Fairy Tail RP

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    Charity [Job]


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Charity [Job] Empty Charity [Job]

    Post by Lekuna 4th April 2015, 11:03 pm

    Job info:

    She knew that Eclipse Soul didn't quite have the best reputation when it come to matters of morality and legality. So, in addition to trying to make connections between other guilds, Lekuna also decided that it would be for the benefit of the guild if she took on a job that could in no way be misconstrued as a grey moral choice. That GM of ours should be getting a lot less complaints with all the work I've been putting in for the sake of the guild's name. After this, the Magic Council should back off or risk the organization that hired me to denounce them the mage thought with a smile while entering Hargeon Town, the city of the sea as far as she was concerned. Lekuna was hired to go to some charity event to raise jewels for immigrants who seek shelter in this new nation and have nothing at all to work with. This was a cause she could get behind, being an immigrant herself, so she had no qualms in taking the job.


    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
    B-Rank: 2

    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Charity [Job] Empty Re: Charity [Job]

    Post by Lekuna 4th April 2015, 11:10 pm

    "Thank heavens you're here! We've been waiting for you! Being late doesn't reflect well on your guild young lady" this older woman exclaimed, coming towards her from a small stage located in an empty lot in the town. Tardiness is not something that Lekuna took lightly, especially not when she was being accused of it. "With all due respect, I'm never late" she said to the old lady, taking out her trusty pocket watch and clicking it open. The second hand hit twelve just as she did, and the time read exactly as the time she was supposed to arrive to assist whoever was hosting the charity. "Humph! You're clock must be wrong. Anyway, now that you're here, get to work! We need the people to be attracted to us, not simply pass us by and disregard us like we're just some trash lying on the side of the road". If you don't want to be regarded like garbage, maybe you shouldn't act like it she thought, but of course didn't say. Lekuna was a professional, after all.


    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
    B-Rank: 2

    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Charity [Job] Empty Re: Charity [Job]

    Post by Lekuna 4th April 2015, 11:19 pm

    "Don't worry, I have just the thing to attract the masses" the Eclipse Soul member said with a small smile on her face as she conjured up a small contraption where she stood with a snap of her fingers and a few simple words. It had a small opening in the top for light to get through, but the overall shape was really a cube. How would that help, she could already hear the naggy old lady think? Well, this small cube would create a projection twenty feet in the air of an air pointing towards their location. It was primitive, yes, but it was something that most Fiorans would most likely never have seen before, so it was a start. With another snap of her fingers and more words, she crafted three mortar-tube looking devices on the ground. Sure, they looked dangerous. Sure, they were dangerous. But! They were effective. In exactly five seconds after their creation, they each fired off a bright glowing orb. Each one was different in color, one red, one green, and one blue. Coupled with the holograms and flares, people started coming to see what all the commotion was about, and that was only the beginning.


    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
    B-Rank: 2

    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Charity [Job] Empty Re: Charity [Job]

    Post by Lekuna 4th April 2015, 11:27 pm

    People were oo'ing and awe'ing at the bright colors surrounding the stage, and why shouldn't they? It was quite the display that the machine maker was putting on for them, after all. During this, like she intended to do to begin with, the mean old lady gestured them over to take their kindly donations. At least it's for a good cause she thought before wondering how to spice it up even more. Should I use it for something so arbitrary? Well, good a time as any really were her first thoughts when debating whether or not to use her secret power. A power rumored to not even exist, really, but she knew better. Lekuna pointed her hand towards the ground and a dark mixture of purple and black appeared. It was in the shape of a circular rune on the floor, glowing with tainted energy and a faint sound of screams could be heard. Out from the circle, though, came four very well dressed and upper class kind of people. They all slightly bowed to the girl who rolled her eyes at them. "Go get some positive attention for this charity" were her only words to them before they simply nodded and split up throughout town.

    lineage used:


    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
    B-Rank: 2

    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500


    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1475

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Maid of Time
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Charity [Job] Empty Re: Charity [Job]

    Post by Lekuna 4th April 2015, 11:34 pm

    Some time passed, and each demon returned with a group of five, except for one, who returned with a group of three. By then, it was actually starting to look like a real charity. How the demons got the groups of people to follow them didn't matter too much. What mattered is that the charity got the money it needed to fund the immigration programs for those seeking protection from their home or other nation. With about twenty something people rallied together for the same goal, it actually seemed like the charity was going well. And unfortunately, the mage was once again accosted by the old lady who had accused her earlier. "I don't know what you did, but you made it happen. I knew I made a good choice in picking your guild. Maybe you moral deviants are so bad after all" she said before turning around and returning to her stage. Desperate hag... The slightest slip up and I'm sure you would have eaten me alive she thought with a sigh before commanding her posse of well dressed demons to follow her. Her job here was done and she had gotten nothing in return but good fortunate. Though, it was all in the spirit of charity, she supposed.


    Jobs Completed

    D-Rank: 6
    C-Rank: 2
    B-Rank: 2

    Total Experience: 1237.5/7500

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:37 pm