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    Dropping off a few packages


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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 18th August 2014, 7:10 pm

    job info:

    "Hey, you. You said I needed to get stronger before I take on this guy and take his keys right... Whats his face... in Lamia Scale? Well, want to help me do a few jobs then? Not that I can't do them on my own, of course I can but this way, maybe you can find where I need improvement."
    Nakiya stated as she walked over to Kaseki, flashing a few low ranked job requests that she had picked up. Of course, they were nothing special, nothing she could pick up anyways... small, odd jobs that would serve to build up her reputation in Fiore... small crimes and acts of villainy that would grant her a small bit of fame.

    She shook her head to clear her head of the thoughts that coursed through her mind before reaching to her side and retreiving a key, using it to summon the twin zombie hounds. She looked down at both dogs and smirked at them.

    "Change your forms... As adorable as you are, play your roles and felt me Za'cha. That good for nothing wanna be is going to assist with this wether he likes it or not."

    She stated flatly to the two dogs who only looked at one another curiously before their bodies seemed to literally erupt with a POOF of shadows that expanded vertically. From those shadows, both men appeared wearing very fancy black coats. One with red trim, the other with gold. The two looked absolutely identicle, down to the last hair follicle on their heads.

    "Yes mistress."
    They said in unison, bowing to Nakiya before scampering off to retreive Za'cha



    Dropping off a few packages 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 19th August 2014, 6:56 pm

    "You truely don't understand how this world works, no offence of course." Kaseki looked off into the night sky, staring at the white orb among the shining lights. "There are two ways to rule the world, one with fear, the other with respect. It's best to use both of these aspects."

    Kaseki let out a deep sigh as he waited for the next guest. "Power is useless in this case..." Kaseki knew deep in his heart that this would be a meaningless mission. He had wanted to show the corrupt world to his daughter Yuna, but it had been the reverse. He had become the student of his own daughter, a guildmaster of Nox Animus. In a sense he was proud to watch her grow, but saddened that he would not grow to be the parent he wanted to be. So instead he wandered Fiore, meeting people from all around the world, taking them on missions and teaching them various things. That's what Kaseki had become. He was just another teacher in this world.

    He wondered what the requested guest was like. He wondered if he would have to do the mission himself. But it was a simple request. All they had to do was drop off some boxes. He thought of what could be in the boxes. Perhaps bombs, explosives, poisons, maybe mail or even... other boxes. This world was endless, and Kaseki filled it with his thoughts.

    He just hoped he could get this job done soon, because he had to take a piss.



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 20th August 2014, 7:10 am

    Za'cha was busy hunched over a table in his quarters, working on a sheet of metal. "So, if we lined up the lacrima this way-" he began to say before Pride shook his ethereal head. "Unfortunately not. It would need to be arranged in the inverse for the desired effect." he corrected, the human frowning before sighing. "Aye, suppose so... Course then there's the actual field testing to see if we've got this done right." he mused before Pride drew his attention to the door way. "Who is it?" he called over. "The mutts." muttered Pride even as Za'cha turned around to see the Canis Twins in their human forms.

    "What does her Highness want?" he asked, the dogs in human form moving over to collect him bodily so. "Hey! Put me down or I'll put you down you mangy mutts!" he snarled, the dogs merely shrugging as they went about obeying Nakiya's orders. "Allow me." said Pride before he took over his hosts body, the left eye glowing blood red as he did so. "Release." he ordered, the twins immediately stopping and dropping Za'cha's body. "Good dogs. Now, explain yourselves." he ordered. "Apologies Lord Pride," began the one on the right. "But our Mistress desired your hosts company for a mission." Pride raised an eyebrow then looked at the humans etheral self who simply shrugged.

    "Your guess is as good as mine is here Pride." he said, causing the Dark Spirit to frown then regard the hounds. "Lead the way to your Mistress." he ordered, the twins bowing and proceeding to escort the pair in one form to Nakiya.

    Upon their arrival Pride raised an eyebrow at the sight of Kaseki before regarding Nakiya. "Next time girl you wish my presence, either come yourself or send something that will speak before attempting to force my movements." said Pride before allowing Za'cha back control of the body. He shook his head a little before frowning at Nakiya. "This had better be good. I was in the middle of making a new weapon, and that stuffs delicate enough as it is without interference."


