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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event


    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 13th January 2015, 1:40 pm

    Acalia walked through the ruins until she had found a group of travelers. At Zellha's request, Acalia didn't just run in and join the group, she walked from a relatively not-far-not-close distance, but she was filled with curiosity. Then, the leader of the group had stopped to pick up something, so against Zellha's request she went closer, and then a flash of bright light blinded her. "Ah!" She exclaimed as she fell to her butt, and Zellha too had her vision impaired for a brief moment. When the sight returned, Acalia stood up and dusted herself off. She looked at Zellha as if to mentally say "what the hell just happened." For the start, nothing seemed different. Zellha, however, stared at Acalia in horror. "What.... the.... hell?" Acalia looked stunned for a minute. "Whats wrong Zell-what the!?" Her voice changed. She looked at her hands, nothing different. She pulled her hair over, same dark-pink-almost-red color. She felt the horns on her head, still their. What was wrong with her voice? Zellha looked perfectly fine. Zellha saw what had happened, Acalia looked different. Her chest was flat, her.... his shoulders were broader, even slight differences such as finger length, had changed. hips, everything! Acalia was a... boy. "Acalia. What happened while the light flashed?" Acalia shrugged. "I-I dunno! Why, why do you suddenly care huh?" Zellha glared at Acalia. "It's because I like my body, as a female." Acalia was shocked by what Zellha had said. "Uh.... What do you mean? You are clearly a girl Zellha. What are you getting at...?" Zellha waved her hand dismissively, and started humming signaling she wasnt listening after saying "Figure it out." Acalia felt herself all over. Butt, torso, face, legs, arms, her chest was flat and her pants made her freak out. Everything was different. To prevent her....himself from having a panic attack the boy now turned to the group, and walked up to them standing a reasonable distance from the others, he just decided to ask questions to assess the situation. "Uh... can someone please tell me WHY I'M A BOY!!!?" This had been the first time Acalia showed some backbone, she never yelled. Ever. Zellha stood behind her body staring at it in disgust. She then looked at the walls, something about succubi. Great. This could only be bad news. If it ever comes to me having to use my magic i would have to take over the body. I wouldn't perfer it but I guess the time will come. Hopefully I can return to the body I was in before soon... I dislike that body but it's better than this one. Zellha folded her arms and watched the others while returning to her hum.
    It's not exact... but good enough:


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 13th January 2015, 10:23 pm

    As the events of more people having been changed, Daiki would soon hear someone speak to everyone who had been changed should go to the bottom of the castle and 'play' with her sisters on their way. The newly female Daiki hoped that it'd be fighting and nothing else, considering she still wasn't used to her body after having swapping genders. After a few moments she would soon walk over to one of the others who had their gender changed. They had dark pink hair, as far as she could tell, the person had previously been female, before speaking. "Since this might have some way of changing us back, I guess this would be a start if we teamed up, all things considering." She said, still not getting used to her voice.

    It would take Daiki quite a while to get used to her new body if the spell wasn't broken. She would quickly tighten up the belt she wore slightly as the sizes of her body were quite a bit different since the proportions were different. With the steps she took so that she wasn't too far from the woman-turned-man, and stopped roughly five feet away from him... her... whichever the person identified as currently, though she will be used for simplicities sake. Though if the spell lasted, she would have to ask one of the women, who was originally a woman, for help as she wouldn't have a singular clue as to what cup size she was, and wouldn't much ask about it until a bit later, considering the current events.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 13th January 2015, 10:56 pm

    Mikomi was so focused on his appearance it was insane,that fine soft skin of his as sunglasses remained perched on the ridge of his nose. His hand reaching up as it was rubbing along his chin as he turned his head from one side to the other as he looked at his reflection. Mikomi was a male for the time being which was a bit of a shocker she turned out to be one that looked so damn good,she thinks her female half will fall in love with this half most likely. She would be staring at her reflection though the rippling waters was a bit disturbing,she still missed her own body and definitely needed to change no matter how sexy she was looking at the time. her eyes which was covered with sunglasses will look up from the small pond as she noticed different people in this place,it was like a club..but without the fun and less music...aye man they needed to get pumped.

    Would notice the male in head of the group touch the wall,even though you couldn’t tell behind the glasses. Suddenly the very ground would begin to rise up where the male in front of the group stood,the shock even made him fall down lucky this man had superior leg strength,his head will turn as he notices the door of the main corridor closing. Yup that feeling he had earlier coming here ,yup his luck was bad that was seriously a thing. The shock will come to the stop,Mikomi eyes shooting up to make sure everyone else was ok. His brown eyes looking through the shades that decorated his face as he would stand up fully as he shifted his body so he wouldn’t fall.

    Those same eyes instantly went to the image of the woman that seem to just appear out of nowhere.”Guest? where the hell are we then”he would whisper to himself. Did they walk on someone’s home by accident what was the point of this? He kept his eyes up and on alert,but whoever that woman was….she was a bit cute. No this wasn’t the time for him to think about girls,not the time to have those thoughts enter his head. Watching the woman rub over that body of her’s didn’t help the case as he would feel his cheeks light up a bright red as he was taken back,this was his ultimate weakness being used against him! This was blasphemy,all of this was.

