friend. A smirk was on the beast's face. It was laughing gloriously, as if its horrid dreams were coming true. By the looks of the scene, Zack was in utter pain while the beast was having the time of his life.

    "Going to use magic?" END asked Ayato telepathically. Ayato shook his head. The use of magic was probably what these witnesses were predicting of him right now, and these fiends could not be trusted. For all Ayato knew, they probably called the beast over the moment Ayato and Zack set foot off the ship. Ayato began his dash instead, the one identical to the stunt he had pulled all the way when Zack had tested his speed before the Mystic Tower mission. At full force, Ayato rushed towards the beast, though he was cut off by the dark ones who were surrounding the ship. They formed a line as if in protest of Ayato's movements. Ayato peeped over their shoulders. These dark ones were Celestials created to protect their superiors; living forcefields. Ayato assumed that if the beast were defeated, these pests would disappear, as well. "ZACK! DON'T LET THIS FOUL BEING GET IN YOUR HEAD!" Ayato shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice aggressive enough to echo through this pitiful world. It was obvious that this beast was playing mind games with Zack. Under no circumstances would Zack play a sick joke like this, acting as if agony were filling his soul, and shouting as if nightmares had just consumed his brain. Sadly, all Ayato could do was watch. There was not a sense that could trace sight of another threat in this world right now- only this beast. "Elucidator, I hope you're awake..." Ayato muttered, "I'm about to show Zack that I could possibly be in his league."


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
    Position : None
    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 25th March 2015, 2:09 am

    Zack heard a voice echo in his mind. It was one he knew. The voice of Seitenshi. It sounded like it was coming from a long distance away. However, it couldn't be Seitenshi. He had just seen the man have his chest caved in from behind and have his heart torn out. It couldn't be Seitenshi. It was impossible. The voice spoke of a foul being getting into his head. Wait...that made sense. These seemingly impossible events like the arrival of Shuhei or the Monkey King...could they be just illusions? If so did that mean that the deaths he had seen were also illusions. He was struggling to think as the chains tightened around his body, but he was doing his best. The monkey king was powerful, very much so, and he originally came from another dimension so him being here wasn't too odd perhaps. However, Shuhei and Ayeseru? Even with their power he doubted they could be here and they would hold their own for a bit longer than what they had.

    Somebody was messing with his head. He closed his eyes and focused. Now that he thought about it he didn't sense any magic power from Shuhei, Ayeseru, Devon or Seitenshi. In a situation like this they would use their full power, particularly Shuhei and Ayeseru after seeing two guild members die. Therefore they couldn't be real. Someone was messing with his head. That was why they had used the chains. They were turning his fears of being bound and his fears of seeing his friends and allies die against him. Well, if they wanted to mess with his head...then he had to focus on what was real to try and break free.

    Devon meanwhile was facing her own problems. Like Seitenshi she couldn't get to Zack to try and snap him out of whatever was being caused. She was being swarmed by the strange dark creatures preventing her from getting close. They had swarmed her before she managed to get out her spear and so she was forced to fight them hand to hand. However, no matter how many she took down more kept coming. She was slowly being overwhelmed. "ZACK SNAP OUT OF IT AND TOAST THAT GUY"
    Zack's eyes snapped open....


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 25th March 2015, 9:36 am

    While Ayato was surrounded, he peeped over the shoulder of a dark creature to notice that Devon was fighting to. He did not want to say anything because he sensed that his words would only call more darkness to the scene. He had falsely called upon the Elucidator at this point, telling it that he was going to do something extreme while his surroundings only became more irritating. This embodiment of fear was clinging to him tighter while more darkness arrived. It surely was a pest, though it did not hinder Ayato for now, especially since he was not involved in this fight Zack was in. The more Zack struggled, the more Ayato figured that this was an illusion. It was so clear for a spectator like Ayato, yet probably not as much for the victim. He could use Daisuke at this point, though he bet the darkness would get to him too. Not to mention Daisuke would take away half of Ayato's energy by being summoned, so that would be a waste. Ayato sighed. He felt helpless. These creatures were getting more aggressive, which forced Ayato to do some damage with his sword. However, while he chopped away at these creatures, he noticed something strange.

