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    High School RP

    Ritsuko Himiyo
    Ritsuko Himiyo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Posts : 222
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 30
    Mentor : Virgilia
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    High School RP Empty High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 20th October 2012, 7:08 pm

    Description: This is an RP about school, duh. Classes, Teachers, Gym, Lunch, and all that good stuff. Why a school type rp? Because I like school rps! It will be a good break from normal rp for me. Anything goes but nothing too unreal. I don't want crazy stuff happening in the school gosh darn it! Like magical girl stuff and something weird like magical cows..... Yes that means you Sei....


    High School RP 0cc7fbe7999356b01a126d4094f6b623be5
    Ritsuko Himiyo
    Ritsuko Himiyo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 222
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Virgilia
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 20th October 2012, 7:35 pm

    The sun rose on a Monday morning. In a black framed bed with light blue bed slept a young girl. The blankets covered her whole body leaving her steel blue her fanned out on her pillow. She rolled over to get more comfortable when the sound of an alarm rang through her room. She sat up abruptly and knocked over the device. "Stupid alarm! Shut up!" She growled removing the covers from her body. The blue haired girl walked over to her bedroom door exiting her room.

    "Amaya! Time for school!" A voice called from down the stairs. Amaya glared in the voice's direction before continuing her trek to the bathroom. Once inside, she slammed the door making it known she wasn't in a good mood. The bluenette grabbed her towel off the rack and commenced to turning on the shower. As she took her shower her mind begin to wake up. I can't believe I'm going to high school. I hope I make some friends. She smiled turning off the water. Amaya wrapped herself in her soft dark blue towel sighing deeply before exiting the bathroom.

    The girl made her way back to her room. She looked in her closet for her uniform and smiled. Another shout to hurry up ranged through the house as Amaya dress herself. She looked in the mirror admiring her outfit. A plaid blue and white skirt with a white blazer and blue under shirt. Her hair had two white bows on each side of her head while it went straight down to her mid-back. She smiled at her appearance, looking at the time she grabbed her backpack and ran down the stairs. Ignoring her parents in the living room, she put on her shoes saying a quick goodbye before heading out the door and to school.
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 20th October 2012, 7:56 pm

    Leonard woke up to the sound of an alarm clock in a dark Monday morning. The sun wasn't up yet but he had to get up that early because of school. He came out of bed and walk to the kitchen in a groggy manner. When he got there, he looked around for something to cook and found a can of sardines and pot of rice. He opened the can and took a few scoops of rice. Leonard was eating very slow because he is still sleepy and couldn't think of anything except going back to bed. When he had finished eating, he took of his clothes, took a bath towel and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. When he finished, he was still sleepy. Finally, he scummed to his thoughts and fell back to his small wooden bed with blue smooth soft sheets and a thin fluffy pillow and slept.

    After a few hours, Leonard woke up again and looked at the time with weary eyes. After a few seconds, he was able to see clear again. "Crap I'm going to be late!" he shouted. Leonard hurriedly put on his clothes. Black tight jeans, black rubber shoes with blue stripes, red shirt, and a black-colored cross pendant. His hair was messed up as he hurried downstairs to the lobby of the dorm and out to the door.He was running so fast trying to get to school as soon as he could.


    High School RP 60684_s
    High School RP 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1869
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 200

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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 20th October 2012, 8:15 pm

    Aian had woken up long before the sun had risen. His master forced him awake by dropping a large rock on his head. "Get up you forsaken child!" He bellowed as Aian quickly raised up and grabbed his forehead in pain. Aian got over the pain quickly as he saw his Master walk out of their den and onto the large rock he would sit on for hours to soak up sunlight. Aian quickly followed his master out onto the canyon cliff in front of their den. "What is it master?" Aian asked, unsure of why his master had woken him up so early. "Quiet!" the dragon roared as it looked over its domain for a few minutes. Aian remained quiet during his examination and waited for his orders. "You cannot stay here and expect to learn everything. I am sending you to a prison known as a School for your kind. You will also see soon enough why it is a prison." it bellowed again, happy now for the silence. Aian looked at his master confused, unsure of why he called a school a prison; and why he was going to one. Aian knew his master was wise, but he also knew that his master enjoyed being alone. So he didn't question his master wanting to send him off somewhere. "In the school you will be there for hours a day, and you will be taught by teachers. Treat them as you would treat me; with respect and keeping your mouth Shut. You will also interact with children of your own kind there. Now, get moving to the north. You will be late if you stay here any longer. An old couple have agreed to give you clothes so you are not in those filthy rags. You will also bath there before entering the prison. Now, Go!"The dragon stomped one of his massive claws on the boulder, trembling the platform they were on to instigate Aian to have been halfway there already. Aian bowed to his master and left his side; heading north.