    You can entertain me alright….”he murmurs as only those close to him will hear it. Then he hears the sister comment,she had sisters hot as her? Well then he was going to have him a ball maybe he could claim them with his most devoted charming smile,with that handsome man sparkle at the end. As the image disappears he would turn towards the wall as he prepared to walk through it alone,but he picked up something one of the others asking another for being teamed up. He wasn’t one for random hook ups but this wasn’t the time to be picky,taking a few steps as he looks at Daiki,those brown eyes looking the woman up and down”I wouldn’t mind helping you guys out...It will be more successful dont you agree cutie?”he would say as he spoke to Daiki,his eyes looking to the male nearby who was adorable as hell….yeah he was going to have a hard time paying attention.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 493.75

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Psychosis 14th January 2015, 12:10 am

    Kuro, deciding to simply refer to herself as her until she was a he again, frowned. She had pulled her mask off earlier, and let her hair down. She glanced at the woman who appeared, the succubus apparently, with a smirk. Oh god that sounded fuuuun. 'Playing' with them... Well, if they didnt mean fighting. Then again it would be fun either way, though she honestly would prefer the more fun way, where no one had to die. Alas, she knew better. Succubi were demons, and as much as he liked demons, they also enjoyed human flesh. Virgin flesh at that, which made Kuro a delicacy to them, especially with the genderswap going on. Admittedly, she was curious what it felt like to be... Too bad this was a censored site, because that could get fun. Aaaanyway, Kuro realized her clothes fit well enough, but patted herself down, just to make sure it wasnt some weird illusion. Those were always annoying. First her chest, which certainly felt real, but had to make sure... No, she wasnt a pervert at all. Anyway, everything checked out upper body wise, but it was easy to create sacks that resembled breasts, if one was smart about it. Kuro ran a hand down her legs, checking them. Since WHEN were her hands so damn soft? Usually, her hands had such thick callouses she could hold knives by their blades without any hint of worry of cuts, but now... Maybe the genderswap was genuine, but based more around stereotypes. It made sense, in a twisted kind of way.

    Kuro rolled her eyes as she saw Mikomi flirt with Daiki. She honestly didnt even know what to say to that. Seeing a fellow guild member embrace the change so easily was... Actually, it was fairly amusing. Who knew Mikomi was such a pervert though? He didnt even know she was lesbian! Or bi, whichever she was. He, damnit, he. These pronouns were getting harder and harder to think of. At this point, she was considering just going by names, but that would be far too tedious. "Hm... lets group together then." Taking a glance at Mikomi, she clarified. "I said group, not grope." Not that she would mind, honestly, but they had a job to do, so the fun could come afterwards. Hopefully, as she did not desire to be killed in the ruins.

    Kuro shrugged. "Someone better lead the way, because Ive no idea where to go now." Kuro was helpless when it came to navigation, and she knew it well. She had once ended up in another village after trying to get food from her fridge. It was an amusing day, but she did find food eventually. She blamed Yuuki for that event, as she did for everything. It was always Yuuki's fault. Always. Kuro sighed. "I cant navigate my way out of a paper bag, let alone deserted ruins with demons inside." She felt a bit useless to be honest.



    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 14th January 2015, 1:46 pm


    The succubus had taken Acalia off guard, yet Zellha just raised an eyebrow in interest. Acalia, happy to have someone desire to team up with him ran over next to Daiki, feeling a little awkward when Mikomi started to flirt with her. "Uhm I would love to team up! It would be fun and cool and hopefully I can prove to be useful, I don't know much about magic but I can defend you guys if we have to fight anyone!" His happy, helpful nature still remained even after the swap, but the same went for Zellha's mean, dark nature. "Don't team up with them. I can just blow our way to the bottom." Acalia, in fear of seeming crazy, didn't respond to the other soul. When Kuro came over Acalia became more happy. "Sweet! The more the merrier! But first we need to figure out how to get out of this room..." He was still getting used to this weird voice, and Zellha laughed. "Fine. Ignore me. Whatever. Like I said I could just blow up the doors...." Acalia once again ignored the other soul, the goddess feeling disrespected. "So, how about we start with a game plan! So uh.... who has one?" Acalia, much like Kuro, felt pretty useless but wanted to make himself as useful as possible. His hand went to his pocket, where he pulled out his wooden ocarina, looking it over until putting it back in his pocket. Zellha laughed. "Well I have a plan, blow up the floor and kill any succubi in the way. I could do this myself, why would we need any stupid team?" Acalia looked at the others with hope one of them had some type of plan, once again ignoring the goddess. Of course, if they saw her talking to air, they would think something is wrong with him. Or... at least think he was immature and childish, and talking to an imaginary friend that was not there.

    "White with quotes" Acalia speaking
    White italicised Acalia thinking
    "Black with quotes" Zellha speaking
    Black italicised Zellha thinking


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
    Position : None
    Posts : 841
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 15th January 2015, 8:49 am


    Soon after having spoken to the person who had also had their gender swapped at a moments notice along with everyone else, two more people had moved towards them, one male and the other female, though Daiki had figured that the orb had effected them as well before hearing the man speak. He had spoken about not minding helping them out, and that it'd be more successful with more people, though Daiki wouldn't notice that the man had called her 'cutie' for a few minutes before it hit her like a brick wall. "Ignoring that..." She said, with a slight sigh before the woman had soon spoke up. As they had spoken, she hoped that the reason she had corrected herself wasn't because of the guy that had previously called her 'cute'.