    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 20th August 2014, 6:07 pm

    "Who said anything about power for this mission? Call me selfish but this is a great for me to practice summoning two spirits at a time that don't come from the same key."
    She stated plainly, shrugging slightly as she turned her back to Kaseki.

    "Of course I don't understand how the world works. I've been kept in a crate my whole life, locked up in labs and OR's. I haven't seen any of the world to understand beyond my own suffering."
    She stated simply, sighing lightly as she saw the twin hunting dogs escorting Pride/Za'cha instead of dragging him.

    "We're sorry mistress..."
    Delta apologized quickly once they had returned with Pride/Za'cha ahead of them. Normally, they didn't go against their masters specific requests, having been expected to drag him out of his room to his masters side... However, Pride could be compared to the pure dark version of Leo... the leader of the most powerful dark keys... They couldn't disobey him.

    "That's alright. Go back beyond the gate."
    She ordered, taking out their key and waving it, instantly dismissing both spirits before her eyes locked onto Prides while he was still in control.

    "Call me bull headed. I'm going on a mission, and i'm not about to leave you un-attended with your host. I will get your key, Pride."
    She told the spirit, her eyes never leaving his, challenging him until Za'cha took over the body again.

    "Za'cha... as for this being good... I personally am going to enjoy it. We'll be playing mail man today, except our gifts won't be the kind of mail anyone expects. There's a client who wants to place a few packages around Hargeon. The kind of packages that are going to paint the town red, and personally, I can't wait to see it."
    She didn't wait for either Za'cha or Kaseki to answer, instead she just headed for the door, ready to leave. Meanwhile, she held on tightly to Wrath's key, attempting to keep the motion hidden from the others though.


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    Demon of life

    Demon of life

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 21st August 2014, 6:43 am

    "Now that's an answer of someone truly worth my time." Kaseki thought to himself. "Let's make this quick and hasty. The faster we get this done, the sooner I can use a restroom." Kaseki reached for his scarf, something he had not done for a while. Almost instantly, a girl appeared just inches from behind. Her hair was black and tied up. She wore a dark tank top and black colored work pants. She had an interesting tattoo on her arm. She seemed to be at Kaseki's call.

    "Yes, Kaseki?" asked the girl.

    "I don't expect this to run smoothly, please watch from above and make sure we have eyes from the sky." requested Kaseki. "I would rather take a piss now, than to rush this and do it later, but you know the time sensitivity."

    "Why you didn't go when we passed the ice cream parlor is beyond me..." And with those final words, just as the girl appeared, she vanished.

    Kaseki was full of mystery and curiosity. He planned to test each and every one of this small gathering. He did not not any of them quite well, but he had an idea on who Nakiya was. He had hoped she would have some keys of power. But after all, Kaseki was a Coming Storm, one of 4 in Savage Skull. The others he had never met before, Indar, Rekka, and another name he could not remember. The other two sat in the Pillar of Annihilation, a pillar that rarely show their face in the guild. But of course, the title does not mean power, for his master Sinali was a greater and more formidable opponent than the two.

    And Kaseki had the greatest defense than any of them.



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 21st August 2014, 9:16 am

    Za’cha raised an eyebrow at Nakiya’s description of the mission. “Really? You dragged me from delicate work to play at being a delivery boy?” he asked, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he shook his head. He regarded the other person that was there with a glance. “So how’d she drag… whoever the hell you are, into this boring arse end of a job?” he asked, earning a look from Pride. “What?” he asked of the Spirit. “I doubt what she has in mind is solely a package delivery, assuming whomever this client is, is being honest about the results.” He commented earning a reluctant sigh from the human.

    “This is one of those moments where if I don’t want to go, I’m going to wind up going anyway isn’t it?” asked Za’cha, to which Pride simply looked at him. “Fine fine fine… honestly, the minute she gets strong enough to get you out of me…” he said with a roll of his eyes. He followed behind Nakiya, raising a slight eyebrow at her attempted concealment.