    Ayato utilized the Ring of Yin to see through the darkness up ahead. Not only was there a visible link from these creatures to the beast, but also three paths of darkness that were significant darker than the ground Ayato had already set his foot upon. The dark creatures already sat on the Saving Goddess so he, Devon and Zack would have no chance to escape. These creatures particularly could noot die, after all; as long as that beast existed, anyway. From what Ayato could tell with his Rin of Yin, though it could trace locations up to one-hundred kilometres away, it still gave Ayato nothing special to see. In fact, all Ayato saw was another path. "This is literally another world, isn't it?" Ayato asked himself. He imagined the planet he lived on, and assumed this world was just as big. The only difference was that you could stood on the planet as it was a solid. It was not like Earth where people could only stand somewhere near the core. No. Here, you could stand on the outer shell. This world also did not rotate. All Ayato could see was the drastic changes made by the darkness; all except those three paths he saw. "ZACK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OUT OF THERE!" Ayato yelled a second time from the top of his lungs. He did not want to do this excessively because it took a lot of air away from him. The embodiment of fear was clinging to him even harder, during this time. "Do you mind?" Ayato questioned the odd one.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j

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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by NPC 25th March 2015, 9:36 am

    The member 'Seitenshi Ayato' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Rosetta Crawford
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 28th March 2015, 1:58 am

    ....and the chains fells away as if they were nothing. The corpses of his fallen friends dissapeared as if they had never been. The illusion was broken. Yet there was a rare look of pure anger on Zack's face, rare at least when not in his eclipse mode form anyway. "How dare you mess with my mind?" he shouted and thrust his hand forward launching off a huge blast of bright blue light shaped like the head of a lion. The lion head let o shot across the distance covering it in less than a second. When it hit the target it exploded and the explosion sounded exactly like a lion's roar. The spell was A rank and light based and had an explosive radius of 30ft. It was fortunate that none of his allies were in that range. Anger had blinded him slightly to their location and he wouldn't of forgiven himself if he had hurt them.

    The blast was powerful enough that it completely evaporated the beast he was fighting and everything round it. Furthermore, it was bright enough that in the brief moments of the explosion it revealed a large amount of the surrounding area. Zack stood there for a moment. "Nobody messes with my head. Not anymore." he said his anger dissapating, but there was still a small amount of it behind his eyes. A fire that was rarely seen by any. He turned and looked over at Seitenshi. Now that he thought about it, the voice he had heard had definitely been his. It seemed he owed Seitenshi one this time.

    However, what was interesting to him now was the creature standing opposite Seitenshi. It had a powerful aura. Well, relatively speaking. That aura it was focusing 100% now on Seitenshi. With his glove he assessed that this was another one of the illusion based creatures. Hopefully, Seitenshi could get through it. After going through it himself he knew that whilst it would be a tough experience for his ally it would be a good one. He would be less susceptible to a second bout of these illusions.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 30th March 2015, 1:55 pm

    Ayato gasped as he saw the beast who once seemed to haunt Zack obliterated by the H-Rank Mage's power. To wipe out a threat like that was beyond Ayato's imagination. While he wanted to fantasize himself as an H-Ranked wizard, the storyteller could not. Not now. In fact, while he pondered thoughts, just as Zack probably experienced beforehand, Ayato saw something he had been wondering about for a long time. The beast turned into an aura of darkness and clouded itself around Ayato. Daisuke was pulled out from inside his book, and was corrupted by the darkness. Of course, in reality, this all was not actually happening, though it seemed like something that could not be made up in Ayato's mind. This was how skillful this beast was with his illusions. That, and with its power, Ayato had forgotten about how his friend was put under the same spell. In other words, he was on his own, with nothing to reference for getting out of this situation. Like Zack, Ayato had to use his current mindset and remain sane to get out of this battle.