    The woman continued to speak about how someone better lead the way, and that she had no idea where to go. She also stated that she couldn't navigate her way out of a paper bag. Daiki would sigh once more before speaking. "I'm not a leader, so that leaves two left." She said, looking at the two guys, before crossing her arms. She wasn't much of a leader before becoming a woman, and she sure wasn't going to be one this soon after having her gender was swapped. "Other than that, I'm more than sure I can help out with just about anything else." She said to the group, though she hoped that the man that had initially tried to flirt with her wouldn't hold the group up. The sooner they returned to their original genders the better.

    After a quick moment, she would soon notice to hear the other man speak, before smiling slightly as he seemed to be up for the whole idea of teaming up. He had soon asked who had a game plan, though she didn't really have one at all. Period. Soon, she would notice the the boy having pulled out a wodden ocarina before putting it back into their pocket.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 15th January 2015, 3:41 pm

    Mikomi would of took a hand as he would take it through his handsome man hair as his fingers interlock with the softness of the hair that his fingers went throug.He would close his eyes slightly those dazzling handsome sparkles shining off his pure sexy face that he adored. Mikomi eyes eyes will reopen as they looked towards Daiki,they just couldn’t keep away long enough to not enjoy what he was seeing. When he was about to say something else,he swore a tingle through his body alerted him of something which was either bad or just something that made the poor man uncomfortable. His head will turn slightly as he was met with another female,she was extremely cute as well. He swear god was sending all his weaknesses to him,first you had the two females that was with them and then that adorable as hell male. What did he do to deserve such punishment?! he normally only peaked at other females of the guild slightly…..so why was he getting punished like this?!

    He would listen to the other female words as it was basically about the group. This only fueled the man more as he would push up his glasses,those shades hiding his eyes pretty damn well.”Well why can’t we do both,I wouldn’t mind giving you three a grope here and there. I’ll take one for the team,it will be a honor”he replies to the other woman as he would shrug his shoulders this male was a lost cause due to those perversions of thoughts he had. He would take his hand as he would push his hair back so it wasn’t in the way of his vision as he smiled standing there in the cavern as it was a bit crowded with all the people here. His attention went back to Daiki who had totally just shot him down….well damn...that kinda put a dent in his pride a bit. But before he said anything Zellha had spoken up,that guy was still adorable...his eyebrow couldn’t help but twitch a bit.

    He would listen to everyone concern as a soft sigh will leave his lips,it seem that they all had the same concerns. His hand would rub the back of his neck as a soft yawn would leave his lips as his body will stretch out just a bit. The pistols he wore was strapped to his person on each side of his torso as the sword he had was postioned on his back as he would move her neck to the side a few inches. “Well……”he started as a way to get their attention as he stood there,his eyes still looking between the three”If i can get us through this hell,you three owe me a date”he will say as he would stand there...damn this guy had a one track mind right now,how could you pay attention to anything else…..one a succubus rubbed her body in front of him and four pair of breast was within his grasp,He would gladly remake Adam and two Eve’s.

    It would seem everyone was on the same page about teaming up,Mikomi being him wasn’t much of a leader unless she had to be with this bunch guess she had no choice,a game plan...who could plan anything in this situation they were in.”Well first off,I doubt we getting out of here the same way with came in because I can smell a enchantment on the walls that is stopping us from just breaking free,this give us only one choice in the matter we gotta play a game of cat and mouse”He would begin to explain. It was like he had changed slightly though he couldn’t help but take a glimpse at the pair of breast between the two female with them.”So we are going to have to accept her invitation and go to this sexy..succubu home,but maybe later you can invite me to yours?”he would point towards the wall they were instructed to go through,last bit being pointed towards Daiki.

    So ladies and gentleman don’t worry your prince is here to guide you to your destination”he says with that sly smile of his. putting his hand in his pockets standing up straight as his eyes would look towards the glowing wall. His expression a bit more serious as he could feel it,that evil resonating from it. “Well we won’t get much done standing around here…”he said to them as he begun to make his way towards the portal at the wall,passing the other people as he looked at how they were panicking,he just smiled”Well...my future wife here I come...let’s just hope your ready for me”He will say before his body disappeared into the wall,Mikomi had successfully enter the other place successfully now the game begun...as he waited for the others on the other side.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 493.75

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Psychosis 15th January 2015, 8:12 pm

    Kuro stared at Mikomi for a good moment. What in the utter hell was going on with her-him-whatever? Actually, Kuro found herself not caring, because that was just plain amusing. "Both is fine too." She shrugged. She WAS rather curious how it would feel, considering the physical differences between her former body and current. Totally not because she was a pervert. Dont roll your eyes like that, its offensive. Anyway, Kuro found her new body quite fun, if the response from those meaningless pats was anything to go by. "Ill have to take you up on that offer. Right after this mission sounds fine." Kuro wondered whether or not she would be capable of keeping her body like this. Magic could no doubt undo it, if she wanted to be a he again, but it would be fun to stay like this for a while. Or perhaps she could resist the spell halfway... that would be fun. Purely for science, of course.