    He leaned in close to whisper to her. “It won’t jump and run away you know… Keys tend to have a habit of staying where you put them.” He said as he exited the building with her. “Any plans on how we’re getting to Hargeon Town? I ain’t carrying both of you there… Darkwarps only strong enough to carry one person besides myself at a time, and the portals don’t reach that far.” He asked.


    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 21st August 2014, 5:13 pm

    Nakiya's eyes darted to the form of the girl, every fiber in her being yelling at her that some form of magic was being used around her. When her eyes landed on the girl, she raised an eyebrow, wondering just what she was... she wasn't a Celestial Spirit, she couldn't sense enough of that energy from her to determine that... This girl must be one of the summons Kaseki had spoke of in their previous meeting. Interesting...

    Her mind was brought back to the present when Za'cha whispered to her about the key she was holding onto so tightly. In truth, it wasn't out of fear of losing the key that she grasped the spirit so tightly. It was in fact a precaution against those around her. She had zero confidence in her own physical prowess, the only reason she fought physically at all was because she would wield the Ten No Toguchi. She relied a lot on her spirits to make up for her own phyiscal weakness... go figure, that was something the scientists had decided NOT to give her... they decided to give her a rocking body that would make any straight man go crazy, but muscle? physical strength? What use did a Celestial Spirit Wizard have for those...

    "Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about"
    She said simply as she led the way outside. From there, a carriage was already awaiting the trio, a plain looking old man at the helm, ready to take the Trio to Hargeon, having been hired by their employer to get them there faster.


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    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : Dregon (Magic), Master Aoi (Weapons), & Edward (Combat)
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Aʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴡᴀʀ
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 21st August 2014, 7:42 pm

    "Get in the carriage and let's move. I hate to be kept waiting." Kaseki was growing impatient. It would only be a matter f time before his other side, Kodai, showed up. And Kodai would only add confusion. Kaseki smiled as he on looked a small decorative fountain nearby. He figured if the girl had spirits, the other man was a spirit, it wouldn't hurt to add a few more to the group. He faced the fountain with his right palm, with his left pressed against his chest. Just as he did so, the fountain stopped flowing. Instead a large mound of water was growing. With the hand on his chest, he moved it slowly away from himself, pulling an amber liquid from what seemed his soul.

    It seemed as if a man was being made in the fountain, while Kaseki seemed deal with a man crawling through his chest. It was an odd scene, but nothing to those with a crooked past. He smiled upon creating almost exact replicas of himself. Despite the fact they were a single color, one a faded blue, the other a light amber, they looked like the creator.

    "No need to rush, We shall remain protected, by ourelves, and myselves. Now let''s move." Said the mage as he advanced to the carriage. "I have no need to use he rest room now."

    Kaseki had a smile on his face. He never felt so relieved in his life. Whomever these mages were, they were in for a ride.

    Kaseki always made something more of an... adventure.
    OOC: Siggy Spell, no MP cost

    Water Storage: 1 Gallon left. > 1.2 Gallons (Deep Roots)

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    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 22nd August 2014, 3:47 am

    Za'cha blinked at Nakiya's outburst towards him. "Eh, did I say something wrong?" he asked Pride who merely shrugged. The human shook his head before raising an eyebrow at the man by the fountain... duplicating himself. "Well alright then... we got a guy who plays with water, a Dark Spirit mage, and me with weapons... Why do I get this feeling that stuffs about to either be really interesting... or very anti-climatic?" he asked of nobody in particular as he got into the carriage.

    Once everybody was aboard, the carriage set off for Hargeon Town. Along the way Za'cha tried to recall what exactly he knew of the town. "Hargeon's the harbour one right?" he asked, looking at Pride as he floated beside the carriage. "Indeed. An unremarkable place in my opinion, although it has its uses as a trade hub for seafarers and connections to other nations. Aside from strategic value it holds little else to its name." he said, Za'cha scratching his chin in thought.

    "So best guess is that whatever these packages are, are aimed to disrupt the trade routes... meaning likely areas will be the piers at least. I'd imagine though that those would be more guarded given their nature as the lifeblood of the town." he mused, Pride nodding in collusion to his words. The human sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "Do we even know what's in these boxes we're to deliver? Hell, for all we know this could just be some elaborate prank that just sprays paint and confetti around the town." suggested Za'cha with a frown.


