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    The Next Generation

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Next Generation Empty The Next Generation

    Post by Godlike Frederik 13th December 2014, 5:46 am

    It's thirty-five years later, and everything is different. No longer is the royal family the head of Fiore but the Magic Council along with their Knights have taken it upon them to govern the entire country. No longer do they only meddle with the affairs of the Legal guilds, but now every city, every town was under their so called protection. This was off course because of Acnologia's attack on Era that changed the playing field entirely. It gave the Council enough support to take hold of the kingdom as it's citizens no longer felt that the royal family could protect them.

    However some things didn't change, there were still guilds, those that operated within the system and still stand for bravery, vigilance and friendship like Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale. And those of a more darker nature like Savage Skull's whom's internal presence was as a disease itself. And Tartarus who had faded away back in the shadows. Unheard and unseen.

    And those guilds were still inhabited my mages, some were new, some were still there. And some even had to step away to let others take the stage.
    These are the stories of those that came next, the sons and daughters of those that fought against evil all those years back. New mages, new stories and new adventures

    The Next Generation 2vcz2o6

    Cassandra Corbyn, niece of Lord Frederick Corbyn and sole heir of the Corbyn family

    B - rank

    Raised from the age of 5 by Frederick, she has picked up some of Frederick's own traits. A lust for knowledge as well as the manifestation of darkness magic. Which unlike her uncle she wouldn't let it consume her. She would stay positive and happy even despite being all alone again.

    It was late fall, the time when most tree's had traded in their lustful green for the auburn colors of autumn. Colors that got carried away by even the weakest gusts of wind, yet somehow those dwindling leaves felt as the right setting for such sad day.

    In front of two tombstones under an old oak tree stood a young girl, with her golden blond locks flustering in the wind and a face that showed nothing else but sadness. But who could blame her, exactly a year ago the only person she had left in her life had passed away. He was her mentor, guardian and uncle, a person that besides being often pictured as a cold man took on the burden of fatherhood the moment her parents had passed away thirteen years ago.

    And now he was gone too, and just like he was left alone all this years ago by the one he loved, she was now too. Alone in an empty mansion, just as he was.

    'Did you feel this too uncle?' she said while placing a white lily in front of his tombstone. 'This gnawing darkness that scratches at you from the inside? The angst of being alone forever'

    The girl squat down while she placed the rather contradicting flower, and slowly led her fingers slide over the carved name on the tombstone. 'Frederick...' she spoke softly at that moment. 'I can't stay here anymore, this empty mansion it haunts me.. i'm sorry... I know you wanted me to have all this. But I stay here anymore. Every corner, every nook and cranny reminds me of those I lost. Father, mother and now you..'

    She stood up again and turned around, at the same time she slowly caressed her hair with one hand. As if that would stop it from fluttering all around in the wind. 'Farewell Frederick.. at least you're with the one you loved again.'


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Aria Beleren 13th December 2014, 6:30 am

    The Next Generation 7ac-aeris-3
    Name: Kalysta Rhiannon Wei
    A Rank - Healing Priestess
    Age 18
    Kyll's daughter. When Kyll died at an early age, she was sent straight to the Wei family where Kalysta learned Healing Magic. Kalysta loves flowers and making arrangements. Kalysta loved being around her family, but she wanted to make it on her own and learn more about her mother. Unlike her mother learning from others and books, Kalysta has a more on the spot approach to things. She feels it makes life more interesting that way. She has taken on the responsibilities of traveling healer.

    "There you go ma'am," Kalysta said and handed a bowl of soup to an old woman who was on the street. She smiled warmly at the lady and bowed.

    "If it wasn't for you healer, I would have been dead by now." The old woman sat under a tree on top of a cloth that Kalysta had put out. She looked over at the mage and smiled back at Kalysta. "You remind me a lot of a mage from a long time ago. It's too bad she is dead now. Kyll was a very kind hearted and wonderful mage. She worked her tail off to make sure that Eclipse Soul had a good name."