    Aian ran quickly to the house he was told to go to prepare. He found the old couple waiting for him outside, where they hurried him in to get ready. The school was still far away, and Aian didn't have time to do anything but prepare. He took a bath, scrubbing off the years of layered dirt over his skin and in his hair, cleaning his body of the filth from the canyon. He then changed into a all blue uniform with yellow buttons. The old couple told him he was going to be a freshmen at the school he was going to, and that all arrangements for his entrance there was all taken care of by them. The old couple tried to give Aian his lunch money, but he denied it and thanked them for the hospitality they had shown him and all he had done. With a quick fair well and a last thank you; Aian ran to the school in his new uniform where he attempted to not get it filthy on the way. I hope Kamuy stays in check. he thought as he ran. The sun had risen as he was still running.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Ritsuko Himiyo
    Ritsuko Himiyo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 222
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Virgilia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Meta World
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 20th October 2012, 8:29 pm

    Amaya ran down the road panicking. "Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap! I'm gonna be so late! On my first day too!" She said turning the corner and running into a boy. She fell back to the ground and yelped. The bluenette glared at the black haired boy. "Watch where you going stupid." She said getting up and taking off in a sprint. Looking back at the boy before shaking her head.

    Amaya made it to the school with 10 minutes to spare. "Yes!" She shouted making everyone stare at her like she was crazy. She blushed heavily and put her head down walking into the huge building. She began looking for her homeroom to stop the people from staring at her. She came up to the class 1-A and quickly went in. Finding a seat in the back by the window, she sat down and sighed. "First day plan: Good impression. Failed! Great going Amaya. Your going to fit right in..." She groaned folding her arms and laying her head down.


    High School RP 0cc7fbe7999356b01a126d4094f6b623be5
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Bladestorm
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 20th October 2012, 8:48 pm

    Leonard was running so fast, breathing heavily and as he made the turn in the corner, he came across a girl wearing a plaid blue and white skirt with a white blazer. They both fell down. The girl got up in an instant and yelled at him. He could only infer that she was running late too, well at least his not alone, he thought. Leonard got up again and ran once more. When we made it to school, he was already very late. Everyone was in their classes with the teacher discussing the lesson. When he got to their room, he noticed it had two doors, one in the front and one in the back. To avoid embarrassment, he sneaked in through the back door. Fortunately, no one noticed him go in. Once again, having your presence not easily felt or recognized helped him. He took the nearest empty sit he could find. He had finally found one, he sighed "Well, could have been worse." he said to himself breathing heavily. When he looked forward, he noticed that the girl in front of him was familiar. She was wearing the same clothes as the girl he had bumped into earlier. Leonard didn't want to distract her, so he waited for class to end after he could approach the girl.


    High School RP 60684_s
    High School RP 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 200

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    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 20th October 2012, 9:06 pm

    Aian made it to the building that he presumed to be the school for it had school written on it. However, he saw no one outside or around so he went in through the front door. As he went in, he noticed a sign that said "Office" on a door and went in. He walked up to the desk where he found a older looking woman typing on some strange machine. He couldn't see what she was doing on it, but it looked to be important. He waited for the woman to notice her. After a few moments the woman noticed him and turned in her chair to face him; "Hello there, is there something you need?" She asked in a semi-cheerful tone. Aian introduced himself to her and explained his situation. Despite running the long distance he was not tired, but he was stuttering a lot being nervous. After he was done explaining, she punched in his information and told him that his Classroom was 1-A. She handed him a schedule for where his classes would be for the semester. He bowed politely to the office lady and departed for his class. The office lady gave him a strange glance for bowing and went back to work.

    Aian had difficulty trying to find his classroom, the school was weirdly built. It was his first time in one, he looked around to find many different rooms. He looked for his homeroom, 1-A among the mass of rooms he came across. After about ten minutes of looking down five hallways, he found his home room. He noticed the Teacher was already talking to other students in the room; Aian then knew he was extremely late; so he knocked on the door and waited. When the teacher walked over and opened the door, he introduced himself and apologized for his lateness. The teacher gave him a strange glance and forgave him then scanned for an open seat. She pointed to an empty desk for him to sit at and told him to sit there. Aian then entered the room to see how full it was. He shrunk into himself as he walked towards the desk he was told to sit at. He sat down and looked around the room; he noticed some of the other students giving him weird glances which made him shrink into himself more. He knew that this would only provoke Kamuy from coming out and taking over if he didn't get control of himself quick; but he had no idea what to do but sit there and try to keep it down.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Ritsuko Himiyo
    Ritsuko Himiyo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 222
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Virgilia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Meta World
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 20th October 2012, 9:16 pm