    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 22nd August 2014, 6:08 pm

    "Maybe it is just some prank, bu we'll be making money off of it, and I'll be leaving a bloody imprint on Hargeon."
    She stated simply as she watched Kaseki with a raised eyebrow as he created a clone of himself by using something he had drawn from himself. It was strange, a totally different kind of summoning magic maybe? Or creation magic? She wasn't too sure, what she was sure about, was what he had used to make this copy. She scrunched up her nose and made sure to be sitting far away from the creature that had been summoned as the carriage took them to Hargeon.

    It didn't take them too long to reach Hargeon, in fact, they had probably made it just in time to cast the last couple hours of sunlight the day could offer. The carriage took them to the harbor, much as Za'cha had predicted, where their employer had sent his lacky to meet with them, the small crate of packages waiting at his side.

    When Nakiya stepped out of the carriage, she stretched her arms up high above her head, a low pop being heard from her shoulders before she led the way onto one of the smaller ships. There, she met with the lackey. She showed him the job request, and lowered the neckline of her shirt to show off her guild crest, causing the man to both blush and begin to shake.

    "H...h....heerearethepackagestheb...b.b.b.b.b....boss wa...wants you to... hand out... H...here'samapofallthelocations..."
    The man was a shaking mess, speeding up his words, muttering and slurring every word before giving Nakiya a map of the specified locations.

    She said as she took the map, and opened it up for everyone to see.


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    Demon of life

    Demon of life

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    Experience : 150

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 23rd August 2014, 9:35 am

    "Hmm." Kaseki said to himself as he laid eyes on the map. It was a simple task for the three of them, really. Kaseki had two clones, and his companion. Nakiya had her many spirits. and the other one... well he would help too. So he counted the five boxes, and the 3 Kasekis, Nakiya and her spirits, and the boy, and got more than 6. It would be an easy task. They could split up the boxes and everyone delivers one. Nakiya could use her many possible keys and get her "practice". Or perhaps they would travel as a large group and get this all done together. One prevented them from killing each other, but the other seemed to get the job done faster. The map seemed to have a highlighted route colored with something... a crayon? It was nothing more than a path that connected the 5 dots on the map. Kaseki wasn't in the position to choose the route, he just wanted to get things done.

    "Should we split up, or stay together?" Kaseki finally said. "Each has its' ups and downs. But it's up to you. After all, I could have Xiaowei poof us there and back and get this done... but she's new to the teleporting thing." Kaseki had ideas, but no real plan. He never made the plan, only ideas. All Kaseki had we support spells. Every thing he did would heal and power up his allies, but not ever truly himself.

    He was no true leader, just the leader's... support.



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 23rd August 2014, 11:26 am

    Both Za'cha and Pride frowned at the sight of the map. "Sorry, but is that bloody crayon?" asked the human, pointing at the markings and suggested route. "Seems this employer seeks his "minions" to go a certain way." said Pride with a note of vehemence for the mere suggestion. Za'cha nodded his head in agreement with Pride before realising the rest couldn't hear him. "Alright, well fuck this nonsense. We split up, get the packages to their areas at once, and then get paid." said the human, going over the count for each person, including clones and Spirits. "Sorry, but I am not taking a route drawn in crayon for a bunch of packages... Especially if I don't know they're on a timer or remote detonator." he added as the thought came to him.

    "For all we know, the packages all go off at once and by the time we follow this route, we'd have the last one in place just as they all explode... and if they're the kind that kills, I would rather not be caught in the blast." explained Za'cha before he picked up one of the boxes. "Let's get this over with. Princess, you and whoever you want, go deal with two of the packages." said Za'cha as he looked at the red-head before looking at the robed figure. "And you, Kaseki was it?" he asked genuinely as he didn't quite catch what the persons name was. "You and your minions go deal with another two packages." he said before he began to set off for his destination.

    "I just hope nobody tries to pull the damned cliché about working in Dark Guilds... I am quite fond of staying alive." muttered Za'cha.



