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    Wanted: Jacob Goodnight | Request | Solo


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ħɛℓℓ'ƨ Ƨɛяʌαит
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Wanted: Jacob Goodnight | Request | Solo Empty Wanted: Jacob Goodnight | Request | Solo

    Post by Nathaniel 3rd December 2014, 12:28 pm


    If there was one thing Saeko hated more than humanity, then that would be criminals. The sole idea of someone killing and having fun for it, or just doing it for the hell of it, was simply disgusting. Passing a hand through her purple locks, her electrifying blue eyes ran through the streets of Hargeon, strangely empty. Oreo layed on the woman's shoulder, softly nomming on a fish while its master stared at the sad, lonely streets, wondering what had caused everyone to dissapear today... Then, she remember about the crumbled paper that was in her hand and sighed. Of course. Jacob Goodnight. The killer that has been killing people massively in Hargeon for a few now. Growling, Saeko took her hair up, in a perfect ponytail, barely putting any effort in it, and looked at Oreo, who was still carelessly nomming on the fish. She often wished that she could be like Oreo. Careless. Not giving a walking damn about anything. But then she remembered how the cat is always nice with people, and her law that being nice with people, making friends could perhaps hurt her. And it would hurt her more than it hurted her when she woke up bloody in that street of Midi, and nobody wanted to help her. Don't show your emotions, don't feel and you will be safe. That was her golden law. Don't feel and you're fine. Let emotions come to the surface and you will be damned, although, being Saeko, she was damned even without letting her emotions to he surface. For a reason she was the ''Cursed Soul''. For a reason she had recieved this nickname.

    Shaking her head to clear it from thoughts, she placed a hand on a plant, a small tree, and began dragging it alongside her, annoyed. Why did her magic have to depend on trees? Yes, they were everywhere, pretty much. But say she was on a job in a desert or in the middle of a tundra; where the heck could she find trees then? Like, would she grow them out of her abdomen or something? Geez. She had to learn the most screwed from all magic. More than being the Cursed Soul she was the Unfortunate Soul. But she had no time or will to succumb into self-pity. She had to walk forward and get this stupid killer so that she can just get home upon that. She wanted the man to pay for his crimes, as, although she hated humanity, as far as she had heard, he had killed an immense amount of children. Although she hated humanity, she liked children, to an extent at least. They were innocent souls. They had done nothing to her, so she couldn't hate them. At times, she often saw her hatred towards humanity as irrational. She should just hate the Midi people and end with that. But no, there she was. Ah, like it mattered. In fact, it did, but she'd do nothing to change it. Because that would mean her current life style, the style she was used to, and she highly disliked the idea.

    Walking around for a few hours, Saeko didn't even notice when nighttime arrived. Quickly, the streets succumbed into darkness, only lit by the ocassional street lamps spread around. The streets were even emptier than before, if that was possible, and the silence was atonishing and terrific. One could think Hargeon is a dead city now, and in fact, it really seemed so. However, it was not the incredible silence what caught the girl's attention; It was the rather fat man who stood under one of the street lamps. Jacob Goodnight. One could easily recognise him even at a big distance. How? He was the only one who was outside.

    So you came to me yourself? Saeko spoke aloud, her voice resonating through the empty streets. I have to admit it, you have the guts. But you are relatively stupid. Just appearing before the person who will capture is slightly stupid, don't you think? She said, her voice confident, soft yet cold, as per usual. This was Saeko, after all. Jacob only approached her, his terrifying grin sending a chill down the purple haired woman's spine. He was gross. Fat and ugly, holding a variety of weapons. Not cool.

    Without even thinking, Saeko summoned a rather massive fist from the tree as Jacob was perillously near her, striking him in the stomach straight. He tried to recover his breath and quickly took the chain, trying to throw it at Saeko, but it almost landed on Oreo, causing the Cursed Soul to crouch, hissing. Citizens were peeking out of their windows to see the battle between their saviour and the killer, curious how it would end, hoping that the Tree Mage would end up being victorious. Quickly dividing the fist into five smaller ones, Saeko put her hands on one of the tree branches and began hitting Jacob with the fist from every possible angle, until, he realized that he can actually cut the fists. Finishing them off, one by one, he glared daggers at the girl while getting up, recovering from the tree fist assault. Hoping he was stupid enough, Saeko quickly casted another spell, summoning a green magic circle, making 20 sharp small leaves appear, charging toward Jacob, cutting and bruising him. He wasn't that hard as an enemy. He was rather weak, but intelligent. In the second in which the leaves stopped assaulting him, he threw himself at Saeko, cutting the tree so she couldn't cast any spells, and then, injuring her with the hook. Bitch, you think you can catch me? I just destroyed your power source, now you can't cast spells. Let's see eactly how determined and cocky you are now! He tried to cut her head off, but something stopped him. Yes, indeed. Something, not someone.

    Looking up, Saeko saw a pair of shadow hands gripping the neck of the man. They were strangling him, but there was nobody controling him. It was Saeko who controled them. Her eyes widening, she looked around her, seeing more and more hands appear. Oreo was watching them with curiosity, pawing at one of the shadow hands curiously, while the hands kept stranglign Jacob, some of them stabbing him with shadow knives. God... I have always had this power, and never knew about it? She thought, looking at her hands. Amazing, simply amazing. Quickly getting on her feet, gripping the place he cut, she stared at Jacob, who was held tightly by the shadow tentacle-like hands. Taking away any weapons from him, she used his hook to tie his hands behind his back, and then began walking towards the Rune Knight central calmly, ready to give this guy to them. They recieved her warmly, thanking her for the help and offering her medical assistance, which Saeko accepted. As she sat calmly, recieving said medical assistance, she couldn't help but think about all the things that had happened, and all she had thought about. This power of hers, it was called Lineage. It was a clue, something that could lead her to discovering her past. This thought made Saeko jump off in the same second in which the doctor said she was done, taking her reward and heading back to the guild, willing to discover already who in the name of hell she is.


    -80% MP-

    -90% HP-

    -Spells Used: Folium Sica, Tree Fist, Lineage [Shadows of Anarchy]-

    ~Job Finished~


    Wanted: Jacob Goodnight | Request | Solo F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv

      Current date/time is 18th September 2024, 6:51 pm