    Kuro blinked as Mikomi got distracted by something. Oh well, she shrugged, following the insane male. What did she have to lose? Getting 'caught' by the succubi wouldnt be too bad. Well, if they were actually succubi, rather than murdering demons. Murder was strictly less fun when it was you who was receiving it, unlike what succubi did. Kuro shrugged her shoulders, a grin on her face. Who knew what path lay before them? Also, she had to wonder why she had been almost ignored, but considering she ignored them back, she did not care. "After this, we can have some fun, so long as you impress me." A joke mostly, but she would not protest if he took her up on that, even if their forms reversed again. The two kids, to her eyes at least, were merely extra baggage to carry on this mission, as they had yet to prove otherwise. Mikomi at least proved he would be fun to have around, and Kuro could tell that he was at least as powerful as Kuro was, though it was sketchy as Kuro could barely sense magic, instead using electromagnetic sensing to detect things. Hopefully those kids would prove themselves either as amusing, or powerful enough to not become liabilities.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 16th January 2015, 8:05 pm

    Acalia was shocked by the perverse words of Mikomi. She didn't respond, trying to hide the awkwardness dwelling up in her, yet Zellha simply laughed and laughed. This made Acalia feel even more awkward. Zellha trotted around Acalia. "Hmph! Wow, Acalia you personally have made my day. You want to truly put up with these fools, and you intend to help them. With what will you help them with? Your stupid little flute? You can create a barrier, that'll be super effective against multiple succubi. Your only hope is me. You know that. Leave them to do their own thing, and I can clear this quickly and efficiently." Acalia, now ready to scream takes the time to sit down and think. She had an annoying, sarcastic person lingering behind her who will do nothing but be pessemistic and try to break apart her team, Mikomi who is doing nothing but being perverse and asking people out, Daiki and Kuro weren't really doing anything. And then there was Acalia, who was just sitting on the ground in a room in some ruins, plotting on how to deal with this. This was nerve-wrecking, but Acalia decided to deal with it. This would be interesting, and hopefully fun. So, Acalia hopped to her feet and looked at Daiki. "Let's go! No use in standing here i guess!" Happily grabbing Daiki's hand and running through the wall, Acalia greeted the others with glee while Zellha watched over them like Ryuk just going "Well... this should be interesting."


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
    Position : None
    Posts : 841
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 17th January 2015, 8:46 am

    Daiki heard the man who had been flirting with her speak once more, bringing up that they wouldn't mind giving the other three a grope here and there. She would blush at the thought of it before speaking. "In your dreams!" She had said, before crossing her arms again, with the man having spoke about how if they could get them out of this hell, that the three of them howed him a date. She'd keep quiet about it, all things considering. The man would continue to speak about an enchantment on the walls that was stopping them from just breaking free, which was to make sure they played along. Along with that, the man spoke aout them having to accept the invitation of going through the succubus' home, which the man would soon comment about how, probably after this, that she could invite the man to her home.

    She would again, not say anything about the man flirting with her, but the man would soon speak as he walked toward the wall and walked through it. She did listen to the other woman speak a bit, in which she wouldn't really have any words to describe how she felt about the perversion concerning the words. After the perverse man and woman had gone into the wall, the guy whom she had approached first of all had spoken and soon grabbed her hand, and ran through the call. As she ran with the man to catch up with the other two, she would clear her throat slightly before speaking up again. "What're all of your names, considering it'd be nice to know what to call all of you." She said, moving with the group.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
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    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 17th January 2015, 4:09 pm

    Mikomi was the first to emerge on the other side of the wall as he was the first one to go through it,his body seemingly phasing through it like a ghost. You had to give it to that sexy demon of a woman she knew some tricks that even he was shocked at it. Though he was the first to emerge to the other side this place was creepy. As they were brought to a opening which wasn’t that pleasant,Mikomi head will tilt upwards as his eyes looking towards the dark skies that hovered above him. He just kept his eyes focused on the new world around them as demons flew among the skies,lightning striking in random places this was becoming a more of a pain in the ass then he would of liked.

    His left hand would of dug into his pocket pulling out a pack of cigarettes as he would pull out one,bringing it so his lips clamp down on the tip. His other hand going into his other pocket to pull out his lighter where he used his thumb to click it a few times until a fire was ignited. Inching his head a bit the tip of the cigarette will meet the fire catching ablaze enough as smoke will leave the corner of the man’s lips.”Well Tito we’re not in kansas anymore”he stated as he stood there stopping his lighters fire and putting it back in his pocket. At this time the first one to follow her would of been Kuro which was shocking that she was followed in the first place.

    His hands would slip into his pockets as he would wait for the others for the time being,he hasn't led a team in awhile. He honestly hated the whole leader role as it never was something he liked with his taste. Taking a good sight of the area,they were outside obviously and the broken pillars around the area was obvious work of this worlds negative magic. The road they stood on was even broken and demons filled the skies,the smell of blood and sex filled the air. Though it wasn’t that bad,I mean they were dealing with succubus here so couldn’t really say too much about the sex part. He would continue to observe the area as he stood there this place was surely a piece of work he could tell that much at least.

    The next two would finally emerge from the portal at this time,as the last two would leave the portal it will disappear trapping them in this world for the time being. His eyes looking back at Daiki and Zellha,as he would turn his head towards Kuro. Well his team of mishaps was together somewhat. The silence would be broken by Daiki asking for people names,smoke rising from his lips as he exhales.”Mikomi is the name beautiful,might want to remember it after this,you might be saying it in more ways than one”He would say as he slightly winked towards Daiki behind those dark sunglasses. After everyone will display their names or not,he would raise his hand to point to the tower that seemed to be creepy as all hell with the demons flying around it and it looked like it was miles away at this moment.