    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by NPC 23rd August 2014, 11:26 am

    The member 'Za'cha' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 25th August 2014, 10:46 pm


    "Let me get this straight. You expect someone who's drawn a route in crayon to have some elaborate plan to kill us? Let alone with timed bombs? I highly doubt they can afford it.  I mean, look at the Jewel reward, it's nothing fancy now is it?"
    She asked Za'cha as if he had just said the stupidest thing in the world. She rolled her eyes though before handing off the map and moving to take one package, then drawing the key of the hunting dogs and quickly summoning the forms of Gamma and Delta, each already in their human forms. she handed the package over to Gamma, then handed a second to Delta.

    "You got one thing right though, let's split this up and get it over with."
    She glanced over to Kaseki to make sure he would be okay with that decision before walking off with her spirits. One chaperon at either side.

    At first, Nakiya walked down the quay, glancing out at the water before she reached the road that had been indicated on the map and walking up towards the merchants district through a series of darker alleyways. To a normal person, these alleyways might seem unsettling and off putting, but Nakiya strolled through them without a care in the world. In fact, she reached to her belt and drew her keys, analyzing each one as they walked. Zargan would simply ruin their job entirely, blowing their cover before the dragon was even fully summoned. She could summon Vulpeca... but he would stand out like a sore thumb in his kimono... and wrath would just want to kill everything she sensed. She sighed, wishing she had pegasus by her side once more.

    Out of seemingly no where, a group of thugs suddenly appeared before and behind the trio. Each man held a different sort of primitive weapon in their hands as they looked at the woman and her two body guards. Nakiya put her keys away as she offered each of the thugs a large smile.

    "Oh, hello there gentlemen."


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    Demon of life

    Demon of life

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    Experience : 150

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 26th August 2014, 6:46 am


    Kaseki smiled as he took two packages. He lightly tapped one clone, the amber one, with his foot. In almost an instant, the clone was frozen. He was now a physical being. Kaseki plopped a box in his arms before nodding to Nakiya, "I'll take two, Nakiya you take care of the final 3 with Pride... er Zachy... Whatever his name was." Kaseki couldn't remember the name, he had learned it only from his Magic Item, the Scroll of Learning. He walked off with the box in hand. He took the two spots furthest from the other five drop zones. Kaseki would take his time. And so we walked off.

    Oddly enough, 3 men came at the three with what seemed to be butter knives and sticks of some kind. Kaseki smiled as the amber clone tossed the box for the water clone to catch. It was watch his own personal lackeys fight over fighting.

    He watched as the hands of the amber one turned into a sharp edge. He watched as it ran at the man.

    This simple thing brought a small smile to Kaseki's old and ancient lips. It was better to let others fight for him. In those matters he did much less work, and was able to focus on simply one thing. He wanted to watch the clones maim and murder the men, but he preferred to leave it to his friends as well. Kaseki kept on walking to his destination, He ignored the fact that thugs have came out to kill him. Or even rob any one in his group. After all, it was Savage Skull, the most evil and corrupt dark guild known to man and non-man.

    But maybe that was the problem... they were known. Perhaps it would suit all of Savage Skull to not be known at all. To only live off the stories and fear caused by each member. The world didn't need to know they were all together. All it would take is one curious journalist to follow a mage from there, and Savage Skull would be found. It was almost perfect grounds for a Legal Guild to go out and find them. It was too easy for them....

    Unless Savage Skull grew in power... as well as numbers...

    Clones duration:
    Amber : 2
    water : 4

    Water storage 1.4 Gallons > 1.6 Gallons (Deep Roots)



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 26th August 2014, 9:55 am

    "Zachy?" he asked incredulously as he watched the robed person walk off with his clones and two boxes. Pride merely shrugged. "Could be worse." he offered, earning a scowl from the human. He rolled his eyes before raising an eyebrow as a trio of thugs appeared from the shadows... armed with very small knives. "Seriously?" asked Za'cha before he called forth his 'knife'. "Hidden Saber." he intoned, the large sword appearing in his free hand, a smirk on his face as the trio of thugs backed up a little at the sight of the weapon.

    "You've got two choices here punks. Run and live, or fight and die." he said, resting the sword on his shoulder as he looked over the trio. The three huddled together and began to mutter amongst themselves, making Za'cha roll his eyes. "You want to hurry up the debate? I've kinda got to dump this package off." he called over sighing before looking at Pride. "How hard is it to decide between living or dying?" he asked the Spirit.