    Kalysta sat on her knees and looked off into the distance. "Oh yes, I have heard stories about her. She was supposed to be a healer too right? But that wasn't her talent. She never worked toward it and instead bettered herself in cooking and fighting. She was supposed to be a Wizard Saint right?"

    "Oh yes, Miss Vie refused it right on the spot. Saying that she didn't want to be at the mercy of the council anymore. She instead helped out those in need in her own way," the old woman held her soup and looked over at Kalysta. "Where are you headed young lady?"

    "Where ever the scent of flowers take me," Kalysta said. Her glowing green eyes looked at the old woman. She stood up and dusted herself off then grabbed her wooden back pack. "You can keep the cloth and bowl. I'm sorry I can't provide you with any more than you need." She smiled and waved at the old woman and began to walk down the street.

    Foot steps could be heard as a woman made her way down the road. Kalysta's hands rested on the straps of her wooden box back pack. She wore a pink dress with a darker shade of crimson short sleeve jacket. Her hair was long and brown twirled into a long braid. Her bangs seemed to spike out in front of her. This woman held a warm smile as she continued walking down the road. She then stopped to see a manor. "Oh wow... The person here must've been very well off. Perhaps very important." Kalysta looked at her map. The same one her mother had given to her at five. She then saw a frowning face beside it. "Interesting..." Kalysta said to herself. She then flipped the map over and raised an eyebrow. "Why would Mother do that..."

    She turned to see a blonde girl in front of a grave site. She walked up to the gates and saw her face. "Excuse me," the healing mage said aloud. "do you happen to know where the nearest town is? The map I have is very confusing. I could have sworn I would be in a town by now."


    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Godlike Frederik 13th December 2014, 7:21 am

    A voice she hadn't heard before pulled Cassandra out of her own chain of thoughts, enough so that she even had a slight startled expression on her face. Surprised by the sudden appearance of the stranger she looked her way. Unknown how to react at first.

    After a few moments of awkward silences and staring passed, Cassandra started to blush. Knowing that she was being rude by gazing at the strange girl. 'Oh! I'm sorry... we..I mean I don't get many people up here. Especially strangers.' she said while moving her hand through her hair.

    When she observed the girl further she could see how pretty she actually was. Her auburn brown hair dwindled all the way down to her lower back, which almost seemed to reflect the late autumn sun rays that were being casted up the smooth silkiness. But her hair wasn't the only thing that made this stranger good looking, she was the type of girl that had everything with her. Long brown hair, a slender and mature figure with long legs, and a face that would be mostly seen on models only. An on top of that she had some sort of aura hanging around her that made her feel more mature, even though Cassandra was pretty sure they were the same age.

    Realizing she was still gawking at the girl, she quickly continued where she had left off speaking. 'Anyway! the nearest town is probably Oak Town. It's just a couple of hours from here. Just follow the road you came from and when you come upon the crossing again take a left...'


    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Janneline Ariel 13th December 2014, 7:53 am


    Those that spent their days in the Savage Skull guildhall, could describe it in only one way; Silent. The silence seemed to have settled in that place and grown roots, as it had rarely dissapeared in the last 25 or more years. Always so creepy, dim-lit and lonely, it was not a fun place for anyone. Mostly for Beatrice Ariel.

    Putting on her oriental mask, Beatrice looked around the guildhall, hands in her pockets. She was bored; There was never nothing entertaining to do in this forgotten by god place. Her mother was working, as per usual. Mei was possibly somewhere around here, waiting for an opportunity to strike her sister. The guildmembers were either in their rooms or out on jobs. Beatrice should possibly drag herself on a job too; She had not been on one in a lot, although, usually, the only requests in the Guild request board, were about killing members of the magic council, something her mother had forbidden her to do long ago. Her mother's exact words have been; Dare to attend one of those jobs and you'll have to spend a few nights in the catacombs. This is something you shouldn't put your nose in; It is an issue only me and the older members are to worry about. You and your sister, despite your power, are to stay away. Am I clear? Sighing, she rubbed her head, opening her eyes just to avoid a kunai getting thrown at her forehead. The weapon, getting stuck on the wall, dissapeared after a few seconds. Without even having to turn around, Beatrice knew who it was already.