    I take it that’s our destination,I don’t know i get that a succubus live there kinda feeling”he would say obviously stating the obvious about it all. Well he wasn’t really scared as even now he flirted with a woman. He would take a step back as he will slide his body in between the two females,his arm out stretched to put around them both.”So ladies,I think this is a amazing view...don't you? I mean it’s not everyday you have a succubus trapping you in a world and trying to kill you,so it’s a new experience...just like how all four of us could be a nice experience y’know?”he spoke to everyone as he was very bad at this flirt thing,it was kinda good he had looks though.

    As he was about to continue talking to his obvious three crushes at the time,a low grow could be heard from four directions. It was kinda bad, he would look up as his eyes was focused on the two sets of breast that was on each side of him. As he did their was four succubus naked from head to toe,their bodies were more demon like than the succubus they saw a hologram of. Their body being darker gray and their claws being sharp as knives as they came from the dark shadows. Four demons and four non demon well the odds was surely equal at the time. The demons came from four different pillars that surrounded the group so they was a bit in trouble.

    The four demons charged forward from their pillars each aiming for one of the group,this was such a pain in the ass. As the succubus that came to strike down Mikomi with a downward swipe of her claw,his body will react just enough to step back a few so it didn’t touch his face,the claw making contact with the ground as a small crater would be created.”Lady watch the face will ya!!”he would yell as his looks was to good to be touched by a demon,but he was kinda sad because this meant his arms will be off Kuro and Daiki those fine ass damsels that he learned to adore.”You know...I’m normally against the whole hitting naked females,i find the female body a blessing so why we gotta fight?”he said as he would be swiped at again trying to not get hit,his face was to precious.

    He would be looking at the succubus that had him kinda pinned his eyes kinda scaling a bit to check on the others. As soon as he did that a tail of the demon would collide with his chest send the man back and sliding on his back for quite a bit about a good five meters. He laid there for quite a bit as he exhaled,his cgarette hitting the ground as his body laid still. As he opened his eyes the demon would of pounced him,quickly his body will roll to the side as he did that,his right hand grabbed the hilt of his pistol when he successfully came to a stop and the demon landed on the ground he would pull the trigger,firing rapid dark shots at the demon the bullets were quick as the demon would feel it’s wings be shot into as it screamed blood spilling to the floor from the wings that was a bit holey at the moment.

    Smoke rising from the pistol as the demon screamed in pain,this was a pain in the ass. As it continued to try to attack Mikomi. He kept rolling as his body would be dodging one lethal hit after the other each attack from the demon breaking the ground.”Why dont you just blow it to bits!”screamed Sorrow,it was the gun talking to him as it was one of the goddess sealed within his pistols, as he continued to roll to dodge one attack after the other. The Demon opened it’s mouth as it screamed as it did that Mikomi left hand would reach for sorrow pulling it out the tip of the pistol entering the mouth of the demon as he would pull the trigger,this releasing a ten meter wide blast as the head of the demon was blown to bits,the blast was dark as it cut through the demon blood spilling from the once naked demon as it;’s body drop to it’s knees and then hit the ground the head clearly gone . A long heavy sigh will leave Mikomi lips as he will get up,his eyes scanning the area to check on the other three”God...i better get one of these girls after this shit…”he murmurs to himself


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 4HY9qZf

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Psychosis 17th January 2015, 7:09 pm

    Kuro giggled. If she had been he during that moment, itd have been a disturbing chuckle depicting his deep madness and lust for destruction. Sadly, her vocal cords had changed so drastically that her once marvelous ability to manipulate her vocal structure to create psuedo-accents was gone, and her voice was also much lighter. All this caused the usually dark and menacing voice of Kurokon Shikyo to come out as an adorable giggle. That was honestly the most irritating part of this transformation. She could deal with being a she, as he had never had any pride from being male, only from being Kuro. Switching genders sounded like it would just be entertaining, but that damn vocal change was so irritating. His deep, powerful voice had become her new light and almost seductive voice. Marvelous. Instead of sounding like a monster in that he tore people in two with his hands, she was just a pervert, or slut, depending on your definitions. Not that anything was wrong with that, really. She would do as she always did, and live how she wanted, social limitations were worthless!

    Kuro grinned, ignoring that for now. Who cares? She could act how she damn well pleased! She wanted to have fun, so thats what she would do, without care for the social norms. So long as she had her friends and hopefully a single love interest, what did she have to care for? She could die happily so long as she had lived a life which had given her the thing all humans sought. She wanted to know what it felt like... And if she had fun along the way, who had the right to dismiss her for it? She had promised herself many years ago to live how SHE wanted, not how anyone else wanted. "My name is Kuro." She did not want to tell them her full name quite yet, as she may or may not have been a known criminal yet. She didnt exactly check, so it could be either way.

    Hearing Mikomi's horrid attempt at flirting, Kuro giggled. "You are worse at that than I am! I may just take you up on that though..." Though she had lost her first kiss as a male a long time ago, she had not bothered going any further with anyone, nor had she bothered with an actual date. It was rather sad, but she had other priorities at the time. Perhaps now she could focus on living socially... Or at least having a relationship. It would hopefully lead to her truest dream coming... true. "Sure, why not, we can have fun after this mission."