    Amaya sat there taking notes still remembering that morning. She was startled out of her thoughts as she heard the chair beside her move. The young girl turned her head to the boy sitting next to her and internally gasped. That's the guy from this morning. I guess he's in the same school and class as me. Ugh! She groaned and put slammed her head against the desk on accident. She yelped and rubbed her head. Amaya opened her eyes to the whole class staring at her. "Um.... Um.... Sorry!" She said her voice going an octave high with her nervousness. The class snickered at her while the teacher shook her head and continued teaching. Now I'm going to be the laughing stock of the school. She groaned once again before looking out the window.


    High School RP 0cc7fbe7999356b01a126d4094f6b623be5
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Bladestorm
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 20th October 2012, 9:25 pm

    Leonard was listening attentively to the teacher, although not taking notes because he doesn't know what was going on. Being so tired, he laid back and relaxed as he focused on the teacher. Suddenly, the girl in front of him made quite a scene. She slammed her head on her desk and yelped loudly. Everyone their attention to her. She apologized ad sat down again. "Ouch, that was embarrassing..." he said to himself. Leonard had a feeling that the girl might have a hard time in school with all the impression she's making. He wanted to make her feel that she is not alone, so he leaned forward and placed his hand on the girl's shoulder "Hey, you OK?" he said in a soft, smooth concerned tone.


    High School RP 60684_s
    High School RP 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1869
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 20th October 2012, 9:46 pm

    Aian sat in his chair, sinking into himself. His uniform was highly outdated, and very worn out; but better than his torn up clothes he had before. He sat around people he did not know, and his actions were leading him to get weird glances from the other students. However, he noticed a girl in a blue and white skirt and plaid shirt slam her head onto the desk which caused snickering among his class mates. Aian hoped that she was all right and that nothing was wrong with her. However, these sentimental thoughts stirred up Kamuy deep inside his mind. He attempted to whisper dark thoughts to Aian, but he made sure that Kamuy couldn't breech out far enough. Aian put all of his focus into keeping Kamuy locked up; for if Kamuy started whispering into his ear, Aian would make a worse scene than the blue haired girl.

    Aian didn't have any materials with him for the class, he had no books, no paper, no pencils or pens or anything. He sat there in his desk listening to the teacher while trying to keep Kamuy shut up in his subconsciousness. He didn't want to look around the room, for he feared the glances from his fellow students. He kept his head down slightly, trying to put focus into the teacher's voice. However, this only got the teacher's attention as she called out to him fiercely "Aian is there something wrong?" Aian jumped in his seat as he looked up at the teacher. He also felt the other students looking at him once more which made him highly nervous to the point where he couldn't get out even a syllable. "Answer me!" the teacher demanded to him, growing annoyed with his silence. Aian stood up and tried to respond, but the glances of his fellow students and hearing their snickering at him getting into trouble on the first day was making him too nervous to speak. Aian lost control as Kamuy quickly whispered a dark thought into his head- "Hear how they laugh at you, Silence them!" coupled with images of him ripping each of his fellow student's tongues out. This sent overwhelming fear through Aian which snapped him out of his trance. He shook his head fiercely and manage to stutter out "N-n-no M-miss. I-I am sorry for disrupting you." His voice was higher than normal from his fear and anxiety of Kamuy being able to breech his mind. "Good, then Sit Down and pay attention." The teacher ordered him. Aian quickly sat down into his seat. He could hear more snickering from his fellow students, which only made him sink more into his seat then before, but this time he kept his head up looking at the teacher as she continued her lesson.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

    Informatio and Items:


    Completed Missions:

    Ritsuko Himiyo
    Ritsuko Himiyo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 222
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Virgilia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Meta World
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 20th October 2012, 10:01 pm

    Amaya glanced at the boy who asked if she was okay. She nodded looking at him shyly. Curse my shyness. She thought fiercely. She continued to look out the window until she heard the teacher shout something at a student. The bluenette returned her focus to the front of the class to see another boy getting laughed at by the class. She frowned thinking wrong of her classmates. Shouldn't we be helping out each other. I mean we're gonna be stuck together for the rest of the year. Not laughing at each other. Amaya abruptly stood up and glared at her classmates who turned in her direction. "You people are pathetic. Why are you laughing at him? Can't you see he's not from around here?! He's wearing a uniform for ten years ago. Be nice to him jerks! We're stuck together for the rest of this year so get used to seeing him like this!"