    Mei. Soon appeared a small child from the shadows, her hair braded into a few mini-braids. She was holding the Kunai with her hand, petting a small panda on her shoulder. Growling, Beatrice took out a Katana herself. I see you came with battle intentions as per usual. Beatrice muttered, rising the katana. Perhaps this would be the definitive fight between the Ariel siblings...?

    Nope, no it was not. Before either of them could react, a book hit them in the head. Falling on the ground, the two of them looked up to see their biggest nightmare. Janneline Ariel, their mother. Her short hair was combed, and she was looking at her daughters from behind her glasses, her grayish-blue eyes cold. Fighting again? Seriously? My god, both of you are so Immature. Stop at this instant, Mei, Bea. The Light God Slayer growled, shaking her head. She recovered the two books she had thrown at her children, which were, in fact, two pretty damn big books. Taking off her glasses, she took Mei and Beatrice's hands, helping them up. Behave, will you? God damn, I'm going to have to speak with your father about this. This is getting too far. She groaned, going back to her office, taking Mei with her. Beatrice just stood there, growling.

    She respected her mother, but hated it when she interfered in her fights with Mei. One day the two sisters were going to have to determine who is the strongest, so why wait? Both were of equal force now, more or less, so why wat, when they could settle this quick?

    Damn it. She groaned and took off her mask, and lef tthe guild, going for a walk.


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    The Next Generation 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality
    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Aria Beleren 13th December 2014, 3:22 pm

    Kalysta looked in the direction the young lady pointed in. She nodded. "Alright well.. I guess I'll be going." She said. She began to walk away then looked down at her map. She put a finger on the frowning face. Something just seemed off. The girl she had ran into was rather approachable. She stopped where she was standing. Then crumpled up the map, stuffing it in her pocket. She walked back wards and then stopped in front of the young lady. She smiled happily and then put a hand on the back of her head. She took the other hand and then situated the pink bow at the top of her braid. She turned her head towards the girl and smiled.

    "I'm new to Fiore, I haven't really been here that long and I know we just me, but it would seem nice to actually have someone to walk with to town," her grin seemed to light up the area. "If anything, I plan on making some flowers to sell in the town, and I can pay you for you efforts if you want. It won't be much seeing that I am on the road constantly and only make enough to survive." She paused. Word diarrhea. Kalysta put a hand over her mouth then giggled. She uncovered her mouth and then paused. "How rude of me, I know your preoccupied, but would you like to walk with me to Oak Town?"





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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Alito 13th December 2014, 4:27 pm


    Levi stood by the gravestone of his father, Seitenshi Ayato. The old man had passed away after killing two of Tartarus' high-class Mages, having been killed himself in the process by Tartarus' leader; the only guild Levi would never side with. Levi managed to claim his father's body during the battle, however, and brought it here exactly one year ago, where a funeral was then called to honour the life of this great Mage. Levi could remember every detail as if it were just yesterday when all of the havoc occurred; the war between Ayato and Tartarus. When Levi had escaped with his father's corpse, the corpse had become enlightened so suddenly, and all of the power of that light had transferred into Levi's own body, a body that possessed no magic, during the time. However, in the present time, Levi was able to step foot with his father's magic, a magic that was rumoured only capable of being held by one person; dead or alive. You could say Levi was a living miracle, in this case, though he thought differently.

    This whole story aside, Levi knelt before the gravestone of his father, and placed a daisy over it; the flower of purity and innocence. Never had his father done anything significantly wrong in his time, yet here he was, deceased. Tartarus had become quite troublesome for Levi lately, having caught his mother two weeks ago after knowing she was related to Ayato, himself. Levi was able to see his mother one year ago, however, though not in a single sense did she seem like herself any longer. She was a brainwashed mess, if you will. There was no way Levi wished to fight a Tartarus member such as his mother, and so he fled while he had the chance. Since then, Levi documented himself as an orphan, and was accepted into Cor Draco as his new family. Of course, there came a few conditions of joining the guild regarding Levi's personality. He gave an honest word about every detail regarding his insight on life. He said he would be ready to fight for the dark or defend for the light at any given moment, so long as either side had something for him to benefit from. Not only that, but due to two important tragedies, he had always been questionable about life, itself, and so he would become an enigma, rarely present for any guild activities, whatsoever- even jobs. Levi had paid his respects, however, and swiftly ranked himself up near the top before he made this sudden declaration.