    Kuro stared at the succubi, all of them, with a grin on her face. "Good lord, I love this job." First being changed into a female, which she had to admit, she found sexy, and now naked women, even if they were demons. Especially if they were demons! Ah, she enjoyed the view. She enjoyed the view a little too much, apparently, as one of them flew down and ripped the cloth around her arm off, thankfully avoiding ripping said arm off. If the demon did that, she would have to beat it to death with her severed arm. It was only fair, after all.

    A dramatic unsheathing of her swords led to getting the OTHER sleeve ripped off, making her previously prudish attire become far more revealing, especially since it removed the cloth which had been hung over her chest and back, which basically left her in a loose shirt. That was usually her luck, between having an arm broken in one mission, getting her clothes ripped in another... and worst, these were her favorite robes! At least she had a shirt on underneath, otherwise she doubted Mikomi would be able to fight at all. Though he seemed to be doing well enough regardless of his opponent's nudity. 

    A small step back was all it took for Kuro to get enough time to throw her swords up, literally. As in, she threw them directly from her sheathes into the air, using the electricity that always flowed through them to control them as to make them fall downward at incredible speed, piercing the Succubus right in the lungs. Or at least where humans had lungs. Either way, the demon was dead now, though Kuro felt her arms were rather sore, probably from the sheer force the succubus had smacked into her arms with, even though there were no visible wounds. "Tch... Wasting my magic on that thing." She turned to see Mikomi had finished his enemy, and that the others were, at the very least, alive. She hoped. Sometimes, you couldnt tell.


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    Soul of Ruin

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 18th January 2015, 10:00 am

    Acalia had released Daiki's hand, and began to look around at the scenery. It smelled weird, and it looked like total chaos... something that Zellha would personally love. Dark skies, lightning, weird pillars that could be destroyed and toppled at any minute... Why didn't Acalia just let her take over anyway? It's not like he would care. Wait he would... He had been trying to do this himself, trying to make a good team and have a little fun! Zellha would ruin it like she ruins everything else. Then Daiki asked for the names. "Uhm... People call me Acalia. Daiki, Mikomi, Kuro, nice to meet all of you!" Then suddenly 4 demons sprung up from 4 seperate pillars, obviously ready to fight and possibly kill. "Ah!" Acalia yelled, stumbling back. She quickly yanked out her ocarina, while the succubus demon flew at her. She, as quick as possible played her barrier song and a pane of crystal appeared in front of her, and the demon slammed into it face-first. Acalia took this opprotunity. So much for doing this herself. "Z-Zellha!" She yelled, and this made Zellha smile and laugh. "I thought you had this? Fine, whatever." Zellha stepped into the body, taking it over. The body collapsed but quickly recovered, and Zellha's murderous glare and narrowed eyes shone over the face.
    "Sex demons, huh? This should be very fun." The murderous goddess said coldly, and the succubus, who now recovered from the "what the hell?" disorientation of being smacked into crystal that appeared from nowhere, had shattered the barrier. "You will suffer pain and misery like you never have before." The succubus wasted no time attacking her, flying directly toward Zellha's chest. Zellha smiled, as the stardust-looking ruin energy surrounded her hand, and while the succubus had her hand extended, her face was wide open. Zellha punched the demon flat in the forehead, at the expense of getting cut in the ribs. "Owie owie owie!!!" Acalia yelled, feeling the pain of the slash along with Zellha. The demon, with suffering a punch to the face that would normally shatter stone, had fallen to the ground, bleeding. "Now die!" Zellha raised both hands, and the green energy surrounded them both as they both fired off five shots of energy, exploding all over the demon's body, creating multiple craters while its body bled out and just lay there, bits and pieces of her body blown off, and Zellha stood over it, and kicked it in its face once, just for fun. It was now that she, was now in the he body. "Ugh... this stupid body. Why must I have this?" she muttered to herself, but decided this would be over soon enough. He spat on the dead demon's body and walked over to the others, who he just decided could help, but she didn't trust nor care for them. She hummed her favorite song, waiting for the "leader's" next motion.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 19th January 2015, 5:49 am

    Daiki listened to the man whose name was Mikomi speak about how she might want to remember the name and that she might be saying it in more than one way. If Mikomi had meant it in the way that she had thought, considering how Mikomi had been speaking, then what she would say would be spot on. "Again, in your dreams!" She would say, before hearing Mikomi continue to speak. She had a feeling that she would have to start brushing off the perverse suggestions given by Mikomi. Though as four succubi could be seen in which one would target one in the group. As far as she could tell, Mikomi had no trouble taking down the one that had gone after him.

    The one called Kuro had also seemed to not have much trouble with the demon that had gone after her either. Though all that was left were the demons that were after Acalia. So far, no one had any real trouble, taking out the demons fast enough before too much could be done. All that was left as the demon that was going after her. As the demon had moved for a physical strike against her, she would move out of the way quickly enough for it to miss, as well as casting her Flatten spell to cause the demon to at least fall to the ground as she had quickly grabbed her weapon. The spell had caught the demon off gaurd, though it had recovered fast enough, Daiki was able to wrap the demon in the chain of the Kusarigama in which she would set the blade against the demons neck before speaking. "Well, time to continue on." She said, pulling the blade back into the demons neck, cutting through it entirely.

