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    Cécile Christine

    Cécile Christine
    Cécile Christine

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Cécile Christine

    Post by Cécile Christine 8th February 2015, 2:29 pm

    Name: Cécile (Cecilia) Christine
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Birthday: November 3rd
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Special Characteristics: Idyllic memory - Cecilia has the ability to remember everything she reads, hears, tastes with 100% accuracy.
    Thick accent - Cecilia has a thick French accent, sometimes substituting certain words for their French equivalent.

    Personality: Being of French descent, Cecelia is a very big perfectionist. She leaves nothing undone and refuses to move to another thing until she is done to the best of her ability. She is completely stubborn in everything she does and refuses to listen to anyone else or take in their opinions because, well they're inferior to her. Cecelia is a rather condescending person whom despises narcissists in particular. Though this French maiden is much so more like one herself when she wants to be, there are moments in which Cecelia is very kind and sweet. She does have genuine feelings of care for other people, mostly when it's needed or convenient. Convenience more so when she wants to create a bit of a feel for making someone owe her a favor or feel indebted to her, or even so to have some praise her regardless.

    Often times in common social gatherings, Cecelia speaks with a bit of a thick accent to her voice, which seems to swoon people on occasion varying on people's interest. Occasionally, there's a bit of French in her speech, mostly for a word she may not be able to think of in the common language. She does comprehend most of the more basic language, though there are often times in which she doesn't know certain phrases or words and may seem to get confused. However, she doesn't like to seem to admit to it, and will feel embarrassed otherwise and try to conceal it as people making up words to seem more superior over her. Now, not to become confused in the act of her actually not knowing the more literary concepts of things, she isn't someone who understands more common phrases unless she had heard of learned of them previously, but rather she knows the older forms, such as Elizabethan, Latin, and of course French. Though she can't necessarily speak them herself, she can understand them perfectly and fluently.

    More so set for her more visually speaking, the French maiden adores to wear dresses, skirts, short tops, long tops, ribbons, frills, anything that is cute and looks good on her, is obtainable. Anyone dressed adorably automatically gains themselves a point of approval, cute guys are a +1 as well, and drag queens that can hold themselves together are also a little bit in er grade of enjoyment. Though, those whom don't cherish their own beauty and cleanliness are disgusting, testable creatures that deserve nothing better than the abandoned alley or the abandoned old crack den at best.

    Combat wise, Cecelia loves to add beauty to her work. Her spells are nothing more than works of art that have beauty equivalent to their deadliness. She is calm and reserved in combat, often times purposely screwing around trying to piss off her opponent to amuse herself. All in all, she is a very strategic person in her calm demeanor, trying to catch patterns and guards to be able to expose weaknesses and exploit them to turn the tides in her favor. Teamwork is not something that Cecelia does well with, as she does not work too well with others, however she would suck it up if it were required, lead if she must, and those who she were respectful of she would follow in combat like a soldier following a commanding officer. Granted there is the fact that she will ALWAYS voice her opinions if she does not agree with anything.