    This same story was spoken to his father while he remained by his tombstone. It was funny. Every around his closest friend and family member, Levi still remained dull-toned in his speech, as if nothing was special in life. This was Levi's actual opinion, honestly. He wondered if a god truly existed after the pain he went through. He always questioned if everyone were fated to reach the heavens or go to hell depending on what path they took in life, or if the aftermath to life even existed; the afterlife. However, Levi believed that Ayato's powers could create his own world to live in, and so he held nothing against the afterlife, during this time. Remember my name as I will always remember yours." Levi thought, hoping his thoughts could somehow reach the mind of his father. He prayed for him daily, and hoped that his father could someday respond telepathically to his speech- an everlasting speech that would honour his father deeply.

    "Elucidator..." Levi spoke, "We shall take our leave..." With this, the Elucidator sliced through thin air, and opened a portal. This was a New Generation magic known as Chapter IV: Home- a self-explanatory spell exclusive to the Elucidator that could send its master to his respective residence. Levi had successfully filled every page of the Sixth Sense- the book exclusive to his magic- weeks ago, and so he became open to magic from every era. However, this did not make him invincible. All Levi possessed was a single spell from every well-known magic to ever exist. He knew there were still many out there who were more skilled in battle than himself, yet he did not care. As long as life benefited Levi enough, he wished not to participate in battle unless even more profit became available.


    The Next Generation 7y0bO7j
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Godlike Frederik 14th December 2014, 7:21 am

    That same moment when Kalysta asked Cassandra to join her on a walk down to Oak Town, the sadness that had pestered Cassandra vanished, flew away just as the dwindling autumn leaves in the wind.
    'Yes off course!' she said rather loud 'Just let me get a few things!

    The thought of walking with another girl, that was her own age even, made Cassandra overjoyed. She had never done that before, in fact when she thought about it she never hung out with others her own age. Nor did she even had someone she could call a friend.
    Sure she had Frederick, her uncle and caretaker, and she did talked a lot with him. Enough so even that his ears would probably dropped off at some point. But never ever did she had an other girl to talk to.

    But there was something else that made her happy then just the though of gaining an actual friend. This girl, this Kalysta travelled all around the world, she was free to stand everywhere she wanted. Not unlike Cassandra's self, who had been bound to this secluded mansion all this time. Maybe she could do that to, leave this place and travel around Fiore. To meet new people, just as Kalysta did. Hell! Maybe she would let her travel with her for a little while.

    With that in her thoughts Cassandra rushed back inside the mansion, and grabbed everything she deemed necessary for a supposed trip. Clothes, food, toothbrush, comb and even a small hand mirror, yet when she was finally ready and headed down the hall for the door. She suddenly stopped for a moment, only to stare at a rather ordinary and mundane sight. There in front of her, just next to the door was nothing more then a hall stand, with hanging on it a single piece of cloth. A deep dark purple cloak hanging down one of the hooks by it's hood.
    A sudden feeling of melancholy came over Cassandra for a moment, she was about to leave everything she knew behind. Just on the sudden whims and hopes that she might travel around the world. Could she do really do that? Walk into the unknown without the safe comfort of knowing what happens next?

    She reached out for the cloak, and let it's fabric slide through her finger. 'No I can do this' she said to herself, feeling reassured by the familiar touch of Frederick's old cloak. She pulled the cloak from it's hanger and quickly stowed it into her backpack. Then with a broad smile and new found strength she stepped forwards to open the door to the outside world.