    Amaya sat back in her desk satisfied with what she said. The young girl crossed her arms and looked around the class seeing some with guilt ridden faces and others glaring at her. She just smiled at everyone until the teacher shouted at her. "Amaya! That little outburst was unnecessary! I can control my own class! Now go to the principle!" Amaya had a frown on her face as she gathered her things and snatched the note from the teacher. She opened the door slamming it close as she left the room. The young girl stomped down the hallway with a small smile on her face. It was worth it to see those idiot look stupid.


    High School RP 0cc7fbe7999356b01a126d4094f6b623be5
    Sir Leonard
    Sir Leonard

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Have an Admin as a friend!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 2628
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Eorlund Gray-Mane (Dead)
    Experience : 1,375,256

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: Bladestorm
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 20th October 2012, 10:44 pm

    Leonard awaited the girl's answer and was given a nod. He thought that she would say something, based on how she acted when she first met. I guess she's the shy type he thought. Leonard smiled and pat her shoulder twice "That's great, you've been bumping your head and yelping a lot today. But I'm glad you're alright." he said and slouched back. Then, the boy who came in last in the class was getting laughed at by the rest. He observed the event and thought What a hellish place this is even the teacher was demanding things from the student. Leonard sighed at what a dreadful class he has. Then, the girl stood up to defend the boy, which Leonard thought was impressive for a shy girl, or maybe she isn't shy at all. It made him very interested to know the girl because of that. The ridiculed boy and the girl might be his only friends in the class. However, despite the girl's efforts, the teacher sent her out, but it did leave an impression on the others. Leonard looked at the teacher and stood up and approached her "Excuse me, ma'am. But the was entirely unnecessary. That girl was clearly just defending pir fellow classmate as he is being ridiculed by the rest. This shouldn't be how we want to make each other feel. In fact, shouldn't we all be working to help each other make it through? So I would like to point out this wasn't the boy or the girl's fault but rather the fault of the others. Please reconsider and send the girl back in here." he said politely to the teacher. Leonard could tell that the teacher was annoyed and slightly impressed with how Leonard approached and conversed with her. "Hmph! Whatever, but I will reconsider, take over the class while I go get her." the teacher said rudely and walked away.

    When the teacher left, Leonard looked at the other students, they all looked pissed. Leonard looked at them fiercely and snickered while sitting on the teacher's table "Listen up, guys! Just how fucking insensitive can you bastards be huh? How would you feel if you were in their position? I know they may not be as good as you are but damn. Instead of pulling them down, help them up! Just like what the girl earlier said, we'll be stuck with each other for one whole year. You wanna roll like this for an entire year? You better set things straight with these guys, you don't know what they're going through. Well, neither do I but ain't it obvious? Well for you dumbasses it might not because you're insensitive." he said in a loud gangster-like manner and a slightly slouched tone. Looking at the students, some were struck, some were murmuring to others. Well so much for a first impression... he thought to himself.


    High School RP 60684_s
    High School RP 2_by_gramcrackers-d66nk5f

    Younger Self Siggy:

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1869
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 200

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    First Skill: Requip: Four elements.
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 20th October 2012, 11:11 pm

    Aian sat in his chair listening to the snickering laughter of his classmates when one of them stood up and started yelling at them. Aian looked to see it was the girl who slammed her head on her desk; she was defending him. Aian felt happy that he now knew of someone who attempted to help him. However, because of her outburst the teacher sent her to the principle's office. She stormed away mad out of the classroom. Aian felt alone once more. Aian then heard loud murmurings of the students next to him, saying; "Letting that girl fight for him, what a loser. I bet they are boy friend and girl friend," and many others comments that Aian didn't understand. He clenched his ears as he heard these murmurings; unable to understand what any of them meant. As he trained with Metallicana, he only learned enough English to get by in the world; but he was not taught any of the phrases he was hearing. But what was pushing Aian over the limit was the emotions he felt. Being in tune with nature most of his life, Aian had a very strong sixth sense and could feel the emotions of others around him. Their emotions were mocking, hateful, and spiteful. Each phrase he heard was backed up with a negative emotion towards him; this drove Kamuy inside of him wild as he attempted to take control over Aian.