    As she unwrapped the demons' corpse from her Kusarigama's chain, she would then look over towards the group as she looked at them.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 20th January 2015, 4:33 pm

    The brown eyes of Mikomi will be glancing around as everyone had their own personal battle with these demons it was more so a pain in the ass. Digging into his pocket as he kinda was waiting for them to finish at the moment,he doubted anyone of them needed help for these small fry. Pulling out a cigarette as he will put the stick between his lips as he clamped down on the end of it with his lips. Allowing the cigarette to be placed firmly locked down by the way his lips covered the end of it. His other hand will reach and dig in his pocket pulling out a lighter now,clicking the button on the lighter for a few times before a brilliant flame was summoned ,he move his head forward allowing the tip to burn as a stream of smoke will leave his lips as he exhales. His eyes went to Kuro who was fighting the demon as Mikomi stood there as it was a bit amusing to see how the bodies moved from one side to the other. She would stand there for a second as she chose to observe what everyone could possibly do,Kuro seemed could use electricity to control her swords which was extremely useful in this mission.

    His eyes went to Zellha next as he payed attention to the male who seem to be a strange one,Mikomi couldn’t put her finger on this person,what exactly was this power he felt couldn’t really put his finger on it,it was like as soon as he blinked the battle was over,what exactly kind of magic did Zellha have. He couldn’t even pinpoint that himself,which was probably why it seem to be messed up to begin with. His eyes turned to Daiki who had some weird weapon he never saw before, The weapon seem to be very agile,as he looked on it didn’t take long for the weapon to finish off his demon,he stood there as smoke will rise from his mouth as he would sigh softly at this.

    Alright we going to keep on going from here,we know where our destination is...we got to end this quickly as possible. So is everyone prepared?”he will ask as he held one of his pistols in hand and waited for their answer before moving on.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 4HY9qZf

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Psychosis 20th January 2015, 9:20 pm

    So she had someone who apparently could make things happen by playing an ocarina, someone with something to push downward in a given area, and another weapon user. Marvelous. This might actually make a decent team. Or at least four different people who were going to work towards the same goal, if they wouldnt function as a team, which was all too likely. Kuro shrugged. At least they could all survive a basic attack like this. Still, it was odd how there had only been one demon for each of them. She was glad she had dealt with his before she had noticed, but if he kept it up... Well, she could always just make up a story or something explaining why, but it was something no one knew. The reason she wore that mask so often...

    A sigh escaped her lips, followed by speech. "Since we know where to go, lets head there, ah?" She smiled, looking tired, but in a strange way that displayed no hints of exhaustion. Actually, she just looked more distracted and bored than anything. These demons were moderately powerful, but died far too easily to be a real challenge. Kuro, in her loose shirt, side. "Those were my favorite clothes too." She pouted, but couldnt help but grin immediately after. Life was so interesting! Being genderswapped, fighting demons, losing her robes, but thankfully not her shirt. Things kept happening and it was always so amusing to find out why. Why was always her favorite word. To question was to live, and it was the reason for her love of the science of magic. Yes, science of magic. Contrary to popular belief, Magic worked under the laws of science, for the most part. Energy created change, and it was that simple. Enough energy could do anything... And that was exactly what she wanted.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh

    Soul of Ruin

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 21st January 2015, 4:28 pm

    Zellha sighed, all the while looking at Mikomi with a raised eyebrow and "are you serious" look. "If we weren't prepared we would have lost that fight, imbecile." She walked past her while humming her song again, a peaceful tone that someone like her really would not be seen singing. Acalia, however, would be enraged with what Zellha said. "Hey! That's mean. Don't call my team mate a name like that!" Zellha just waved her hand dismissively, ignoring the girl. Why would Zellha have to listen to Acalia anyway? She could use a musical instrument to protect against one attack, such a great power. Zellha found Acalia useless during battle times, she could do all Acalia could and more. This girl doesn't get it. I don't care about these fools. They could prove useful, but this isn't for any "team bonding" excersize. Why does she want them as friends anyway? she thought to herself. Shrugging at this thought, she continued to walk while looking off into the distance. More lightning, and tiny black figures could be seen flying around the slowly approaching tower. She knew there would be things guarding the tower, or at least in it to protect it, but hover around like flies to a lamp? Well, at least Zellha knew what to expect upon arrival. Plus one, in her opinion.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 24th January 2015, 12:15 pm

    As Daiki had finished unwrapping the demon's body from the chain she had used to bind it from moving as she had decapitated it, she had heard Mikomi speak, in which she would nod before speaking. "I'm all ready." She said as she had put her weapon away for the time being. Kuro had soon spoken afterwards, though as the woman spoke, Daiki would notice that the woman would soon grin after mentioning that the clothes that were ripped were their favorite clothes. She would soon sigh before stretching a little before hearing Acalia speak. She wouldn't much comment on what they had said. Though, after all this was over, she might have to ask about the seemingly 180 degree turn in personality, though it was probably not her place to ask anything about.

    She wouldn't say anything about it though, considering there was something more important on her mind at the time being. "What kind of magic did you use on that demon, Acalia?" She had asked after the group had started to move on and everything. The only real thing that she hoped for, aside from being able to change back from a woman to a man after this, was that there wouldn't be too many more demons between them and their objective, though only time would be able to tell.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 26th January 2015, 6:36 pm

    Mikomi would rub the back of his head as he listened to the replies from those that answered him,though Zelltha’s was more blunt than the others. Makes you question why was he so mean to begin with? but right now wasn’t the time to ponder on that as he twirl the pistols on his index fingers before pushing them into the holsters on each side of his torso. He looked at the castle that was in distances due to the fighting and them moving while doing so they actually got closer which was a good thing some what. The cigarette will remain between his lips as he will exhale a stream of smoke their destination was close,but she could feel it. The presence of more of those demonic things within the castle. He will sigh softly as he would walk forward towards the castle itself. His hands submerging into his pockets as he made his way.