    Kalysta however would now see the burdens of inviting a rich girl along with her, as a smilingCassandra stood in front of her house with a few to many suitcases that clearly showed that she was planning a lot more then just walking down to Oak Town.

    Kyll you can skip over to Oak Town if you want.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Tuna 14th December 2014, 7:43 am

    They say years go by quicker as you get older. But at what age do they reach a consistent speed? There is no one that can answer you that. He had seen this country change. He had seen the world change over the past 25 years. Somehow, this whole time had only felt like a fleeting moment. As if all he could remember was a few pictures burned into his mind, images that seemed worthless in the entirety of this time. As if all that the past had lead up to was this point. It always felt this way. Every single time you have the chance to reflect over the past, you become a pillar of salt, realizing that what had happened does not affect you. That you are invulnerable to the ages, to the change, to what makes a human feel, and think. You begin to ask yourself why you are still alive. You stand before this utter void, that seems inhuman as it seems unliving. As if there is nothing to see inside, and as if it had been staring into your mind, drilling black holes into the walls of your head, this entire time you had been pondering over something so meaningless.

    But then, you remember. You remember why you had chosen this path. Why you desired to become a monolith. A speck on the window of this world that doesn't dry up and fall. That doesn't get washed away or covered by dust. You chose this because it gave you the reason to move on. As if all that had happened in your first life was worthless. And then you discovered the eternity you could spend, searching for something worthwhile, something that gives you a reason to feel and think. As if all time had ever been for you was a downhill road, going steep into the depths of the earth. And even though you had never seen or heard, you knew that what awaited you at the end was nothing but a world full of solitude. That at least, by straying from this path, walking it back up and exploring what you had only seen from the distance was the only chance at avoiding your destination. But now, so many years that could only be remembered in fragments, like a slideshow shown to you by a mirror, had past, you suddenly came back to the realization. The solitude you escaped is inevitable. Fate has its hands around your neck, and no matter how long it has to wait, there will come a time when it closes its palms and wrings even the last speck of humanity out of you.


    "Lyserg... we're finished." A voice called out from a distance. Sitting on a rock, Lyserg had not changed one bit. Not in the past 35 years, and not in the past 350 years. He never changed. He couldn't remember when he stopped changing. His appearance was the same as always. The same armor, the same swords, the same cloak stapped over his shoulders to ensure that he didn't appear as frightening as he did.

    Slowly stretching his legs and standing up, the blonde man looked into the direction the voice came from. "You have the scripture?" He asked non-chalantly. "Yes. Of course. And what were you thinking about just now? You seem out of it." Lyserg's face dropped at the comment. "Nothing special, it's none of your concern." A loud 'hmph' was retorted.

    The fields outside of Oak Town were extremely serene. The hills, the green grass, the trees that decorated the roadside. Before Lyserg stood three mages. A small, blonde, Elven man. An average-sized, black haired, Human girl and a tall, armored Human male. "Please hand me the book, Odin." Lyserg told the armored one of the three. Odin promptly stretched his hand out to the black-haired girl. She grabbed into her coat, got out a leather-banded piece of literature and passed it to Odin who handed it to Lyserg.

    Flipping through the pages, the time mage looked satisfied. "Yes... this is it. Now, you know what to do next. The Corbyn manor holds the last piece of research I need to complete the transfer. I will take my leave. You three are up. It should be no problem for you three." He told the three other mages standing there. Then, he left, quickly dissappearing after only taking a few steps.

    Odin sighed. Looking over to the Elf, his eyes shone through his helmet. "You know Mel, you could have said something. You're the only one he really talks to." The Elf stared at the armored man with a blank expression. Saying nothing, he simply started to walk shortly after. "That guy is really..." Odin couldn't find the right word and paused for a moment. "Just like Lyserg." The girl finished his sentence after a while.

    "We should go, before Mel does everything by himself again." She said with a slight hint of delight in her voice. "Yeah... you're right." Odin answered and followed the two down the road, away from Oak Town towards the Corbyn Manor where they would have to extract an important piece of research for their guildmaster.