    Just then, another student stood up and defended the girl who just left-he wore a red shirt and black jeans- and he convince the teacher to let the girl back into the classroom; the teacher accepted this and put him in charge as she left to go get her. He then made another speech in front of the classroom, though it was full of cursing and phrases he also did not understand so he couldn't decipher the message; but his emotion was aggression towards everyone else in the class room. However, with the teacher now gone, one of the students got out of their chair and walked over to Aian; he was an elder class-man, male, and well built- he wore the latest school uniform of his class and had a growing mustache on his face. By this time Aian held his head down close to his desk, trying to keep control over his mind from Kamuy. The elder class-man stood there and stated "So your gonna let some girl and him fight your battles for ya? why don't you defend yourself you little pu-" He grabbed Aian's shoulder as he spoke, which cause Aian to snap his attention towards him. The elder class-man jumped back terrified for when he stared at Aian his left eye was filled with blood lust, hate, and the intention to kill. The older class-man's face reflected in this eye where an image of each feature would be ripped off quickly by Aian's hands. This was caused by Kamuy trying to emerge from Aian's subconsciousness and take over. But Aian forced him back down again, turning his head back to normal, after some struggling. Aian's eyes returned to normal. The elder class-man stood up and starred at Aian with disgust, and spout at him "Your a freak." before returning to his seat. Aian continued to put his focus on his desk only, taking in deep breathes from his close encounter with Kamuy becoming free again.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 105
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Aphophis the Snake God of Chaos
    Experience : 1944

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    First Skill: Priestess of War
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by sworbet 21st October 2012, 6:52 am

    Carulea yawned as she was, yet again skipping classes. This was such a boredom, the only fun class was Gym because they got to use magic if they were able to and mages were split up from normal students. The first day of school and she, as last year, was giving a bad impression. "Well, might as well meet the newbies, Don't ya think ?" Bakura asked her as he and Ryo appeared on the tree branch next to her. "Yeah, yeah." Carulea said as she, followed by the two guys jumped off of the branches and entered the building. As she slammed the door open to her classroom she noticed one of her classmates, had gotten into trouble, the teacher was gone and so was one of the students. As she looked at the three guys standing up her eyes fell on the one with messy brown hair,then her eyes then fell on the person next to him "Your a freak." Josh told the boy as Carulea felt like ripping the rich guy's face off. As she noticed everyone was staring at her and her two friends she smirked slightly and saw Ryo and Bakura sit around the newbie so he wasn't alone again, Bakura then shot glare at Josh and everyone else in the room except the other new boy. They shivered.

    Of course Bakura was the scariest person in the school, Ryo on the other hand was the nicest and cutest boy in school but being Bakura's twin made him a freak for everyone else. And Carulea, her red hair, attitude and the fact that she never wore a school uniform never got her friends, because everyone here was a teacher's pet. Those three together were a part of the so called "Fear squad",they were three of the craziest people in the school, or that's what everyone though. "Guys," Carulea's cold voice sounded through the room as she glared at all of those idiotic rich pest students and smiled at them creepily, "it appears we are in the same class this year,we are gonna be friendly to you for now if you try being friendly to everyone else," She said as the smirk on her face disappeared and was replaced with a frown and she started walking towards the open seat next to the newbie, "Don't make us regret it." Carulea growled lowly at everyone in the room while taking her seat next to brown-haired boy.


    High School RP Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
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    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 21st October 2012, 8:39 am

    Amaya skipped through the halls getting lost before ending back in front of her class. She frowned at she heard some guy yelling at the class then smiled when she figured out it was defending her and the other guy. Good to know I'm not the only nice person in the school. But I still have to find the principle's office. She skipped off happy than before.

    As she bent the corner, she bumped into her teacher. "There you are. Come back to class. It seems that I have made a mistake." The older woman scoffed before leaving the bluenette sitting there. Amaya frowned at the rudeness and got up. "Stupid teachers...." She followed her teacher into the class and noticed three more kids in the class. As she walked back to her seat receiving glares from the others, the bell rang signalling the end of first period. Amaya sighed in relief before getting her stuff. She waited for the boy she known as Aian and the other boy to collect whatever they had before grabbing their hands and running out the class as fast as she could. As they came upon and empty hallway, the young girl stopped to regain her breathe. She squeaked as she noticed she was still holing their hands. Amaya blushed heavily and let go. "Um..... S-Sorry about t-that.... I-I-I'm A-A-Amaya..." She said her blush going brighter as she looked the ground.


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 21st October 2012, 7:58 pm

    Leonard was still in front of the class when a boy approach the boy they were mocking. To his surprise, the boy could defend himself although there was something different in how he did it, making the boy call him a freak. Leonard got irritated and wanted to approach the boy and smack him in the head, when suddenly three new students came in. They made quite a scene and scared the hell out of everyone. However, what was good about them is that they defended the boy just like Leonard and the girl did. Among the three was a girl who did most of the talking and sat beside the mocked boy. Meaning, Leonard did nothing except sit on the table and watch. Finally, the girl that was sent out got back. But when she did, class was over.