    "It could be that they have been hired for some purpose or other, and are discussing whether your wrath or their employers is preferable." suggested Pride, earning a shrug from Za'cha. "Maybe... anyway, I don't have time for this." he said as he began to walk forwards. The trio of thugs noticed him coming towards them and returned to their posturing, before deciding to rush him all at once. "Idiots." sighed the mage as he swung his blade almost lazily, decapitating the thugs before they even got within range to use their own knives.

    "Well that was pathetic..." he sighed before he continued walking onwards to his destination. Upon arrival he put the box down where it was meant to go, hiding it amongst various other packages on the dockside before heading back to where they had split off from.


    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 7th September 2014, 4:03 pm

    "Of all the people to try and attack us..."
    Nakiya said with a light sigh as she glanced between the two spirits at her sides. Each of them gave a shrug to their master as they each went off in opposite directions with their packages to drop them off at their specified locations.

    "This really is lame... whats the point in summoning another spirit if there's no one to fight... Next time, you guys can pick the jobs... I apparently pick the boring ones."
    She stated as she took the sword hilt hidden under her skirt and pointed the bladeless weapon at one of the men who was now attempting to run away from the carnage. A dark blade suddenly extended from it's hilt, flying forward at an incredible length to pierce straight through the runners back and out through his chest.

    Nakiya sighed at the lack of a challenge before retracting the blade before it disappeared all together. She then strapped it back in on her right thigh and moved the package she was holding to get a better grip on it.

    "Well... best hurry and get this done then... Waste of my time... It's not like there's anything to gain from this..."
    She continued to grumble as she moved forward towards the location marked off on the map. Her location was further in town than the others, therefore, maybe there was still hope of finding a decent challenge on the way.

    Might be too good to be true.


    Dropping off a few packages 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 8th September 2014, 6:41 am

    "A waste of time, yes?" Kaseki said as he held his package. "Hmph, let us go our way."

    Kaseki was rather disappointed in the mission itself. It was nothing more than a movement of boxes to certain desired locations. Anyone could do the job. But it was the girl who brought the job to them. Kaseki never wanted to be a mail man. He hated to serve people. However that was not the case when he made food. But no, it was not the mission... or was it? A blend of mages forced to work with each other. Yes... It was an exotic dish. A taste of Celestial Steak mixed in with rage with a hint of anger. Of course, and a side of Bark. This was the challenge. Not the boxes and what to do, but to blend the flavors. These misfits were going to have to work with the insane hooded man known as Kaseki. Yes... of course.

    He looked upon his friends, co workers, partners... whatever they were to be called. They both decided on their own paths. Kaseki cared not how the job was done, but that it was completed. He smiled as he dashed away with his box in hand. He had sent the clones ahead of the fallen thugs to the other location. "How simple..." he said to himself.

    Kaseki enjoyed the spell of the clones. With it, he could be in.. well not two places at once, but three maximum. He found it useful when doing missions and tasks that needed more bodies. Especially when he was the only one completing it.

    The destination of the clone's box was nothing more than a mile away. It would take his puppets no more than a quarter of an hour to reach. Kaseki's own box was across the city. He would have to pass through a shanty town as well as the dark alleyways of the city.

    Perhaps he could find some... entertainment.


    Clones duration:
    Amber : 1
    water : 4

    Water storage 1.6 Gallons > 1.8 Gallons (Deep Roots)
    Job Info:



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 8th September 2014, 10:36 am

    Za'cha walked through the town, deciding to take the scenic route from the drop-off zone back to the location they had split up at. His mind wandered back to the map drawn in crayon routes, and the person that had handed it to them. "I get the whole, nervous of Dark Guilds thing..." he said to Pride as they walked, appearing for all the world like he was talking to himself. "And maybe some stammering cus of where her Mark was... but still..." he said with a frown, his mind trying to connect what the possible plan was.

    "It is possible that this is merely an elaborate joke, or some form of very intricate trap." offered Pride as a suggestion, one that Za'cha had to admit he had not considered. He mentally recalled the positions of the packages, and then went through every kind of runic symbology he could recall before shaking his head. "Not enough and not in the right places for any sort of sealing spell, or even a mana-drain dome. At least that we can be aware of..." said Za'cha with a sigh as he walked down the streets of Hargeon, looking like a robed reaper stalking the night time streets.