    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Guest 15th December 2014, 2:28 pm

    A young boy can be seen walking away from a graveyard. As he walks away, a tear flows from his eye. The boy's name was Haymitch. He has just came back from visiting the grave of his father, Nikolai, who was supposedly killed in a fight between himself and a Tartarus member. Before leaving, Haymitch makes sure to place an old, tattered blade on top of Nikolai's gravestone. That blade was the one he died with, filled with holes, cracks, and broken pieces which have yet to be found. Just as his father, Haymitch is a Fullbringer, a master of the Full Manifestation Art. It is inherited from generation to generation and its discovery time depends completely on whether the recessive gene decides to activate itself. The magic allows the user to manipulate the soul of objects to their advantage, but enough about that.

    Haymitch's stick-like figure easily slides past several people until he stops at a sight. There were people walking towards a manor. He looks until a cold hand meets the back of his head. Then another tall figure appears.

    "Haymitch, you dumbass. Mom told you not to go past this limit. I swear, it's like that head of yours is a abyss."

    Haymitch turns around to see a girl, approximately two inches taller than him; it was his sister, Victoria. Rather "Dog-face", as Haymitch likes to call her.
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 16th December 2014, 12:05 am

    Name: Keiya Cike-Lazmira
    Age: 33
    S Rank Rose Dragon Slayer
    The only daughter of Kyle Vay and Towa Lazmira. Her mother remains active at home while Keiya and Kyle, who has been locked in a mason jar for over 18 years for refusing to marry Towa, Travel the lands. She is quiet and often left in odd situation due to her fathers perverseness. while she loves her farther she had no desire to let him run free due to the fact she is afraid he will be disloyal to her mother. She doesn't belong to a guild even though her mother and father are apart of savage skull. Mainly just wandering look for remains of the last Rose Dragon. 

    Keiya awoke to her father pestering her to let him like he did every morning. "No Dad stop asking." she sat up in her bed and stretched. "you know better than to ask." her comment is directed at a mason jar full of sand sitting next to the window.

    "Aww come on i won't go to far." the jar responded. "Just a few minutes!"

    "No" She swings her legs over the bed and heads over to the sink. She take a few minutes to wash her face and then got dressed in her usual black dress that she wore. "We have a job to do today, Keep quiet today i don't need you causing issues while I'm dealing with the client." 

    "Your no fun you know that Kei." The jar responds dully. "you know i could help you with that job if you let me out."

    Keiya spins quickly, her hair fanning out in a beautifully. "Man, your one a roll today that 3 times already." Keiya laughs slightly. She skips over to the window and pick up the jar. "drop it dad, I'm not letting you out." She puts the jar in a little holder that was fashioned a while back to keep the jar safe. Not that it really mattered the jar had so many wards on it to prevent breaking. She stepped out of the room into the hallway of the hotel, it was a small place owned by a couple that she was quite fond of. 

    "Are you leaving again dear?" The owners wife said as she came down the stairs. 

    "Oh yes i have a job to do today." She smiled at the woman. "I'm not going to be all day though." 

    "I see dear, well breakfast is on your usual table." the woman motioned toward a table by the window. "2 eggs over easy with bacon and some hash-browns."

    Keiya walks up and hugs to woman. "Thanks." she release the woman and walks to her table. She starts eating but stops when a man sits down in front of her. "Well seems we are starting this early today, huh Captain Sacriks."

    "Indeed." The man motions to the woman. "Hey betty ill have my usual today as well." 

    "You really should leave Keiya alone Secriks" She writes something down and put it into the order in section. "Kaiya and Secrik's usual Honey." she calls out her husband was cooking.

    "Again?" a mans voice calls out. "Tell him to leave her alone!" 

    "I did." she walks off to go help other customers.

    Keiya eats her food while Secriks does his usual pitch trying to get her in the Rune Knights. "Keiya we need you help. A lot of the dark guild are active right now, and as the Rose Dragon Slayer we could us combat skills." 