    Leonard returned to his sit to get his bag, it was a black shoulder bag. He placed the strap on his right shoulder. All of a sudden, the girl grabbed his hand and the other boy's hand and ran out of class taking them with her. Leonard was shocked to see this, a shy girl making a not very shy gesture. When they had stopped, he was curious as to why she was still holding their hands. He was about to say something about it when the girl noticed and let go while blushing heavily. She introduced herself "Um..... S-Sorry about t-that.... I-I-I'm A-A-Amaya..." she said then looked down only to blush brighter. This made Leonard smile as he was very interested with how the girl acts. Leonard found her to be fun and exciting to be with. Leonard looked at her then lifted her chin up so he could introduce himself. "Hehe... well you're a fun girl. I'm Leonard, but call me Leo." he said. Then he slightly tilted his head to the right and asked "Hey, you OK? Your face is all red."


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 21st October 2012, 8:23 pm

    Aian was still fully calming down when he heard the door open again. Thinking it was the teacher, he looked up so he wouldn't get yelled at again. However, instead he saw two boys and a girl, each of which immediately put fear into the other students. To Aian's surprise, the three all sat close to him; the two boys sat close by but not directly next to him while the girl did. They seemed to be well known and feared by the other students. Aian however did not feel any more secure near them then he did before. He knew no one, and didn't know who to trust, and with Kamuy almost being able to break out at any time, Aian had to keep his guard up.

    Aian then heard the door open again and this time saw the blue haired girl who stood up for him before and the teacher walk into the room. However, the bell rang and everyone started packing up their things and left. All Aian had was a schedule so he just got up from his desk and began to walk out to find his next class. However, his hand was grabbed by the blue haired girl and he was dragged by her and with the boy who stood up for her. He was lead to a staircase where she stopped to catch her breath. Aian's hand was still being held, but he didn't know any significance into it; but the girl did and she quickly withdrew her hand from his and began to blush. Aian only remembered blushing being a sign of sickness or over heating, but the school was well kept in temperature so he hoped that she was ok. She then began to stutter, introducing herself; . "Um..... S-Sorry about t-that.... I-I-I'm A-A-Amaya..." Following up in the introduction, the boy next to Aian laughed and made a comment about her, but he didn't understand what he meant, for she didn't say anything that sounded fun. He then introduced himself; "...I'm Leonard, but call me Leo." Aian looked at the two, knowing that it would be his turn to introduce himself as well, but instead of coming out right away he stayed quiet and sunk into himself a bit. Though he thanked the girl for standing up for him, and the boy for standing up for her; he was still new to being introduced to other people, and didn't know how to respond. He couldn't even get the words to reach his mouth from his shyness around the two.


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by sworbet 22nd October 2012, 1:06 am

    Well, the chick's quick. Carulea said as both brothers nodded and they went outside of the classroom, the next class the students had was Arts, meaning all of the students had to show what their good at. The teacher there, unlike all of the others was considerate of her students and Carulea enjoyed her classes. As the three walked down the corridor they spotted the three new students, Bakura, as usual, overhearing the three's conversation he smirked while walking in on them. "Well you three seem to be getting along well..." Bakura said as Carulea rolled her eyes at him,he could at least introduce himself."I'm Bakura." Oh he did, Ryo on the other hand smiled at them and took three cards out of his pocket, "These are your lunch money cards, you guys didn't seem to have your own so I decided to make these for ya."Ryo said as Bakura snorted at his kindness. "I'm Ryo." He said before handing those three their cards.

    We have Arts now,we'll show you the way, the teacher is really nice unless you come in late, then your presenting first. Carulea said as she started walking towards the arts room while looking back at the three "Leo, Amaya and Aian right? Even if I didn't overhear your conversation, I know that cause this idiot here can sneak into the principles office without getting caught." Carulea said as she nudged Bakura making him growl. "Said the one who hacked the entire system to let me get in." Bakura retorted while nudging her back and making Carulea and Ryo laugh. As they noticed how many people where entering the music room Carulea looked back at the newbies. "We're gonna be having a mixed class, you guys might wanna sit near us unless you wanna get in trouble cause the three miss popular" Carulea growled at the "Miss Popular" part "Are gonna be there." Bakura and Ryo glared at the doors as they heard a high pitched laughter come out of the Arts hall. The two brother grabbed the three newbies and put them on almost the highest last roll of the Arts Theater. Carulea growled as she notices Melinda, miss popular sitting in the front while hugging a random athlete. "Bitch." Bakura whispered in my ear as he too spotted Melinda making me laugh. You three are mages right? Ryo asked the three that where sitting in front of them.