    Before Ayato stood the corrupted Daisuke, seemingly possessed by the beast. This was truly Ayato's fear: for the ones he admired to forget about who he was. Daisuke was the first to find him and lift a curse a demon placed on him long ago. However, here Daisuke was, standing as an opponent to Ayato. "Daisuke! What are you doing?" Ayato complained. Daisuke raised his arm, and a battlefield of white flames was formed. "My name is END. Daisuke no longer exists." END explained, "Taken by darkness, it seems I have learned about my true existence. An unfathomable power, isn't it?" Ayato looked at his book. The name had cleared itself from the book. All that was left were spells that Ayato already possessed. "I guess we'll have to settle this in a fight, huh?" Ayato assumed, "END, I will save you!" If only Ayato knew that Daisuke/END was actually perfectly fine, this situation would have been a lot better. This really felt like a legitimate challenge. Ayato was about to fight END, and with full power. "Let's make this interesting..." END remarked. The darkness became foggy, and Ayato could no longer see his opponent. Not only that, but he could not feel any magic in his body. "Your life comes to an end...without magic...Ayato." END added.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 31st March 2015, 12:55 pm

    Zack let out a few deep breaths slowly calming himself. He turned to face Ayato meaning to thank him for his help in waking him up when he saw a strange black mist coating his friend. On top of that he sensed the presence of something similar to the creature he had just obliterated. The problem was that this time he couldn't work out where it was. It seemed that it WAS the mist and as the mist was coating Ayato it seemed it was impossible for him to clear it off without harming his friend. The only way out was for Ayato to fight his way out of the illusions. He floated over to Ayato and stood next to him. He placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder and spoke.

    "Ayato. You helped me fight against my own fears and escape." Zack said calmly trying to imbue a sense of confidence to his friend and allow him to wake up. "Use the strength of your mind, the strength of your will. Show them the true power of one of the Blue Pegasi." Zack smiled faintly. "You are a hero just like me, but you're smarter and your mind is stronger. Use that and you will beat these illusions." He looked over at Devon who was spinning her spear driving off as much dark mist as they could see.

    It was as he looked over at her he saw the dark mist beginning to swirl and form another solid shape. It seemed another illusion user was trying to form and inflict illusions on Devon. Zack's eyes narrowed and he seemed to vanish. There was a huge gust of wind that almost blew Devon off her feet and then suddenly Zack was next to her holding up the shadow beast by its neck. "Nice try." He said and tossed it up in the air. "Devon would you like to do the honours?" She grinned and flew up at it like an arrow and pierced through it with her spear. "Now all we have to do is hope Ayato can wake up from his illusions. Mind keeping watch whilst I try to help him?"

    She nodded and shrunk down to her tiny form before floating to the top of the mast. She would be near impossible to see, but she would see people. Zack walked back over to Seitenshi and knelt down in front of him. "Use your mind buddy. Its your greatest weapon."


    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 31st March 2015, 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by NPC 31st March 2015, 12:55 pm

    The member 'Speed Demon Zack' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) NormalMonster



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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 31st March 2015, 6:48 pm

    Swords danced in this newly arranged battlefield while Ayato and the fake Daisuke clashed. This illusion was skillful with its duplicate of the Elucidator, though Ayato could tell there was something wrong. Daisuke, whenever he struck, unleashed shadows; shadows that looked identical to the ones who made a blockade against Ayato prior to this brawl. "Even with darkness embedded into your soul, how can you use it so well, Daisuke?" Ayato asked rhetorically, "Realistically, you are a book representing the Eternal Flame- white flames. Why is it that this element appears in its stead?" Daisuke became angry, and fought more aggressive with the sword he held. Ayato received a few cuts on his arms by sheer impact, though his lineage healed them instantly. It was then he heard a voice.