    Keiya finishes as fast as she can, "Sorry but I'm in a hurry today." she sticks the last piece of bacon in her mouth and stands up. "No time to talk today." Keiya had gotten used to this routine, the Knights have been trying to recruit her for almost a year now. She stepped out of the hotel and headed toward the train station. She loved oak town but hated the fact the Rune Knights were following her.


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Godlike Frederik 19th December 2014, 6:40 am

    Was it merely a coincidence that Kalysta came across Cassandra, a random encounter? Or was it something more? Was it fate, whose eternal motion resounded once more through the aspects of space and time itself, it's cogs clanking as clocktower's mechanism. Only to be heard of by some as a vague distant echo, or an unknown feeling that urges you to make a life changing decision.


    Chattering happily about their lives up till now, Cassandra and Kalysta had been traversing the small unpaved path from the Corbyn Manor until they had reached the larger street, that would lead them all the way down to Oak Town.
    At first the street was rather empty, just as Cassandra expected. However when the skyline of the town came in sight, she sudden came to the revelation on how secluded she and her uncle have been all this time. The street that eventually lead into a intersection that connected them to the main road, slowly but steadily increased their number of travelers. Besides her and Kalysta she saw merchants sitting on their carts filled with goods, farmers, mages and a whole lot of other people. All of them traveling towards Oak Town, or move away from it.

    It was because of this, and her continued chatting off course. That Cassandra missed the rather enigmatic threesome that passed them on the streets. Unaware of the fact who and send them, and that they were heading for her home, the Corbyn Manor.

    'Say Kalysta?' she asked at that same moment 'I never even thought of it before, but are you a mage as well?'


    Aria Beleren
    Aria Beleren

    Cosmic Soul

    Cosmic Soul

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Aria Beleren 19th December 2014, 2:30 pm

    Kalysta looked at Cassandra. She had helped Cassandra with her bags since, she only had the one wooden back pack. She smiled and then put one of her new friend's bags down. She had asked about Kalysta's magic. What better way to talk about her magic other than to show Cassandra? This would make things easier. Also, it was time to make a little bit of cash for some food. "Of course Cassandra, how else would I get by." She held out a hand and concentrated on it. Her bangs began to levitate away from her face a little further and the bottom of her pink dress began to float up. Her long braid as well. A magic circle appeared underneath Kalysta. Suddenly. it seemed like it was a miracle, from nothing, flowers grew out of the ground. Daisy's and poppies. Several different types of daffodils. Kalysta smiled and looked over at Cassandra. "I'm a flower mage. My magic is mainly healing from where I was trained, but I do have a few other spells too. What about you Cassandra?"



    Silent Killer

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Kaito 19th December 2014, 5:27 pm

    In the five years who should continue Kitteh's journey, but Killjoy

    [img] http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=92567797[img]

    Killjoy finally out of his killer training, by Kitteh has lead him to do "justice".He has now started a journey on his own. Killjoy is ready for action he will do a fighting path to finally find something of use to him his dream knife!Killjoy has a life ahead of him, let it be a good one.Killjoy would become a wizard!


    The Next Generation Kaito_by_ravenart5-d92uwm8

    voiced by whoever plays goku

    what Kaito sounds like

    Kaito for real:
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    The Next Generation Empty Re: The Next Generation

    Post by Godlike Frederik 13th January 2015, 3:48 pm

    'woah, so pretty' Cassandra was in awe, and stared at the many flowers that started to pop out of the ground around them. It created a fresh and colorful display, in a rather brownish season. Even the scent was right, and smelled like spring was just around the corner.
    In the midst of all the flowers, stood Kalysta who almost had some sort of glow surrounding her. As if she was some deity, maybe even mother nature herself.

    But then Kalysta asked her the same question, and Cassandra couldn't help to look to the ground and felt a bit ashamed. Maybe even inferior. Because, she had possessed the exact opposite of something so beautiful and warm. Darkness magic, it was as cold and empty as the name suggested, an element shunned by most and often associated with mages that lost themselves into their own delusions.
    'Oh, ehm, nothing special... just some hat tricks and stuff..anyway we should keep moving! Before it gets dark' She answered, obviously trying to avoid the subject.


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