    • Roses - Roses are among the most gorgeous things the life has given, or at least to Cecilia they are, and they are treated as such.
    • Civility - Calm, rash, people and conversations are just fine so long as they stay that way.
    • Fashion - There is so much love for fashion. Anyone can look cute in anything, and who else would know then a girl who's a fashionista~
    • Catering - As a former French maid, catering (even as some fun free maid services for the guild) is always something that Cecilia has found enjoyable.
    • Order/Cleanliness - As stated before with being a former maid, order and cleanliness, even growing up as a child has always been a big enjoyment of her to look at and take pride in.
    • Messiness/Disorder - As a neat freak, the very site of a mess puts her into a nasty mood until it is fixed, and only then can she not want to beat the crap out of someone.
    • Disrespect - Cecilia cannot take criticism that even sounds disrespectful. She can easily denote it as sarcasm or the real thing and in such sparks different responses from her.
    • Thievery - To take what isn't yours.. absolutely drives her insane. She excludes doing so with food for survival when someone cannot afford to feed themselves or their family, and stealing because someone has something they want; money, jewelry, etc.
    • Enslavement - Nope. No way~~ Enslaving someone no matter the circumstances is evil, unreprehensible, fowl, and deserving of death.
    • To own a bountiful garden - This garden is mostly made for arose bushes to commemorate her family's past lives and for the fact she is in love with the beauty of a rose without a doubt.
    • To live a peaceful, respectable life - No matter what it means in the future down the road, if it includes a peaceful, loving, and respectable place even in servitude as a maid. So long as Cécile is happy, there's no reason to not like it.
    • Live life to it's fullest - With no way to ever know when someone is going to die, there's always the desire to live life to its fullest each and every day and see to it she can leave a mark of being able to enrich people's lives in any way.
    • Public Nudity - This fear is very pride hurting, as she has always been someone raised with very high standards and class, the very thought of being caught out naked at all in any way is crippling, thiugh varying on the standards wouldn't be AS crippling as another way.
    • Being kidnapped - Cécile once had a younger sister named Alice. Alice was out playing one day and vanished. It soon came to be she was kidnapped and taken to be some child molesters little "play thing" and as such, they found her body inside a cardboard box, bound at the wrists and ankles without underwear. To this day the fact she found the body haunts her and she fears the thought of ever ending up like her sister did, to which she swears she can still hear her voice sometimes.
    • Death - Death is a common fear amongst anyone. It isn't something that really can be avoided once your time comes, but more or less it's always something frightening that sits in her mind and haunts her in random occasions.. Mostly when her sister is brought up though.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5 feet 3 inches
    Weight: 116 lbs
    Hair: Cécile has long black hair. Her hair is straight and frames around her face with split bangs. Her hair is often times decorated with a ribbon or two, varying on the way in which she chooses to wear it, and mostly enjoys every general hair style known to man, but likes to pick based on her outfit, as if fitting another piece to a theme.
    Eyes: Her eyes are a more black shaded color, tinted with an indigo shade, though may often be misconstrued to be blue in certain lightings.
    Skin Tone: The skin tone is a fair, rich color, blemish free, and soft felt. Varying on clothing choice may seem to alter the degree of which her skin may appear as a little bit darker or lighter.
    Appearance: Cecilia is a very petite, yet toned girl in her general physical appearance. Her basic looks include her long ash black hair with eyes that seem to be more uniquely colored than most others in how they are colored in the lighting. She has somewhat smaller shoulders, which are more to be expected of someone who doesn't lift weights 6 days a week and chow on a protein bar like 4 times a day. She does exercise, and it shows in her figure how well it works for her, but she does prefer the girly figure over some burly woman who looked like they just came out of the sex change room of the elite gym's private room. She has C cup breasts at best, close to a bigger B sized which probably makes this her largest feature. Her waist is rather thin and rounds naturally around her body as of an average look, and long thinner looking legs and an average sized foot size for someone her age.

    As far as clothing are concerned, there is really no limit in which Cecilia would wear. She is a fashionista and she believes anything she wears looks good on her, almost as if she makes even the hideous appearing clothes to be diamonds in the rough. Most commonly worn, believe it or not is a maids outfit. As she loves to take missions and volunteer in her guild, there's no real denial in it that she was, and still loves to be a maid, and would wear one each day of she didn't have mostly the love to actually wear clothing she had bought. As for normal clothes, dresses are her biggest love, followed by matching sets of pants or skirts or shorts with tops, never a halter top unless it's summer and extremely hot out, and ALWAYS a two piece bikini in the summer at the beach!~


    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Tattoo: Aquamarine in color located under her left collar bone
    Rank: D
    Cécile Christine
    Cécile Christine

    Lineage : Truth
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Re: Cécile Christine

    Post by Cécile Christine 10th February 2015, 8:49 am

    Ze app is now completed for grading!~
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 258,417

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Plague Craft
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Cécile Christine

    Post by Godlike Frederik 10th February 2015, 9:05 am

    Cécile Christine  70ymnn


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