    He would walk pass everyone that was here as he looked up towards the already spooky Castle as he would think of all the possible outcomes that could come from this. It didn’t take him long to reach the doors of the castle but he would stop.”Well ladies there's no turning back after this point..”he will say as a warning

    (If you want to go into the castle in your post go ahead, lazy post was bit busy).


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 4HY9qZf

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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Psychosis 28th January 2015, 12:54 pm

    Kuro shrugged. "There was no turning back when we first swapped genders. This is just on the way, honestly." She stepped forward, before lifting her leg and kicking the doors open, throwing caution to the wind at the moment. What care did she have if the entire thing was a trap? She could bust out of here with the others, no problem. She just hoped the others would be fine on her way out, if it did turn out to be a trap. At the very worst, she could resort to using her heritage to convince the succubi to at least let one of the others leave, preferably the one who was also in her guild. The others were far less important to Kuro. Kuro would personally not mind staying...

    As she gazed into the castle, she saw eight succubi approaching the group. She quickly threw her two swords, cutting down the two which were rushing towards her. They had tried to dodge, but did not expect the blades to follow their movements. "Take what you can..." Hopefully someone would get that reference and finish these succubi, so they could move on. No doubt, the next room held the person who would be able to reverse the genderswap spell. She had to remind herself that she needed to learn that spell one day...



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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Scinis 30th January 2015, 3:35 pm

    Zellha looked back at Daiki while she asked the question, and retorted with the sound of disgust. "Never call me by the name of that stupid girl. And my magic doesn't concern you." Acalia, still fed up with the way Zellha was treating the others, tried her best to convince her to be at least a little nice. "Come on! Why be so mean, huh? You shouldn't be such a sourpuss all the time geez!" Zellha just ignored the little annoyance as he reached the tower with the rest. It was now when Mikomi spoke about there being no return from this point forward. "Even if there was a damn return I wouldn't go back." She entered after Kuro, and again was encountered with succubi. "More of them... Great." she muttered to herself. There were two coming towards him, and he quickly avoided an attack. Lucky for him, they both attacked in unison instead of randomly. Both the demons crashed into the ground, and Zellha flicked his hand up, and below them there was a green circle on the floor. It soon blew up and created a massive hole in the ground, but one demon lived while the other was not as lucky. Zellha raised his arms again, and much like before both arms were surrounded in green light, and she fired 5 balls of explosive energy at the demon. It dodged 3 of them, but it was hit with the 4th explosion and the rest connected in its confusion, and the succubus fell to the ground, no longer moving. Now, Zellha started thinking. Eight demons... four of us... Four demons before, four of us. Whoever is sending these are making sure its not uneven on our part, but doesn't care if its uneven on theirs. If this little scheme continues I might be soon engulved in enemies, and that won't be good at all. Zellha sighed, and just sat down waiting for the others to finish their battles, while a green sphere of light surrounded his hand, and a ball of energy slowly manefested itself up,


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event InvisNewSig
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Stigmata of the Avatar
    Position : None
    Posts : 841
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
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    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event Empty Re: Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 2nd February 2015, 9:59 am

    Daiki listened to Mikomi as he warned them that there was no turning back as they reached the castle. Though as Kuro spoke, eight more succubi had appeared and two if them were quickly dispatched by Kuro. She would blink for a moment before letting out a near silent sigh as she should have a bit more difficulty dealing with the two succubi that were targeting her, though she didn't know exactly how much trouble she would have. Though, soon Acalia had soon spoke up, telling her to never call her the name of that stupid girl again, and that their magic was of none of her concern. She would blink for a moment as she had started to wonder if Acalia had more than just themselves in their body or not, but would sigh slightly as she watched how Acalia would deal with the next demons, though it didn't much last long yet again.

    As she watched the two succubi that were moving towards her, she would grab her Kusarigama once more, in which she would start swinging the weight and swung it in an attempt to hit grab one of them with it. She had grabbed one of them by the neck with the chain, in which she would pull them to right in front of her, in hopes of stopping the other succubi from attacking for a moment instead of wasting any magic on her barrier. The plan that she had thought of to stall for a second didn't work out in which the succubi would attack through the succubi that she held still because of the Kusarigama's chain wound their neck. As Daiki had noticed that the Succubi had attacked through the one she held, she would move back slightly in an attempt to not get hit by the attack, but she had still gotten hit due to the attack going further than expected. The attack had hit her in the abdomen, piercing through her clothes and her skin. She would wince slightly before quickly moving the sickle of the Kusarigama and slashing through the Succubi's neck. The succubi she had held by the neck had been hurt severely by the one who attacked through it, in which Daiki would just quickly pull on the chain as hard as she would, to break the subbubi's neck.

    While she had been hurt, it hadn't been too bad, though she had five holes in her abdomen, due to the sharp claws that were used to attack, though she wouldn't let it hinder her too much. "We should go..." She said, looking at the group, panting slightly.


    Daiki & Zellha (maybe more) Genderbent Event 8ZbrsUC

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:21 pm