    "Ayato. You helped me fight against my own fears and escape." Daisuke spoke, though for some reason, his tone was off. This did not sound like him. It sounded like someone else Ayato could recall, though this misty chaos he was absorbed in made him forget who this voice belonged to. He was convinced that his rival was still conversing with him. "Since when have I been helping you, END! You have been supporting me this whole time!" Ayato shouted, "You've helped me so much in the past, yet now you have turned your back on me!" Ayato swiftly rotated his sword upwards to knock the opposing Elucidator upwards. In this moment, Ayato pierced END through the stomach. "Are you going to make our relationship end as such, END?" Ayato wondered. His remark obviously related to the move he had just performed. However, while Ayato thought he had END defeated, the sword slowly slipped out of his body, and the wound healed. "As if..." Ayato muttered. Was Daisuke capable of copying his lineage too?

    "I am your other self." END responded suddenly, "You are unable to defeat me unless you can defeat yourself. Use the strength of your mind, the strength of your will. Show me th--" Ayato quickly cut END off as his sword slashed horizontally to knock END's aside. "Why emphasize on "me"? Ayato questioned END, a smirk on his face, "That voice before, it wasn't you, was it?" END became enraged, and fought with his utmost power. Ayato thought the moments through, and figured a distant voice was speaking to him instead of the darkness ahead. Time stopped in front of Ayato, and a judgment passed. "It seems you judge my power." A darker voice explained, "If you find this scene illusory, you will kill this person in front of you, will you not? He is a pest after all, right?" Ayato looked at the frozen END, who was completely helpless and on the verge of defeat at this point. Ayato concluded that he was in a middle of life-or-death situation. Darkness had brought him here, so he figured if he could not kill this person in front of him, the darkness would consume him entirely. However, if he did, the darkness would disappear, right? "You may be more intelligent than me, END. Ayato commented, "However, if there is one concept that I outmatch you in, it is battle." Ayato reached up and touched the Elucidator END held. "Daisuke, though I surpass you while fighting, I know the real you is better than this." Ayato added, "Someone who lives aside me every second of the day should know my fighting skill, correct?" Ayato pierced through the skull of this illusion, and it disappeared. The dark mist cleared, and Ayato was left looking at a dead body. He looked over to his book, which was once again in its rightful shape and formatted correctly. This was not Daisuke/END, after all. Zack was knelt in front of him, Ayato's sword above his friend's head. This was an awkward moment, indeed.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 1st April 2015, 10:28 am

    Zack saw the sword swinging down towards him, but did not move an inch nor flinch. He was confident in his allies abilities. His mind was incredibly strong. He would overcome these challenges faster than Zack. He was certain of that. His instincts told him it was so and as usual his instincts proved right as the sword stopped an inch above hitting him on the head. A single solitary hair blew away as Seitenshi woke up from his own illusion. That was the only damage that had been done.

    "I knew you could do it." Zack said with a smile standing up and pushing the sword to the side so it was out of the way. "This world...will turn our inner darkness against us. Our fears, our hatred, our sins." He sighed deeply and looked out into the distance. "It seems like that is what they are trying to send out into the world. They want to unleash the dark side of everyone onto the world...we have to find out how they are doing it...or things will go bad for our world."

    He extended his gloved hand into the distance and nodded. "The strongest magical power is that way." he said and hopped over the side of the ship landing on what appeared to be black soil. "Devon look after the ship. As for me and Ayato...well we've got some dark celestials to fight." He began to walk into the distance. He wouldn't run yet. There was no need to do so yet. Normally he would go as fast as possible, but in this world he had no experience and at any point he could be ambushed by more fear users. He didn't want to fall into another illusion again. As he walked he realised something he had missed and turned back to face Ayato. "Hey Ayato...that thing on your leg...don't ask me why, but...keep it safe ok?" He wasn't sure why either. He just felt that it was somehow important.

    (I'm thinking that you need the embodiment of fear to get near the mirror. Makes for a good plot point methinks.)