    High School RP Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 22nd October 2012, 7:05 pm

    Amaya sat there listening to Leo introduce himself. She blushed when he called her a fun girl and looked at Aian. She noticed he wasn't saying anything and understood he was shy. "I-It's okay. Aian, right? I have a f-feeling you shy just like me. B-But I won't judge y-you." She said to him with a sweet smile blushing brightly at her boldness with the two guys. "Well you three seem to be getting along..." The voice of the boy made Amaya squeak and hide behind Aian. She looked frightened as she listened to the three late kids from her previous class. She followed them as they led her trio to the Arts class.

    Amaya took a seat behind everyone. Once comfortable, she took her note book out of her bag and started drawing. The bluenette stared at the Bakura, Ryo, and Carulea while drawing whatever came to mind. They don't seem bad but, better safe than sorry. She stayed on her guard. She looked back at her picture of forest scenery. She smiled down in her lap and started to drawn little woodland creatures.

    Last edited by Ritsuko Himiyo on 23rd October 2012, 11:07 am; edited 1 time in total


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 22nd October 2012, 7:29 pm

    Leonard kept on wondering why Amaya keeps on blushing. Then when Amaya looked at the other boy, whose name was Aian, he looked as well. Slightly shaking his head he said "Guess I'm the only loud person in this trio." he heard a voice from behind them, it appeared to be the other three late students from their class. The one who spoke was a man named Bakura. Seeing how they made their first impression in class earlier, Leonard was very cautious with them and kept his guard up. The other man, named Ryo gave them cards which was for lunch. Then the two kept on talking to each other about the antics they have done. This was the time Leonard lowered his guard as he saw how fun these people can be.

    The trio then lead them to their next class, art. Leonard was disappointed to hear that that was their next class because he wasn't a very artistic person. Thinking that this art class will be the same as his previous classes, he decided to sleep in it. When they entered the room, the three were made to sit near them as a safety measure from other undesirable figures. It was about a girl they dubbed miss popular. She was indeed a very pushy girl, hugging some random person. In their seats, the others were talking, Leonard pushed through with his plan. Slouching in his chair and resting his head, Leonard went to sleep.


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 22nd October 2012, 7:54 pm

    Aian smiled a little at Amaya's comment about not judging him. For having a rough start, Aian was a bit happy that he found someone he could be with. He was still cautious of the other boy, Leo, in their group; but he didn't worry too much due to the fact Leo stood up for Amaya. However, Aian didn't know what to do or how to explain his condition, if he had a class away from these two and got picked on again, he knew he would snap and Kamuy would be unleashed as the dominant mind of their body. Aian had no idea how his reputation in the school would flux if that happened, for Kamuy would make anyone who stood up to him regret the decision.

    Just then, Aian heard someone talking behind him, "Well you three seem to be getting along well..." he turned around to see the three who came in the class at the last moment and sat around him. He didn't know much about them, and backed up away from them; especially the one trying to hand him a card. Aian didn't know what it was for or why he needed it, and he didn't trust the person trying to hand it too him. But the main reason why Aian didn't take it was because he didn't do anything for the person to be accepting of a gift by him. The girl then began to speak, calling out each of their names and explaining how she knew them. This made Aian even more cautious due to the fact that she found out about him without saying anything. What else is there said in those files? He thought to himself, hoping there was nothing too revealing. The three then began to lead Aian, Amaya, and Leo to their next class; Art. Aian didn't know much about Art or knew any talents that could be considered artful.

    When everyone sat down in seats, Aian didn't know where to sit. Unlike before, he had arrived before the teacher. He didn't want to be too far away from the two people he could trust, but he didn't want to be close to the three he didn't. He could feel that one of them, Bakura, as he introduced himself had a negative aura that made Aian too uneasy. Aian sat away from the three but was still relatively close to Amaya and Leo; but still separated enough to keep some distance for they were close to the trio.


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by sworbet 24th October 2012, 1:48 am

    "Hello Class and welcome to the arts class, to all you first years I'm Helena and I'm your teacher for this year. Helena said as she stood up from her seat. "Today the first person presenting would be Melinda, Melinda please go on stage." The teacher said as Carulea growled when Melinda went up on stage. "Hello everyone, I will be showing you my amazing talent in singing." Melinda said as she smiled cutely at all of the boys. The trio rolled their eyes at Melinda and threw Aian, Leonard and Amaya earplugs. Melinda sings only one type of songs, opera. AS Melinda started singing Carulea laughed as she put on "Papercut" by linking park on her headphones, automatically giving her left headphone to Bakura. "Ok then, thank you Melinda, Now then Mister Ryou Angelique." Helena said as Melinda sat back down on her place while Ryo stood up and walked towards the stage, grabbing a guitar on the way there. "Um, hey everyone, Ill be playing the solo of "Fade to Black" by "ACDC". Ryou said as he started playing. For a momment Bakura seemed to be happy with his brother's performance. "OK then Ryou, Next up is Amaya."


