Artemis herself was wearing an ocean blue dress with some green tones. It was a modest dress but it didn't look bad on her. Her tail fit through a hole in the back of the dress. Rachael was dressed in a fluffy onesie with small purple bats on it. Artemis bought it as a joke to tease Priscilla, although Artemis ended up using it a lot. Despite being two months old, Rachael had a lot of tail between what was on her head and tail. Currently Artemis was pushing Rachael in a stroller down the boardwalk. The breeze was light but it felt nice, the smell of sea salt and the sound of seagulls filled the air. Maybe she would pick Priscilla up a souvenir from here. Artemis didn't exactly say where she was going, just felt a note saying she was taking Rachael out for the day. Stopping at an Ocean side cafe, Artemis order some food and took a seat outside, sitting in the back area where she wouldn't be in direct veiw. It was about lunch time and Rachael had woken up from her nap was was acting fussy, or in other words, she was hungry most likely. Placing the bag off baby supplies down she pulled out a blanket, covering herself she fed Rachael while waiting for her own food. After a couple minutes Rachel was done, and Artemis put her back in the stroller, facing it toward her so she could watch Rachael. Shortly after her food arrived.
"You eat to much girly, you are going to be fat." teased Artemis to the baby, taking a bite out of one of her fries and making a face at Rachael. She was greeted with laughing and cooing, which just egged Artemis on to make more and more faces.