    He took a glance towards the clocktower in the distance, trying to get a feel for how much time had passed since they had begun the job when he heard a clang coming from his right.



    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by NPC 8th September 2014, 10:36 am

    The member 'Za'cha' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dropping off a few packages StrongMonster Dropping off a few packages NormalMonster Dropping off a few packages StrongMonster

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    Experience : 1118.75

    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 15th September 2014, 3:38 am


    "Why someone would hire us to do a job like this is beyond me..."
    Nakiya complained as she walked along, a sigh escaping her lips as she shuffled the package in her arms to reach down for her keys. She gave them a quick once over, debating whether or no she should summon Vulpeca for the rest of this task, but then thought the better of it. To summon the fox and not let him destroy anything would only begin to develop a bad relationship between the two. It was part of their contract, to let him spread his flames as he wished once he was summoned. A sigh escaped her lips as Nakiya finally came across her destination, a small shop she remembered passing once or twice in her travels to Hargeon. This shop was known to some to deal with more seedy magic and the black market. She gave a light scoff before stepping into the store.

    The sight she found inside though, caused the woman to grin from ear to ear. There, talking to the store owner stood a small Eclipse Soul Wizard she cared to know a lot less of. A certain Celestial mage that had a key of hers that by now had no doubt been purified.

    Nakiya walked up to the man behind the desk, putting her package down before leaning against the desk so she could get a better look at the wizard.

    "Been a long time kiddo. I'm feeling in a generous mood today... since you don't have your Wizard saint friend with you today... why don't you give Pegasus to me, and I'll let you live this time."
    She stated, causing the wizard to turn on his heels at the familiar presence and frown at the girl, placing his hands over his keys protectively.



    Dropping off a few packages 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

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    Experience : 150

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 15th September 2014, 6:42 am

    "This is endless." said Kaseki as he ran down the street. The other two clones, or well, puppets rather, would have been at their required destination, much before Kaseki. It was not because they were smarter, or had the simpler box... Okay, they did have the more simple box to place, but that's not the point. The reason was because they held no basic needs to survive, nor curiosity, and by being puppets... well they had no control.

    "Why are cities built like a maze..." he thought. He dashed past trash cans, in-and-out of buildings to make his path easy. It was a straight line, all he had to do was travel a few miles. But there was something about this road. It was as if he had been doing this his entire life. It seemed to be endless.... then it hit him. This was it. "God. Damn. It." he said softly. He could have screamed it, and no one would have heard it. Kaseki was far away from the two, as well as any other. This city... was a test. It was a test of who these people were... It was a maze.

    He swore and cursed the world as he continued to run. There would be something to test him, just as he was sure something else would be testing the others. That is what this place is, right? A maze? An enchanted city? An endless hallway? A curse? A test from Harrigan?

    Or what he over thinking it?

    HP: 100% > 105% (Plant's Blessing)
    MP: 100%

    Clones duration:
    Amber : 0 (Last living post)
    Water : 4

    Water storage 1.8 Gallons > 2 Gallons (Deep Roots)



    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Za'cha 15th September 2014, 5:13 pm

    As the robed mage mused over what the contents of the boxes could be, he almost didn't notice the thugs coming up on him from the rooftops.


    When one of them dived down, aiming to strike his unguarded neck and head, a great cloud of grey smoke billowed around the mage, blue lightning arcing around him. The assailants paused, the one falling to the floor landing on the cobblestones, watching transfixed at the sight before him. "You dare strike me from behind worms?" intoned Za'cha from within the cloudbank, his armours eyes lighting up within, causing him to resemble a dread wraith. A sudden burst of wind billowed down the alleyway in both directions as he snapped out Darkwarp's wings, dispersing the cloud cover.

    The thugs stepped back from the sight of the armoured winged warrior before them, the scythe catching the blue lights coming from the bone white armour, like ripples on a lake. "Know your fate maggots, and despair." echoed out Za'cha's voice before he surged towards one of the thugs, his fist cracking straight through their jaw and flooring them. With a glance back he saw the others trying to run away. "Fools. You cannot escape Death." he mocked, taking to the skies and watching them run below him.