    High School RP Swor5_by_gramcrackers-d9qeara
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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Ritsuko Himiyo 24th October 2012, 8:20 am

    Amaya sat her notebook down in her seat and walked to the stage. The bluenette looked around and tilted her head. "I don't have anything prepared, but any young lady should know how to play at least one instrument." Amaya got off the stage walking over to the instrument room and got a violin. She walked back smiling at everyone to hide her nervousness. "I will be playing Violin Sonata No. 3 by Beethoven. I hope you enjoy it." Amaya began playing her melody.

    After she was done, the young lady bowed to her classmates and walked back to her seat keep the violin in her lap. Feeling pleased with her preformance, Amaya started drawing again. "Thank you, Amaya. Next is Leonard."


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by Sir Leonard 24th October 2012, 8:41 am

    During the entire time everyone was performing, Leonard was fast asleep. He carried out his plan quite well. However, it was his turn to perform on stage. The teacher kept looking for him and calling his name. But he had a good cover and was fast asleep. But Leonard awoke to the nudging of one of his classmates and telling him it was his turn. "Huh? Wha-?....Oh... Right." he said, still sleepy. Then he got up with his right hand up signaling that he was present and awake. When he got on stage, he looked around not standing straight up and scratching the back of his head. "Right art... uh... well... I don't anything with regards to art." he said. Then after a few moments he stood up straight "Unless of course you consider delivering a formal statement where it is required by the event a form of art, then I could do so fulfill your request." he said with a smile. But unfortunately, the teacher didn't allow it. Leonard looked down and sighed Well, I have to give it a shot he thought to himself. Taking an electric guitar out from the instruments Leonard held it nervously "OK then, I'll try to do the intro of Sweet Child 'o Mine by Guns 'n Roses." he said. Then he played the electric guitar and gave it his best, fortunately, it got through. "Thank you, Leonard for that. Up next is Aian" said the teacher. Leonard went back to his seat while thinking I don't wanna do that again... Hah.. I'm going back to sleep when he got back to his seat, he rested his head on the table and went back to sleep.


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    High School RP Empty Re: High School RP

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 24th October 2012, 11:05 am

    Aian listened to Amaya's violin playing, and Leo's guitar playing, thinking they were both good. Then again, he did not hear much music out where he lived, so he enjoyed the playing even if they were not that great in general by official standards. However, now it was Aian's turn to come up. He froze where he stood for a moment before slowly walking up onto the stage and faced the teacher. Aian never did anything involving singing or music, nor did he do any poetry. Aian looked around the room unsure of what to do. He faced the teacher again and begun to state; "I-I don't know what to do..."
    "Well do your best and try something, you may be good at it without knowing." Aian nodded and went into the back into the instrument room. Once he was out of sight, he sighed; feeling relieved to be out of everyone's gaze and alone again. "Now to find something..." He said to himself as he looked around. There were so many things to choose from, but Aian had no idea how to play any of them. There were stringed instruments of all kinds, what looked like small pipes of different colors with holes in them, instruments he couldn't describe other than being brass colored, what looked like big and small buckets with a covering over them, and many more that confused him. What to do, what to do? Aian thought to himself as he looked upon the instruments. I guess I will try this... He began to try and get an instrument up high that looked simple to play. However, as he tried to reach for it, due to it being up high, he accidentally knocks over a few instruments that land on him; making a loud crash within the room. When the teacher came to investigate, Aian was on the floor with the tam-baring broken over his head, his knee in a large drum, and a tuba bent to a 90 degree angle. Aian looked up at the teacher seeing her face a bit shocked. He tried to get up without breaking any of the other instruments, and bowing to her stating; "I-Iam sorry Miss." The teacher sighed, and helped remove the broken tam-baring over his head. "It's ok Aian, just go back to the class..." Aian walked out of the instrument room, and back to where he was standing. He looked down and tried to not make eye contact with anyone; even shutting out his hearing to not hear any snickering or jokes made to him.

    After a few moments of getting over what happened in the instrument closet, the Teacher comes out and looks at her list. "Bakura, your next."


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