    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 1st April 2015, 12:28 pm

    "I feel like this can actually support us, Zack..." Ayato commented. It was strange. During his fight with the dark illusion of END, the embodiment of fear was not present, yet there it was on his leg still after the illusion stopped. Perhaps the embodiment of fear did not appear to Ayato as such because it was not something he feared, while having END turn against him definitely was. He looked down to the embodiment of fear. This oddball really did not mind him. It wasn't hurting him in the slightest, yet it did have an impact on his movement currently. Slowly, Ayato tried following Zack while the embodiment of fear further attached itself to his leg. "Have you ever seen yourself?" Ayato questioned the embodiment of fear, "You seem so scared of everything, yet if there was a possibly of you seeing yourself, perhaps you could identify your own foolishness." Ayato smashed upon some glass intended to be built as plates upon the ship while he unconsciously walked towards it. Fragments of glass flew into the air, while as they dropped, Ayato alerted his nuisance of what was descending. In a split second, the embodiment of fear saw its own reflection.

    "Do you see what is wrong with you?" Ayato asked, "That is you. That is you if you continue being scared, and trust me, you will only get worse. I can literally feel it." The glass hit the ground and shattered, a few cuts forming on Ayato's leg due to the shards. He pulled them out, and his lineage healed the wounds. The embodiment of fear still would not listen. He probably thought of the glass as another illusion. Luckily, Ayato found a mirror up ahead. "Here we go!" Ayato cheered, "A mirror!" Ayato halted Zack to check ahead for a moment while the embodiment of fear looked at itself. "What do you see?" Ayato wondered, "I really am curious." The embodiment of fear looked at himself, crying. It was obviously thinking poorly of itself, though once it saw its own image, it became so shocked that it fainted. It was still a hinder in this quest. Ayato sighed, and continued to proceed over to the darkness Zack was looking over. "My Ring of Yin cannot sense anything through this darkness." Ayato informed, "It must be magically enhanced." Ayato looked to the east, and saw another beast. It was heading for the embodiment of fear. The true mirror was about to unfold. The illusion began, and the embodiment of fear saw what it feared most. Again, Zack would be unable to see a thing aside from himself.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 3rd April 2015, 4:59 am

    Zack nodded in agreement. Something about this creature made his instincts tell him that it was a good idea to keep it safe. How exactly it would help he had no idea, but for now he would defend it. It seemed though that Ayato was trying to get the creature to fight against its own fear. A fear that it literally radiated as if it embodied it directly. A strange concept, but then again this was a strange world. The opposites of beings of constellations might be beings of emotion. Negative emotion anyway. Fear, anger, hatred, lust. Sins and negative emotions. That was what this world contained.

    It seemed that it also contained rather strange things for the next thing they came up to was not a monster or an enemy, but a mirror. A mirror in which Ayato tried to convince the strange creature to look. Another black mist began to swirl, suddenly coming out of nowhere. Once more it did not target him, but instead targeted Ayato. No, instead of Ayato it was targeting whatever this small strange creature was. This time he could not help. It seemed to have some sort of bond with Ayato so only Ayato would be able to free it. Until then he would have to keep them safe.

    He stared at the mirror and considered what it might mean. In the real world breaking a mirror was said to bring seven years bad luck, seven being a rather magical number. So would in this world breaking a mirror bring good luck? An odd thought, but one that came into his head. He walked around it tracing a faint circle along the ground with his sword. As he walked suddenly one of the creatures leapt out of the mirror straight at him. He struck out instinctively with an uppercut and sent it flying into the air. He smiled to himself. It seemed they were a majority of the population here.

    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 3rd April 2015, 5:05 am; edited 1 time in total


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by NPC 3rd April 2015, 4:59 am

    The member 'Speed Demon Zack' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) NormalMonster



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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Alito 3rd April 2015, 1:04 pm

    Deep in the dark realm that yet another beast had unleashed was a bloody mist that surrounded the embodiment of fear. The odd creature was shaking beyond its original state, though you could tell by other gestures that it was curious. The stench of the bloody mist was horrible. It smelled like rotten bodies and decay altogether. Could it be that the embodiment of fear's fear was death? Ayato looked ahead and saw a duplicate of himself and Zack torn apart by Dark Celestial Spirits. Ayato found it foolish, having the embodiment cling onto him, yet seeing a false image of the man he was clinging onto supposedly killed. This was all an illusion, of course, so why was this creature still scared. It then came to mind that perhaps it was not the exact scene of death that worried the odd creature, but the thought of it, rather. "We are not going to die on you!" Ayato shouted, "Once we are done here, there will be no more corrupted spirits to take advantage of you. I promise!" The embodiment of fear looked at Ayato and nodded, though once the bloody mist gathered itself closer to the creature, it screamed. This creature sure was scared of everything.