    Hefting the scythe in his hands, he threw the blade towards them on the ground below, the weapon spinning through the air like a buzzsaw, splitting them in twain before it embedded itself into the cobblestones of the street. "Recall." he muttered, extending his hand to the distant weapon, the magical energies translocating the scythe back into his hand with a crack like thunder.

    "A touch dramatic wouldn't you think?" asked Pride of his host whom merely shrugged and looked across the town. "I was bored... thought I'd entertain myself a little... plus I needed the practice." he said, the Dark Spirit slowly nodding. "Your aim was a little off..."


    Dropping off a few packages Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:

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    Experience : 1118.75

    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Nakiya 17th September 2014, 8:26 am

    The banter between both Celestial Spirit wizards went on for much longer than it probably should have, in the end, both Wizards had their spirits summoned.  Nakiya had the twins who no longer had their packages as they had been delivered, and out of spite, the opposing wizard had summoned Pegasus, HER Pegasus. 

    The winged horse didn’t even resemble himself anymore, having been purified by the light Celestial Spirits magic. His coat and wings were of a pure white, his mane a beautiful shimmering blond. Everything about the Celestial Spirit screamed purity, and seeing her key in such a state infuriated her.

    “Delta, Go after Pegasus. Gamma, his key!”
    She ordered as the twin dogs swiftly changed into their K9 forms. They did as ordered, Delta charging head first towards Pegasus, attempting to chomp down on his legs and jumping up onto his back when he attempted to take off. With Pegasus busy, Gamma ran straight for the Celestial Spirit wizard, quick to leap onto the wizard, digging his claws into his arms and chest. With a cry, he let go of Pegasus’ key and Gamma quickly snatched it up into his mouth before darting away from him and back towards Nakiya.

    The red head leaned down and took the key from the Celestial Spirit with a smirk on her face. The instant her hand touched it, the silver of the key started to grow darker. 

    “Excellent… Pegasus! Close your gate!”
    She ordered the great beast. Up in the sky, Pegasus had begun to thrash even harder against Delta’s bite, kicking and screaming to get away from the hound, and to get away from the dark taint that had started to take hold of his heart. It was a familiar feeling to the spirit, and yet it still felt very wrong after having been purified for so long. With a bit more of a struggle, the spirit finally disappeared.

    “Hold him down! But don’t kill him.”
    She then ordered Gamma as Delta came crashing down from the air, landing on his feet with a little bounce as he moved next to Nakiya, changing back to his human form as he took the package she was meant to deliver.


    Dropping off a few packages 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Demon of life

    Demon of life

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
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    Dropping off a few packages Empty Re: Dropping off a few packages

    Post by Kaseki 17th September 2014, 10:13 am

    "God... Damn... This... Pla... ce..." Kaseki let out bits of words here and there between his breaths. He ran down the alleyway. He's body grew weaker and weaker, losing life, losing energy, losing the will to go on. Footsteps echoed from the walls behind him, reflecting off the cold stone of the great maze of a city. That alley Kaseki had been in was an endless one. One that you don't get to the end, the end gets to you. By then his copies, his doubles, his clones, his puppets, his creations... they have delivered the box. There was no need to think about them. They just had to cross the street, steal a truck, throw the box at the ice cream parlor and their duty was complete.

    Kaseki ran to his own demise. He tired himself out, only dragging on the already boring mission. He could hear a faint screech of a sound, but it was too undefined to know what it was, for sure. He could be the only one trapped in his own mental exam, but that's not known for sure. Perhaps Za'Cha's attention was being tested, as well as Nakiya's sanity over the keys. So Kaseki was tested, with a long alleyway, a time limit, creepy sounds, and the dark. Oh how Kaseki hated the dark... as well as feared his own magic. An odd thing to note. Kaseki was also then, an odd creature. But what he did, had more meaning than your average person could comprehend.

    He became what he feared, so he would fear nothing.

    HP: 105%
    MP: 100%

    Clones duration:
    Water : 3

    Water storage: 2 Gallons


      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:56 pm