    Ayato felt hopeless. There was no way this creature was going to escape this realm if everything that appeared could still play mind games on it. Face it. This creature was probably scared of being under an illusion too. Ayato investigated this fake, dark realm until he found a potential answer. In the far corner of this realm was a piece of glass. "This is just a cover!" Ayato announced, "Look! Glass from the ship!" Ayato took the piece of glass carefully off the ground, and handed it over to the creature. It looked at itself for quite a long time. "Is this how you want to be?" Ayato asked, "Scared of absolutely everything that stands in your way. You will never survive a second out here if fear gets to you that quickly. You're brave! That's why you're here with me, right?" The embodiment of fear looked over to Ayato again and nodded. Ayato sighed, and the restrictions of this realm faded, the beast right there to attack. "Suffer my blade!" Ayato shouted, his Elucidator pierced right through the skull of the beast. "How do you like me now?" Ayato called out to the beasts, "My friend and I have taken out three of your mighty beasts, you damned dark souls! Guide us to your leader now!" Ayato was furious. He wanted to find out who was responsible for all of us, just like the Mystic Tower incident, and have them pay a thousand times over. Nobody deserved treatment like this.


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) 7y0bO7j
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 4th April 2015, 2:28 am

    Zack did not hesitate. As soon as the creature was airborne he drew his sword and held it by the edge like a spear. He leant backwards, aimed and threw it with all his might. The sword flew through the air like, well...a spear. It flew faster than the creature he had struck as it had all its might in the throw. As such it quickly caught up with it and cut it in twain. He nodded and extended his hand and the blade came flying back to it. With a quick flourish he sheathed it behind his back once more. "Looks like you helped that thing free of its own fear...for now anyway." Zack said with a nod towards Ayato. "We should probably name it...giving it a name will promote familiarity and allow it to form a stronger bond of trust with us. Should stop it falling into fear again. It likes you so you can name it." He held up his glove and began to look around with it searching for any sign of the power source he had sensed earlier.

    After a few moments he nodded and gestured for Ayato to follow before walking off through the dark world. There had to be something producing these creatures and driving them to fight against odds they simply could not win against. They might be able to overwhelm Ayato, but in terms of power they were no match for Zack. They had attacked his mind, which had been damaged before and thus was a weakness for him. However, now he was expecting illusions he would be much harder to trick. The same went for Ayato he guessed would be near impossible to trick now. It would take far more than a single fear creature to get to them. Both would need to be trapped in much stronger illusions than these.

    As if to answer this thought two mists of darkness began to flow around them, glowing red eyes hidden amongst them. From out of these mists erupted fifteen creatures composed of shadow. He tilted his head. It seemed something else was being sent at them this time. Still, it was not enough. With a quick flurry of punches he shattered them into pieces. It seemed strangely though that despite the fact they were destroyed he could still sense them. The mist swirled around him going over his body. He could feel it trying to affect his mind, but he was resisting it. However, the second mist began to swirl around him as well. The effect was getting stronger, but he was doing his best to resist it.

    He fell down to one knee his fist on the floor. The mist was getting to him. Although it was just two of them it seemed that when these fear creatures worked together their power was greater than the sum of the parts. That wasn't good. If a third one showed up he'd be trapped once more. "Ayato...do whatever it takes...get rid of these creatures."

    (2/2 posts till shadow ghouls regenerate)

    (Strong dice count as normal as we have the embodiment so we got two fear creatures and fifteen weak shadow things)


    Last edited by Speed Demon Zack on 4th April 2015, 2:43 am; edited 1 time in total


    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
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    Private Re: [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato)

    Post by NPC 4th April 2015, 2:28 am

    The member 'Speed Demon Zack' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) StrongMonster [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) NormalMonster [Job] Matter of the Soul (Zack/Ayato) WeakMonster

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